
Dragon’s Crown designer: ‘I apologize to those who were made uncomfortable’

Kotaku: "In an e-mail to Kotaku, Kamitani explained some of the rationale behind his designs, which picked up a great deal of media attention this week after the artist wrote a note to me on his Facebook wall that featured three shirtless, burly men embracing one another."

Blastoise4109d ago

This entire thing between Kotaku and the character designer of this game is ridiculous.

"controversial sorceress" There is no controversy, Kotaku made it a controversy when the guy insulted the art director and called him a 14- year old boy.

Shes got a pair of tits, get over it.

AHall884109d ago

Really shouldn't expect anything less from Kotaku though.

NewMonday4109d ago

Kotaku could be great if they just stop trolling.

ShinMaster4109d ago

We want games to considered an art medium, yet we have people like this trying to censor the artist. If he wants to draw male and female characters with exaggerated features, let him. Don't like it? Don't play it.

Sexually titillating character designs are not the same as sexist. Sexism is prejudice, discrimination or devaluation of a person based on their gender and Kotaku has nothing on the game that proves this.

ApolloTheBoss4109d ago

Correction: Kotaku could be great if they ceased to exist.

Blacktric4109d ago

I love how some idiots are still acting like this is a serious issue that can be considered "sexism".

A comment made to the article;

"What a bunch of garbage. Jason, you got it right in the first article. This IS sexism. This IS insulting to the large audience. And it IS exclusionary to anyone with a shred of self-respect or intelligence!"

Using cop-out BS like "you don't have a shred of self respect or intelligence if you support this" seems like something a Kotaku reader would write.

SilentNegotiator4109d ago


That's like saying poop would be great if it didn't stink and have high amounts of e. coli. And wasn't poop.

miyamoto4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

Like Kamiya said, desperate for hits. Kotaku is a shame for Japanese gaming.

Bimkoblerutso4108d ago

I will never be a proponent of censorship. I feel like people have every right to create whatever they want in the world of art. So in this way, yes, I think the Kotaku article was ridiculous and childish.

Conversely, though, I also think it's funny that people are trying to pass these designs off as anything other than hyper-sexualized fanservice.

See, the problem here is NOT that hyper-sexualization exists in gaming (everyone likes a little sexy time every now and then), it's that the gaming community has become so enthralled in the debate of whether or not this stuff is "sexist" that they end up grasping at straws when the opportunity to defend themselves arises. For instance, I would say that the "homage" that was being paid to classical design was thrown out the window the second the sorceress bent over for us and the staff went up the crack of her ass.

No, it's not SEXIST. Men don't think ALL women should look and act like this. But make no mistake, these designs were made SPECIFICALLY to hook the shallower bits of the male libido, the bits that make us associate beauty with the amount of swelling in the front of our pants.

Do I personally think it's a little too prominent in gaming as a whole? Sure I do. And I think that most gamers would agree if they weren't so addicted to reacting to retarded articles like this one.

But it's also NOT sexist, and it should NOT be censored or apologized for.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4108d ago
Th4Freak4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

The thing is that he talks about the Sorceress but not about the other characters in the game, they're all equally exaggerated so why didn't he complain about the Dwarf or the Knight?

Abriael4109d ago

It's shameful that an artist was forced to apologize for his art.

But yeah, AHall88 is right. Can't expect any better from kotaku and from the other usual pundits that supported them.

Cryptcuzz4109d ago

Kotaku is the worst when it comes to trolling, over exaggerating, and bad journalism.

If I was a professor lecturing students in becoming a future journalist, I will show examples of what not to do from articles like this from Kotaku.

Flavor4109d ago

The response from the character designer was perfect and required no apology. Don't like a sexy woman? Okay here are some hot mans 4 u.

Apollosupreme4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

They are concealed so no foul.

I personally don't find them sexy. It's a tad to much under the hood for my tastes. Just imagine those things at age forty if she continues to opt for no support. ;)

nukeitall4108d ago


The fact that we focus on sexism, creates sexism. If you ignore it, it will go away and let the people that enjoy that sort of thing enjoy it.

It's called tolerance people! It's not aimed at you directly.

L6RD7BLU34109d ago

I fail to believe that this dude is %100 socially correct in his life, so he shouldn't mouth off like this. It's just the ways of the japanese culture

Donnieboi4109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

Nothing wrong with boobies, this is a free world and that man should not be pressured to apologize...


OmegaSlayer4109d ago

The writer from Kotaku is an hypocrite.
I wonder if he mails "God" when a girl has big boobs.
He should be banned from the internet.
If you don't like, don't buy. Period.

joab7774109d ago

This is absurd. Write something real. Do ppl actually think like this? What amazes me is that not only did this thought enter his mind but then he wrote about it to get attention and then expected to get a response. This is insane.

On a completely unrelated note, I have written an article about how objectified women are in porn these days. And since its up 250% since 2009, we have a serious problem. I am expecting an answer to my complaints from anyone in the industry any day now so I will get back to ya!

DivineAssault 4108d ago

I think the big a$$ tits gives the chick character just like the elf not having any at all.. Wheres the bitching about that? Some broads have big ones & others small.. Thats just the way the world is; in real life too..

LucinaStar4107d ago

Not that I'm a feminist or anything but is there any reason why you chose to use the word "broads" instead of just saying females?

DivineAssault 4107d ago (Edited 4107d ago )

I treat most women like objects.. (mind you, i said most.. not all) Call me an asshole or whatever but i rarely come across any that deserve better.. When i do, i call them females, ladies, etc but the majority i come across are little more than play things..

nosferatuzodd4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

kotako mean videogame or anime nerd in Japanese language
why kotaku is called that if they hate or so bias against japanese games, they need to change their name to something else .

bigrob9044108d ago

i love those tits so yeah i have no problem with them.

Aaroncls74108d ago

YOU KNOW, when people act like this I can only think of how they are ironically exposing themselves as perverted people.

And being a little of a pervert is actually quite the natural thing; but you don't see everyone yelling:



Note: the art design of this game is amazing, and it only makes sense that the women of this represented time period are as burly and voluptuous as the men.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4107d ago
cleft54109d ago

You gotta love clueless people that think any depiction of a woman in a highly sexual/suggestive manner is sexist. You know, it would be one thing if only the female character in Dragon's Crown was exaggerated like this, but so are the males. Apparently, showing exaggerated males is no problem at all, but show an exaggerated female and of course we get complaints.

It's sad because there really are real issues out there involving gender discrimination, but all we get to see is this nonsense.

N4GCB4109d ago

It's funny because the sorceress has the most justified pair oh breasts in all of video game history, and that, is what the article should have been about.

But you know... journalists don't ever research anything, so whatever I suppose.

(scroll past the article to the comment below, and just have your mind blown that there was even a legit reason for her breasts)

Hicken4109d ago

... so how in the hell can Kotaku justify criticizing the character design after having an article like that up? And how freakin AWESOME is that concept? I have to say I love that the character design has such roots.

I also have to say I hate Kotaku for being such a plague on the damn industry.

izumo_lee4109d ago

This is Kotaku....do you really really think that any of the douchebags on that site do ANY research at all.

They are the National Inquire of gaming journalist that's very existence is to generate hits to pad their inflated pockets & egos.

n to the b4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

the rest of the features (hips, legs) are exaggerated as well. there may be some truth to the necromancy idea, but I think marketing and the artist's fascination with voluptuousness have more to do with the design than the back story does.

of course, I remain almost as anti-censorship as they come. just sayin let's be real...

EDIT: 'or course' to 'of course'

N4GCB4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

n to the b, you can't expect a character to have huge breasts while everything else stays small, that'd be proportionally incorrect, and look weirder than it already is.

Incidentally when it came to marketing various distributors were asking for promotional art of the girls in swimsuits and stuff, so he purposely drew promotional art of the dwarfs.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4108d ago
LucinaStar4107d ago

I don't think the problem lies in how exaggerated the features are but more in how "exposed" they are (fyi I'm still getting this game and don't really care on how the sorceress looks but I'm just giving my opinion on why I think there's so much attention on girls like her).

I mean look at the fighter, he's a good looking guy yet his body is covered up entirely with armor including his face (up until we saw the picture with them all sitting at a table we had no idea how his face looked).

Same thing with Wizard, good looking face but covered up body. The Drawf is the only male in Dragon's Crown who shows off his bare chest, yet he just looks like a muscled up grandpa (sorta like White Beard form One Piece).

So while the males do have exaggerated features they don't really give how out as much eye candy as the females do.

Also I think another problem in why females like sorceress get so much negative attention sometimes, is because of the lack of variety in female character designs in the industry.

That's not to say all female characters are sexualized (Jade, Faith Alyx Vance to name a few)I but think if had more women like them to balance out the ones that are sexualized like this it wouldn't be as much negative attention when women such as the sorceress are created.

cleft54107d ago (Edited 4107d ago )

I do agree that the problem is related to the lack of variety in female character design. A lot of that has to do with the state of the industry when games first started getting made. Games where basically being made for fun. There wasn't much maturity in story or characters because the emphasize was on fun gameplay. Just look at Mario, I love the character but he is very basic and simple. Maybe part of the reason that I like Mario is because it is such a simple character.

As the medium became more mature we noticed characters that have much more depth and meaning. I am glad to see that this has been happening really fast and without the need for an outside party to force the change.

That's part of the reason so many people don't like seeing this current nonsense happen because the gaming industry is self-correcting. With that said, I know their are real issues that need to be addressed, but it becomes much harder to address those real issues when you have sites like Kotaku that only look to exploit the issue for clicks.

SolidDuck4109d ago

They shouldn't apologize. If u don't like big boobed cleavage than avoid this game. Simple concept. U don't see movie directors apologizing for putting something similar in there movies. Just dumb people complaining about dumb things.

bunt-custardly4109d ago

The artist by default shouldn't have to apologize to anyone. I hope he sticks two fingers up at the complainers and carries on as he does without limitation or effect from external and mostly different cultural influences.

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Forget the PS5 For a Sec ! Let's Remember the Best Co-Op Games on the PS3

If you've come looking for great games, you are in the right place. Here are the best Co-Op Games you can play on the PS3

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Immagaiden426d ago

Why mention PS5 when talking about PS3

425d ago
Magog425d ago

The load times in retrospect are unbearable but I did have hella fun playing couch co-op with my gf on the PS3 and PS2.

anast425d ago

Couch co-op is the best alternative.

Rynxie425d ago

Resistance 2 co-op was amazing! I wish they would remaster resistance 1-3 and killzone 1-3 for the PS5.

1Victor301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

Let me save you the time to scroll down no Warhawk or Starhawk, 2 of the best co-op games on PS3

mastershredder142d ago

Ricardo Irving is one of the best-worst bad guys / mini-bosses ever.


Potential PS3 “Holy Grails” You Should Collect Now

We've rounded up a few PS3 games that show serious potential for big price jumps over the next few years. Could these reach "Holy Grail" status?

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Applejack1217d ago

I have a friend who still has a sealed copy of Folklore. I’m sure it’s worth more now than it was when it released but I’m not sure how much more.

1217d ago Replies(1)
franwex1217d ago

Bought it for $5 at Walmart. I have yet to play it. But I did open it to look at it. Heh.

phoenixwing1217d ago

the game is actually good. I'd rather buy and play it than keep a sealed copy

Indigon1217d ago

Yeah I gave my brother my PS3 for free with a lot of games but I kept Folklore.

Teflon021217d ago

Folklore is an amazing game. Should have bought 2 copies. 1 to play and one to keep

Seraphim1217d ago

yeah I still have a sealed copy of Folklore too. I almost never do this but I had originally rented it. One day I saw it for like $20 at Walmart so picked up a copy. Always meant to re-play it but just never did. I think in part because it never got trophy support[?]. It was an interesting and unique game that didn't get the love it deserved.

I see Trails of Cold Steel II is tagged. Not sure where PS3 prices sit but the PS4 version of both Trails I and II were around $140 as recently as a little over a month ago. Ended up buying both of them digitally then buying III and IV on disc. Shame I kept putting off buying them. Just a couple months prior you could still get them both for about $45 each. Anyway I'm almost finished with II and hopefully be playing III and IV next.

Petebloodyonion1216d ago

I would suggest using price charting to evaluate the value of a past game.
value for the game new is 60$

Hawk1986661216d ago

Its not worth much, about £20.

monkey6021216d ago

I want Folklore. I've been trying to find it for some time now. It's one of the only games set in Ireland so I've been busting to play it some time

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1216d ago
Godmars2901217d ago

And wait for emulation and/or till their PS3 dies?

franwex1217d ago

3D Dot Game Heroes is a cool game that may soon go up in price too. I enjoyed it.

Indigon1217d ago

That's one that has been quite hard to find for some time.

Godmars2901216d ago (Edited 1216d ago )

At least you didn't own ALL Panzer Dragoon entries only to sell them all on ebay.

Don't talk to me about seller's regret...

nommers1217d ago

I'm so glad I kept my copy of this game.

Soy1217d ago

Great game, lots of fun - and definitely tougher to find. I'm glad I kept mine.

Teflon021217d ago

Glad I still have it. One of my fav games that gen

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1216d ago
Gardenia1217d ago

PS1, PS2 and PS3 BC right now is pointless. The top games are extremely overpriced or aren't available anywhere anymore. The best that can happen is Sony putting all the games on the PSN and/or PS Now. That way we all can play the classics, with trophies and some optimizations.

Godmars2901216d ago

Pointless, unless you have a 2st stage production model PS3.

One have to get fixed, but still, I've got it.

gold_drake1216d ago

exvuse me
i still play games on my ps2.

Gardenia1216d ago

That's because you only think about yourself. 90% of gamers don't have PS1, PS2 or PS3 games lying around. What do think is going to happen when there is BC and games like Vagrant Story, MGS, Suikoden 2 will be on sale? The few that are will be sold for hundreds of Euro's/Dollars.

Digital is the only option for everyone to be able to play those games.

gold_drake1216d ago (Edited 1216d ago )

ooff yea im only thinking about myself by playing my ps2 games haha.
the whole point about my reply was that, BC is not pointless. alot of ppl still have their old games mind you.

HankHill1216d ago

Nobody agrees with you so I guess you're the one only thinking about themself.

TheColbertinator1217d ago

Still have the Neptunia box sets unopened. Every year they get more valuable

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Dragon's Crown's Iconic Sorceress Returns With Gorgeous Figure by Union Creative

The sorceress is likely the best-known among the playable characters of Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown, and she's getting a new figure.

Read Full Story >>
AK911521d ago

Oh its her old design? Thought they'd go with her more recent one with her 'assets' reduced meh not that I'm complaining.

Hellcat20201521d ago

Good gawd
A very well crafted piece we have here