
Deep Down "Off Screen" 60fps Gameplay

New gameplay emerges. Deep Down from Tokyo Game Show. Video is 60fps.

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Mario183964d ago

Lol I would not even want to know the Xbox One's fps for this game

Sevir3964d ago

Well it's exclusively for PS4, so no need to take guesses cause it's a non factor.

GrizzliS19873963d ago

ladies and gents, a next gen dark souls? lets hope it holds even a candle to it

thechosenone3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

dat gameplay combined with dat 60fps/1080p is simply amazing!

hakeem09963963d ago

I think it could just be a timed exclusive .I don't see CAPCOM not going for the XBOX money .

tuglu_pati3963d ago


Sony is helping with the development of the game. I really don't see this game coming to XBO.

CuddlyREDRUM3963d ago

It isn't a PS4 exclusive, it is coming out on PS4 and that is all they have announced thus far.

Same thing with Titanfall, you will have these games on both next gen consoles.

Eonjay3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

Wow, this is incredibly smooth.
This is outrageous. No frame drops.

FamilyGuy3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

The enemy animation when it gets hurt looks great, the way it stumbles backward and actually looks like it got hurt in the spot it was stabbed in (lol, it's a feat compared to most games). 60fps helps the smooth look of the animations but it's smooth in general too. The body movement and transitions are very realistic, nothing jerky or clunky and this game might be like a year from release so looking this good already is a big achievement.

Too bad this player only used the most basic attacks and wasn't very good over all. Every thing looks great except the player himself who was obviously having trouble with the controls and aiming. You're supposed to stab at those guys legs then they hunch over and you hit them in the eye which is it's weak point. He hit it in the eye at least once and it was like a critical hit 450 or so compared to all the 200 somethings.

WarThunder3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

The lighting in this game is great! I like the light that comes through the cracked wall!

The guy playing, sucks lol

And @ halfwits who say the gameplay look bad:

A quote from a user "familyGuy"

"The player didn't know what he was doing, at the start you can see he barley glanced at the controls before jumping in. There's a lot more moves he could've done as well as having useable items. In the final build there will obviously be more classes and you can even light and shoot flaming arrows.

There's another article describing the game play in depth from someone that replayed this demo 7 times at TGS. http://gematsu.com/2013/09/...
It's extremely thorough and shows how little this guy did compared to what he could have done."

NewMonday3963d ago

this is how a good game should be in motion, good movement animation and deep combat.

also the lighting and particle/water effects give this game a realistic atmosphere, making this a very creepy game.

Gamingcapacity3963d ago

The lighting and animations are real nice. Is there a direct feed of the gameplay yet?

emad-E-three3963d ago


No! It won't happen simply because the Publisher for the game is SCEA
take a look:


emad-E-three3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )


Yes for Titanfall but NO for Deep Down its Sony's IP so it will Never come to Xbone (stop dreaming)!

The Publisher is: SCEA as you can see in the game page on "gamespot"


gaffyh3963d ago

I take it back, this looks incredible, lighting and particle effects look amazing.

mewhy323963d ago

No here's an example of the power of the PS4. I mean look at this game!! Very intense graphics and running at a silky smooth 60fps. The bone might be able to manage 25-30fps on a game like this and running at only 1600X900 (Ryse)

andrewsqual3963d ago

Yeah but why is the online required? Is Dark Souls? Nope.

thisismyaccount3963d ago

SCE-Engineers are working with and helping them out on this project. Prolly means, they are telling the peeps over at Capcom how the PS4 really works (GPGPU, SPU etc...)...

You really think they would do half of the code of DD and then allow Capcom to make a Box 1 version with it (knowledge) ?

It all indicates, Sony has funded this. Question i have, why not go 30fps and increase the fidelity even beyond what we´ve seen ? Do we really need 60fps for a Dark/Demon Souls clon?

Enemy3963d ago

Lol it's funny that people only acknowledge TitanFall as a timed exclusive now that they want Deep Down. There's absolutely no indication of an Xbox One port in the works. It was built from the ground up as a PS4 game and Sony helped build it.

To make things worse, they haven't even announced it for other countries outside of Japan, so Xbox One never even crossed their minds. I think Deep Down will be the first example of what some developers are saying:

"One [game] could be doing 60fps on PS4 while Xbox One does it at 30fps."

There's your 60fps footage, guys. I said it awhile back it was going to be 60fps.

alb18993963d ago

Who said deep combat!!

denawayne3963d ago

This game looks like crappola. God, you Sony fans will praise anything

BlackTar1873963d ago


you really think this game looks like crap? Is it not your style of game or something? The game looks awesome and this + Fallout are my most wanted games on PS4+MGS

gaffyh3963d ago

@BlackTar - He's an Xbox fanboy just ignore him.

Mainsqueeze3963d ago

To me the gameplay looks pretty damn clunky and boring. The animation and fps is smooth tho. But the only thing that guy did was jab his spear at the same troll looking things for 8min straight, missing half the time.

Enemy3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

@ members claiming boring/clunky combat: Whoever's playing in this video is using one attack to get by, which you could do in any game and make the game appear boring.

It's also fairly obvious that his coordination sucks. You could play Dark Souls this way and anyone would think the same.

Makes me wonder if any of you have even played Demon's Souls/Dark Souls.

KazHiraiFTW3963d ago

It's nice to see the PS4 aiming for 60fps. Unfortunately this comes with a major drawback, the graphical leap won't be nearly as impressive this generation.

tokugawa3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

it looks nice in the grfx department, and the lighting looks good plus the animations..

but, the gameply looks rubbish. "poke him in the eye for massive damage". and you lot have been attcking ryses gameplay lol. "dat gameplay" (reading to much neogaf there) "deep combat" leave it out.

now come on kiddies, you lot are quick to see anything that is wrong with "the bone's" games, yet this looks like the player is walking through maple syrup, and trying to poke everything to death with a tickling stick.


Syntax-Error3963d ago

Mario18, you are by far a fanboy. The XBO's exclusive FPS is TitanFall, do you really want to compare the sales of these 2 games when they come out? Second, this game is corridor game. Anything this tight will look amazing. It's when you show scaling we will see how it stands up. RYSE at least has tons going on at one time on a larger scale. No a fanboy, just speaking the truth

PraxxtorCruel3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

You get some folks come here and mention the gameplay looking boring and then you get a heap of Sony sheep attacking Ryse when these folks never even made any mention of Ryse or any other game for that matter. Seriously, you can't say anything these days, what a joke. You heard it, don't like this game well that makes you a fanboy. The fanboy is strong in this one.

UltimateMaster3963d ago

It does state "off screen 60fps"
Didn't anyone notice that?

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 3963d ago
Muerte24943964d ago

Thing is this game is still very early into development. I'm not worried about it if it's looking this good, this early. They should be able to achieve the target render based on these early results.

GiggMan3964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

I guess it needs less resolution and FPS and more QTE's huh? Then it would be perfect right? lol

Grave3963d ago

Don't hate the game, hate the player.

BitbyDeath3963d ago

You trying to get a ryse out of him?

ps. you left off clunky animations

GiggMan3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

@Bitby, We might have to see if we can get Capcom can throw in a couple of "execution" animations to spice it up a little bit. ;-)

black0o3963d ago

what ever helps u get throw the night

Spinal3963d ago

Agreed the gameplay looks terrible. I don't see the hype. Is graphics all people care about? The gameplay is awful. The best next gen game I've seen so far is killzone shadowfall.

But I'm sticking to my PC until the ps4 has been out atleast a year.

Muerte24943963d ago


Then why are you even here? You commenting on a game that's in alpha phase. Then only to tell people that you're not even considering a ps4 until late 2014?

Hayabusa 1173963d ago

@ Muerte2494

I think spinach has the right to express his opinion if he wants.

And I agree with tigertom53, the gameplay looks terrible. Sure, there's a lot reasons for that: the guy playing sucks, it's very early, and it's only a tiny slice of what the game represents (hopefully) but regardless, this demostration looked weak from a gameplay stand point. And it's funny looking at how many commenters here are oblivious to the basic gameplay because the graphics have clearly burnt their retinas.

Regardless, I'll keep my eye on, but I seriously want to start seeing some next-gen GAMEPLAY at some point.

Muerte24943963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

@Hayabusa 117,

I never said he didn't have a right to express his opinion. Just trying to understand why he's even bothering he has no interest in the products. I have never own an iphone or plan to own one. But I don't go to Iphone/IOS threads commenting about how I'm not interested. Just seems counter productive.

This game hasn't even been given a release date and you're talking about it as if it were going gold next week. I think Capcom wanted to show that this wasn't just vaporware.

noctis_lumia3963d ago

it doesnt look bad its that japanese guy who play it make it look bad

DJMarty3963d ago

tigertom53 - LOL, have you seen RYSE, now thats SHOCKING.

Lykon3963d ago

from what I just watched not my cup of tea either .But it looks good and 60fps is good. But stomping about in dark corridors pricking monsters with a wooden spear would get boring fast

Hayabusa 1173958d ago

@ Muerte2494

No, like I said, there are potentialy many reasons the gameplay looks dull, one being that it's obviously VERY early...I actually said this in my last comment if you cared enough to read the entire thing.

Doesn't matter how far the game is in production, my point was THIS particular demostration looks weak gameplay wise. I'm not going to pass judgement on it based on this demo, but I'm not going to get all hyped up over it either until they've shown some gameplay worth getting excited about :P

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3958d ago
ziggurcat3963d ago

it's not coming to xbone, so you don't need to worry.

3963d ago Replies(3)
UncleGermrod3963d ago

Why would you? What a pointless remark.

BallsEye3963d ago

Did you have to bring it up? And honestly I'm sure XO can run it just the same. Looking at screenshots it's not that super advanced.


Ps3 could probably pull it off in smaller res and 30 fps.

Nevertheless surely a game I will play the crap out of, like every Capcom RPG.

Hakoom3963d ago

i hope it doesnt on the x1.. or else the game will be downgraded for sure.. just like the ps3/360 games

Ryto3963d ago

Publisher is Sony, so an Xbone port will never happen.

DistroyerOfFanbums3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

You fanboys are the worst, the first comment you're talking about xbox one.. Glad to see you are interested in this game.. Mario, even on Playstation articles you talk about its competitor.

Guess you're getting the X1, it seems to be more your tastes always on your mind and all:) what do you think of the gameplay, textures, lighting, physics, ect... You try too hard..

HeroReborn3963d ago

Why are you trying to flip this on MS? If this were a MS only game would you word it the other way around? #just a juvenile response

HardcoreGamer3963d ago

give ppl last of us 2 ps4, some of us will die..

in the game.. lol, not real life. i dont want that to happen,

Lykon3961d ago

that would be horrible if we all died

SnakeCQC3963d ago

well it depends if its the titan dev kits or the one they are selling to everyone lol

SignifiedSix913963d ago

Probably the same. Of course the game looks good. Its linear and not even rendering much but caves.

Doesnt even come close to what RYSE is graphicly rendering.

despair3963d ago

Half the resolution though. But still both are wait and see titles for me.

bsquwhere3963d ago

Your right this passes what ryse is capable of. However I hear ryse comes with a copy of Photoshop now.

LonDonE3963d ago

WOW! just look at that, its so sexy, and its 1080p at 60fps too, meanwhile on xbox1 we get ryse a quick time based button basher, and it can barely hit 30fps LMAO!
this is what i like to see, a great looking game, but at 60fps too, this is the perfect balance, if the developers can give us graphics like this at 60fps then the £350 for a PS4 is well worth it!!

I hate that developers choose to up the graphics fidelity even more and by doing so sacrifice the 60fps for 30fps, i think like this game, devs this generation should focus on 60fps with great graphics instead of pushing more even more graphical touches while dropping down to 30fps!!! capcom you have my undivided attention!! XBOX1 with RYSE LMAO!!! 20fps at times, LOLOL

3963d ago Replies(6)
gamer78043963d ago

I would expect 60 fps in this game, it's mostly indoor corridors. Very little draw distance, I wouldn't compare this to any other launch title but itself in that regard.

kenshiro1003963d ago

@denawayne: Like Xbox fans? Pretty sure you guys were praising TitanFall and that wannabe ancient Rome game.

SonyPS3603963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

Probably the same, considering we won't see either console's full capabilities for years yet? Who cares anyway, a boring game at 60fps is still a boring game.

Seriously, enough with the fanboyism. We aren't gonna see a difference between the two consoles until later in the life cycles.

SegaSaturn6693963d ago

the official xbox one fps for this game is an unwavering 15.

Matpan3963d ago

The sheer amount of fanboyism on this site is INCREDIBLE. You people take an attack on a PRODUCT, yes, it´s not even a person, it´s a THING, made by a COMPANY, to make PROFIT from your pockets... You take an attack on that PRODUCT as something personal, and defend it with your guts.

God! tallk about brain washing! please check your priorities, this world is going straight to the vowels of capitalism hell.

What the HECK do you care if someone says "This game looks like crap?"... you really need to defend it? What purpose does such defense serve? Is it to reassure yourselves that you have chosen wisely where to put your money? Do you need so bad to prove to yourselves that YOU are right because you chose X console over the people that chose Y?... Boy are some people dumb and insecure.

If you chose a PS4 be happy and done with it, you really need to dignify an XboxOne fan comment with an answer? If you choose an X1 be happy and pay no heed to the other side´s trolling either. People arguing over Teraflops and Ram clocking... since when did a game being good or bad EVER had ANYTHING to do with the gygahertz a GPU could pull?...

And this happens on both sides, Sony fanboys being usually a little bit more excited about defending their company (I guess that is how fanboys must feel it, as if sony or ms wrote them a parfumed letter at the end of each fiscal year, thanking them for their loyalty, along with a bundle of freebies).

Please, get a grip.

Nice gameplay BTW!! :D

LiQuiZoN3963d ago

The issue is because those "people" are simply trolling. We all know it looks cool. They come into these articles to get a rise outta people, so they get what they want which is pure fanboy entertainment, which is why N4G and the comment sections are so fun to begin with.

If not, then I wouldn't bother visiting this site at all.

Matpan3962d ago

I just think it`s plain stupidity. Sometimes fun, 90% of the time, just stupid.

dlocsta3963d ago

Funny how the Sony faithful who love facts and proof are taking this as fact when the title alone tells you the video is not a direct feed but a video of a TV screen. How the hell do you know what the resolution is? Oh I forgot, Sony fanboys never lie, or should I say mistakenly misrepresent the truth. For all you know this is 30fps.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3958d ago
GiggMan3964d ago

Running live on PS4 hardware. This isn't even my type of game but it's got me stoked.

Beastforlifenoob3963d ago

Running live on PS4 hardware! AND AT A BOOTILICOUSLY BUTTERY SMOOTH 60FPS!!!!!!!

One word: beast

thisismyaccount3963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

Is that confirmed ? There are waaay too many shabby screenshots floating the net, that tell otherwise... (alpha code?).

This looked true ngen to me (saw the event), hope they really showed the PS4 version and not the PC with that "ominous" GTX570

strigoi8143963d ago (Edited 3963d ago )

You made it sound like a rapist engine..

Ron_Danger3963d ago

Says the guy who doesn't know what a panty raid is...



Either that, or you don't know what a rapist is...

WorldGamer3964d ago

This game looks phenomenal. Can't wait to get a more extensive look at the gameplay and setting to really get me going for this one.

Maybe this is a new leaf for Capcom, either way I like what I see.

ABizzel13964d ago (Edited 3964d ago )

Gamersyde >>>>>>> YouTube

majiebeast3964d ago

Yeah best quality gameplay videos and trailers.

sourav933963d ago

I completely agree, and I alwasy get my vids from Gamersyde. But there is a reason to why YouTube isn't as good. Gamersyde provides the uncompressed files for download, whereas YouTube is a streaming service. You can stream files at Gamersyde, but you only get low and med qualities. My point is that GS and YT do different things, so comparing quality is a bit unfair.

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Layden Has 'No Idea' What Happened to Capcom Deep Down Game

Former Sony executive Shawn Layden has "no idea" what happened to Capcom Deep Down game, which disappeared after announcement.

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SullysCigar1056d ago

I thought this looked fun. I hope they do something with it eventually.

Rangerman12081056d ago

From what I have read, they wanted to delay the game to make the graphics "realistic". Imo, the game already looked good as it is. My guess is that perhaps they shifted their focus for a ps5 release but only time will tell.

Michiel19891055d ago

considering it looked basically better than any other game in that trailer, they were probably too ambitious. They also wanted to have endless dungeons, have several historic periods that they wanted to realize, infinite randomly generated loot. its not being made for ps5, it went in the dumpster, no way capcom would let them work on it from then on until now. it was like 9 years ago or something that trailer came out?

Ashunderfire861055d ago

I remember seeing demo footage of this game on the PS4! It already look like one of the best looking games on the PS4, like a prenext gen game before PS5.

Shinox1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

This was never meant to be a game and it was more like a showcase for their engine "Panta Rhei" that they never used in any game ( which probably named RE Engine now ) , yes this project was meant to be a low budget free to play game for the PS4 and planned to release in Japan but all of that was canceled in a matter of few months , this whole project has been silently canceled long long time ago and people does not know Capcom well when it comes to sideswiping projects

Giraiga131054d ago

@Shinox if what you said is true then that's a big shame really. I was really looking forward for the game, and it had some cool ideas and mechanics that caught my attention (though making it a F2P title was somewhat worrisome).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1054d ago
darthv721055d ago

I always thought it was because of this games questionable development that they were able to do the deal for SFV in its place.

SyntheticForm1055d ago

As far as I'm aware not a single game was developed with the Panta Rhei engine. Some aspects of the engine may have been folded into Capcom's current engines, but who knows, really?

I thought it looked really good at the time it was shown.

Giraiga131055d ago

Agreed. The game had a lot of promise, jankiness aside. Plus, I sorta loved the survival horror aspects of the game in certain areas.

ManInRed1055d ago

Still sucks we haven't heard much from it. Really liked the concept behind it, and I feel like I was one of the very few who liked the game's music. A shame it's in hiatus as of now.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago

I think Platinum has been overextending itself for a good while now. Scalebound was canceled after missing deadlines and Bayonetta 3 has shown nothing since its announcement in 2017.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago

Posted my comment on the wrong article..,

Rangerman12081055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

Like Darkborn said, you still have a good point, even if it's not related to this newspiece.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

@Darkborn and Rangerman1208

I think Deepdown's disappearance is simply due to Capcom focusing resources on their already established IPs ( Resident Evil, Monster Hunter and too a lesser extent Devil May Cry). Despite the vaporware nature of Deepdown, Capcom has been doing quit well for the past 4 years or so.

TheExecutioner1055d ago

even capcom doesnt know .. no one knows what happened

Rangerman12081055d ago

Honestly, I want to believe the game will happen but after what happened with Wild, who's to say Capcom won't consider on pulling the plug on the game?

A shame cause the game looked very interesting.

Barneyco1054d ago

Excuse my ignorance but was Wild cancelled or delayed? I didn't hear news about that.

Barneyco1054d ago

I looked Wild up. I had no idea it was cancelled last year. I was looking forward to it.

spicelicka1055d ago

It's quite deep down this game

hulk_bash19871054d ago

Deep down seemed like Vaporware from the start. There was never anything shown beyond the initial reveal trailer.

Yppupdam1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

There is always games like this that look cool and excites everybody...and then it disappears. Look at "8 days", everything about that game looked as cool as hell, The Story, Ving Rhames as one of the characters and pretty cool game mechanics (of what video leaked out of them) That game still stings to me, I really wanted to play it.

Giraiga131054d ago

Same thing with The Getaway for the PS3. I always wanted to try out English GTA from Sony, but it sadly never came to be.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1054d ago
DVAcme1055d ago

While the game never came out, I don't think it was time wasted. If you look well at how the camera follows the character and how it moves around during "gameplay", you'll notice it's spot-on identical to the camera in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Deep Down might have been cancelled, but it most likely became a proof of concept for Capcom in development of the REngine.

Magic_Spatula1055d ago

I always thought it was a tech demo never intended to become an actual game. Pretty sure it's just them showing off what would eventually become their proprietary engine Reach For The Moon Engine or "RE Engine" as most people call it.

gleepot1054d ago

capcom calls it the RE Engine, because thats what its called

Giraiga131054d ago

To quote from the other guy, it's definitely likely that Phanta Rei probably transformed into the RE engine. Still, it sucks the game might not see the light of day, especially considering how ambitious Capcom was with it.

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Capcom Renews Deep Down Trademark

Don’t count this game out just yet. Are we going to see Deep Down release on PS5?

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_SilverHawk_1491d ago

Hopefully its still in development and will be released on ps5 because deep down trailer looked amazing when showed years ago

Sonic-and-Crash1491d ago

i hope this to transform to " Dragon s Dogma 2 Deep Down" ....would be smart move and excellent to revisit DDogma elaborate world

Lore1491d ago

I’m hoping for both

camel_toad1491d ago

Capcom is really sitting on Dragon's Dogma and I don't get why. It was an out of nowhere fantastic game.

They need to come out with the sequel already.

Hakuoro1491d ago

That's actually what I always thought, that it was just a code name for a Dragon's Dogma game.

bouzebbal1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

heard good things about DD.
didnt have a chance to try it, so i hope the series gets some love cause i think it was successful.

Michiel19891490d ago

@sonic I rather hope for a Monster Hunter deep down, that could be amazing

Army_of_Darkness1490d ago

It's probably gonna be a ps5 game now.

nitus101490d ago

I will agree Dragon's Dogma is an excellent game and having the ability to climb on huge enemies is fairly unique, however, I really hope that Capcom (if they make DD2) reduces those "escort missions" or at least makes them much more interesting. Of course, if I hear "Harpy!" one more time I am going to scream.🤪

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1490d ago
1491d ago Replies(1)
ActualWhiteMan1491d ago

Deep down, it’s just vapor ware..

NVMGaiden1491d ago

Absolutely, I'm more interested in games that exist like Pragmata and Resident Evil 8.

Yui_Suzumiya1490d ago

Those are two games I'm most excited for as well

NovusTerminus1490d ago

Renewing a trademark is a sign of life because they cannot just indefinitely renew it, they only get so many renewals before it is rejected and open to the market again.

Relientk771491d ago

Good, hopefully we see Deep Down on PS5.

Kavorklestein1491d ago

I kind of have a feeling that Deep Down was put off until new hardware because the Quality of what we saw in the trailer looked like it was causing major frame issues and stutters on the PS4 the time.

The PS5 may finally be able to handle the visual goal of what they were going for.

drizzom1491d ago

Actually would like to see it on PC too.

isarai1491d ago

Hopefully it maintains the technology (like their fluid/particle simulations) and 4 player co-op

lildudexst1491d ago

Oh now they wanna work on it again

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10 Missing Games We’d Love to Hear from in 2020

Here are 10 major video games that are missing in action from the public eye, and we hope to see them make a triumphant return in 2020.

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