
Whatever Happened To Crimson Skies? - 1UP

1UP writes:

Around the time Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge shipped on Xbox in 2003, Microsoft was making a transition as a game publisher, moving from a portfolio aiming to hit many game genres to one focused on blockbusters. That meant the end of their plans for Crimson Skies, but as it turns out, not the end of the franchise.

Since we're doing coverage this week on Dark Void -- which is the first game from many of the developers of High Road to Revenge since they left Microsoft and formed Airtight Games -- we decided to take a look at the series that served as one of its key inspirations...

Jack Bauer5869d ago

wow, dark void looks freakin sweet, never heard of it before now tho, cant wait to see more on that.

Montrealien5869d ago

Yeah, saw dark void in the april EGM. It does look fun. And if it is a spiritual sequel to Crimson skies, i`m all for it. :D

5869d ago
kewlkat0075868d ago

I usually do not play these types of games but liked the first one. It was fun. Was this out on the Dreamcast? or was that another game similar?


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New Games with Gold for April 2021

April's 2021 Games with Gold lineup includes the Xbox One titles, Vikings: Wolves of Midgard and Truck Racing Championship. Xbox 360 titles are Dark Void and Hard Corps: Uprising.

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darthv721172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

Dark Void is a pretty decent game, I have it on disc for PS3 but hey... I'll grab it digitally to play on my Series S. Hard Corps Uprising is a freaking sweet (and hard) game. I've had that for a while and still cannot beat it.

Supernintendo851172d ago

@darthv72 Jesus Christ LOL, how on earth could you be downvoted for your opinion of the two games that are decent? This community sometimes i swear...

darthv721172d ago

It must be those that have beaten Hard Corps Uprising. That is their way of telling me I need to get good.

RazzerRedux1172d ago

Maybe they are downvoting because they disagree with his opinion.

Fritzwochel1172d ago

This is why sites like Reddit are trash. They auto-punish users who gets downvoted - thus if you have an opinion other than the poitical correct majoirty, you're getting all sorts of blocks.

CrimsonWing691172d ago

I'm all in for Dark Void and Hard Corps, but look... people have opinions. Maybe a majority of peeps don't agree with his opinion so they hit the disagree button, I don't know it makes sense to me.

Silly gameAr1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )


Best thing to do is not worry about those little arrows below your comment, and just say want you feel. You'll be much better off when you don't care about yours or soomebody else's downvotes.

On topic, I also have Dark Void for PS3, and it was pretty decent. Good enough for at least a playthrough.

PapaBop1172d ago

Since when do people care about votes on here? Everyone on here knows darthv72 is an xbox guy, he'd get more disagrees for saying white is white and black is black.

The Wood1171d ago (Edited 1171d ago )

Some people act like someone spat in their faces or they're credit score would be impacted. Some people don't agree.... .life huh

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1171d ago
RaidenBlack1172d ago

IGN said, "Dark Void is one of those games you'll play, beat, and forget ever existed."
Exactly my experience.

1172d ago
andron1172d ago

Dark Void possibly killed my phat launch PS3, with countless crashes and slowdown. So I have mixed feelings about that one lol. Mediocre game at best, and runs terrible on PS3. Hopefully the 360 version is better...

Chevalier1172d ago

Loved Hard Corps! But yeah get better 😆. By the time you unlock all the abilities you it just gets easier. Makes me wish they would continue with Hard Corps.

boing11171d ago

Yeah, Dark Void was pretty decent. Nolan North voiced main hero AFAIR.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1171d ago
Futureshark1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

3200 in Gamerscore available!! Get in!!!


Chocoburger1172d ago

Legit cringe when MS promotes Achievements and GamerScore. Sad state of affairs for them to be that desperate.

RosweeSon1172d ago

Making out those games are still worth $129.99 is bad enough 😑🤣 yeah maybe 10 years ago. Worth about 12.99 these days 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 ✌🏻

Father__Merrin1172d ago

Lol the Austria leak was fake then. This looks better than last months which was rubbish

x_xavier_x1172d ago

*Truck Racing Championship*
"monitor tire wear..."

Yeah, that's what I want out of a video game. /s

What have they got in store for next month, Vehicle Inspection Sticker: The Game?

DOMination-1172d ago

It's a racing game.

It's no different than monitoring your health bar in an FPS or the time you spend watching a cutscene rather than playing.

CobraKai1172d ago

STAR Certified Smog Check Simulator

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Lazy Writing – Five Sequels We Want But Don’t Deserve

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SpamnJam1821d ago

I would give my front teeth for some more Binary Domain but you are right... we don't deserve it :-p

AK911821d ago

Sigh Binary Domain was such an under appreciated gem.