
Capcom's Deep Down is an Online Game, Only PS4 Mentioned as Platform; Gets Teaser Trailer

Yesterday Capcom held a presentation in Japan to introduce the upcoming online games in development at the company, and between other things a more information has been shared about Deep Down, including a teaser trailer.

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sobotz4012d ago

Seems like it's PS4 exclusive

Abriael4012d ago

It's not been confirmed as an exclusive at the presentation. They just mentioned it'll be on PS4.

Possibly they're waiting to announce excliusivity (or lack of thereof) it at TGS.

Or maybe they're just waiting to see if Microsoft will moneybag them lol.

sobotz4012d ago

Or maybe it's exclusive in Japan. Xbox One got delayed there. maybe.

ShugaCane4012d ago

Right now it don't care about the exclusivity thing, I just want to know what kind of online it is. If it's like Demon's Souls, I'm super fine. If it's an always Online, MMORPG kind of game, I'll be highly disappointed.

sobotz4012d ago

It's COG, I'm pretty sure it's a MMORPG, the games had a graphics downgrade too. Really disappointed

Abriael4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

@ShugaCane: it could very probably be what the Japanese call an "Online RPG", like Phantasy Star Online 2, basically an heavily instanced MMORPG with a lobby location and instanced dungeons.

Japanese developers seem to love that genre.

ShugaCane4012d ago


Oh I love PSO. But I was still expecting something completely different for Deep Down. The first demo impressed me so much. And I hate it when my expectations are crushed down lol. Anyway, I'm still eager to see more. As you said, TGS will most probably bring light upon this mysterious project.

Abriael4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

@ShugaCane: I just found and translated some more info. It's identified as a "Raiding" RPG (whatever it means, capcom loves to make up genres), and a network connection is required.

MWH4012d ago

I thought it would be on par with Dark Souls, it will be disappointing if i's an online only game.

nveenio4012d ago

"Reading RPG"? So probably something a little like what Quantic Dream does? Minimal interaction? A choose-you-own-adventure book meets PS4?

Interesting idea...though I would be disappointed if we don't get to explore that beautiful engine at our own pace.

ABizzel14012d ago

I think Capcom's waiting to see if PS4 is really going to blow the competition away like the pre-orders and publicity make it seem. If PS4 is neck and neck with X1 it's going to be multiplat, if PS4 has a solid lead (around 3 - 5+ million by holiday 2014) then it's exclusive.

thechosenone4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

a bunch of videos showing off the tech from the Panta Rhei engine. looks f**king fantastic!

gaffyh4012d ago

Will probably be like Dark Souls/Demon's Souls online by the looks of it. However, if you pause the video at the right times, you can see in game footage, and it looks nowhere near as good as the demo they showed on stage at the PS4 reveal :(

fr0sty4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

The game is likely far too early in development for Capcom to be able to present it to companies that may be interested in exclusivity/making it go multiplatform. As of now, PS4 is the lead platform, and if Capcom can show Sony a good enough looking game as it progresses, Sony might just cut that check to make it exclusive. However, I doubt it's at a point where either Sony or MS would be willing to pay for it yet. So, time will tell. I damn sure wouldn't pay millions of dollars for a tech demo, I'd want to know exactly how the game will play.

DonFreezer4012d ago

Lol.Maybe they're just waiting to see if Sony will moneybag them to keep it exclusive.

EXVirtual4012d ago

Just like MS moneybagged KH3 and FFXV.

Rimeskeem4012d ago

By sony standards it will take ages for them to release info if its exclusive or not

ZBlacktt4012d ago

If that were the case then they would not be solely letting Sony take all the credit.

evilhasitsway4012d ago


No offline mode seems to be present as an internet connection is explicitly required, and “Online Only” is mentioned as well.

did you even read the article?

mikeslemonade4012d ago

I hope i'm wrong but this game is probably going to be a let down in terms of graphics. It's 95% chance going to be multiplatform and might even be multi-generational too. And also where my biggest doubt comes from is since when has capcom made a threshold on graphics. It hasn't been since RE4 when Capcom pushed the boundary in the visual fidelity.

They have made some amazing trailers but the game will probably not look like "that". Because if it did it will be the best looking games for next-gen when it comes out.

Keregan4012d ago

Abriael you shouldn't be allow to answer people at will. The father will be really disappointed

DragonKnight4012d ago

Anyone know what a "Reading RPG" is? If it means primarily text based with cutscenes, then I'm happy to pass this online only game up.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4012d ago
pedrof934012d ago

PlayStation is the land of RPG's.

black0o4012d ago


is it me or the 1st revel looked way better :S

torchic4012d ago

all PS4 is missing is an in-house RPG (preferably from Sony Santa Monica) and a Mistwalker game. Sakaguchi & Uematsu's return to PlayStation is only inevitable now with the poplularity and ease-of-development of PS4

DonFreezer4011d ago

We do we laugh? The ps3 had almost half the rpgs of the Xbox 360.

HammadTheBeast4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Looks like Skyrim. I'm hoping there are more environments than just dark caves with torches...

Christopher4012d ago

Probably just timed exclusive if it is.

Cam9774012d ago

This is Sony, not Microsoft.
I'd expect full exclusivity.

FAT MAN GO BOOM4011d ago

I can't see Capcom making this an Exclusive. They are hurting for money and if it is an exclusive I think it will be for a time frame do to development...

PS4 I can't wait to get it but I think 3rd party developers are done with exclusive games...

There maybe one or two exceptions but it is going to be very very very rare...

Tatsuya 4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Damn that's awesome! Hopefully they announce at TGS that DD is PS4 exclusive! Can't wait to see the final look of this game, reveal video was epic, new teaser is ok. Whatever it is, I always welcome more RPGs for my PS4.

Kyanu4012d ago

Looks really stunning!

FamilyGuy4012d ago

That's the most realistic looking in-game fire that I've ever seen... well, since sonys feb event where they first showed it.

DeadlyFire4012d ago

Could be timed. More so like Titanfall. Developers worry about putting MMO on Microsoft's platform. As Xbox has never been a very MMO friendly platform. I expect 2014 Deep Down to hit PS4 and 2015 or so we could see X1 version.

FamilyGuy4012d ago

It might come out at the end of next year, they said it'll be playable at TGS after all.

Eyeco4012d ago

It would be nice if it was ,Playstation needs more of these Action RPG/ Dungeon crawler games (remember Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance) we have far too many of these shooters, No offence too anyone but do we really need another exclusive shooter, a game like Deep Down would help in setting it apart from the competition.

I doubt this would be exclusive, i mean this is Capcom we're talking about, if not maybe Sony's First Party studios can develop there own, if not they should purchase small devs like From Software to make a game like this.

Sony needs a big exclusive AAA RPG, Fighting Game, JRPG just like in the old days, look at the best selling/ best quality games on the PS1, JRPG'S, Fighting Game, Stealth Action, Platformers, the diversity in that, now it's almost exclusively shooters, they need to go back to what defined the PS1 and PS2 to a lesser extent.

HiddenMission4012d ago

You think Capcom doesn't do console exclusives...the latest Dead Rising is XB1 exclusive so why wouldn't Capcom do PS4 exclusive?

dcj05244012d ago

To be fair there's only one exclusive shooter (Halo for XBOX, Killzone for PlayStation) and one multiplat shooter (Battlefield 4). MW2 was released in 2009 and cod hasn't changed since then so COD doesn't count. So thats 2 shooters launching this holiday, then 2 in 2014. Not much /:.

hellzsupernova4012d ago

Ps3 has, MAG, and resistance as well as killzone

starchild4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

PS4 will still have it even if it ends up multiplatform. I don't get your point.

Gamers care whether they can play a game on their system, while fanboys are the ones that care whether something is exclusive or not. It's mostly for the online e-peen wars.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4012d ago
fermcr4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

"Capcom's Deep Down is an Online Game"

Automatically lost all interest in the game. MMO games, no thanks.

KrisButtar4012d ago

I've lost a lot of interest in the release of upcoming PS4/XB1 because its all about Online gaming, MMO style. Just the announced games requiring to be Online before they even release, I find shocking. I want my single player games. PC gaming is looking better and better.

bjmartynhak4012d ago


Yes, Destiny, The Division, Driveclub and now Deep Down...

I'm not liking this concept "open-world-always connected-all your friends are gamers-and play the same games as you"

An then the GOTY contenders are Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us, single-player and linear. Both perfect!

ps3_pwns4012d ago

yep its ps4 exclusive its not coming to the xbox one.

Muffins12234012d ago Show
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4012d ago

Oh no! An always online game! You have to be online just to play! Oh the horror!

XboxFun4012d ago

I expect full rage from the folks here at N4G.

I mean no one wants to always be online when they play games or so I have been told....

Imalwaysright4012d ago

It is just 1 game. Its not as if it was PS4 whole library.

Outside_ofthe_Box4012d ago

Why are you guys acting like there has never been an online only game before?

pixelsword4012d ago

@ miDnIghtEr20C_SfF:

"An always online game"

is different from

"An always online console."


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4012d ago
whoyouwit044012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Yea, but it's in always on PS4 exclusive. they can have that crap regardless of graphics. With that said, the fact that it's always online almost guarantees this will come to xbox one, and will be the superior version by using the xbox one's cloud

T24012d ago

Please tell me you forgot the /s ....do you know how ridiculous u sound ...

Teh cloudzzzz!

CrimsonStar4012d ago

Hmmm this could be a game changer , its just odd that Sony hasn't claimed it .

colonel1794012d ago

Why when MS say a game is exclusive everybody calls it an exclusive, even when it's not (because is on PC, timed, etc), but when Sony announces an exclusive everyone is skeptical and saying they need confirmation from everyone and his mother to actually consider it an exclusive.

opinska4012d ago

Keep crying!! Fan girl

whoyouwit044012d ago

One this is not a sony game, and two this is a 3rd party game that has given no conformation this is exclusive. Like I said, always online being required just make a xbox one version almost guaranteed.

joefrost004012d ago

Its either a ps4 exclusive and they are.waiting to announce at a show or its not and they are still finalizing things out MS
MS got DR3 I can see.them wanting to even things out
Have to wait and see stop being wowed by tech demos a while back

My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante4012d ago

It's Capcom...Of course it's not going to be a PS4 exclusive.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4011d ago
first1NFANTRY4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

i hope Sony publish this as an exclusive. the ps consumer is more likely to purchase this than the fps M$ crowd. Hopefully they shed more light at gamescon.

Fishy Fingers4012d ago

Aren't Killzone, BF4 and COD: Ghost currently the most preordered PS4 games?

Let's move away from the FPS is only popular on the Xbox stigma shall we. Clearly it's the most popular genre on every platform.

Utalkin2me4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )


Both are going to be have top FPS, but i think PS3 is a little more varied in the top 10. Thats why you do not see MW3 or Black Ops 2 in the top 10 of Ps3 games.

MajorLazer4012d ago

Except CoD is the highest selling game on PS3 so your comment makes no sense. I guess fanboyism does lead to loss of sight, delusions and pure ignorance

HammadTheBeast4012d ago

Actually, Gran Turismo 5 is, last I checked.

Minato-Namikaze4012d ago

Still You'll find other genre's near the top of PS3's list. Xbox is just more FPS's.

MajorLazer4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

GT5 isn't the highest selling PS3 game. It is the highest selling PS3 exclusive. Here is the list of the top 10 selling games on the PS3, in order:

1. CoD: MW3
2. CoD: BO
3. CoD: BO II
4. GT5
5. CoD: MW 2
7. FIFA 13
8. Battlefield 3
9. FIFA 12
10. CoD 4

I would hardly call that varied, considering the top 10 consists of six FPS, two football games (the most popular sport in gaming and on earth), the most popular sandbox of all time and the most popular racing game of all time

HiddenMission4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Dude you act like 5 of the titles are different they are CoD games of course they are going to be in the top 10. Take out CoD games period and then resort the list and see how different it looks...

Oh yeah do that for both consoles.

Ok so I did that for you.

1.Kinect Adventures!
2.Halo 3
3.Grand Theft Auto IV
4.Halo: Reach
5.Halo 4
6.The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
7.Battlefield 3
8.Gears of War 2
9.Halo 3: ODST
10.Gears of War

1.Gran Turismo 5
2.Grand Theft Auto IV
3.FIFA Soccer 13
4.Battlefield 3
5.FIFA Soccer 12
6.Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
7.Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
8.Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
9.Red Dead Redemption
10.Assassin's Creed II

Yeah 5 of the top 10 games for the 360 are still FPS's...yet only 1 on the PS3 is a FPS. More TPS, Sports and Open world game love on the PS3 so more variety at the top 10 on the PS3.

That_Ninja_Gray_Fox4012d ago

Just becaue it may be the highest selling game doesn't mean that all those that bought it are still playing it.Like me. I trade COD after about a month and wonder why I kept on buying thme.But no more of that copy n paste trash.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4012d ago
_FantasmA_4012d ago

Xbocks ONLY has FPS, so of course when that 1 new game a year that comes out, people run out and buy it. If they had variety, I'm sure sales would be diverted to other genres.

opinska4012d ago

Shut up, you troll! You call dar souls, dead rising N3, forza, lotr: battle for middle earth 2, mirrors edge, kameo: elements of power, etc. FPS?
Get a life troll...

starchild4012d ago

More platforms equal more money. Especially now that all platforms are using x86 ISA and familiar PC parts. The money made from putting a game out on PC, PS4 and XB1 will FAR outweigh the costs of porting the game between such similar platforms.

Don't expect many 3rd party exclusives this generation. Almost everything is going to be multi-platform.

The only exceptions to that will be if Microsoft or Sony spend a bunch of money to lock a game to their platform. And if they do that, expect them to become my most hated companies. Spending a huge amount of money simply to keep gamers on other platforms from playing a game is just a horrible practice.

joefrost004012d ago

I keep hearing that
You fully aware.the are more fps on the ps3 than the 360 right

_FantasmA_4012d ago

Shh!! These xbots don't want to hear the truth. They brag about insignificant things like party chat and that they have the better shooters, but times have changed.

Mkai284012d ago

You had to change the subject didn't you, can we have an article without people mentioning its competitors?

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Fishy Fingers4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

One of the better looking next gen titles I've seen so far. Looking forward to seeing some really gameplay. Not usually a medieval type of guy but is might make an exception for this.

BattleTorn4012d ago

I'm definitely excited for this game. I'm not sure the direction they're taking with it now. Almost looks like it'll be co-op action-horror

Mr-SellJack4012d ago

Kinda glad a bit that it's different also GFX are gorgeous!!

PrinceOfAnger4012d ago

this looks nothing like the first trailer....

Kyanu4012d ago

Have to agree. I don't know why but it just doesn't feel the same like back in february.

nick3094012d ago

Because cgis are fake traillers that show no gameplay at all.

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Layden Has 'No Idea' What Happened to Capcom Deep Down Game

Former Sony executive Shawn Layden has "no idea" what happened to Capcom Deep Down game, which disappeared after announcement.

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SullysCigar1056d ago

I thought this looked fun. I hope they do something with it eventually.

Rangerman12081056d ago

From what I have read, they wanted to delay the game to make the graphics "realistic". Imo, the game already looked good as it is. My guess is that perhaps they shifted their focus for a ps5 release but only time will tell.

Michiel19891055d ago

considering it looked basically better than any other game in that trailer, they were probably too ambitious. They also wanted to have endless dungeons, have several historic periods that they wanted to realize, infinite randomly generated loot. its not being made for ps5, it went in the dumpster, no way capcom would let them work on it from then on until now. it was like 9 years ago or something that trailer came out?

Ashunderfire861055d ago

I remember seeing demo footage of this game on the PS4! It already look like one of the best looking games on the PS4, like a prenext gen game before PS5.

Shinox1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

This was never meant to be a game and it was more like a showcase for their engine "Panta Rhei" that they never used in any game ( which probably named RE Engine now ) , yes this project was meant to be a low budget free to play game for the PS4 and planned to release in Japan but all of that was canceled in a matter of few months , this whole project has been silently canceled long long time ago and people does not know Capcom well when it comes to sideswiping projects

Giraiga131054d ago

@Shinox if what you said is true then that's a big shame really. I was really looking forward for the game, and it had some cool ideas and mechanics that caught my attention (though making it a F2P title was somewhat worrisome).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1054d ago
darthv721055d ago

I always thought it was because of this games questionable development that they were able to do the deal for SFV in its place.

SyntheticForm1055d ago

As far as I'm aware not a single game was developed with the Panta Rhei engine. Some aspects of the engine may have been folded into Capcom's current engines, but who knows, really?

I thought it looked really good at the time it was shown.

Giraiga131055d ago

Agreed. The game had a lot of promise, jankiness aside. Plus, I sorta loved the survival horror aspects of the game in certain areas.

ManInRed1056d ago

Still sucks we haven't heard much from it. Really liked the concept behind it, and I feel like I was one of the very few who liked the game's music. A shame it's in hiatus as of now.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago

I think Platinum has been overextending itself for a good while now. Scalebound was canceled after missing deadlines and Bayonetta 3 has shown nothing since its announcement in 2017.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago

Posted my comment on the wrong article..,

Rangerman12081055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

Like Darkborn said, you still have a good point, even if it's not related to this newspiece.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

@Darkborn and Rangerman1208

I think Deepdown's disappearance is simply due to Capcom focusing resources on their already established IPs ( Resident Evil, Monster Hunter and too a lesser extent Devil May Cry). Despite the vaporware nature of Deepdown, Capcom has been doing quit well for the past 4 years or so.

TheExecutioner1055d ago

even capcom doesnt know .. no one knows what happened

Rangerman12081055d ago

Honestly, I want to believe the game will happen but after what happened with Wild, who's to say Capcom won't consider on pulling the plug on the game?

A shame cause the game looked very interesting.

Barneyco1054d ago

Excuse my ignorance but was Wild cancelled or delayed? I didn't hear news about that.

Barneyco1054d ago

I looked Wild up. I had no idea it was cancelled last year. I was looking forward to it.

spicelicka1055d ago

It's quite deep down this game

hulk_bash19871055d ago

Deep down seemed like Vaporware from the start. There was never anything shown beyond the initial reveal trailer.

Yppupdam1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

There is always games like this that look cool and excites everybody...and then it disappears. Look at "8 days", everything about that game looked as cool as hell, The Story, Ving Rhames as one of the characters and pretty cool game mechanics (of what video leaked out of them) That game still stings to me, I really wanted to play it.

Giraiga131054d ago

Same thing with The Getaway for the PS3. I always wanted to try out English GTA from Sony, but it sadly never came to be.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1054d ago
DVAcme1055d ago

While the game never came out, I don't think it was time wasted. If you look well at how the camera follows the character and how it moves around during "gameplay", you'll notice it's spot-on identical to the camera in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Deep Down might have been cancelled, but it most likely became a proof of concept for Capcom in development of the REngine.

Magic_Spatula1055d ago

I always thought it was a tech demo never intended to become an actual game. Pretty sure it's just them showing off what would eventually become their proprietary engine Reach For The Moon Engine or "RE Engine" as most people call it.

gleepot1054d ago

capcom calls it the RE Engine, because thats what its called

Giraiga131054d ago

To quote from the other guy, it's definitely likely that Phanta Rei probably transformed into the RE engine. Still, it sucks the game might not see the light of day, especially considering how ambitious Capcom was with it.

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Capcom Renews Deep Down Trademark

Don’t count this game out just yet. Are we going to see Deep Down release on PS5?

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_SilverHawk_1491d ago

Hopefully its still in development and will be released on ps5 because deep down trailer looked amazing when showed years ago

Sonic-and-Crash1491d ago

i hope this to transform to " Dragon s Dogma 2 Deep Down" ....would be smart move and excellent to revisit DDogma elaborate world

Lore1491d ago

I’m hoping for both

camel_toad1491d ago

Capcom is really sitting on Dragon's Dogma and I don't get why. It was an out of nowhere fantastic game.

They need to come out with the sequel already.

Hakuoro1491d ago

That's actually what I always thought, that it was just a code name for a Dragon's Dogma game.

bouzebbal1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

heard good things about DD.
didnt have a chance to try it, so i hope the series gets some love cause i think it was successful.

Michiel19891491d ago

@sonic I rather hope for a Monster Hunter deep down, that could be amazing

Army_of_Darkness1490d ago

It's probably gonna be a ps5 game now.

nitus101490d ago

I will agree Dragon's Dogma is an excellent game and having the ability to climb on huge enemies is fairly unique, however, I really hope that Capcom (if they make DD2) reduces those "escort missions" or at least makes them much more interesting. Of course, if I hear "Harpy!" one more time I am going to scream.🤪

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1490d ago
1491d ago Replies(1)
ActualWhiteMan1491d ago

Deep down, it’s just vapor ware..

NVMGaiden1491d ago

Absolutely, I'm more interested in games that exist like Pragmata and Resident Evil 8.

Yui_Suzumiya1491d ago

Those are two games I'm most excited for as well

NovusTerminus1490d ago

Renewing a trademark is a sign of life because they cannot just indefinitely renew it, they only get so many renewals before it is rejected and open to the market again.

Relientk771491d ago

Good, hopefully we see Deep Down on PS5.

Kavorklestein1491d ago

I kind of have a feeling that Deep Down was put off until new hardware because the Quality of what we saw in the trailer looked like it was causing major frame issues and stutters on the PS4 the time.

The PS5 may finally be able to handle the visual goal of what they were going for.

drizzom1491d ago

Actually would like to see it on PC too.

isarai1491d ago

Hopefully it maintains the technology (like their fluid/particle simulations) and 4 player co-op

lildudexst1491d ago

Oh now they wanna work on it again

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10 Missing Games We’d Love to Hear from in 2020

Here are 10 major video games that are missing in action from the public eye, and we hope to see them make a triumphant return in 2020.

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