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Titanfall: A New Genre Of FPS

We finally got our hands on Titanfall at this years Eurogamer Expo which ended Sunday and it's fair to say that Respawn Entertainment have the makings of an instant classic on their hands. Titanfall, which almost falls into it's own genre of FPS, is sure to dominate the charts on release and that's only going off the early Alpha stage it is currently running.

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Community3914d ago
malokevi3914d ago

"As I walked away from the EA rep, who's hand I had shaken off, I felt a change. "

Incredible. That's the only way to describe the reception to this game. Every day there's a new preview... and every day I read it top to bottom like a giddy kid on Christmas.

I literally cannot wait to give this a try. I'm a shooter junky... and this is my crack.

-Foxtrot3914d ago

Oh come on how many times have journalist built up hype for a game and then after the games release you notice it was hyped up

It's just another FPS with added stuff like wall running which has been done in BRINK, Jetpacks which have been done in Halo and Mechs. Nothing in this game hasn't been done before and with no single player I don't get the massive hype behind it.

I'm not saying it doesn't look good, it does but it doesn't look like a game changer.

malokevi3914d ago

Yeah, except for the fact that everyone who has actually played the game disagrees with you on every level.

Your cynical attitude has been noted.

GaminGuys3914d ago

Never played Halo or Brink they aren't my kind of game. I wrote this based on how it made me feel rather than as a journo. I just really loved it.

XboxFun3914d ago

It's not about what others have done it's how you do it.

TLoU has been done before many times, but it didn't stop that game from being a great experience.

Bioshock has been done before many times, but that didn't stop it from being a great game.

Etc etc etc

Point is, almost everyone who has played this game has said it's a blast and loved it. Not just one person and his blog but most all gaming sites. Not to mention an article that was just on here saying it took like 70 awards at a bunch of shows.

This game looks like it's a blast and it doesn't matter who or what did it in the past. Titanfall is doing it right now and it seems to be doing it right.

Gazondaily3914d ago

You have clearly missed the point Foxtrot. If youre drawing comparisons with Brink and Halo because of wall running and simply don't get it.

Titanfall is a game changer. This is a game for fans of competitive fps games. I played it and I tried to be as critical as I could. The only thing I could point at was the visuals and well that's it.

This is hyped up for a reason. It is simply brilliant. Fans of quake, unreal, battlefield and others will enjoy this game to no end.

I'm sorry but anyone who claims this is generated hype is fooling themselves.

CrossingEden3914d ago

It's like the last of us, it's so well made but has no new concepts, the reused concepts are just really well done. Stop being so negative about everything. -_-

-Foxtrot3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )


I don't think I've missed the point at all and I pretty sure there's nothing to "get". It's a FPS game with some added mechanics from other games

"Fans of quake, unreal, battlefield and others will enjoy this game to no end"

Your trying to say it's a game changer then you list a bunch of games which are also FPS, so yeah it's going to look good to any FPS fan because this is also a FPS. I mean even use of that word "game changer", come on it looks nothing like a game changer, it's a FPS with added mechanics, it's still a FPS at heart and because of it you know what to expect.

"I'm sorry but anyone who claims this is generated hype is fooling themselves."

Ahhhh...the "If your opinion is different from mine then yours in wrong" approach. Opinions Septic


"Stop being so negative about everything."

lol...says you, the guy who nitpicks Sony to death with every chance he gets.

Sorry guys I don't see how it's negative or cynical when forming an opinion of this game. I think people just "want" it to be good because Respawn has been working on this for years and they are the lead people who worked on Modern Warfare. Theres a huge difference between "want" and "is"

I mean journalists said RE5 was amazing in the previews, they said Haze was good, they said FF13 was amazing, same goes for Dead Space 3 and RE6 in some ways. Fact is they were either crap or disappointing

@Ducky below

"Almost everyone who has played it has liked it."

But WE havent played it, only journalists have and thats what the point of my comment above. How can you believe journalists when they've hyped games up before like this and they end up not being that good when you come back to it a few weeks after launch.

"Yet, you've formulated your own baseless opinion, and you regularly show up in Titanfall articles voicing said opinion."

Considering I haven't been on the site all that long like most people on here, I think your exaggerating. Oh and baseless assumption, like how you guys are saying it's good when you haven't played it. It's just hypercritical it's like you allow positive opinions but ones which seem bad are a big no no.

"Seems that you "want" it to be not good. For whatever reason."

Nope, your just clutching at straws mate to try and further the argument so you can say my opinion is because I hate it.

"The fact that you were stingy about some other guy criticizing Sony in the past might indicate why."

lol...really. He said I was being negative and yet if you've seen him in Sony articles he's worse. It's an example and thats how he got two bubbles.

Ducky3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

^ "Sorry guys I don't see how it's negative or cynical when forming an opinion of this game."

Almost everyone who has played it has liked it.
Yet, you've formulated your own baseless opinion, and you regularly show up in Titanfall articles voicing said opinion.

Seems that you "want" it to be not good. For whatever reason.
The fact that you were stingy about some other guy criticizing Sony in the past might indicate why.

neocores3914d ago

just like front misssion when they went the fps way with robots yeh this game may sound good but i know it will fail

Ducky3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

I actually remember reading your comments. It wasn't a baseless assumption.
All I had to do was google and got easy results:

You don't think Titanfall is interesting, fine.
There's lots of games I'm not excited about either.

... but I don't repeatedly seek out articles and try to play down those games. That's not voicing an opinion, that's voicing a negative assumption on a game you haven't even touched.
i.e. being negative.

The positive news is coming from large groups of people that have played it. Not just journalists, but people who've played the demos. Not all are positive, and if you were like GrandpaSnake below, maybe your opinion would hold some weight.

As it stands, you just look like someone who wants this game to be bad.
Who knows, you may actually be right in the end, but for now you're just being negative.

malokevi3913d ago

@foxtrot & @everyone

"lol...says you, the guy who nitpicks Sony to death with every chance he gets"

That really says it all, doesn't it? Did anyone doubt for a second that this is what he's all riled up about?

nukeitall3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )


You probably think Titanfalls is like Flight Simulator, because in both you get to fly.

Point being, most ideas has been featured in some other game or whatever, but it is the combination of this thing and how they feel, how they are presented that make this a great game or not.

Shooting in has been done to death, but does that negate another game from being completely awesome?

In short, Titanfalls has won accolades of awards pre-release and it is being lauded by just about everyone who has tried it in a demo build pre-release.

I'm extremely excited to try this game out. It is my most anticipated game of 2013, next to maybe Destiny and Quantum Break.

Oh, crossing my fingers for a new Gears of War sequel too. :D


lol, I think trot is jeallous!

Just get it on PC, if you can't stomach the Xbox One. The experience might not be as good as Xbox One, but it is the next best thing of all games of 2014 shown so far for multiplayer deliciousness.

lsujester3913d ago

I've heard almost nothing but good things about this game, but it still seems like COD with mechs to me. I also hear great things about COD on a yearly basis and those have been stale for years.

I'll definitely try it out when it arrives, but I'm not getting too amped up about it before then unless I get to play a beta or something.

Gazondaily3913d ago


Your trying to say it's a game changer then you list a bunch of games which are also FPS,

Errr what kind of logic is that? So fans if existing franchises can't be excited for a game that is a game changer?

You think it's FPS with some added mechanics from other games....that goes to show that you simply don't get it.

Talking about opinions...maybe you should first try the game before forming one? It might lend credence to it in the future.

ShwankyShpanky3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

"wall running which has been done in BRINK"

Bring on Brink 2 for the next-gens! Anyone know what Splash Damage is working on? (Brink was fun as hell... needed more maps though)

"Fans of Quake, Unreal..."

It would be nice to get this level of verticality and sci-fi feel back in a good FPS without the "modern military" backdrop.

I certainly won't be one to say Titanfall doesn't look interesting, but I can wait for it to come to PS4. Or get it on PC. ;)

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gaelic_laoch3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

"As I walked away from the EA rep, who's hand I had shaken off, I felt a change. "

Hand!!!! Yeah pull the other one!

GaminGuys3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

I had a press pass yes, my first year. I paid for the launch day last year. I queued same as everyone else, no crew, I went with my girlfriend. I didn't get treated any different to any other small website out there, we were just public to them. I loved Watch_Dogs too, that was on PS4, this isn't regarding consoles whatsoever to me, I also know no-one from EA or Respawn, nor have I had any gratuities from either. Try listening to my podcast you will see that I am rather neutral and speak like a gamer pure and simple. (my in-booth COD recording is here I do understand that maybe those that prefer Sony maybe won't like that this is pretty much a microsoft game and yes I play on Xbox 360 currently, however, I did a similar thing for 'The Last of Us' and 'Gamestick' neither of which are Microsoft. Just wanted to clear up that it was my own opinion that brought this post about by travelling to Eurogamer in a van as a member of the public to find my favourite games for the year. Hope that clears things up.

solar3913d ago

yeah, new genre of FPS? get off it. what genre is that? more QTE buttons to press?

Irishguy953913d ago

This is a titanfall article stop talking about Beyond two souls

memots3913d ago


I think he is talking about Ryse?


GaminGuys3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

I'd play it on a washing machine on spin if I could do it right now again. Xbox 360 and One for me, I want to compare them. Thanks Eurogamer for the free 4 day passes for next year if you read this. (we were crushed by the crowds after the COD prestige tickets) I placed 8th ;)

WeAreLegion3914d ago

It's fun, but stop overhyping.

GameCents3913d ago

You played? You know for a fact it isn't as good as everybody is saying?

thebudgetgamer3914d ago

Why can't games just be interesting without re-inventing the wheel.

GameCents3913d ago

They can, this one does both. What is the problem?

christocolus3914d ago

Ms might just have another console seller in their hands...

shivvy243913d ago

And if they do a good advertising for this and x1, I can bet it will push systems !

dethpuck3913d ago

It already has I preordered my Xbox as soon as I saw this game.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Community652d ago
Jiub652d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad652d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g651d ago (Edited 651d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp52d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Community933d ago

Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

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Ethereal933d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad932d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal930d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.