
Nintendo 2DS Actually Has a Number of Advantages Over 3DS

GenGAME writes: "Ever since Nintendo introduced the DS Lite – and really even further back than that, to the days of the original DS and Game Boy Advance SP – handheld gamers have grown kind of used to “clamshell” designs with their fancy hinged screens. I’m not too surprised that one of the common reactions I’ve seen to the newly-announced 2DS, which ditches this design for a “slate”-like form factor, is “why would anyone want this?” I was a little skeptical at first, too.

"However, the more I look at the 2DS – the more I think about the more brick-like design, the form factor, and the decision to back away from the 3D effect – the more I like it. It just makes sense, given the goals Nintendo is hoping to achieve."

Misaka_x_Touma4044d ago

like what being a piece of bread.

legendoflex4044d ago

- Not giving me atrocious cramps when I hold it
- Having an adequately usable D-pad
- Better Start/Select button placement
- Probably being more like the indestructible Game Boy in terms of durability

Misaka_x_Touma4044d ago

Not foldable - Screen Gets EXPOSE

Hicken4044d ago

-Lacks portability.
-Design is atrocious.
-Still missing a second stick.
-Screens always exposed(credit to Misaka).
-Diminishes impact of 3DS(credit to SynGamer http://n4g.com/comments/red...
-Another naming fail on Nintendo's part will create misconceptions within the masses.

Kydawg4044d ago

Yeah I don't like the fact that I have to worry about accidentally putting it in the toaster in the morning.

swice4044d ago

It doesn't have 3D. I don't want it.

My little sister does want it though

josephayal4044d ago

folks, The N2D is the future

kirbyu4044d ago (Edited 4044d ago )

I just decided I'd rather get a 2DS than a 3DS XL. I may miss the 3D, but it doesn't last long before I can't even see it anymore, so, maybe I won't.

Plus, the 2DS comes in red and white, which is a color combo for the handheld I've wanted for a long time.


Bloody Tearful: An ode to DS-era Castlevania Games

Castlevania’s twilight years were some of its best, but they were not enough to avert the dramatic end of the series as we knew and loved it.

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RiseNShine473d ago

Someone should fire to the lowest pit the guy on Konami that thought mobile gaming was the future and destroyed MGS, Castlevania and other franchises in the way.

edureboucas468d ago

I think that might have been a group decision, but lol!


Wii U & 3DS eShop are gone. What now? - Opinion Piece

Dan Rizzo says "So this is where we’re at with Nintendo and their continuous colloquy of tedious arguments against emulation. It’s funny how a company that’s so against open-source emulation, uses it to sell commercial products such as the NES and SNES Classic Mini, but release a minimal quantity to drum-up all the hype behind it, only to leave a majority of its fanbase disappointed when struggling to acquire the now collector’s piece."

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walken7529d ago

Jailbreak. It was pretty easy on the 3ds, there are good guides out there.

CrimsonWing69529d ago

someone made a good point that older music, movies, and books are far more easier to get access to than games. I think the industry needs to make a change. It's crazy that so much is gone now and I'm willing to pay for the games, but there's literally no way to get them now.

fan_of_gaming529d ago

I can't speak to music as I don't collect it, and books are still quite accessible through paperbacks & hardcover releases. But movies & tv shows are starting to have a problem with accessibility now, with all these streaming-exclusives. Before everything would get a DVD or Blu-ray release, but now if content is pulled from a streamer, like happened with some HBO Max stuff recently, there's often no physical disc option or even a digital download through a service like iTunes. They're just lost media, same as delisted digital-only games.

fan_of_gaming529d ago

play all of the games I got before they closed

PhillyDillyDee529d ago

Yar me thinks me knows an answer yarr


Wii U & Nintendo 3DS eShop Discontinuation

As of late March 2023, it will no longer be possible to make purchases in Nintendo eShop for the Wii U system and the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. It will also no longer be possible to download free content, including game demos.

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mooreneco21950d ago

No surprise, but a sad day for gaming with hundreds of exclusive titles to be lost forever

Petebloodyonion950d ago

it's sad that no one is actually outraged by that piece of news ut it's even worse to Sony because Nintendo acknowledges that going forward they would only release classic content thru the Nintendo online membership.
Basically, they are killing the store to create value for Switch and the Nintendo membership.