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Knack: The Little Hero With Big Kahunas Review |

When the human race is attacked by goblins, a team of the worlds best scientist come together to create Knack, mankind's last hope of survival. Knack is one of the first launch titles revealed with the PS4 back in february 2013. Developed by Mark Cerny and Sony's Japan Studio, Knack is a throwback to the golden era of platforming, enthused with a mix of modern next-generation technology.

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Community3825d ago
Frankskint3825d ago

Haven't gotten round to playing Knack, might have to check it out after reading this review. Anyone else had a chance to play it yet, is it worth buying?

patelsanjeed3825d ago

Played it mate, I thought it was so-so. I would trade an old game for it if I was you than buy it brand new.

ArronNelson3825d ago

I disagree, I really liked it. Reminds me of Crash Bandicoot. its not as easy as people think. Its quite challenging if your into these types of games. Worth a purchase in my opinion.

GarrusVakarian3825d ago (Edited 3825d ago )

Don't take anyone else's word for it, just youtube some gameplay, or better yet watch someone playing it live on the Live from Playstation app on PS4. Better to judge it from videos than trust the opinion of an individual ;P

I haven't played it myself, im going to wait until it drops in price some more (probably pick it up when it's £20). From what ive seen so far, i think i will enjoy it, seems like an old-school platformers/brawler and im fond of the graphics/art style so....

ArronNelson3825d ago

Its a great game. I Got it played and currently replaying it again to get all the secret items i missed the first time round.

Frankskint3825d ago

Thanks I think I will check out a live play through first, before making my mind up.

wbh11383825d ago

I'm not usually keen on these types of games but I'm really enjoying it.
It's simple and old school but why should "next-gen" games have to cram in new features just to prove their worth?
It's fun, colourful and looks great.

hotbeef3825d ago

Nice to see a solid review of knack. I thought this game was the perfect escape from all the shooters and sports games at launch. Simple game with basic gameplay mechanics that was actually fun to play through.


Sony Files New Trademark Fuelling Knack 3 Speculations

Sony might be gearing to launch a new Knack game, a franchise that has had received quite a polarizing reception from the community.

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Community817d ago
deleted817d ago (Edited 817d ago )

While I did actually enjoy the Knack games, and found the reviews overly harsh, I do feel 2 games were enough unless the series was revitalized in a major way. For me, that would be a new Knack game for PSVR2. With the increased hardware power, those HD particle effects would be pretty awesome, surrounding the player at times. Astrobot proved that platformers can be amazing in VR, so let's hope that's where they're going with this, if real!

_SilverHawk_817d ago

Hopefully sony makes a knack 3 because the previous games were amazing.

MoonConquistador816d ago

Knack was a few things, but amazing wasn't one of them.

TiredGamer817d ago

Agreed there. I went into Knack with the realization that it was a simple platform/brawler (i.e. something akin to a Crash Bandicoot style of simplicity). My friend and I thoroughly enjoyed the co-op for what it was. Fun to play in short bursts to take a break from the more serious fare out there. I haven’t played Knack 2, but my understanding was that many of the original’s shortfalls were addressed there.

jznrpg817d ago

Great idea . PSVR2 could make Lnack really shine like Astro Bot

MoonConquistador816d ago

Astrobot was a likeable character. Knack wasn't.

coolbeans817d ago

Translation: the next best game of all time is coming soon! Show me the money, Knack!

Army_of_Darkness817d ago (Edited 817d ago )

Lol! I have both knack 1-2. Second one is fun local co-op action, but to be honest, I don't care for a third installment. I'd rather have a new resistance game!

MoonConquistador816d ago

I'd rather have an enema than a new knack game.

A new killzone, resistance, motorstorm, driveclub or even a days gone sequel would be more welcomed than flogging any more life from the knack series.

badz149817d ago

speak for yourself!

bring it on, Sony!

coolbeans817d ago

There's been a Knack-sized hole in every gamer's heart since 2 came and went.

deleted817d ago (Edited 817d ago )

I completely read this comment wrong, but I'll refrain from explaining. XD

Edit - ah screw it... My heart can't wait for Knack to come into that hole for a third time!

deleted817d ago

@PS-Gamer-1986 Whaaa? You don't have a Knack hole? XD

PhoenixRoar817d ago

Surprised to see them continue this but considering how invested they are in the IP and the wider appeal, there must be some commercial sense to continue with a 3rd title

rippermcrip817d ago

My young kids love playing it. I don't know why all these older people are complaining about it.

jznrpg817d ago

I played them with my younger children and we had a good time .

Lexreborn2816d ago

This… my kids love knack probably more then other mascots. And that’s probably because that’s their generations mascot. It’s undeniable ps4 spoke to a lot of children the last decade more then other competitors that have only been in kids sight for the last 4-5 years.

My kids will flip if this news is real

lellkay817d ago

Both games were actually alright.

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Top 10 Best Japan Studios Games

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Over the last 26 years, Japan Studio has delivered some of the marquee games for the PlayStation family of consoles and gave us some of our favorite gaming memories. So as Japan Studios sails off into the sunset, we wanted to dedicate a Top 10 article to the best Japan Studios games, ever."

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Community1196d ago
darthv721195d ago

Loved locoroco and legend of dragoon. Never played gravity rush or even ape escape but I heard good things.

ThePacemaker1195d ago

ICO and shadow of Colossus are the best ever.


No More Memes: It's Time For Knack 3 On PS5

Beyond the memes, Knack is just a solid platformer that deserves a new home on the PlayStation 5.

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Community1337d ago
lifeisgamesok1338d ago

I'd rather they make a new platformer IP. With Sackboy and Astro's Playroom PS5 looks very good for the platformer genre so far

SullysCigar1338d ago

Agreed. Astro Bot Rescue Mission is honestly one on the best platformers I've ever played. It took things to the next level and was a delight from start to finish!

That said, while I was happily laughing along with the "Knack 2 baby!" memes with everyone else, I have to say I was a bit shocked when they gave it out free on PS Plus and I actually played was actually really enjoyable lol

And huge too. Really long, loads of replayability and upgrade trees, new powers, costumes, challenge modes...hate to admit it, but I'd be pretty pleased with a Knack 3 announcement now!

Relientk771338d ago

Also Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Balan Wonderworld, Crash Bandicoot 4 (probably), and Spyro 4 is rumored to be in development

PS5 is looking great for platformers

isarai1338d ago

I think it would be great if they rebooted it, keep the visual style, but change the tone of the story and voices to match. This game looks like it should have a semi mute protagonist with a silly professor and his rebellious apprentice. Instead knack sounds like a brainwashed soldier, the professor like an angry divorced dad, and the kid is such an average joe. And the story takes itself way too seriously, it's so clashing with it's art style

potatoseal1338d ago

Thye don't need Knack they got Sackboy. He'll kill it

ApocalypseShadow1338d ago (Edited 1338d ago )

It's time for Ape Escape PS5, Dual Sense Enhanced.

Give me that first. Then whatever.

GaboonViper1338d ago

Couldn't agree more, i remember the first time playing Ape Escape with the Dual Shock, great times, we need a PS5 version.

ApocalypseShadow1337d ago

Yeah. I didn't know a controller could do so much until that game.

MadLad1338d ago

It's really not.
The first really didn't deserve a sequel, and the sequel, itself, was nothing special.

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