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Condemned 2 has a painful glitch: disappearing save games

The game was bloody, scary, and a great time for people who like a little tactical fighting and survival horror in their first-person titles. That is, before the game decided that eating the save-game file was a great idea.

It's a feeling like ice water entering your veins. You restart the console, sign back into your profile, still, no luck. The game wants you to start from the beginning. All that time... just gone. What's even weirder is that the achievements are still there, as are the save game files themselves. Everything is, apparently, sitting happily on my hard drive. The game just refuses to let me begin where I left off. A quick search shows that other people around the Internet are having the same problem.

Note: Issue only confirmed on the 360 version.

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BeaArthur6028d ago

That's interesting I might have to opt for the PS3 version.

KidMakeshift6028d ago (Edited 6028d ago )

I played through the entire game using only one save slot and had no problems

The game plays quite well (I don't think it's as good as the first one): no framerate nor tearing problems. No excessive loads, no collision glitches, etc. I give monolith props for making sturdy games

Maybe it's only older 360's that are having the problem. I just replaced mine with a new one not long ago so...

BeaArthur6028d ago

That's good to know, I also had mine replaced recently, thanks for the update.

THWIP6028d ago

I've got a launch 360, mfd on 8/17/05...about as old as you can get. Not only did I not have a problem with Condemned 2 (played through it, then went back to old saves to work on a few Achievements)...but I've NEVER had a problem, of ANY kind.

Stories like this have no business getting posted, because it's practically an isolated incident. The guy posted a link to a forum, supposedly to back up his claim...and only a few posters of the 3 pages, mentioned having any issues.

Fact is, save glitches are just a part of gaming; happens with PC, and has happened with every console ever made. It doesn't mean a game is broken, just because you encounter a save glitch.

BeaArthur6028d ago

I've acutally never experienced a save glitch since I had a messed up memory card on my PS2. I will probably get the 360 version then if only because the last dual port game I bought (RSV2) didn't turn out so well on the PS3.

KidMakeshift6028d ago (Edited 6028d ago )

The only glitch I've had of this kind was in Call of Cthulhu for the Xbox

There are certain save points that crash your game if you try to load them

I was so pissed off that I invested 10hrs into the game (which is actually really good I think) then saved on the boat (last chapter of the game) only to have it freeze up and crash on me everytime I try to load

So I guess the moral of this story is to always use at least two save slots when you're playing a game. Oh, and don't spread mustard on the cat.

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Excalibur6028d ago

I played the game through twice and never had a problem.

I can say for a fact that a buddy of mine had a problem with the PS3 version.
I felt horrible after I talked him into buying it.
He said the frame rate was horrible, the graphics weren’t as good and the music locked up while playing.
I thought he was exaggerating until I seen it for myself.
Has anyone had any problems with the PS3 version?

BeaArthur6028d ago

I've only played the demo and I didn't see any issues. That's not suprising though they always whore the PS3 owners.

THWIP6028d ago

...when you port a game to the PS3, that had NO BUSINESS being ported to BEGIN with. All of the work had been done on the PC/360 with the first one, and they only slightly tweaked the engine for Condemned 2. To be honest, I think that's why they screwed up the story so bad in this sequel; they knew the PS3 gamers would have no idea what happened before, so they decided to scrap most everything from the first game. Sadly, this messed the game up beyond resemblance to the first at all. :o

xhairs6028d ago

Does your buddy have any other games like Rainbow 1 or 2? I noticed that my games used to freeze the sound or overlay sounds (one guy talking after his voice stopped moving over another guy talking) This was due in part by a faulty HDD though. I replaced the HDD never had a problem since. Warhawk also had problems with sound overlaying and skipping a lot but still due to the faulty HDD.

If I was your friend I would test more games than this one to see if he has any similar problems, if he does just go buy a 60$ 120gb Scorpio (WD) and replace the one in there now, should fix the problems.

Are you even qualified to make a statement such as that? What gives you the right to think you know what game developers go through? The writers might have made the story line a little easier for the PS3 owners to understand but in fact look at all the other 360 ports, can you say they screwed up? I don't believe the story line in CoD4 was any different due to it's port...get real man all you ever do is post your own opinions. OPEN ZONE -->

rmedtx8886028d ago

I played the game in a PS3 and I didn't have that problem. Maybe if people post in the Sega forums they will release a patch for it.

HolyShib6028d ago (Edited 6028d ago )

Yeah... that happened to me on my X360... luckily I haven't played
it a lot since I bought it...

Oh... my X360 is quiet new - Bought it last December


This totally sucks! I was on the last level of the game and now I can't even access it! Sega better release a patch ASAP! By the way,I didn't have any problems just quitting the game and loading later.Maybe it only happens near the end?

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Condemned – What The Hell Happened To It?

Where exactly did Sega's survival horror franchise disappear off to?

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Community2090d ago
2pacalypsenow2091d ago

Second game didn't sell enough.

Neonridr2091d ago

which is a shame, I really enjoyed these two games.

2pacalypsenow2091d ago

They were amazing games.

Still play them from time to time, that bear scene..

gangsta_red2090d ago (Edited 2090d ago )

Part one was absolutely amazing. Didn't care for part 2 though. But I would love to see a part 3.

It's a shame how many awesome game IPs from a lot of developers will forever lay dormant because of low sales, rising costs of production and no brand recognition. It will only get worse as the new gens come.

fluxmulder2090d ago

I think Monolith is more about Shadow of Mordor sequels these days.

2090d ago
snoopgg2090d ago

First game was a scary good romp. I was shooting mannequins cause I was on the edge!

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5 video game sequels from the 2000s that need to be revived

Players have been crying out for certain sequels for years, but for some reason, they haven't been made.

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Community2336d ago
LTJ812336d ago

L.A. Noire for me since that original was a phenomenal game except for that terrible ending. Maybe a sequel will rectify that nonsense!

2336d ago
lifesanrpg2336d ago

LA Noire was a game I was SO excited for and then completely let down. That being said, I would like to see another stab at it, as I think it had great potential. And I loved the music/setting/time period.

Prince_TFK2335d ago

I thought LA Noire was a really great game, beside its bland open world.

mbecker732336d ago

Still wish we got a sequel to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Aceman182335d ago

Mmaaaannnnn I loved that game, would love a sequel. Also one for lost odyssey, LA Noire, and Jade Empire.

chaosblades2335d ago

Are you aware of "Shadow of the Eternals"? Supposed to be a spiritual successor or something.
It didn't pass Kickstarter, but Denis Dyack says he is still working on it.

Gronkeykong2336d ago

All games that I’ve owned and played at some point in time and never finished. Out of them, I’d most likely go with LA Noire for a sequel

DivineAssault 2336d ago

lost odyssey was a great game for its time.. I wouldnt mind seeing it revived.. Jade empire too

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Looking back at 10 years of… Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Carlos writes: "In the years since the release of Condemned 2: Bloodshot we’ve seen the horror genre evolve in a wide variety of ways. Zombies have returned to prominence as a key enemy within the genre, Resident Evil has both lost and then regained its classic horror feel, and a select few horror movies have become so fearsome that they are now arriving with warnings for those with heart conditions. All in all, horror is now in a very different state to what it was back in 2008. Nevertheless, very few games have been able to capture the unique style of horror seen within the Condemned series, with maybe only Outlast coming closest."

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Community2382d ago
IamTylerDurden12383d ago (Edited 2383d ago )

I loved both Condemned games, great atmosphere and clumsy but brutally entertaining combat. Criminal Origins was a nice surprise for the 360 at launch.

snoopgg2382d ago

The maniquinns scared the shit out of me in the store. The fight at the applefarm was epic. Great atmosphere! !

babadivad2382d ago

The original Condemned is the only media[movie or video games] to legitimately "scare me". I used to play that game in a dark room with surround sound and it was genuinely terrifying. Good memories.

fenome2382d ago

Me and my friend passed the controller around on the first one a lot back in the day. Really good game, freaky atmosphere, they did a great job at building up the suspense with sound effects and everything else. I really liked how combat was really visceral and in your face instead of a shooter. The investigative aspects were also really cool. Sadly I think I only ever played the demo for the second one, so I never really got to see how that one was.

They really need to make another one of these. F.E.A.R. was another good one too.

CorndogBurglar2382d ago

The original F.E.A.R. was awesome! Sadly, all the sequels just felt like they were somehow finding ways to continuously jump the shark. They just didn't do it for me like the original.

fenome2382d ago

Agreed. The original definitely got it right

OhMyGandhi2382d ago

The condemned series was incredibly well-realized. The melee combat was ridiculously satisfying, the visuals were top notch, and the atmosphere was incredibly thick and unique. The world-building was absolutely sublime. Love these games. And the entire cabin sequence in Condemned 2 will go down as one of the creepiest encounters since Silent Hill 2.

N82382d ago

I wish they would bring Condemned back

AuraAbjure2382d ago

These games are really hard on the hardest settings. Definitely not tooo hard- once you get the hang of it, but a challenge.

CorndogBurglar2382d ago (Edited 2382d ago )

The original wasn't too hard once you got your hands on the rebar with the chunk of concrete on the end lol. Best weapon in the game.

TheOttomatic912382d ago

I remember being so hyped for the sequel and so underwhelmed at the final product particularly due to its focus on combat and less about scaring the player and creating an uneasy atmosphere found in the original.

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