
The Wii U GamePad is Not a Mistake

GenGAME writes: "The added cost of the GamePad is just too high for what people are willing to pay, and without a standout title to drive its popularity, Wii U’s having trouble taking off. That’s a pretty big problem.

"But in the end that’s more a problem of price and a weak software lineup than the controller per se. DS and 3DS have demonstrated that people are comfortable with the idea of a two-screen system, and if there’s anything we’ve learned from 3DS’s first year it’s that the right price paired with the right software sells systems."

_QQ_3984d ago

The only innovation i can think of this gen is the gamepad, everything else is just a mid range PC with a brand name on it.

miyamoto3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Are you taking about the iPad or the PS Vita that came before the Wii U this generation?

Brasi19893984d ago

Neither the iPad or the PS Vita bring the second screen experience that you receive while using the Gamepad.

stragomccloud3984d ago

People like to forget that the DS came out a year before the iPhone and was one the first gaming touch screen devices, and that Nintendo had second screen gameplay with the Gamecube and gameboy advance. How old are you son?

_QQ_3984d ago

Oh yes i am definitely talking about the ipad and vita that totally come free with the Xboxone and PS4./S. You should make an article just to make sure everyone is informed that the 300 vita will come free with a Ps4 purchase, and Ipads will also come free with an Xbox one purchase.Also when did ipads get anolog sticks buttons and triggers again? i forgot.

miyamoto3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )


He was talking about this generation,son.

So I did not include the fact that The Sega Dreamcast VMU controller predates all when it comes to second screen gaming. And we all know how that thing went with gaming.

Did Nintendo not learn from Sega's mistake?

Get educated please.

The term innovation can be defined as something original and new that "breaks in to" the market or into society. One usually associates to new phenomena that are important in some way. A definition of the term, in line with these aspects, would be the following: "An innovation is something original, new, and important - in whatever field - that breaks in to (or obtains a foothold in) a market or society.

The gamepad was just that VMU idea and slapped with the iPad-ish touch screen gaming trend.
Like the Wiimote was "inspired" by the TV remote control according to Miyamoto Shigeru.

Nintendo was sure brave to repeat that Sega feat in the Wii U's core design knowing Sony is gonna step up Remote Play with the PS Vita with PS4.

I loved my Sega Dreamcast for its great games not for the second screen gaming gimmick.

so I am not a big fan of second screen gaming based on that direction.

But having your handheld gaming device (like PSP or smart phone) hook up with a big screen HD TV that is the direction I prefer.

_QQ_3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

The wiimote's success inspired motion gaming, Xboxone comes with kinect,some of PS4's newest features are move features. That is wiimotes mark on the industry.
Everyone has some kind of second screen now, "where is gamecube/gameboy combo?" you already proved yourself wrong with your first comment.

CaptainN3983d ago

And may I add Nintendo was doing dual screen gaming since the 80's.....did everyone forget Game & Watch !!!! Man gamers today dont know $hit about anything.... talking about Ipads and Vitas..then trying to throw in Dreamcast VMU cards. Just stop already !!!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
Brasi19893984d ago

Truth! I think, as gamers, we can see the innovation of a second screen in our hands but Nintendo really needs to find a way to show the casuals how this can impact their experience and make it better. Nintendos poor sales at the moment come from two separate issues. 1) The lack of games and 2) The incompetence of Nintendos advertising showing the casuals how the Gamepad changes the gaming experience.

Abriael3984d ago

"everything else is just a LOW range PC with a brand name on it."

Fixed it for you.

Elem1873984d ago

Agreed. People seem to forget that the Radeon 7850 in the PS4 is a low end card. 1.8teraflop performance has been on the PC gaming market for several years now.

n4f3984d ago

dont say that
you will angry the tribe of the n4g

DEEBO3984d ago

the gamepad is nice.most hate on it but i think it's the best controller ever made to be honest.

RicardJulianti3984d ago

@stragomccloud Not only that, but they did "remote play" back in the SNES days with the Gameboy Player. Pop that puppy in with a Gameboy cartrige and play on the TV, the put it back in the handheld and be on your way.

There was also the transfer pak for Pokemon Stadium on the N64...train your pokemon on the go, then battle them in 3D....it was so awesome, haha.

Nintendo's been dabbling in second screen stuff for a long, long time.

Hicken3984d ago

Well, it's not innovation, since it's been done before, even by Nintendo. And the gamepad isn't even the best example of that tech this generation.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
Trunkz3984d ago

My Wii U is collecting dust....

I love the GamePad, I dislike the lack of games ATM.

Elem1873984d ago

Wierd because my Wii U doesn't have any dust on it and I'm enjoying it immensely... Earthbound has my full time attention with Pikmin 3 is on its way.

3984d ago
DEEBO3984d ago

i use my wiiu everyday.splintercell is right around the corner.

Trago13373984d ago

Ahem, asynchronous multiplayer.

PopRocks3593984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Er, don't you mean "asymmetrical" multiplayer? Asynchronous implies that it's multiplayer but not synced at the same time, like Wii Golf/Bowling where you take turns.

EDIT: @below

lol It's cool. I'm no stranger to comment errors myself. :p But yeah, asymmetrical multiplayer is definitely a plus. It makes me hope that Namco gets it in their heads to do a sequel to Pac-Man Vs.

Trago13373984d ago

Oh crap, Wrong word! Yeah that's what I meant haha.

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masterfox1245d ago (Edited 1245d ago )

it depends, if you have a strong leadership, vision and focus for the project or game, delays can help alot because the person in charge knows what it needs to realize the task, but if you don't have that, delays could completely destroy your game, take for example Cyberpunk terrible management and end result, it wouldn't matter if they delayed the game even more cause the issue here is not time is the horrid management.

1245d ago
fr0sty1244d ago

Duke Nukem Forever says hello...

RaidenBlack1245d ago

"but a rushed game is forever bad"
~ not in these days of day1 patches, subsequent hotfixes and continued updates.
And the over-reliance on these conveniences has given rise to sub-par deliveries.

Rebel_Scum1245d ago

Give me these day1 patches, subsequent hotfixes and continued updates over my old cartridges that have the bugs they were shipped with.

1245d ago
Unknown_Gamer57941244d ago

Yeah, when games shipped with bugs in the past, those bugs stayed in the game for the rest of time. So, I'm glad that patches and updates can fix problems spotted in games after release.

What I'm less thrilled about is that it's a double-edged sword, as so many devs are now using that as an excuse to reduce the amount of time spent on bug testing so they can rush their product out ASAP. They're turning what is an excellent tool, into a crutch.

Sure, in the days when games were just on a disc or cart and couldn't be "patched" post-release, barring releasing an entirely new edition of the game, we were stuck with whatever product was released at launch. The difference is, devs made extra sure to test their games so they wouldn't be buggy messes. Once in a while a game would release with a bug that slipped under the radar, but I for one recall that most games I played in those days seemed to be just fine, and I can't say I've had much trouble since with retro games ported to modern systems.

I just think modern devs and publishers need to be held to a higher standard. There's no reason why a game needs to be a mess at launch. Patches and updates are an excellent tool, but they should not be treated as an excuse to cut corners. As it stands, that just gives me one more reason to wait before buying most games as I sure as heck am not paying full price for the "pleasure" of testing a game for a company whose job it was to do so.

gold_drake1244d ago

what if u dont have internet? over a substantial period of time? u happy with a bugged out game for 60 quid?
i wouldnt be. im not a fan of those day 1 patches.

JackBNimble1244d ago

Don't you need a day 1 patch just to use your console?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1244d ago
Knightofelemia1245d ago

“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.” To bad they didn't listen with Cyberpunk now look at it. Honestly I like a game that is pushed back work out all the kinks maybe add new things to the game. I don't liked rushed games pushed out the door call it done for the holiday sales. I also don't like remakes that have half the content cut and sold at full price like RE3 remake. I will gladly wait for a game that is not rushed and had the extra time worked on it it shows they actually cared for the game when making it. I can understand minor bugs and a few updates to correct the bugs but unlike Cyberpunk you patch as you go I hate.

Firebird3601244d ago

Red tried. Gamers are also to blame, they bitch so bad about delays.
They wanted the game now and thats what they got.

Knightofelemia1244d ago

Only way I will bitch is if the game is delayed and turns out to be a piece of shit

Sashamaz1244d ago

Rather naive of you to think gamers forced a company to release a broken, and buggy game that's been in development for many years.

It is more likely the higher-ups/investors began asking questions on why the game was taking so long to develop especially as they have to keep pumping money into the project.

If what is available on the internet is correct then the investors did not even push for the game to be released early, instead, they were lied to and told the game was ready.

Either way, I would not blame a few vocal gamers, what company would let some random on the internet determine when they release their product.

Knightofelemia1244d ago


Gamers aren't to blame they didn't bitch when Cyberpunk was pushed back for the December release. If anything gamers were mislead by the marketing of the game as a must have game. They even had Keanu Reeves marketing the game he was good in the game. Fact is someone knew the game was buggered up on last gen but they pushed the game out for the holiday season sales. Developers mentioned the game was not ready and should have been pushed back. Cyberpunk falls flat the gamers were bitching because the game is broken and voiced up because we were mislead by CD Projekt. And with a broken product you want you money back whether it's a cordless drill, cellphone, DVD player. I believe Sony got annoyed from the constant refunds they were issuing because Cyberpunk is broken I don't blame Sony for pulling the broken game. I think the reason why Microsoft never pulled the game digitally is because they sunk money and helped market the game as well. Now if Cyberpunk was pushed back to say fall of 2021 they would have had a good game on their hands. The bugs would have been worked out more features added to the game it would not have ended up as going down as the game with the shittiest launch in history.

1245d ago Replies(2)
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