
XboxOne preorders are sold out at most major US retailers, also trending above 360 historical levels

Aaron Greenberg - Xbox One pre-orders are trending ahead of Xbox 360 pre-orders during the same time period. Most launch offerings for the console are also sold out through the majority of US retailers.

NYC_Gamer4084d ago

That's good news and proves gamers are ready for new consoles after 8 years

Abash4084d ago

I don't think this is anything significant, I mean the Xbox 360 was the successor to the original Xbox which struggled on the market. For that reason I dont think the 360 had impressive pre-order numbers, the console didnt become popular till sometime after it was out

Electric-flamingo4084d ago

What if this article came out and it said Sony wherever it says Microsoft instead?

Betting you would have a boner.

GameCents4084d ago

The fact that it has sold out in most retailers isn't impressive either?
The simple fact that it is selling at all should amaze you since most detracted thought it wouldn't sell at all for $500.
Just goes to show; the real world =/= interwebz/n4g

die_fiend4084d ago

Did become popular till sometime after it was out? It sold loads, which is why it didn't get panned by the PS3

tuglu_pati4084d ago

Why is it that usually people not favoring X1 or anything related to MS have so many bubble. Makes me wonder...

Cuzzo634084d ago

Wish I had alot of bubbles

horndog4084d ago

Sure bro, whatever makes you feel better about yours

FanboyCrusher4084d ago

Not even taking into consideration that the PS3 sold like bottled farts at launch, especially compared to the PS2? Come on man, the 360 sold fine, and still is today. Selling out on pre-orders is always a good sign. Only an idiot could down play something selling out.

Cuzzo634084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

Didnt the xbox360 out sell ps3 in the u.s. I doubt it will be any different for the xb1. Its gonna sell regardless in the U.s.

Heartnet4084d ago

I dont think u have any solid numbers to back that statement... all we know is MS did well with X360 and if the pre orders are going on the same if not better than that then things are looking good for MS...

I think the pricetag isnt a big deal for alot of people who bother to pre order a console as you can save money for a considerable amount of months before u need to pay for it

YNWA964084d ago

Abash is on his knees praying PS4 wins.... So sad.... Its just games console...


Look at how NYC_Gamer and Abash never mentioned Sony or PlayStation... Than you guys complain how Xbox related articles are full of Sony fanboys trolling.

AngelicIceDiamond4084d ago

@Abash A simple congrats to MS would suffice. That's right a fanboy doesn't have the skills to say congrats to another console.


mikeslemonade4084d ago

How long did it take for it to sell out? Not impressive since PS4 sold out on the first day on Amazon and if you order if later than the first day then you won't get it until after launch. Don't let the WiiU sales trick you. Historically your system is suppose to sell out on launch day.

And it doesn't mean anything when the 1 is outselling 360 since the 360 did not pick up steam until Gears and Oblivion came out, and when the PS3 was announced to be $500 and $600.

DragonKnight4084d ago

There's no way for us to know what the 360 pre-order numbers were like 8 years later. But the fact that it was a new console coming out before the PS3 and the Wii had to have some impact on its pre-order numbers for the positive. The question to be asked though is if it was an amazing positive, or just good because there was no other competition around.

We know that the PS3 outsold the 360 every year since launch (with some debating about 2011, but even taking that into consideration, that's still 6 years straight of globally outselling the 360) so it would have been interesting to see how the 360's pre-order numbers would have faired against competition.

This statement about Xbox One pre-orders doesn't tell us anything because we don't know how many pre-orders were made for the 360 to gauge the difference between it and the Xbox One. We also don't know how many pre-order units Microsoft has committed to releasing. This "sold out" number could be small or it could be large and still mean "sold out."

TL;DR: This article doesn't present enough information so don't get worked up.

dmeador4084d ago

I remember it taking me a long time after the 360 launch to find the model with a hardrive. (I believe the "core" model didn't). Was it not the same for many others? My point being it sold well enough for me to have a hard time finding one.

I grabbed my X1 preorder yesterday from Best Buy, pretty excited for the next gen to get here.

Megaton4084d ago

It's been reported that they have roughly 1/3 the number of pre-orders available compared to the PS4 at Gamestop, further giving fuel to the truthfacts about bad yields in the hardware. Selling out isn't as significant as it sounds.

pixelsword4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

Why would anyone think that XboX fans wouldn't be excited for this new console? What Microsoft should do is go on Jimmy Fallon again and tell the truth:

1. Admit their role in that PRLSM thing.

A. that's what lost a lot of people who actually knows what that is and what their role was or even suspect what their role was because inaccuracies could over-blow their role.

2. Say what the DRM would've done (good AND bad) and be honest about it.

3. Tell everyone how people reacted and what was changed because of that (give a good 'MURICA speech and all).

4. Assure everyone that those changes will NEVER come to that console.

If they don't do exactly that, they'll never fully capture the XboX crowd (well, at least me) and they'll constantly lose more people, even if it's a few at a time, from now until launch because that'll give naysayers ammunition to say that although the DRM is gone now, there's no guarantee that it won't come back.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II4083d ago

Electric-flamingo + 22h ago | Well said
What if this article came out and it said Sony wherever it says Microsoft instead?

Betting you would have a boner.

That article has already been out , ps4 models are sold out around the world not just the us.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4083d ago
fermcr4084d ago

That's impressive for a 500$ console. Let's see if they are going to keep selling after a few months of release at that price.

devwan4084d ago

but nobody knows how many there were available, so how can anyone say it's impressive until those figures are out?

Heartnet4084d ago

will probz sell even more after chirstmas when every1 has all their moneys and what not...

@Devwan you can say that about any game/console preorders.. Some publishers (Ea) purposely deny stock to create hype for a game others just simply cant produce that amount of stock.

all people are on the same playing field so we can only speculate that selling out means good things and high sales. Thinking to much into that just brings negative attitude

JeffGUNZ4084d ago

I really think people on this site over react about a $500 price tag. If the xbox one will last 8-10 years then $500 is miniscule in the scope of the entire generation. Also, the PS4 is only $100 less, so if people are really interested in the Xbox One, $100 isn't a big deal to get their preference. I am just happy I can get both at launch for under a thousand.

boing14084d ago

We're waiting for Xbone devkit for over 3 months now. Sony gave us PS4 devkit almost instantly (2 weeks after signing the papers). I bet MS is way behind production schedule and number of units for launch day will be pretty limited.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II4083d ago

People are funny in xbox articles pretending to be neutral and throwing around disagrees its pathetic.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4083d ago
s8anicslayer4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

It's called smoke and mirrors to generate sales. .And as I can see it's working as some of you people are saying you shouldn't of had canceled your one preorder! If adam were to say numbers then if they were high then I l'd be impressed but since allocated units are low from retailer to retailer then this is no feat. And yes if Sony was clouting this miracle I'd say the same.

FanboyCrusher4084d ago

Then Sony is doing the same thing, but I bet you could just use your psychic abilities to figure that out for us, right? Selling out is good, saying something selling out without the numbers is better than another is stupid. But that doesn't change the very obvious fact that selling out, regardless of numbers, is good.

s8anicslayer4084d ago

@fanboy What and a what who what what? what you just typed makes no sense, so I will not continue this debate with you but I will say "Show us the Numbers"!

Heartnet4084d ago

why do you need numbers?

selling out means high enough sales for them to actually use this tactic and not see a backlash from annoyed customers..

your trying to spin it in a bad light and that there just lying and cannot be trusted... if a company has sold out of units even if they truly havent then cancling ur preorder was a bad thing as you will have to wait regardless of whether or not ms has em in stock

RememberThe3574084d ago

You need numbers because selling out when you only have one console wouldn't be too impressive. This is cool for boasting and if true is good for the outlook of the Xbone but just as when Sony (or anyone else) says stuff like this take it with some salt and wait for facts not bold claims.

Cool news like this shouldn't spark bickering, you guys need to chill out on this fanboy crap. We need to Open Zone back, I'm getting tired of all these fools taking over conversations.

And @FanboyCrusher: Man, you gotta work on your sentence structure. I'm dyslexic and I could put that clusterf*** together.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4084d ago
aceitman4084d ago

selling out of how many systems 10 , 20 , 50, 5 no one knows .

Chevalier4084d ago

Exactly, without numbers this is all meaningless. Case in point my store is "sold out" of Xbox ones, but, we were given a whole whopping 30 units! In the mean time we've presold more than 200 PS4's.

RememberThe3574084d ago

You get 1/3 of the disagrees the guy above you got by saying virtually the same thing. lol

But a good point and one I'd like to see clarified. Just look at the source, Aaron Greenberg has a bad name for a reason; the guy is full of sh*t.

Thehyph4084d ago

The number of units doesn't matter at this point. Interpret this as a business tactic; it's been used before, and it will be used again. Marketing is all about appearances. Everyone knows that tactics like this are used to show off consumer interest and to try to help get people off the fence when another round of preorders comes out. It shouldn't matter to the average gamer if it's ten thousand or ten million units. Unless, of course, the goal is to use non-cemented preorder sales to gloat about which console is "better" due to its selling power.
Be an informed consumer.

Hicken4084d ago

The number of units ALWAYS matters. Wii U and Vita get attacked/lose support for not having enough units on the market. Double, triple their numbers, and who'd be complaining? This entire gen, there's been nothing but talk about numbers(until they were even, then there was the "quality over quantity" argument, instead).

The numbers matter.

The fact of the matter is: you can go to most stores, and while they may be sold out of XBOne preorders, that number trends towards one half to one quarter of the PS4's numbers. With that in mind, it's GOOD that it's sold out in so many places, but not exactly impressive, under the circumstances.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4084d ago
RM-TatoTiburon4084d ago

impresive microsoft sold out and without full marketing, imagine in october when we see all xbox one ads

VforVideogames4083d ago

I went to the movies last week to see despicable me in 3D and there it was ... an X-1 ad in less than a minute they show you what the X-1 its all about. cool.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4084d ago

But N4G told me that the Xbox One was dead already and that nobody was going to buy one.


Hicken4084d ago

N4G also said the DRM was awesome.

Depends on which people you listen to.

Besides, you were always gonna buy one, right, Endoran?

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4084d ago

I'm buying them both AND giving away a PS4 on my site to a member.

How's that?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4083d ago
DA_SHREDDER4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

damn i shouldn't have canceled. :(

shoddy4084d ago

just use your cable box for tv and your iPhone for Skype for now.

Heartnet4084d ago

and how do i play Ryse or Forza? or anything decent ?

and who the hell uses skype on iPhone when u have a pc -_- ( and android is better )

RememberThe3574084d ago

Cool it Heartnet, it was just a joke. Its this thing people do when they have a sense of humor.

Rhythmattic4083d ago

Heartnet, Shoddy's right though...

And so are you.

s8anicslayer4084d ago

Don't worry you'll still be able to buy one at launch trust me!

dazzrazz4084d ago

As a person who went thru 5 360 units in 7 years with Microsoft I would be kinda scared to pre order 1st retail revision from them :D

Timesplitter144084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

sometimes I wonder if the RROD was all part of a brilliant masterplan to sell more units.

I'd love to see the actual stats on this. How many X360 purchases were replacements for broken consoles

iamnsuperman4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

It would be interesting to. You can make an educated guess with Live accounts to Xboxs though.

As of march 2013 46 million live accounts 77.2 million 360s sold. Not everyone is going to be online but considering to use most of the features the 360 has you need a live account. It is telling though. I mean it isn't like 31 million consoles haven't been online once. A reasonable number is probably around 10 million

I don't think it was a clever ploy though. All this doesn't matter though it cost them a lot of money and we (both us and Microsoft) all hope it doesn't happen again

GameCents4084d ago

Indeed! A brilliant Master Plan that cost them 1 billion dollars. -____- I may not know much about conspiracy theories and how not to be tricked by "The Man" but you'd have to be a loon to believe that they used RROD to inflate their numbers! To what end if the financial statements don't match up with the number of shipped/bought consoles?

Look at me being a moron trying to have a rational conversation with a conspiracy theorist.

ape0074084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

saying RROD sold more consoles is half the truth, the reality is that the RROD could've literally killed the xbox 360, it's a miracle that it survived all the bad rep

vinniects4084d ago

yeah and how many were replaced under warranty that didn't count as an extra sale. I replaced two of my Xboxes but under warranty I did not have to buy another one retail.

Funantic14084d ago

Microsoft repaired many of those for free with free shipping and handling. I never had a problem but my brother did. They sent him a shipping carton, he shipped it off and got it back in 8 days. The problem apparently was something simple that some people figured out and fixed themselves. Plus Microsoft extended the warranty to like 2 years. PS3 had their issues too with the yellow light of death, tho not as severe it shouldn't have been because the PS3 came out a year later after the 360. The 360 rushed to launch before the PS3. But those were the problems of the first generation 360s. The new ones are excellent. Plus people amaze me when they say they bought X amount of 360s. Why would anybody keep buying the same console again?..oh because they enjoyed them. Toyota had recalls concerning brake defects but they fixed the problem. And those are some good cars. Anytime you quickly mass produce electronic or mechanical products there are bound to be defects. When the 360s first came out they were selling fast like hot cakes whereas the PS3 sales were slower at first. That the difference. The first Xbox sold slower (and less) than the PS2. The PS2 were rushed out the factories into homes and had many defects. I bought 3 of those. Mistakes are understood. It's up to the company to fix their mistakes.

thetruthx14084d ago

Or ppl could've been smart and bought the warranty. I even went to Gamestop and swapped mine out free of charge without using my warranty tisk tisk

lsujester4084d ago

Not to mention how many extras were bought because of modding/pirating. I had a 2nd iteration that ended up getting banned because of fans. I then turned around and bought a slim a little later.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4084d ago
Transporter474084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

I went through 9 no joke -.-

Edit: I bought my 360 Launch day, i went through warranty on the first year with 7 under warranty, they even gave me a Perfect Dark for free because the lady that spoke to me felt sorry for me.

Utalkin2me4084d ago

Would you do that with any other product? I mean when is enough, seriously? I learned after my second 360.

True_Samurai4084d ago

Um sorry but I call bs. You were better off using the warranty to fix it. 9? I highly doubt it imo

Cryptcuzz4084d ago

Damn that is a lot, I feel for you. My brother personally went through 4.

Gamer6664084d ago

I lost two to RRoD but MS fixed them both for free through the white coffin program!

I currently have 11 in my home and since 2007 have not lost one to RRoD.

V0LT4084d ago

I can see that.. I went through 3 myself. 2 reg units and the halo edition one died on me.

Tyre4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

@Transporter47 I feel ya dude, i bought a 360 at launch and it had to be replaced 6 times, no BS. Anyways we will see what will be true of all these pre-order statements at the consoles launch. A disagree? It the honest truth. Almost 8 years of playing on the 360 and 6 replacements till i bought the slim. Whatever you guys aren't even real Xbox gamers to begin with if you're so skeptical about the replacements. It was faulty and rushed hardware but at least Microsoft replaced the consoles.

Transporter474084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

@Everybody that's skeptical,

You can believe me or not, that's your decision I am not here to convince you or lie to you.

elhebbo164084d ago

I think the problem is not the 360 itself, maybe you should stop treating your consoles like shit. I have both a Launch day PS3 and 360, non of them have failed me yet.

tuglu_pati4084d ago


I bought a launch X360 and i'll say between me and my brother we put like 6-8 hour a day play time. As of today I've been trough 3 X360 . All of them replaced by MS.

I'm guessing you probably did not have your consoles in a ventilated area. 9 consoles is a lot man, maybe you were the problem not the console.

Transporter474084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

It was my fault that it RRoD, yup my fault, btw my setup that i have is perfect for ventilation, i never treat my gaming stuff like crap, every single game that i have they are all mint condition no scratches, minus the used games that i bought, I have my PS3 since launch same place same condition 0 failures.

I'm done no need to be defending something that happen to me personally. Is not like i can call MS to give me proof on how many Xbox 360 they replaced for me.

ma1asiah4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

I am with Gamer666 I had the original 20GB X360 since launch never encountered an RROD ever. Once I almost spat the dummy thinking it had, just to find it was a faulty power brick, The retailer I purchased it from replaced it free and I never had any problems at all. Two years ago I upgraded to a 250GB X360s and passed the other onto my nephew with which he still uses to this day (granted we upgraded the HDD to a 250GB one othewrwise it is still the same Xbox)

I have brought 4 other X360's in that time one for my brother in laws as an Xmas present it was the 120GB elite same deal no RROD's. Both my boys got an X360 as well as birthday presents and besides a faulty disk tray no RROD's. My daughters got a Kinect bundle X360 same deal no RROD.

Now all of these get some heavy usage not just for games but for music and movies as well. The only time they ever get a rest is when we are all asleep, out for the day or in my case when I am at work.

I have always insisted that they be kept in a well ventilated spot and with the early models I always ensured it was dust free (including the side vents on the power brick.)

I feel for everybody who has had a bad run with RROD's but my point is that it is not something that has happened to every X360 owner. The worst batch that was very prone to RROD's were the first few shipments if memory serves me right.

As someone said earlier it cost MS a small fortune and a lot of bad press, so I am pretty certain they wont be making that mistake again.

I mean have you seen the friggen huge fan on the X1 plus it is probably far more ventilated then the X360 ever was.

Now given they have had more than their fair share of bad press since the X1's reveal. Their hardware is something they have reported on quite a few occassions they are stress testing more than ever this time around.

mafiahajeri4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

I got perfect dark for free when I asked the clerk how much it was and he told me that you could have it for free (jokingly) and I asked him for free? He said yes.

I casually walked out with the game, he didnt try to stop me, my only regret was that I could not see his face afterwards... that and the fact I should have picked another game xD

whoyouwit044084d ago

Dude just stop lying, If you really went threw that many then they were all your own doing. You sony fan boys just make up the dumbest BS stories no joke.

No_Limit4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

"I went through 9 no joke -.- "

Wait, three months ago, you told us that you went through 8 RRODs, where did that extra RROD came from? :)

"Well lucky you, i went through 8 360s all RROD, no joke or troll, im serious, when i called for the 7th they gave me Perfect Dark for free because the lady on the phone felt sorry for me and told me you have really bad luck so i'm going to give you a free game. "

The one thing that I like about N4G is the history comments, it can spot out the trolls from the real gamers in a heart beat. And Transporter is definitely in the former.

Transporter474084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

@No_Limit Yeah 3 months ago, the 8th RRoD i did a reflow then after a month i got my 9th RRoD, which i actually managed to fix again. I do X-clamp and Reflow fix now. But hey my story is the same for the addition of another RRoD which i did get but i fixed myself.

No_Limit4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

You could be right. Well, take care of your equipment next time.

Heartnet4084d ago

i dunno how peop=le go through so many... ive owned 3 xbox 360 ( differnt generations and hardrives etc ) and not 1 has every RRoD on me...

guess im just lucky xD

Killzoner994084d ago

I went through honestly 17 of them Micro$oft refused to honor the warranty so I said I would never buy another Micro$oft product again.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4084d ago
PraxxtorCruel4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

Did you replace each broken xbox 360 unit with the older revisions? I didn't hit the xbox 360 party straight away, but I bought myself a slim when it came out and it still running strong. I've played ocassionally 7 hours straight with no problems whatsoever. Why didn't you just get the slim if you were aware and so were the majority of gamers that the 'fat' xbox 360 is prone to RROD?

Minato-Namikaze4084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

I would have thrown it away after the 2nd one and bought a competitors console. I'm not in the business of giving my hard earned money to a company that purposely made a shoddy product.

dazzrazz4084d ago

Slim version was introduced @ E3 2010

Nocando4084d ago

Because you can't jtag the slim, that's why. This guy probably hasnt paid for a game in ages.

dark-hollow4084d ago

If the Xbox 360 slim is any indicator for the reliability of the xbone then am pretty confident.

dark-hollow4084d ago

Because the RROD issues are getting squashed with every new Xbox 360 sku since 2007.

MizTv4084d ago

Sane here
I have no Confidence in there hardware

Nodoze4084d ago

Absolutely agree. People seem to have short memories. The same is true for the ps3 ylod. Either way I am waiting on both. Let folks beta test them.

FanboyCrusher4084d ago

You'd be a moron to think a company as large as Microsoft would even gamble at a risk like that again. Giving everyone free replacements was simply too big of a loss, they'll never make that mistake again. They might have deep pockets but they're not going to burn cash for no reason.

ovnipc4084d ago

4 ps3 YLOD. 1 Xbox RROD. M$ for me.

Underworld4084d ago

Really bugs me that some try to play down RROD. It was a huge problem that many people experienced, and cost Microsoft a lot. I had to get mine sent in twice, and then ended up having to buy a second 360. And i take good care of my consoles. Know of others who had the same problem. My sister had problems with her slim.
The YLOD was no where near as bad or prevalent as RROD.

irepbtown4084d ago

My cousin had the 60GB PS3, 4 times it broke.
He had a 360, I'm not sure how many RROD's but they were a good amount.

I got 80GB PS3, still runs strong today.
And from what I'm reading, the newer 360s aren't suffering from RROD. Both next gen consoles will be reliable in my opinion. Though I do slightly worry for X1 because MS seemed to have been caught off guard by Sony's reveal in Feb.

If I remember correctly, mainly 60GB ps3 models suffered from YLOD as they had backward compatibility. This was quickly fixed with the 40GB and soon after 80GB models which didn't have BC.

CuddlyREDRUM4084d ago

I like how Xbots, paid Microsoft forum goers, are literally disagreeing with this statement.

I only went through 3 360's.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4084d ago
DiRtY4084d ago

Nice. Let's wait till the mainstream marketing campaign kicks in...

LackaJaKane4084d ago

i just think once a ryse commercial finally hit mainstream, people are going to be like "OH SH@#% I GOTTA GET ME A ONE!"

inStereo4084d ago

Yeah, 'cause we wouldn't be able to have a game consisting of nothing but QTE's without this incredible next-gen technology.

Lovable4084d ago

LOL no.

Ryse commercial Lmao..oh my side hurts from laughing...I see the failure miles away

Minute Man 7214084d ago

Just the hardcore fanboys that's all

Kanzes4084d ago

Or people who really interested in it

ape0074084d ago (Edited 4084d ago )

please think rationally for a moment, xbox one will be very wanted and here's why...

ps4 will be a fantastic game machine at killer price of 399$

xbox will be a fantastic game machine plus all in one at great value price of 499$

both consoles are very very wanted( although ps4 look to be a little bit more wanted), i don't see why u think everyone hate xbox one and only extreme fanboys want it, it's just a fanboy fantasy world to think that, xbox one will kick Major ass

XabiDaChosenOne4084d ago

A "little bit more" is an understatement.

ovnipc4084d ago

this its the same bus than COD. Everyone trashes CoD and takes BF side. Then when the day comes CoD sales 1Million copy's in the first 24 hours BF sales 1 Million in a month. But everyone trashes it. People fallow masses. But at the end they end up buying it. Id care what others think, personally I like MS yea they have their things but they inovate, X1 its a complete package ps4 its just a game console for that I stick to PC.

CuddlyREDRUM4084d ago

All in one what?

Most people who own a Kinect now don't use it, including myself. The whole Internet has been fighting for a Kinect 2 less SKU for a while.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4084d ago
Minute Man 7214084d ago

It's $500 that's the biggest problem. Don't believe me just check NPD in the future.

CrimsonStar4084d ago

Yea let me hop in your time machine , and we will check out the NPD LMAO you are really butthurt arnt you?

Show all comments (204)

The Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster Proves You Don't Need A PS5 Pro

Why do you need a better PS5 when there aren’t any games that will utilise its power?

Read Full Story >>
derek20h ago

You technically don't "need" the ps5, ps4 or the ps3, lol. You don't need any videogame console, it isn't a necessity of life. If you want the best playstation console money can by, that would be the ps5 pro.

CS716h ago

While the article is pessimistic and negative, can we agree that typically playstation hardware allowed experiences that no previous generation was able to deliver?

With the PS5 and Pro that's changed and its because its first party are having trouble making exclusives that harnesses the PS5 power. And with so few using the base PS5 to the max, the Pro just seems pointless in a way that no other major Playstation ever has.

Idk, you guys keep defending Sony, first it was covid, then chip shortages, then live service won't hold back single player games. Now here we are with barely any good first party games in sight and the defense continues.

Sony needs to get their head out of their arrogant rear and get back in touch with what gamers want. And it's not live service games and it's not a $700 PS5 pro to see more detailed bleachers in Ratchet and Clank.

And just to rest my case, when you are showing your most powerful system (PS5 Pro) using a last generation game (TLOU2) something is very very wrong.

smashman9812h ago

I don't think you quite got it. This isn't the ps3 gen where the cell was difficult to use and there was a period of time where the console just was not being properly utilized. These consoles are on x86 architecture and are performing at or around the level of comparable PC's. Sure there's SSD stuff more 3rd party devs could do but this isn't going to result in a big graphical leap.

_SilverHawk_9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Drinking water proves you don't need a ps5 pro. Get a brita water filter

rippermcrip1h ago

They could make games that PS4 couldn't handle. They've chosen not to. They did not want to abandon the huge existing PS4 console base. It is a shift in strategy from the past.

14h ago
andy8519h ago

Why does a random remaster do that? There's going to be plenty of games that utilise it over the next 4 years. And plenty already released that will benefit from it. If you don't want one fine, but what's with all the nonsense bashing of it

jambola17h ago

it's like saying "upcoming indie game on steam proves high spec pc's are useless"

Grilla14h ago

Gotta get those clicks. Later they’ll write a “I was wrong..” for more

Chocoburger7h ago

They'll never admit that they were wrong.

TheEroica3h ago

Sony has been milking their fans with unnecessary remastered/remakes all generation. They bet their first party budgets on GaaS games and failed so to save themselves they're gonna milk their base with more of these....

ClutchManeuvers19h ago

Uhhh. I was going to write something but it's so tedious knowing that everybody will just rip me.

TheEroica3h ago

Who cares what internet people think of your thoughts... You think they're opinion is more righteous? Please.

Einhander197218h ago

There are over 8500 games that use dynamic resolution scaling and struggle to hold fps that out of the box will utilize its power.

Games are already lined up for patches and more games that haven't been announced yet will use it.

But of course talking about what it actually does won't get as many clicks.

Obscure_Observer1h ago

"But of course talking about what it actually does won't get as many clicks."

That´s because nobody knows what it "actually does" in real world yet.

jambola17h ago

it adds to your opinion
it's doesn't prove anything

and even besides that, one game wouldn't prove that anyway
that's silly

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Ads on Xbox Consoles Are Getting Worse

Ads on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles are getting worse. Over time, Microsoft has been getting more and more aggressive with ad placement on the Xbox Series X|S. Invasive ads already clutter and ruin the Xbox Series X|S dashboard, something that has been annoying Xbox fans for a while. We also know that Microsoft is reportedly exploring a tier of Xbox Game Pass that will make players watch ads in order to play games. And this ties into what Microsoft revealed last year, which was that it was looking into ways to include ads in games, something Xbox fans threatened to boycott the brand over. In the face of public backlash, Xbox has done nothing to alleviate concerns of players, it's only doubled down.

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TheNamelessOne22h ago

If they did start putting ads into games that's when I'd be done. That's ridiculous.

thorstein21h ago

They have been for decades.

Or do you mean, explicit ads that interrupt the game?

NFL 2K5 had the "Burger King Halftime Report."

BK paid them to put that in there. It's technically an ad.

TheNamelessOne20h ago

Yeah. I mean ads ads, not really product placements. I don't really mind stuff like that if it fits into the logic of the world. Hell, even Fallout originally wanted Coka-Cola in the game but didn't work out, so they went with Nuka. There's ads on billboards in a lot of racing games. That stuff doesn't bother me.

Yi-Long21h ago

I think if THAT’S your red line then you’re already lost. There shouldn’t be any ads on the console, at all.

Not at boot-up, not on the dash, not in the store, and not in the games.

It’s ridiculous.

14h ago
NotoriousWhiz11h ago

No ads in the store? Isn't that the whole point of the store?

JackBNimble2h ago

I agree, adds shouldn't be in games, but what do you expect with xbox?
It's a dying platform and they recently spent $70Billion and they will never recoup that money , not unless they do something drastic and make huge changes.

Now with games going to ps5 , there is no reason to buy into xbox so they shot themselves in the foot.

I would expect adds to become even more common place then they already are.

Yi-Long1h ago

No, there shouldn’t be any ads in the store. Just the basic categories, like ‘new releases’, ‘demos’, ‘deals’, ‘categories’, etc. You shouldn’t be greeted by a huge Call of Duty banner every time you enter the store, or a ‘promoted’ post in every search-page, etc etc.

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Einhander197220h ago

Microsoft's Tim Stuart, Sarah Bond and others have said they want to add x second of ads every x amount of time of game played. (I say x because they have said various times from every 30 minutes to 2 hours and various lengths of ads from 30 seconds to minutes)

Heck they already put ads in their games on Windows.

People need to realize Microsoft has never cared about actual gaming, it's a means to make money and gain control, the more control they have the more obnoxious they can be. That's why they want PlayStation eliminated so badly that they were willing to spend 100 billion to control what games major publishers are putting on the platform, they are the major roadblock to their control.

I have said for years it's not Microsoft keeping PlayStation in check it's PlayStation keeping Microsoft in check.

The only reason why the xbone failed was because PlayStation offered another option. If PlayStation hadn't been there they would have ignored every single complaint and just forced what they wanted.

You only have to look at how unpopular so many decisions with Windows are yet they do them anyway regardless of complaints and as time goes on they force more and more unpopular things. (and the software gets more bloated and buggy)

ChasterMies20h ago

“If they did start putting ads into games that's when I'd be done.”

Some games already have ads, but that’s besides the point. You’ve already accepted ads your Xbox. Microsoft’s job now is to get you to accept more.

XBManiac2h ago

Late... Microsoft have been using their games as an ad platform for decades... Xbox included: https://www.reuters.com/art...

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LG_Fox_Brazil21h ago

Didn't this already cause a lot of debate in the Xbox community a few months ago? They are still moving forward with the idea?

MrDead2h ago

The McDonald's ads must have made them a nice amount. MS don't care about the user base so why not just fill it with ads.

Zombieburger63820h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Imagine having to pay to play online and still getting ads shoved in your face. Consoles are cooked.

Lightning7720h ago

So let me get this straight. The writer is getting mad because MS is advertising Games? The very thing that MS sucks at doing which is advertising it's own games and third party? For a second he made it seem like a hot pockets ad would pop up when turning on the console. But it's video games that are popping up and are releasing soon.

Talk about about a none issue. Btw writer where's this "boycott" at? I don't see anyone on socials right now threatening to boycott, its simply all on your head. Especially, Especially if these ad are video games related and games that are releasing soon.

SimpleDad20h ago

Imagine turning your pc on and before log on screen you see MS Word ad across your whole screen.
Hey it fine, right?

Lightning7719h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Talk about not knowing how to read good lord. They're advertising games not word or Doritos, or nothing like that.
Tell me which ones worse. Advertising games or something none game related?

Also read the article and you'll see what he's complaining about. Go ahead.

XiNatsuDragnel17h ago


Sounds you're coping bro

PhillyDonJawn9h ago

They're not advertising that stuff tho. It's games.

MagUk8h ago

They offering a 10 hour free trial of a game. This is outrageous 😅

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 8h ago
19h agoReplies(1)
SimpleDad16h ago

Being fine with ads on Xbox game related is the same as ads on PC Word related.

But, hey I learned a new term for this and it's called... Toxic Positivity...vity...vity

Lightning7716h ago(Edited 16h ago)

You're right how dare Xbox advertise video games on their video game console. Why's that a bad thing please explain. Go ahead, exactly just stay silent, the smartest thing you've done.

Positivity? No its called a severe lack of common sense and stupidity. Willful ignorance is the number one thing that gets me heated.

@natsu coping tf are you talking about. Read the article (if you know how to read) he's complaining about game Video game ads on a video game console.

Nacho_Z15h ago

"You're right how dare Xbox advertise video games on their video game console. Why's that a bad thing please explain."

A: people have been enjoying gaming for decades without adverts and we are all used to that.

B: Everyone hates ads.

C: It's an extremely slippery slope. If people start making excuses for and suggest they're willing to accept advertising in gaming then that will be exploited to ridiculous levels in the future.

Charlieboy33312h ago

Making excuses for Xbox's bad decisions is all the Xbox zombies ever do. Their console, brand and it's games have become synonymous with mediocrity.......unrecognisabl e from the excitement and quality they possesed in the past.

Yet their fanatical fans don't seem to care, so of course MS will continue pushing the boundaries with the crap like this. You can bet your ass that in the not too distant future they will definitely have ads popping up during your gamepass game....interrupting everything just like a youtube ad. But don't worry, I'm sure they will offer a more costly 'ad free' tier for you so it will be fine.....right.

Oh and something I also predict is that one day the ONLY way to play MS games will be through gamepass. MS has already dropped physical completely for the future and you won't be able to buy digital either.

Nope, if you want play e.g.COD you are going to be forced to subscrbe for it and it won't be cheap.....I'm calling it.

Lightning7711h ago

You're right let's not advertise any game related content while you're online on your console. Matter of fact let's get rid of the games section where new games are available to play so devs won't know that their game is out, or that your favorite game is available to download or in store shelves. If we're talking 360 type of ads where it was lots of none game related stuff y'all would have point big time. But getting pitchforks out over something that's game related is dumb. It's like going to a car club and getting mad that they're selling you car parts.

I would say do you hear y'all selves but no you don't, at all.

That's it, I'm the only one with a brain on here.

@charlie "Making excuses for Xbox's bad decisions is all the Xbox zombies ever do."

Seeing how you don't know what's happening or you never know what's going on especially in this article which congrats nobody else can read either because everyone's slow in here. Tell me where all the times I make excuses for Xbox go, I wanna know.

"Yet their fanatical fans don't seem to care, so of course MS will continue pushing the boundaries with the crap like this."

Advertising games on your console is bad now. I guess Nintendo and Sony are terrible to use that exact same logic.

"You can bet your ass that in the not too distant future they will definitely have ads popping up during your gamepass game....interrupting everything just like a youtube ad. But don't worry, I'm sure they will offer a more costly 'ad free' tier for you so it will be fine.....right"

MS was talking about an ad based GP tier at one point it might happen or it might not. This isn't what this articles about at all if only you did basic, simple, easy ass research such as reading the article. You'll know what's going on. So far it's all tinfoil hat that the article isn't even about. Read, if you don't how to read then get some that can read the article.

Mr_cheese1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Lightening, I think it's you who is struggling to read.

Sure, we get it, you don't mind seeing adverts on the console as long as they're game related ads. Well many people don't want this. You pay for the system, you pay for the online and then youre greeted with ads at the menu. There is a time and place for them, and it's not when switching the console on.

Annoys the sh*t out of me when fC24 pushed the FC25 advert before you even get into the menu.

If you think all of that is okay, then you'll be the reason they take it a step further with none gaming ads or forced viewing trailers on boot up

Charlieboy33313h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Except it's not just game ads....I recall ads from places like McDonalds popping up, so what's the excuse for that then hmmmmm?
Also the only place that new games should be promoted on your console is in the damn store like Playstation does. If I'm interested in what's coming up I'll go and check out the pre-order section.

Lightning7711h ago

"Except it's not just game ads....I recall ads from places like McDonalds popping up, so what's the excuse for that then hmmmmm?"

Uh huh sure you did, you don't have an Xbox so how would you know? Show that proof?

Wait you actually read the article!? I didn't think it was possible on here. Finally someone on here did basic human function and its you of all ppl. I'm proud of you. I didn't think it was possible, I'm not joking either I really think it was possible. Take back what I said about you up top. Again good Job bro.

SimpleDad8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

To edit your replay:
Wait you actually don't have a brain!? I didn't think it was possible on here. Finally someone on here without basic human function and its you of all ppl. I'm proud of you. I didn't think it was possible, I'm not joking either I really thought it wasn't possible. Take back what I said about you up top. Again good Job bro.

Lightning777h ago

So you can't refute what I said or prove what I said wrong got it. It's what happens when you lack basic fundamental reading skills and comprehension. Go back to grade school, you severely need it very, very, very badly. It's what happens when you have room temperature IQ kiddo do better next time (but you won't). You also won't learn your lesson. All you had to do what simply read the article, not a hard task at all. For you and many here it is of course.

Man I just easily embarrassed you.

OldDuffer3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

There was a McDonald's advert sitting on peoples dashboards less than a month ago, or dont you care to see whats actually going on? Willfull ignorance is exactly what you are engaging in....

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RhinoGamer8820h ago

How are they going to pay Phil's mega salary peeps?!

raWfodog11h ago

And they’re likely trying to recoup more of the $70B that they paid out for their acquisition.

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The Karate Kid: Street Rumble review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Despite the popularity of The Karate Kid trilogy in the ‘80s, it didn’t gain anywhere near as many gaming adaptations as the likes of Back to the Future, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones. The first film saw a considerably rough entry on the NES, published by the notorious JLN, while the Amiga and Atari ST were blessed with a reasonably well received tie-in for the sequel. It seems that by the time the third film rolled around in 1989, attention had turned to the likes of Rambo, Terminator and Predator, with many early tie-ins for the Mega Drive being more violent and gung ho. It probably didn’t help that Part III was panned by movie goers either."

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