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Forza Motorsport 5 E3 exterior view video stars a Koenigsegg Agera and Ferrari F12 Berlinetta - VVV

VVV: "Still want more Forza Motorsport 5 footage? Oh, go on then. Can't say we don't spoil you.

As part of our Forza Motorsport 5 E3 coverage, we managed to take a drive around the new eye-wateringly pretty Prague circuit from an alternate angle using the exterior view.

While we wouldn't normally drive a racing simulation with the restrictive external view, it allows us to once again gaze at the glorious next-gen car models Turn 10 have immaculately crafted, as well as soak in more of the intricate details from the lush environments. "

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wishingW3L4114d ago

this game looks so much better (graphically) than Driveclub that is not even funny.

MooseWI4114d ago

I thought it was proven that DriveClub will have the most detailed cars ever.

JokesOnYou4114d ago (Edited 4114d ago )

Game definitely is beautiful but Turn10 always do quality work, Forza4 is still beautiful on 360.

Angainor74114d ago

are you kidding? based on what?

HammadTheBeast4114d ago

Drive club at E3 was only 35% complete and still competed with Forza. GG,

shivvy244114d ago

isnt this game running on nvidias cards ? i wouldnt trust these gameplays until they run it on an x1

MooseWI4114d ago

That's for all the haters on my comment. I read it here on your beloved N4G.

Elit3Nick4114d ago

They said that driveclub has the most detailed cars ever used in a game, but from what they know so far. It's common for developers to boast about their product, but it's not like they actually went to turn 10 and compared both games. So compare both games yourselves when both actually release...

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PirateThom4114d ago

Well, if it does, it's because it's running on PC like all the XBOne stuff at E3.

green4114d ago

So are you saying that Forza 5 on the Xbox One will not look this good?

PirateThom4114d ago (Edited 4114d ago )

Until I see it, running on native XBOne hardware, I don't believe anything or make definitive statements.

FrigidDARKNESS4114d ago

If you would stop reading fanboy articles and go to youtube and check out games like Ryse, Killer Instincts, the game from Remedy they are all playable on the actual consoles. The Forza 5 demos are from Actual Hardware.

toxiichollow4114d ago

only lococycle was running on a PC

JokesOnYou4114d ago (Edited 4114d ago )

So Pirate Thom basicly you are accusing every 3rd party dev, many of which are the same ones making games for sony too; Now they are all liars that just decided to go to E3 and risk their reputations in some sort of mass cover up for micro by making games on hardware specs they know are not representative of X1 specs. So we should believe the devs are all lying and you know the truth. lol, Wow that's a heavy dose of jealous sonyfanboy talk right there.

lol, X1 games look so good the only thing you have left is to make up conspiracy theories.

Foxgod4114d ago (Edited 4114d ago )

Some people believe every far fetched unproven rumor thats posted on the web.

Lococycle probably wasnt ported yet to the XB1, hence it running on a pc.

Tultras4114d ago

Battlefield 3 was running on a PC, despite the devs " confirming " that it was running on the console.

green4114d ago

"And yes, there were some games that were - categorically, without a shadow of a doubt - running on Xbox One hardware. It'll come as little surprise to learn that first party software was more likely to be showcased running on the new console, with Turn 10's Forza Motorsport 5 the most high profile title we saw that was visibly operating on the actual unit."

Proof enough?

JokesOnYou4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

BAMM! Thanks green, now I wonder if Pirate Thom will admit Forza5 looks so good that he thought it was running on higher PC specs.

lol, and this is coming from eurogamer who has been pretty negative towards microsoft lately.

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FrigidDARKNESS4114d ago

Report from Negaf comparing all the next gen Racers Drive Club was the worst of the group.
Forza 5> The Crew > Need For Speed > Drive Club.

HammadTheBeast4114d ago

I hope you guys realize drive club is 35% complete.

windblowsagain4114d ago (Edited 4114d ago )

What have you seen of DRIVECLUB. One Unfinished track.

35% done.

FORZA5 has been in production before FORZA4. lol.

Wait until both are finished.

Don't get me wrong, FORZA5 looks stunning.

But i'm still not impressed with the lighting as much as GT6.

Foxgod4114d ago

Thats Ok, but its a matter of personal preference, i personally like the art direction of the Forza series better.

karl4114d ago

Art direction? It goes for the anime stile or what?... its suppose to look real. Doubt art direction has anything to do with it since soo many tracks are from the real world.

Anyway... the game look really good I just cant get over the fact that the car turns like a skateboard

M-M4114d ago

I bet you that's one of the main things that Microsoft didn't want to happen lol. People should be worried if the games were ran on higher specs than what the Xbox One originally allows. Thanks for the link, I thought it was just a rumor.

marcodg4114d ago

It 's all right because it was running on PC with last GTX 700 Nvidia card and High End CPU.

nothing to be proud

turnerdc4114d ago

Forza 5 was running on the actual console.

"And yes, there were some games that were - categorically, without a shadow of a doubt - running on Xbox One hardware. It'll come as little surprise to learn that first party software was more likely to be showcased running on the new console, with Turn 10's Forza Motorsport 5 the most high profile title we saw that was visibly operating on the actual console."

Knushwood Butt4114d ago

Environments do look nice.

Loading times and loading screens? Not so nice.

mcstorm4114d ago

I agree this game looks impressive but that said I think this video looks more impressive.

HurtfulTimez4114d ago

Really.. Whats funny is that the only gameplay footage of driveclub is pre-alpha code which is %35 complete - And it still looks just as good.
At least Driveclub allow night racing - unlike forza

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King-Prodigy-X4114d ago (Edited 4114d ago )

When Gran Turismo comes to PS4, it will look like real life.

FrigidDARKNESS4114d ago

Well that nay be a a2-3 years from now, that if Polyphony working on a brand new engine for ps4 .

King-Prodigy-X4114d ago

GT PS4 will be out early 2015

slapedurmomsace4114d ago

Though I'm all about GT, what's that got to do with Forza 5?

Foxgod4114d ago

This game is beautiful, release it sooner then November!!!

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Looking back to 2014 and Forza Motorsport 5 Racing GOTY Edition

Carlos writes - "When it was time for Forza 5 to rock on up to the track, we were just entering the third generation of Xbox consoles, and to show off all that extra horsepower that would come inside the Xbox One, they wanted a flagship title that could truly showcase just what miracles the next generation could perform. And what better title than Microsoft’s beloved racer!"

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mijayire1887d ago (Edited 1887d ago )

Such s supreme racing title. Hands down racing franchise of recent decades. Nothing has come close in quality or ratings.

bluefox7551886d ago

Not to mention the worst rated game in the series.

mijayire1886d ago

Apart from Forza 5. Talking about generally the Forza series has always been rated high. Perhaps Forza 5 was rushed for launch. Although made up again by Forza 6 and 7.

IRetrouk1886d ago

I liked the game well enough, it was a good starting point for the new gen and helped them build up to what motorsport 7 is now, the controversies wasnt with the numbers of cars or tracks though, it was more to do with the pc footage being passed off as xbox one, the downgrade from what they originally had shown caused more upset than the numbers.


Put pedal to the metal in Forza Motorsport 5 now free via the Games With Gold scheme

Carlos writes - "It’s time to tweak that tuning setup, perfect those visuals and strap in to that harness before heading down to the track, as Forza Motorsport 5 is calling for all players with a free download now available thanks to Games With Gold!"

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for September 2017 any good?

James writes - "So here we are with a new month about to begin, and we all know by now that means a number of new games are about to be gifted to all Xbox One and Xbox 360 players via the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for September2017. The free games of last month were passable if truth be told, but can September’s offerings make it a month to remember, or one to skip over?"

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timotim2578d ago

Well...lets see. So FM5 is 2013's Racer of the Year, while Oxenfree was nominated and won all types of awards as an indie game in 2016. On the BC side, both games are classics.

lxeasy2577d ago

The Games for Gold this month are pretty good

DaNineTwo2577d ago

I have no idea why you got disagrees.

shinrock2577d ago (Edited 2577d ago )

Because ur in Sonyland.

DaGreatOne2577d ago

I got disagrees for pointing the same thing out the psn games coming. I doubt some people actually enjoy games that visit this site.

TheSaint2577d ago

I swear some people just go into topics and hit disagree on every post for no reason.

EazyC2578d ago

Of course they are. The competition between PS Plus and GwG is getting good now, expect more great months on both sides

2578d ago Replies(5)
Razzer2578d ago

Damn good month. No doubt

senorfartcushion2578d ago

Ps propagandist article and post.

Keep it neutral, fanboy.

senorfartcushion2576d ago

Profile picture, son. I'm an adult, I don't do that fanboy nonsense.

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