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Forget Xbox & PlayStation...could the future of gaming be Steam?

Computer firm Valve is pushing out of its PC safe zone into the console business.
And it's brought on board a series of manufacturers to create it's first Steam Machines, powerful PC-based consoles for gaming in your living room. The first 14 designs were unveiled today (TUES) as the annual CES gadget show in Las Vegas.

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BALLBAGS3914d ago


xb1 and ps4 are not confusing and come in one specification ...consoles main priorities were always ease of use

GarrusVakarian3914d ago

Yep, there's no way these Steam machines are going to be even fractionally as successful as the PS4 and X1 will be.

People have or will buy PC's
People have or will buy consoles.

Steam machines are irrelevant.

iamnsuperman3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

They aren't irrelevant. Problem is people have gotten the wrong idea why the exist. Too many people think they are contenders for consoles but with how they are being manufactured and sold (via third party companies) and the ridiculous amount of skus (13 companies is way too much) means they could never commercially compete

They are actually a way to get more developers making Linux based games so that Valve can move away from Windows. It's the first step. I don't agree with the method (for reasons both you and I mentioned) and they are not going to compete with consoles.

KakashiHotake3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )


"They are actually a way to get more developers making Linux based games so that Valve can move away from Windows."

That's what it's all about. They're trying to break away from windows. In a ways you could almost say PC Gaming is trying to become it's own seperate entity and faze away from the PC. It may prove to be a wise move as mobile sales have been slowly killing the PC market. between this and mobile, if Steam machines every truly pick up steam that could be devestating for Windows in the long run.

SonyNGP3914d ago

Steam is the future and the future is Steam

SITH3913d ago

At 11:34 January 7th, there were 7,264,547 people logged into steam. http://store.steampowered.c...
That is equal or greater potential customers to the number of people who purchased next gen consoles.

Irrelevant my ass.

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NatureOfLogic3914d ago

But I've have had a Steam machine for a while now. It's called PC gaming rig. Just buy or build a gaming PC, and you'll have a far superior Steam machine.

JsonHenry3914d ago

The thing is that SteamOS is (supposed to be!!) steamlining PC gaming to the ease of use of a console. Auto-updates all firmware, games, and drivers. Comes with a controller friendly menu/input system. Comes bundled at the base level with more horsepower than either current high end consoles.

I still am not sure that it will catch on. But if anything will help bring the PC into the living room and break down people's fear of PC gaming THIS is the platform that will do it.

And when you are thinking about purchasing a console and you see Steam's HUGE library of games (yes, even the small % of games that are fully controller and linux enabled dwarfs what is available for other consoles), more powerful hardware, and FREE ONLINE MULTIPLAYER with all the bells and whistles you expect from an online experience I can see how it has a chance to sway buyers.

Flipgeneral3914d ago

Hit the nail on the head there.

Not to mention there being 13 (?) different steam boxes available will confuse your average consumer.

People that frequent this website will be able to research which box suits them, but to the avg person it will be too much to bother with.

Not to mention the history and the brand name behind the big 3 console players

frostypants3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Yeah, it's like asking "could Linux-based PCs be the future of gaming"? Steam machines are just PCs with SteamOS thrown on them. SteamOS is a cool idea (or was before they watered down their vision and ruined it) but I just don't see it blowing up. It will take game sales from Windows, but it will never be a big threat to real consoles.

kingduqc3913d ago

Ease of use like paying to play online. Or the ease of sue like you can't upgrade the hard drive easely? Or how you have to install your games?

New console have nothing on pc ot steam box really. Beside the 3-4 Ip Held hostage.

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Neonridr3914d ago

Too many varieties. I think they will sell, but in a much more "niche" sense.

I have a decent gaming PC that I can connect to my TV via HDMI and then use the Steam Big Picture mode. So I'm less likely to want to buy one of these machines..

NexGen3913d ago

Like...In 5 years, I might get one of these if I just can't keep up with upgrades, but I doubt it. For now my gaming pc is a monster and hooked up to my TV already.

BattleTorn3913d ago

Exactly, I have nextgen consoles. AND a gaming-PC with exactly the same specs as the Steam Machines.

My PC was built for me (NCIX) so maybe in years from now, if I want another

TimeSkipLuffy3914d ago

nope! SteamBox does not offer the same hardware for the same price. SteamBox should be a base model with additional upgrade options. But developer kit should always be based on the base model. Then SteamBox could probably set a foot into console gaming world or be a better contender in the PC vs Console war.

frostypants3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Well said. Consoles force devs to optimize to a particular spec. Floating specs are the biggest strength AND biggest weakness to PC gaming. The "SteamBox" concept is missing a big point and a big opportunity. The instant they said "let's just make it an open spec PC and expect users to upgrade", a lot of potential was lost. What's really the POINT of a SteamBox now, vs. just throwing SteamOS on any other PC? It's nothing more than a marketing label.

They had the beginnings of a good idea and then they f***ed it up. What they are now producing solves no problem.

curtis923914d ago

It's like comparing android phones to an iphone. Sure, android may be more powerful and you can do more things, but developers want to go to the platform that is most consistent and doesn't have 10,000 variations and OS versions.

CYCLEGAMER3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )


Consoles are still easier to decide between. Each console still has a strong brand, as opposed to Steam. Lastly...the game exclusivity.

Why would I buy a steam box if I own an xb1 and ps4?

imuze3913d ago

why name bomb a game that has no release date? i like the idea of steam box and the possibilities but they will have a real hard time squeezing the price down to $599 and it being powerful.

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Why the Steam Deck won’t flop like Valve’s Steam Machines

You’re not having deja vu. Six years after launching a line of Linux game consoles that went down as one of the biggest tech flops of the past decade, Valve is trying once again. Only this time, its Steam Machine dreams and unusual touchpads have been rolled into a 7-inch handheld PC that looks and works like a Nintendo Switch.

Here are six reasons why this isn’t Steam Machines all over again — and, a few brand-new reasons to be skeptical.

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FallenAngel19841162d ago

Steam Deck looks great, but Valve’s hardware track record doesn’t

Steam Deck comes from a company with a mixed reputation for hardware.

Valve may very well have a hit on its hands — but many fans thought the same thing back in 2014.

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Christopher1162d ago

At least they're trying. They could just keep pulling an EGS. I think this is Valve's answer to cloud gaming, though. I don't think they want gamers streaming from the cloud, they want them on their storefront. So, if that's their reason, they'll likely support this more than they have past endeavors.

VivaChe1162d ago

I actually used the Steam controller and it was alright.

Kryptix11162d ago

Yea, this is a weird article.

It's an impressive piece of technology watching IGN's coverage on it. I want to say that the build quality is similar to Vita with the horsepower of an Xbox Series S and that's very impressive.

The only downside is the battery power. It's not very good and mostly meant to be played to fill in some gaps, but I like the idea of taking your "PC" to a friend's house for some side co-op.

John_McClane1161d ago

Same here, it's a well made controller.

Outlawzz1162d ago

I feel they want to start the new era of portable PC gaming. They said they would offer the customized steam os for free to any companies that want to make their own portable machine.

Somebody had to get the ball rolling is what I took from that statement lol excited for the future with handhelds since I'm a primarily handheld gamer.

TheColbertinator1162d ago

Portable PC gaming is a good direction for the future.

--Onilink--1162d ago (Edited 1162d ago )

While I applaud them for letting SteamOS be free for anyone else to make similar machines, its honestly not even remotely possible to get anywhere close to the pricing of the Steam Deck, which was the same problem that they had with Steam machines.

No other hardware creator has a digital storefront making billions of $ to allow them to sell hardware at a loss and just recoup the money elsewhere, or work directly with AMD to make the APU as custom as necessary.

So yeah, maybe we might see a couple of alternatives from other companies, but they will be even more expensive

Duke191162d ago

The hype around this thing is wild to me. It screams “new toy to use for a few months but then go play steam on my pc”

Ataraxias1162d ago

That's the thing right? As a PC gamer, you have your desk set up to compliment your experience - high end monitors, sound system/headphones, gaming chair, keyboard, mouse, etc. Once I give that part up it's missing a lot of the apeal.

Duke191161d ago (Edited 1161d ago )

For sure, and to people that will get their money's worth - thats awesome. I look at my steam library, and to ditch mouse/KB and play on a small screen... I would much rather go to a cheaper gaming laptop before this type of mobile setup personally

ScootaKuH1162d ago

No because my alienware PC is quite old and isn't really capable any more, I don't want the expense of getting a new PC for gaming but I also don't want to lose access to my Steam library so the Deck is the perfect solution to that.

MadLad1161d ago

I can make a lot of use of this, personally.
My work has me traveling often, so just even those plane rides justify my grabbing one of these.

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Thundercat771162d ago

We will see. The market is unpredictable. You cannot rule out the power of a platform with good exclusive games and even when I don't support Nintendo anymore there is no denying the power of its exclusive games.

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SteamOS Is Not Dead as Valve Focuses on Bringing Vulkan to Every Platform

Valve, the company behind the Steam platform, spoke boldly about its SteamOS plans in the past. It was all about creating an operating system designed from the ground-up for gaming and adding this operating system to hardware known as Steam Machines.

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ILostMyMind2358d ago

Vulkan will become standard when the PS5 arrives.