
So, Did Titanfall Convince You to Purchase an Xbox One?

Gameskinny: "Yes, the game is also available on the Xbox 360 and PC. However, not everyone has a good enough gaming PC to handle the game (and many don't want to pay for such a rig), and others simply haven't made the next-gen leap yet.

So, has the recently released and well-received Titanfall finally convinced you to pick up Microsoft's new console? For an experience like that, you want the better hardware, right? You don't want to waste it on the 360, do you (no offense to those who are currently playing on the older console)?"

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PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3743d ago

nah ill focus on one system, PS4 is enough for me

exnoob3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Personally for me, having two systems right now (I have a ps4 atm and I'm loving it!!) is far to expensive to maintain (since now you have to pay for online for both systems), and now that I'm in university with a little one at home, I now have less money than when I was working (full time) and more expenses to pay out :(. But for anyone that can afford both consoles, then happy gaming for you :D.

abzdine3743d ago

i will never understand this type of questions. how can a multiplatform game convince me to buy a 500$ console?
ask me this question when Quantum Break comes out for example.

Eonjay3743d ago


Well, considering that its also on 360 and considering that we have all decided that graphics don't matter anymore, why would anyone be convinced to buy an Xbox One for this game. Then again, there is zero footage (0) of TF360. The game releases in 8 days and has managed to become the first game to release with NO footage shown.

thorstein3743d ago

It is such a weird question, and I find it sad that the publisher is kicking themselves for not bringing it to the 4.

Hopefully, that is lesson learned.

But, why would I buy an Xbone if I can play it on my PC? That doesn't even make sense.

cleft53743d ago

If I was willing to spend $560 (The console and Xbox Live if you don't get a discount) for Titanfall, then I would I be equally willing to go out and spend $240 more and just buy a PC that could run the game better.

Titanfall alone isn't enough to convince me to buy a Xbox One. However, if I was already interested in the Xbox One then Titanfall would be a good reason to go buy one, in addition to the other games I am interested in, as it is an excellent game. But if I only care about Titanfall, then why wouldn't I just spend a few hundred more to get the best possible Titanfall experience I can?

If you say it's because I want too save money and the lesser experience on the Xbox One, compared to a solid PC, is acceptable than why not just buy Titanfall for the 360. At the very least, why not wait and see what Titanfall is like on the 360 before I spend $560 on a Xbox One plus Xbox Live?

Alexander1Nevermind3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

PC/Playstation lifer. So no I did not get a X1. I did however get the game on PC. It's a very fun shooter but it seems it may get very stale soon. As so many have posted no one game can justify a new console purchase. Neither gears or halo got me to make the jump to the 360 and I doubt their is a game to make me pick up a x1.

SilentNegotiator3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Looking back, I had all three systems, and while it was nice to be able to play whatever I wanted, I never had time to play all of the games I wanted, and probably never will. And, yeah, definitely not paying for two online services. I'm disgusted that Sony went pay for online play with PS4, but at least they release lots of titles for free as long as you have the service. I'll probably get a Ps4 and leave it at that until the other two systems become a lot cheaper and buying all of their best games is only like, $20 a pop.

Plus I've got PC, so I'll be set for both multiplats on PC and multiplats that aren't available on PC or one of those horrendously optimized multiplats where you may as well buy the console version.

mcarsehat3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

i bought both and have the same problems but seen as you have titanfall on the xbox one and games like infamous and the order are on ps4 i have live on the xbox because right now, it needs it. i buy all of the offline only games on the playstation and the games with interesting online modes on the xbox. I think i'll be getting watch dogs on the ps4 though for the smoother performance side of it.

xbox one sales up 98% because of titanfall so i'd say it has worked

ThanatosDMC3743d ago

PS4 and PS3 right now. Currently playing the crap out of Dark Souls 2. Wish it was on PS4.

Anon19743743d ago

I'm in the exact same boat as SilentNegotiator. I had all 3 consoles last gen and found I barely had time to play one console, let alone three. I also didn't care for Sony's decision to require PSN+ for online, but I'm rather torn about it as I was a PSN+ subscriber anyway (it's a great value) and wasn't planning on ditching it anytime soon.

I'm not going to pay for two online services this gen so I might as well stick with PSN+ as I still have my PS3, my Vita and my PS4. Between the three of those I'm sure I'm not going to have a shortage of games to play anytime soon.

Titanfall looked cool as hell but I don't really do multiplayer only games as I'm more a single player guy so I probably wouldn't end up playing it, and if I did want to I could always grab it on my PC without having to buy a whole new console anyway. Other than that, there's really nothing I see out on the Xbox One currently or coming in the next little while that interests me so I think I'll save my money this gen and put it into games instead of extra consoles that will just collect dust like my Wii and XBox 360 did last gen before I sold them off.

PeaSFor3743d ago

nope, i already own a ps4 and a gaming pc.

Saigon3743d ago

For me, its a simple answer of no. Not because of the XBO but its because I do not like FPSs. I know I need to get with the times, but they never really grasped me. Also the other reason is because TF is strictly MP. I figured a SP mode would have been applied, but to me this format of MP only has MS name written all over it, not that there is anything wrong with that. Either way I like to purchase games that have a story of emphasis to it; MP games die very fast in my possession so I would want my 60$ to go to something very important.

DatNJDom813743d ago

"So, Did Titanfall Convince You to Purchase an Xbox One?"


da_2pacalypse3743d ago

If you bought an xbox one because you wanted one, that's great for you. But if you bought an xbox just for the sole reason of playing titanfall, you wasted your money. This game runs very well on even the weakest PC's. My PC is 50 bucks cheaper than what an xbox one would cost and I'm running Titanfall at better settings than the xbone version.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3743d ago
GarrusVakarian3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

I think im the only one in this article that answers 'yes' to the article question. But i didn't really buy an X1 *for* TF, it's just that TF is the game that made me buy an X1 sooner than i planned.


Ahhhh, the joys of having no kids. Multi console gaming ftw!

Gazondaily3743d ago

"Ahhhh, the joys of having no kids. Multi console gaming ftw!"

Hehe amen to that. I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.

My twitch streams are making my friends on the fence regarding which console to buy move towards the Xbox One. I told them to wait till this year's E3 though or get it for the 360 in the meantime.

TheEnigma3133743d ago

You're lucky. Kids are expensive as hell. My gaming budget is basically non existent.

die_fiend3743d ago

Xbone has no games I want to play. Titanfall looks to me like another COD clone, which is exactly the sort of game on the level of Xbots. I need something more interesting and mentally stimulating than capture the flag. The metacritic of 86 is mainly due to it being bare bones, which isn't what you expect from a supposed 'AAA' title

Drewidian3743d ago


I'm hear you. I preordered mine, but in the past week I've had 3 friends who have bought Xbox Ones. Two of those friends were planning on buying it, but not until Halo 5. They decided to jump the gun because of Titanfall. The third already had a PS4 and originally didn't have any plans to buy one, but did because the reviews were generally positive and he came over and played on mine last week. So of the 3 only one was not planning on buying one.

GarrusVakarian3743d ago


"Two of those friends were planning on buying it, but not until Halo 5."

Same here.

Mikelarry3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

@ enigma budget psssssh that word disappeared from my vocabulary immidaitely he was born. that is why before he was born i ordered my ps4 if not i wouldnt have a next gen console now

BadlyPackedKeebab3743d ago

I have kids and just got a titanbone as the second system. TF is bloomin awesome. Xbo is a litte ropey for my liking. Wouldn't want it as my main gaming system thats for sure.

maybe its just me but I found the cost of kids is just offsets the money you save by not ever getting to go out.

Gazondaily3743d ago

"Two of those friends were planning on buying it, but not until Halo 5"

Yeah I've got a mate who's on the fence waiting for Halo 5 although he doesn't like how the X1 is shaping up so far.

DomceM3743d ago

$100 online / year for online acces for your both consoles + 30-50 for internet from ISP?


kayoss3743d ago

I dont have kids, but I am married. As of now I hardly have time to play games. I'm planning to have kids so Im guessing Gaming will be out of the windows?

Nicxel3743d ago

Just got X1 a few days ago. Girlfriend bought the Titanfall bundle as a surprise for me. Best gift I've received in a long time!

badz1493743d ago


"I'm planning to have kids so Im guessing Gaming will be out of the windows?"

windows will play the game just fine! LOL jk

I have 3 kids, and all boys too, and yeah while I'm still gaming, I'm not really gaming as much as I'd like but if you are still determine about gaming, just get ready to sacrifice couple of hours of your sleep time!

I don't know about the others with kids, but I can only play games (especially online MP) after midnight and I even played till 6am sometimes especially during weekends! tiring and the mistress is complaining too from time to time but what can I say?

DragonKnight3743d ago

To the gamers with kids: I understand that children can be a real demand on your time and on your money, but I strongly suggest you find a way to set aside some personal time for yourself as often as possible. Even the best parents in the world need time to themselves to relax and recharge. Your kids will be fine so long as you love them, protect them, and are there when they really need you to be but they don't have to take up your entire life.

Just saying, everyone needs a break every now and then.

Boody-Bandit3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

"Even the best parents in the world need time to themselves to relax and recharge."

That's why I have a mancave.
It's my home away from home in my home.

I didn't get an X1 for any one game. I actually got one for the sake of getting one. Initially I preordered 3 (1 for me and 1 each for my 2 sons) but dropped down to just one. I was going to cancel all of them but my son figured we should get one just incase. What ever that means. Even when he is home for breaks from College he doesn't game on it.

The only games I own for it is Killer Instinct and F5 but I haven't opened it yet. Waiting on Thrustmaster to get their sh*t together and put out the shifter and clutch pedals.

I rented TF from GFly. Still not sure if I'm going to keep it or send it back. I wouldn't have purchased an X1 for TitanFall.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3743d ago

I already got the xb1, but I was so unconvinced by it that I have not bothered to pick up Titanfall yet.

may wait till the price comes down or till I am really board.

I actually regret picking up the xb1 so early now, specially with the price drop and the fact that I am not playing anything on it.

Bigpappy3743d ago

What types of games do you like

die_fiend3743d ago

If you knew how to read, you'd never have got an Xbone. It has been a car crash since it's announcement. After the 360 proved to be a pretty great console, I'm very disappointed that I'm forced in to only having one console at the moment.

And when you downgrade the specs to cater for Kinect, there is just no undoing that. Unfortunately the PS4 will just pull further and further ahead


@ Bigappy

I mostly like shooting games, adventure games and racing games. You can check my achievements to get an idea of what I like.

@ Die_Fiend

Lol, I have been following the car crash frame by frame for the last two years. I guess if I am honest part of me gave in to buying it because I already have so many friends on xblive. Also I am a big Halo fan and have hopes that MS will bring some of their old IP's back.

I was at least willing to give them a chance with the XB1. In the same way I disliked the ps3 just as much when it launched fro a lot of the crap sony had said etc, but I still went and bought a PS3 mostly because of MGS4.

As much as I have my preferences, I am still a gamer at heart and if both systems are going to have good games then I am going to get both systems.

It's just right now MS are not offering anything that really should have caused to rush out and buy it at the launch price.

I know there will be good games on it, just none right now... or at least none that hold my attention.

Boody-Bandit3743d ago

Dark I agree. I kind of regret getting an X1 as well.

I got one just for the sake of getting one but I really wish I would've waited. Most of my friends didn't get X1 yet. Which is odd because they all own 360's. Most of them picked up a PS4 this time around.

Most of the people on my XBL friends list are still rocking the 360. Only a few of them picked up an X1.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3743d ago
Mr Pumblechook3743d ago

For shooter fans Titanfall looks like a really solid and fun game. It's not compelling enough to get me to spend FOUR HUNDRED of the Queen's British Pounds on a new console especially as I will be able to play it on my 360 in a matter of days and it will deliver the same 'experience.'

JsonHenry3743d ago

No way. I'll play this on my PC if I play it at all. Ask when a true xbox1 exclusive launches for a more accurate answer.

Magicite3743d ago

PC for multiplats and Playstation for everything else. Can easily live without xbox/wiiU exclusives.

UnholyLight3743d ago

I bought the Xbox One based on my commitment to the Xbox 360 since 2006. Microsoft has made my gaming experiences everything and more than I could have asked for. However, I am slightly regretful of buying an Xbox One at launch mostly due to the fact that I bought a PS4 and have been playing all the multiplats there so that may have something to do with it.

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying Forza but so far the vast majority of my next gen gaming has been on the PS4 due to having BF4 on that system. Titanfall I thought I'd try and to me it just seems like a game that would have been great in 2009 on the Xbox but by today's standards I feel it's a little unacceptable to have such a lackluster looking game with knowing that you're fighting AI half the time.

BUT I'll be holding onto my Xbox One for it's superior Online experience (Nobody uses mic on PS4) and will definitely be using it a lot when Quantum Break/Halo5/Destiny come out.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3743d ago
FAT MAN GO BOOM3743d ago

N, it certainly did not.

1st no one game ever had me think I have to buy a system just for that game.

2nd MS trying to pull the wool over on consumers is something consumers will just not forget. Sure many will say they listen but not till numbers were shown them far far behind on preorder numbers. Only for them 3 days later after the damage report they copy cut and pasted.

In time their actions is what will help me trust them again. But it will be hard.

3rd Titan Fall 2 will be on PS4, EA is even went as far as apologizing to sony for not bring the game to the PS4 as well. Of course they are with Sony PS4 having almost twice the numbers of units sold as Xbox One.

So their you have it.. that being said...

I know people that feel very strong the opposite and that bought an Xbox One just for Titan fall. A because a computer could not run the game and he wanted into the Beta as well..

So Some gamers will very well see this game as a game well worth buying an Xbox one.

In a nut shell I wish gamers had longer memories. if we did we would have as gamers and consumer demanded better quality in this industry and hold companies to their wrong doings.

EA has been pretty horrible of lately with releasing broken game after broken and game.

That said Titan Fall looks like a wonderful game and I am sure it will as series be one day the king of the hill..

antbolton893743d ago

No, it convinced me I bought the better console, the graphics are terrible

Dark_Vendetta3743d ago

Oh come on don't post such bs, it just fuels the fanboy war going on right now. The game is great from a gameplay perspective. Judging the game by the graphics is just stupid. Try it, if you don't like it - fine, don't play it. ( And by the way you sound jealous ...)

On topic: no it didn't convince me to buy a Xbox One, I'm going PC + Ps4 this gen. There just isn't enough time for 3 platforms :(

MehmetAlperTR3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

I'll stick with my PS4 and powerfull PC.. ( PS3, Xbox 360, PS VITA as well. ). There's no need for Xbone for me right now.

Parhelion693743d ago

My PC isn't really powerful (i5 with 7870 XT), but it has 3 Tflops (PS4 - 1.8Tflops , X1 - 1.2Tflops), so I would recommend a setup like that, because it doesn't cost much money

I think PC for multiplatform (where devs don't really take advantage of the consoles' power) is better, but PS4 will have some great exclusives, and devs can optimize much better.

I have the exact same consoles as you, so I don't see the need for the xbox one, yet.

When Halo is released (and hopefully the X1 drops price and ditches kinect by then), then I might reconsider

urwifeminder3743d ago

No I owned it from day one for Forza 5 that said got the game for xb1 though its nice, but I am still addicted to loadout and the amazing steam sales on pc its the best option.

WeAreLegion3743d ago

Loadout is freakin' awesome!

urwifeminder3743d ago

Yeah agreed I don't care about dying game play is tight only thing is the constant jumping is becoming a annoyance, the devs deserve awards for the joy that is loadout.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub645d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad645d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g645d ago (Edited 645d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp45d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal926d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad925d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal924d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.