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John Carmack: Kinect is “Fundamentally a Poor Interaction”; PS Move has “Fundamental Advantages”

Legendary Developer and id Software Technical Director John Carmack had a lot of good things to say about both next generation consoles during his keynote at Quakecom 2013, but he had a lot less love to share about Microsoft’s Kinect, criticizing his latency, framerate and mode of interaction with the user. On the other hand he thinks PS Move has a fundamental advantage due to its buttons.

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Community3977d ago
iamnsuperman3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

It is really the button thing. The move is a really accurate piece of kit but the buttons is what makes it. Without the buttons it would be awful. There is no need to learn unusual/unnatural gestures to get things done (UI interface here. Moving your hands in front of you but you have to look at the screen to see what you are doing). Microsoft has addressed this with voice commands but like a lot of people I rarely use voice commands. We have voice stuff in our phones and other things for sometime now and the only reason I would use it (in a phone) is if I was driving (i.e doing something else that requires attention). I actually find it easier to search for things than thinking about what I need to say to get a function done (might have something to do with my dyslexia)

Buttons (in some shape or form) are quite useful. It is why things like Siri and other voice stuff has taken a back seat when people come to buying electrical goods.

RememberThe3573977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

I only use the "voice commands" in my phone when I don't know how to spell something. Thats it.

I'm not going to tell my console to turn on, I have button on my controller for that. Plus, I don't want my system listening to my every word waiting for me to say "Xbox on." I mean, WTF is that? The XBone would be better than fine and 100 dollars cheaper without that stupid camera.

I've had fun with Move though (bocce ball gets hyper competitive), and with true 1:1 movement it really will change how useful it can be. But even thought I like Move I don't really see me using it outside game like bocce ball.

Who knows, maybe MS and Sony with prove me wrong, but for the most part motion gaming has been horrible.

3977d ago
HammadTheBeast3977d ago

That's funny edonus, just yesterday you and every other Xbox "supporter" (don't want to risk another bubble) were quoting Carmack saying that the hardware was similar, now his opinion doesn't mean anything?

pixelsword3977d ago

The good and bad thing about motion controls is that you have to think in terms of what the controls do; if you don't, it shows in the games.

The fact that there are hardly any, if any, new genres of games that take advantage of either motion control scheme in a AAA game is a testament to the fact that both control schemes have a long way to go in terms of developer interest.

Using m-controls along with games are a good idea, but only if it is harder to do on a controller; just replacing things that can be done with a button press can be annoying.

RememberThe3573977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

edonus, I gotta say I respect your opinion. Even though I rarely ever agree with what you say, I respect the way you explain yourself thoughtfully with minimal trolling.

But this article is about his opinion, the event (the talk itself not Quakecon) was about his opinion. If you don't care about it don't click on it and leave us to our "circle jerk."

Motion gaming may have a future but jumping around and waving my arms, outside of a football game, is not for me, and I doubt will be it for most people. As a control medium it's clunky and it gets in the way more than it helps. If I'm using my Xbone for solely Netflix or something then I can see how voice commends and motion sensing with make losing the remote a non-issue. But aside from that I just haven't had the experiences you've had that would make me buy into this "your the controller" stuff.

@pixelsword: Thanks for saying what I've been trying to say better than I would have said it.

grimmweisse3977d ago

Yet most devs made either made rubbish or mediocre kinect games at best. So Camack's interpretation is correct, it's fundementally flawed. You can't just say " make it so it doesn't suck", if the hardware limits you and is flawed then devs can only work within those limitations. Might as well try getting blood out of a stone!

thehitman3977d ago

Lol @ edonus you dont give a fuck about their interpretation? You do know that everything they create is their interpretation of something. For the most part they don't care what they can do for you they care about expressing THEMSELVES that ultimately ends up in our entertainment. If they feel something does not creatively move them they wont create so you can get off your high horse of entitlement. I dont want tacked on and forced anything that ruins the experience. Now do I think all motion controls are bad not really I have a psyeye and the move controller, but to come off saying you dont care what they think is being very arrogant.

Kryptix3977d ago

The Kinect hasn't proven to be beneficial to real gaming in the last couple of years. I expected something like being able to use the controller while also pointing at certain areas on the screen to make your squad go there or attack in that direction at least. But you weren't able to use the controller as you use these motion controls, giving hand gestures or something. The voice commands can be done using your headset. SOCOM on the PS2 was able to do voice commands, where you command your squad to fire at will, hold position, follow, etc. Honestly, the Kinect didn't do anything fresh for gaming. The reason why it became popular is because gamers were brought into the hype or parents wanted their kids to be busy while they did their thing. This Kinect 2.0 is really going to be the same thing with extra features. Wonder how many games in the future will be ruined because of motion controls where the developer patch in a regular controller layout for you to use or make it optional. Which backs up what gamers have been saying, why even make the Kinect mandatory for the Xbox One? The regular controller can do it better. It's the best way to play games on a console, that's why we been using it for over 20 years.

n4rc3977d ago

My phone waits for me to say Google.. I don't see the issue.. I'm all for useful privacy.. But cmon.. And I'm 99.9% sure you can turn off the active listening.

Look at it realistically.. What useful data could they possibly obtain? Once it hits shelves, its going to be dissected by the public.. There will be nothing shady

Having said that.. I did much prefer the move to kinect.. Hoping the increased power makes it more viable now..

nukeitall3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

Carmack is talking about the first and original Kinect.

There is very little perceptive latency in the new Kinect One. In fact, it can to some degree detect fingers already.

For decades, the controller pad was no good for FPS, but it evolved and now the pad is preferred by many. During those heydays, people said a controller could never replace the mouse.

Fast forward, and guess what, there are far more people playing FPS on console than PC. Nobody ever thought that back then!

The fact, is Kinect is rapidly becoming so darn good that even competitors like Sony considered making their camera standard on the PS4!!!

Also, your devices already know too much about you. Speech recognition of your voicemail, software scouring your storage space in the cloud, and software peeking through you phone content including email, text messages, any voice communication going on, images, calendar, notes and so on.

Yet, you are concerned about what you say in front of Kinect?

Your priority seems completely off.

JokesOnYou3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

Agreed nukeitall there was a time when consoles supposedly were not suited for fps because the mouse was THOUGHT of as the ONLY way to play them, NOW no one can make such claims. The original kinect did indeed have some latency issues, space was a issue, along with lighting, it had many limitations that kinect 2 does not and many devs didn't even bother to use its strengths like voice because of course it wasn't standard so all these things kinect2 has fixed. I respect Carmacks opinion and its obvious he has a bad taste in his mouth from the original kinect but things change and I'm glad to see microsoft did NOT give up because they didn't reach their goals with the original kinect. I think one day we'll look back and tell our kids about there was a time when consoles only came with a controller and of course back then gamers ONLY interacted with a controller by pressing buttons.

I think one thing is for sure there are some games like Dance Central that are BEST suited for kinect vs a controller, but I believe the vast majority are BETTER suited for hybrid controls and there are tons of ideas yet to be explored with kinect v2. As a gamer I'm exicited about new ways to interact beyond the status quo.

4Sh0w3977d ago

Carmack is obviously very smart when it comes to hardware but he doesn't like change, he only wants to keep making traditional fps because that's his forte.

Blackdeath_6633977d ago

voice command on phones require a constant internet connection without that voice commands are extremely inaccurate

Godmars2903977d ago

Pretty sure he's saying that he will either do nothing, or at the very least he'll put in the least amount of effort or creativity needed to pass whatever requirements MS puts on a title that needs to be on the X1.

pixelsword3977d ago

@ remember:

No problem. :) I think that motion controls of just about all types have a future, but the games will define it, not just adding them on to games already there like they've been doing for the most part.

tokugawa3977d ago

hammad, it goes both ways. yesterday all the sony supporters were calling Carmack out.

fanboys on both sides flip flop daily. nothing new there

N83977d ago

Some of the reasons xb1 doesn't appeal to me right now. I have no problem pressing buttons to switch inputs and turning on and off consoles. The features it presents are worthless to me I don't need them

3977d ago
guitarded773977d ago

I disagree with edonus now, and most of the time, but damn... give the guy a break. I think he's aware that most of us disagree. It's not gonna change his opinion, so let it be.

Personally, I own both. I use the Move on occasion because it's fun with the right software. I don't use Kinect very often, because There rally isn't any fun software. The Haunt was kinda fun, but also frustrating at times because the motion controls didn't read well sometimes.

fr0sty3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

Carmack is a FPS developer, of course he'll have those types of comments to make when referring to Kinect. Even the new Kinect is not going to be as good as a Move for a FPS game, because of the fact that Move emulates a gun with it's shape and it's trigger. It is just better built for that genre. It doesn't mean there aren't any cool games that can be done with Kinect. It just means that a FPS developer is not that interested in the tech because there are better options out there for him.

Likewise, you aren't going to see someone who specializes in say, a fitness or dance game, to say they would prefer the Move as their motion control device of choice. The enhanced capability of being able to track every limb in full 3D gives Kinect an advantage there that Move just can't touch. So, that developer would favor Kinect.

John shouldn't be bashed for sharing his opinion, because to do so is simply taking his opinion out of the context of coming from a person who makes first person shooters for a living.

The_Con-Sept3977d ago

I hate kinect now and I will hate it later. Until it gets fine pin point accuracy with much better response time with its calculations and collision detection... Then I might be interested in it. But I don't see the kinect being any better than what we already have available today. Buttons perform the simplest task much faster than a camera trying to read our input.

My experience with kinect was 3 gaming sessions a my friends house. It is only fun when you play party games. I don't see this being implemented in anything other than carnival games.

So casual gamers.... Buy the XBONE please. Stay off PS4.

mp12893977d ago

"I used to give Apple a lot of grief about the one-button mouse when anybody working with the mouse really wanted more buttons. Kinect is sort of like a zero-button mouse with a lot of latency on it."


abzdine3977d ago

kinect is only better with dancing games, Move is better in everything else. it can be used for hardcore games thanks to its high precision, sports games are much better with move than kinect, just look at sports champions it blows kinect sports on every aspect due to the true 1:1 tracking


the first sentence of your comment....its like you read my mind.

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3977d ago Replies(1)
Hellsvacancy3977d ago

Sorry for sounding stupid, but could you not use a controller and Kinect at the same time? surely somebody could implement that into a game

SoundGamer3977d ago

Yeah, that's essentially how most devs use it, if they use it at all. Controller + voice commands. It has become an expensive and over-glorified microphone.

nirwanda3977d ago

You can but if your hands are on the controller they can't separate to get the benefits from using kinect.

PSN_ZeroOnyx3977d ago

Not on 360. It used DVD storage and Kinect requires too much programming for controls so you might get controller plus voice. But you couldn't have full Kinect controls and controller mapping. X1 being BD could change this though.

Bigpappy3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

Good write up. M$ is approaching core games differently with Kinect 2 (So are most developers I have seen use it so far). Instead of trying to use Kinect as a loan input, as Carmack seems to have been attempting, they are using it with the controller. So you can sit there and play the game with the controller and ignore Kinect, or you could learn what added inputs you can perform with light gestures .

Despite Carmack's comments, It all comes down to how the games for it appeals to the masses. Casual gamers will still choose it over the Move, because there is nothing to hold, and the gestures are more their thing, especially for Kids (throw the ball; Shoot the ball; kick the ball; touch the red button...)

The fact that developers can use it with the controller while sitting is going to give it a whole new sense of importance and application that needs to be examined.

The Kinect only games will be games that are suited for that device. Games you would not expect from people like Carmack. I kind of wished he was impressed by the tech, but this does not sway me away from Kinect. I still have interest in seeing what they do with it and can see cool uses already.

nukeitall3977d ago

I agree, and great examples of games designed for Kinect are Kinect Sports and Dance Central.

No other game in the same genre gets as close to those using Kinect is as good. Simply put, they are superior to what is out there.

Some games are just inherently better on Kinect and we just haven't explored that domain enough yet. With Xbox One and Kinect One inclusion in every box, I hope it will be explored a lot more.

Amazing technology just waiting to be applied!

scott1823977d ago

I have never played the Kinect, I imagine it is great too. But I do have the Move and I have always been impressed by how fun the games are for it, and how accurate and easy to use the move controller is. I hope they keep it rolling on the PS4!

GrownUpGamer3977d ago

Oculus Rift + Move + Kinect = EPIC x 100

blennerville3977d ago

The MOVE2.0 should be like the Razer Hydra motion controllers.

Jazz41083977d ago

He is talking about the first Kinect as when this article was taken from kinect two was still under wraps. This is just another blantant attempt to streatch the truth. Fanboys suck and dualshockera is known for this lossey goosey spreading of the truth.

3977d ago
3977d ago
showtimefolks3977d ago

most core gamers see both as useless and niche

kinect is the reason many core gamers decided in last 3 years to switch back to PS brand and now that MS is trying to Push kinect 2 even harder now that's a true sign of what's to come down the road

if you want to play a game the best way to play is still a controller for consoles and keyboard for PC, motions controls no matter what any company will say are nothing more than Gimmick to trick casuals into buying another device they don't need

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DiRtY3977d ago

Wait, they still sell the PS Move?

HammadTheBeast3977d ago

Yes. Despite not having the 500 million advertising budget, it's sold about 7-8 million less than Kinect.

Bigpappy3977d ago

Some people bought 4 of those. So the user-base is not reflective of the number sold. Sony did not create enough new experiences specifically for Move. So most were not compelled to buy it. They have another chance at it here.

insomnium23977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )


"Some people bought 4 of those. So the user-base is not reflective of the number sold"

So what?

Many bought a backup X360 in case of RROD and they still count right?

Up here in Finland the whole RROD warranty system takes 3-5 weeks until you get yourself a new X360. That's a looong wait for some people so that's why I know several people who bought a backup core-unit.

It's not all so fine and dandy as it is in USA with MS.

soniqstylz3977d ago

"..Some people bought 4 of those. So the user-base is not reflective of the number sold...."

Same with Kinect, except that people bought ones and never hooked it to an Xbox, but hacked to their PC or Mac and created stuff from it. It's good hardware, it just sucks for gaming.

BitbyDeath3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )


Kinects are bundled with consoles so the number sold are even less reflective of the number wanted.

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Eyeco3977d ago

Couldn't care less about the motion control nonsense or any other controller gimmick, just give me a standard controller or mouse and keyboard and leave it at that.

Veni Vidi Vici3977d ago

It's attitudes like that that would prevent us from getting something like the Oculus Rift or something even better in the future.

Progress is going to have many bumps in the road. They are required bumps. Every bump teaches us something new. Only once we've accumulated enough information and learned how to use that information will true progress be made. This can be applied to MANY fields and MANY items that we use every day.

devwan3977d ago

Were you around in the early 90s when VR was supposed to be the next big thing? 20 years later it's almost there and potentially living up to the old promise.

Maybe in another 10 or 15 years people will come up with a worthwhile implementation of motion controlled gaming, but for now, not for me.

T23977d ago

Dude hes right ms/kb and gaming controllers, are simply convenient and minimal in effort , lag , and error....
Waving your hands and arms in front of the tv will always be a fad cuz when u get tired of it ur always going back to controllers

nick3093977d ago

I own both kinect & ps move and i gotta say.. Cant get into any of them.

Abriael3977d ago

Same. Carmack says he's not sold on kinect, but I'm not sold on move either. At least Sony doesn't force it down my throat lol.

Gamer19823977d ago

Thats the killer though ain't it? You get the choice with Sony. Its holding the tech back for them but its a selling point for most. The buttons on MOVE though makes it the killer tech over Kinect. Forget the lag you get with Kinect and the small rooms as they say its fixed with 2.0 (not confirmed) that wasn't the major issue. The major issue was it was useless outside your dancing/fitness games because your interaction was limited to on rails. Voice interaction is all well and great but its not a game changer and your not really gonna buy one version over the other for voice interaction.

Bob Dole3977d ago

lel he called it a "zero button mouse"

insomnium23977d ago

Try Okami with Move. You'll love it.

Eyeco3977d ago

What I learned with the Wii and Move is that they actually added nothing to gaming, did anyone ever play a Wii game when the controls were like "OMG AMAZING REVOLUTIONARY OUT OF THIS WORLD" like it was hyped up to be ? well I didn't at best motion control was responsive, at best it just worked, other than that it was a completely useless gimmick and at it's worse it rendered games totally unplayable.

The best game on the Wii is arguably Super Mario Galaxy, would that game be any worse if it was configured to a standard controller ? I really don't think so, 10 years from now we're gonna look back at this stupid fad and laugh at how useless and silly it made us look playing games, especially at Kinect, jumping around like a meth addict, good riddance to motion control.

garos823977d ago

Try of the best examples of a great motion control game, there are plenty more but that one will do

Knushwood Butt3977d ago

+1 for Tumble.

And Killzone 3 with the Move is awesome.

n4rc3977d ago

Omg.. A huge noooo Lol

I saw those Kevin Butler ads for kz3 and the sharpshooter and said "oh hell yes!"

Boy did that suck.. Lol.. Didn't realize how awkward it would be to move and turn.. Used it maybe 3 times and havent touched it since.. Lol

insomnium23977d ago

Okami HD with Move is faneffingtastic!

SoundGamer3977d ago


I absolutely love how Guerrilla Games implemented the Move with Killzone 3. I didn't use the sharpshooter, but I sat down with the Move and navigation controller. It worked wonders for me. I was almost always at the top of the board every time I played. I couldn't play multiplayer without the Move after I started. I even platinumed the game with the Move.

kneon3977d ago


I completeled KZ3 on elite using the sharpshooter and the only complaint I have was that it made it too easy. It's too accurate and responsive.

RIP_Cell3977d ago

of course people love using Move on KZ3, you get crazy aim assist, aim at an enemy and the recticle would follow him even behind walls

Knushwood Butt3977d ago

Never used the sharpshooter, but Move along with the nav controller.

Was good with SOCOM 4 too, but not as good as the Killzone 3 implementation.

Really shameful how third parties haven't added Move implementation to their multiplats.

T23977d ago

Ya,in fact once the novelty wore off , some most annoying wii games were ones where a vital move was mapped to a motion control ... It actually hindered the game and that was just a simple flick of the wrist... Imagine anything requiring more movement and how annoying that would be

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Tyre3977d ago (Edited 3977d ago )

Kinect leads us into a world of bad interfaces & poor interaction, yeah thanks Microsoft! I've always said these motion control hype is just a superficial innovation. Thx Carmack for stating the truth.

pyramidshead3977d ago

Get ready for a lot of angry replies lol

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Air Conflicts: Secret Wars - PlayStation Move's Best Kept Secret

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars debuted in 2011, and later updated for modern consoles. However, it's the PlayStation 3 edition that stands out.

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Community526d ago

John Carmack, the consulting CTO for Meta's virtual-reality efforts, is leaving.

businessinsider writes: "His exit came on Friday, the people said. Carmack, who has been openly critical of Meta's advancements in AR and VR, core to its metaverse ambitions, posted to the company's internal Workplace forum about his decision to leave."

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shadowT554d ago
BlackIceJoe554d ago

I hope he starts up another new company and can get another new game engine on the market too.

Number1TailzFan554d ago

He's apparently focusing on AGI, Artificial General Intelligence, AKA trying to get AI to be sentient. Which according to Ray Kurzweil could happen by 2029.

Rainbowcookie553d ago

SKYNET approves

SKYNET becomes a follower

SKYNET left the forum

Yui_Suzumiya553d ago

Then I need to look more into this because it sounds like the backbone tech I need to make Projekt Monika a reality.

camel_toad553d ago (Edited 553d ago )

AI advances are really starting to open my eyes to us not even having scratched the surface. But with the field itself growing exponentially and stuff I'd never considered before like putting AI to work finding cures for major diseases - it's exciting but also kinda scary tbh.

More on topic - sentient AI. Creating a digital soul so to speak. Spooky in a what have we done and is it good or bad kind of way.

masterfox554d ago

He is like: "Im done with F#@#$%NG nonsense, pff Metaverse da funk I was thinking!!, Im out!! :D"

Yeah he put a smile in his face too in the end.

Orchard554d ago

I hope he goes back to traditional games.

VR gaming is a flop and the Metaverse has (fortunately) completely failed to take off.

Babadook7554d ago

VR has much more potential than flat screen games. Just need to tap the right market and fund AAA development. Meta is a rotten company though so good to see him leave.

Orchard554d ago (Edited 554d ago )

That's where it becomes a catch-22 problem though. Very few companies (if any) are going to spend AAA amounts of dollars on VR if the market isn't there - and the market isn't there.

If it was the future of gaming we'd see the big publishers getting involved - and basically none of them are.

Agree on Meta 100% - horrible company and I really do hope FB (and social media) dies some day soon.

JackBNimble554d ago

There will never be AAA games until VR sells at the rate of mainstream consoles. Understand that even if Sony do sell 3.5 million VR in the next 2 or 3 years like they hope, that isn't ever going to get any commitments for AAA budget. No investor would ever sign off on that.

Orchard554d ago (Edited 554d ago )

The adoption has been terrible and the market basically non-existent as a result of that.

We're now 10 years into PC VR gaming, 6 years into console VR gaming and it just hasn't taken off - the reality is, most consumers don't care for it.

Even with a huge install base like the PS4, only a few million adopted it, about 3-4%.

ApocalypseShadow554d ago

He only thinks it in his mind. Because Microsoft isn't offering "high fidelity VR." Only Sony is offering "high fidelity VR" because they actually deliver.

I just read today that Honda is moving forward in using VR and has vehicles that were built in VR without an actual real vehicle.

Orchard just doesn't know any better. He claims he's a PlayStation fan but doesn't want Sony to succeed in growing the VR market. But he's okay with Microsoft buying up the industry and game pass. Tell you where his mind is actually at. Or he has investment in it.

But Carmack leaving is only that he was frustrated with higher ups. But he's very interested in AI. And that's a good field of investment too.

JackBNimble554d ago

If any of the big 3 had sales were like VR for their console, they would fold like the Saturn. Right now VR is nothing more then a high priced peripheral and no one should expect AAA for it.

By the way , I am one who would like to see VR succeed, but it has a long way to go before that ever happens.

Orchard554d ago (Edited 554d ago )


"Only Sony is offering "high fidelity VR" because they actually deliver."

And the reality is, from what we've seen thus far, the vast majority, about 97% of Sony customers don't care about it in the slightest. They can't even sell out of PSVR2 devices, which are supposedly in short supply. Better to just invest in traditional experiences instead.

"I just read today that Honda is moving forward in using VR and has vehicles that were built in VR without an actual real vehicle."

Yes. And that helps gaming how? I've said time and time again that AR/VR is great for enterprise. Just not great for gaming.

The lack of customers, lack of customer interest, and lack of AAA game companies investing & AAA game experiences being crafted says everything we need to know about the state and future of gaming VR.

tagzskie553d ago

When uncle philly announced true vr experience and demoed fallout 4 in one x, some xboys sings different tune..

Orchard553d ago

@tagzskie Well, those people were wrong.

Knushwood Butt553d ago

'Just not great for gaming.'.

That's your heavily biased opinion. You are in every VR thread trying to project your doom and gloom. Why?

There are many genres where VR is at least equal to or better than flat. VR in a driving game destroys the flat experience.

FPS, horror games, even Tetris is better in VR.

You speak about AAA as if it's the only consideration, moving goalposts.


Are they not a AAA publisher?

Is RE4 not a AAA game? RE7? RE8?

Hofstaderman553d ago (Edited 553d ago )

The Metaverse is one big flop but VR gaming on its own still has steam and growth potential. Remember Mark and his Meta wants you to associate gaming with the meta verse the gaming industry and its large number of users has the capacity to sway the opinion of the mass market.
Incidentally, Meta is haemorrhaging money and expertise that’s what this article is highlighting.

ApocalypseShadow553d ago

See, the problem orchard is that you see what you want to see. Sony sold PSVR at profit. They made money on software. They made money on a 10 year old peripheral. Yeah. It didn't sell 100 million. How many games sell bucket loads when they cost almost 10 times less than PSVR was at launch? That's why the new headset is coming. Before, there was no console VR. There is now. To grow the market, you must keep pushing and not be afraid like Microsoft. Facebook, HTC, ByteDance, Varjo, Valve, Sony, etc are growing the gaming market. Did flat gaming sell millions overnight? No. It took time. Just like any other product. Fads fade. VR is not a fad because it has potential in many areas. Sony doesn't want PS VR 2 to be a Kinect. A fad. Millions on advertising but no substance. It's why PS Move still exists and works on PS5. And Kinect is dead. Move had substance. PSVR had substance. Which is why PS VR 2 exists.

Honda is an example of VR entering other sectors. It's fairly obvious that it "ain't no 3D TV." Bugatti also uses VR as well as other car manufacturers. VR is here to stay. I know it hurts you that it's growing bedsides flat gaming being successful too. Just like mobile.

You just like to lie to yourself and others. VR is in education, in construction, in the automotive industry, medicine, real estate, music.... AND GAMING. The market wasn't there. Now it's here and it's growing in every sector besides gaming. But you want it to jump out there immediately like some viral video or fad. That's not how it works.

Chances are, you developed something, because you call yourself a developer. And no one wanted your product. So you're projecting.But there are other companies and developers who are successful in making VR work. You just sucked at it.

You claim Sony isn't selling out on pre-orders. But you don't even know what numbers they have allocated. Or how many they are producing to meet demand. You just pull it out from you know where and lie to everyone that Sony is failing. Sony has said they will have headsets for launch and not have to worry about production. What do you have that goes against Sony's statements on the matter? Absolutely nothing. Put up your facts against Sony's production lines?

But tell us. What software you made for VR that failed so that we all can know where your mindset is?

Orchard553d ago

@Knush You just highlighted the problem perfectly - the only AAA taking part in console VR is Capcom. Where is COD VR? Battlefield VR, GTA VR? All the big pubs are skipping on it because they don’t believe in its future - if they did they’d be investing in it now.

@Apocalyspe At the time I thought MS were insane for not getting into VR, but looking back on it, given where we are now, that seems like a very smart decision.

Honda making VR for car showrooms or whatever means nothing for gaming. The vast majority of gamers - PS gamers included - don’t care in the slightest about VR. The numbers show that.

I’ve never worked on a VR game nor do I want to. The market being non-existent means salaries are substantially lower when compared to AAA salaries. I wouldn’t take the pay cut - I’ve been in AAA since graduating college, and I intend to keep it that way.

But that’s also the good point of being a developer, ultimately it doesn’t really matter to me if the game sells well or poorly - I still get paid the same at the end of the day.

It’s funny that you mention Kinect because I consider the Kinect a failure too - but it still had 4x the sales of PSVR and a way higher attach rate.

We are supposedly still in the tail end of a chip shortage, so clearly we would expect a new device like PSVR to sell out - Sony themselves were too or they wouldn’t have done invites to get one initially - they thought it was going to be difficult for people to get one (so did many on here) but when it turned out it wasn’t they opened it up to everyone.

Clearly it isn’t moving as many units as they’d anticipated.

Come talk to me when we’re all sitting in our living rooms with VR headsets on and the attach rate is so high they ship it in the box as the default controller method - so I guess I won’t ever be hearing from you again :p

Knushwood Butt553d ago


'the only AAA taking part in console VR is Capcom'.

No, EA and Ubisoft have VR games on console.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 553d ago
Stanjara554d ago

Problem with VR is that it hasn't have legs. Everything from mevement, enemies, pacing, puzzles has to take that into equation.

553d ago Replies(2)
Hofstaderman553d ago

I agree with you. I remember when Second Life was as the dogs bollocks and big business had store fronts or ambassador land parcels but soon discovered that it was pie in the sky. Second Life is still operational but only frequented by a stagnant population of people who were with it since it’s launch. New people sign up to try it out but tend to not stay. People want to browse the internet or use it to play games not live in it.

generic-user-name553d ago

"And yet, you can provide me no evidence to the contrary."

Compare sales of gen 1 VR headsets with sales of gen 1 home consoles.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 553d ago
XxINFERNUSxX554d ago

One of if not, the best game engine developer in the world. I hope he gets back into developing game engines.

Orchard554d ago

I could see him in some kind of director role at Epic games working on Unreal Engine. That would be pretty cool.

MadLad554d ago

I would hope he stays away from modern day Epic.

Orchard554d ago

@Mad Depends. Their engine & online services are highly impressive and very advanced.

The games on the other hand... Fortnite... no thanks.

Wrex369554d ago

They need to stick VR back in RnD departments everywhere that or let the porn industry lead the way like everything else that's been introduced then brought to mass market after porn made it a thing lmfao

Number1TailzFan554d ago

Yea VR has that virt-a-mate thing which seems to be quite popular with adult Quest 2 owners, but i mean there is Half Life Alyx, few other things.. nothing huge after those so far.

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