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Blu-Ray Out of the Box: Not So Crazy After All?

Zero Continues Editor Mike Caceci explores the option by Sony to include Blu-Ray in every PS3, saying:

"Ever since the launch of the PlayStation 3, critics and analysts across the globe have been questioning the inclusion of Sony's next generation media format in their gaming console. After coming out victorious in the format war with Toshiba's HD-DVD format, and seeing PlayStation 3 sales skyrocket in result, it makes you wonder: Was it so crazy afterall?"

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LightningPS35939d ago

Blu ray = the downfall of Playstation. Not just Blu ray, but that's a big part.

pwnsause5939d ago

??? stop smoking the marijuana, its making you distort things. look at recent sales charts.

heyheyhey5939d ago


explain please

BD is beneficial for hardware sales, games and customers

it's the smartest move Sony ever made- this way they win the format war, help devs hugely with their games and make a ton of extra hardware sales

bluhefner5939d ago

Must've been hanging with Whitney and Bobby before you made that post Light.

Sir Ken Kutaragi 35939d ago

Downfall of PlayStation??? ;-D Very funny!!! ;-D

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DJ5939d ago

But it definitely paid off. But the author made a slight error when saying Ratchet & Clank Future and Uncharted bombed at retail. Ratchet's sold around 850,000 units, and Uncharted passed the 1 Million mark back in February.

heyheyhey5939d ago

it paid off on so many levels

now if only the Cell could have more than just Uncharted and folding@home to show for itself

although im sure KZ2, GT5, Eight Days, Heavy Rain etc etc will help that cause

NO_PUDding5939d ago

Seriosuly hwere was the article writer though.

It said that HD-DVD seemed to be doign well. It sold awfully.

It says R&C and Uncharted Bombed, as yous aid DJ, they did not.

It says that HD-DVD decided to discontinue as if they just made a descision. He didn't mention the fact that about 15 producers jumped ship to Blu-Ray in the space between Christmas and February.

Hmmm, thicko has been hiding under a rock.

Sevir045939d ago

Rachet and Clank Future:TOD has actually sold over 1 million worldwide Out of the mouth of Ted Price in an Interveiw with MTV multiplayer so this article is abit one the weary side of things. Still the road to success is far from complete, Sony still has much ground to cover, bluray was just the begining to stay relevant, Sony will need to bring more software, bolster their online offerings with home, get more studios to support their online PS store with Movies and music alike. and then drop prices on the PS3 to ensure stronger sales.

We Know that Consumers want the PS3 but $400 is still abit hefty, it's more afordable but still hefty.

Mr.Stinger already confirmed that Bluray players will be at a $299 price point this year, that is as absolute a confirmation as the whole world taking shyte. and since PS3 is a bluray player as well it only means that it's not exempt from such a move. I say by Fall 08 at november we will see PS3 sales greatly increase to the point where the Mart will probably throw him self over a cliff. LMAO either way it's still a long road ahead for Sony

MURKERR5939d ago (Edited 5939d ago )

didnt he just answer his own question?

crck5939d ago (Edited 5939d ago )

Jaffe was asked if he had to take something out of the PS3 what would it be? A load question if ever there was one. Jaffe said if he HAD TO it would be the blu-ray drive so they could sell the box for less. He then added that saying so would probably bite him in the @ss in a year. Because a lot of corporate decisions leave him scratching his head when he first hears about it but eventually ends up being a pretty good move. He actually hit the nail right on the head with his comments.

Lifendz5938d ago

Look at the first round: Sony released a console specializing in 3D games when 2D was the thing to have. Sega's machine did 2D games amazingly. Sony's PS one did 3D and took it to a new level. Round one: Sony

Round 2: Sony releases a console that includes a DVD player. Includes what was at the time the hottest thing to have. My first DVD player was in fact my PS3 (deja vu). PS2 picked up where PS1 left off and some (like myself) said "in Sony we trust".

Round 3: Sony's machine does Blu-ray, free online, wifi standard, standard HDD, and yet we continued to doubt them. Again they took it to a new level, again they ventured into something unknown-blu-ray-when they could have just given us more of the same from the last gen like...well some other platforms did.

See a pattern here guys? They've been running the console business since 96 for a reason.

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Expy5939d ago

"The HD-DVD add-on was relatively successful, however, and the format was no slouch with its exclusive titles. Harboring big titles such as The Matrix and Transformers, things were looking bright for the format."

This article sucks... lol

Rockwallaby5939d ago

it never looked bright for HD-DVD

Jamaicangmr5939d ago

What reality are you apart of? It never looked bright for HD DVD. Maybe to you Microsoft and a few other hopfuls but in reality it was destined to fail. HD DVD camp just carried on the torcher and am sure pissed off a few shareholders.

heyheyhey5939d ago


please note that he is quoting a section from the article and he is actually saying the articles sucks, thus agreeing with your views

Expy5939d ago

@2.3 You're the only one who noticed. lol

Jamaicangmr5939d ago

Thank you didn't notice the quotes. My apologizes Expy.

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heyheyhey5939d ago

"but sadly, great games like Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune bombed at retail."


is a million sold and growing a "bomb" according to you kids nowadays

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Celebrating Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 15-Year Anniversary

November 19 marks 15 years since the release of the Uncharted game that started it all.

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Community579d ago
Nyxus579d ago

I hope they make another Uncharted game some day.

MIDGETonSTILTS17579d ago

I hope they don’t make another until the end of the ps5 lifecycle…. Show us a better jungle

Minute Man 721579d ago

It's 15 years already....time flys


The Inconsistent Harmony: 5 Examples of Ludonarrative Dissonance in Video Games

VGChartz's Issa Maki: "I finally have a proper designation akin to what I've always referred to internally as 'the line that must be crossed' or 'The Line', for short – ludonarrative dissonance – the separation from a video game's story in relation to its gameplay. Why isn't PETA all up in Mario's grill for jumping on turtles and killing fish, or charging Samus Aran with the extinction of the Metroid species? Ever notice how fire has that habit of making bosses in Resident Evil stronger? Read on my friend, for I endeavor to imbue you with the ability to engage in basic queries concerning the concept."

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Community728d ago
0hMyGandhi728d ago

I absolutely loved this article! well done.

MadLad727d ago

Nathan Drake is a monster.


Ranking the Uncharted Games From Worst to Best

KeenGamer: "Which Uncharted game is the best? Uncharted is widely recognized as one of the most groundbreaking and consistently great franchises in gaming. For both long-time fans and newcomers to this action-adventure classic, here’s a ranking of the franchise’s four main games."

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Community1059d ago
Kyizen1059d ago

UC 2, 4, 3 and 1. Great read and article

ABizzel11058d ago

No Golden Abyss -_-, otherwise I agree with the order.

UC2: Best overall
UC4: Best graphics, best gameplay, best locations, best environements
UC3: Best set pieces IMO (the boat and desert fights will always be amazing)
UC1: A rough Draft of what was to come
UCGA: Basically UC1 on Vita

Levii_921059d ago (Edited 1059d ago )

Great list and great article nicely writen and explained. Although for me personaly i would put Drakes Fortune above Drake’s Deception and Uncharted 4 is absolutely my favourite of the franchise and number 1 for me.

Inverno1059d ago

U2 is the only game playable on crushing without causing a great amount of frustration. Not to mention just how much influence it had that they redid some of U2s set pieces like the caravan twice, and armored truck chase in U4.

DFresh1059d ago (Edited 1059d ago )

I'd rate it as the following.

1.) Uncharted 2
(Close to perfection of any game I've played in years. Single Player/Multiplayer/Co Op all amazing.)

2.) Uncharted 3
(On par with UC2 multiplayer/co op wise minus the kickbacks [aka killstreaks]. I really liked the Lawrence of Arabia story.)

3.) Uncharted 4
(Single player is amazing. Multiplayer was meh. Co Op had potential. Absolutely hated the health revive system it slowed down the game way too much. Always preferred the fast pace action of UC2/UC3. Made it way more fun that way. Recoil was too ridiculous that most people in lobbies would only do hip firing, using power weapons and using that OP grappling hook to melee people after dropping them. Nobody wanted to revive anyone.)

4.) Uncharted
(It's the first in the series so it's hard to judge. Though I loved the story.)

NecrumOddBoy1058d ago

I agree here but it’s also a series you can play from front to back and truly enjoy. Story-wise, they are all great and flow so well. I wish they threw both Golden Abyss and Lost Legacy on this list. Lost Legacy is the best mechanically in my opinion. You can see it’s stepping stone framework for TLOUS2.

Michiel19891058d ago

uncharted 2 is one of the few games that actually surpassed its pre-release hype.

medman1058d ago (Edited 1058d ago )

I am a single player gamer...I barely ever touch a multiplayer component. The only exceptions over the years have been the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, TLOU factions, and the Uncharted 2 multiplayer. The Uncharted 2 multiplayer saw me spend more time playing it than all my other multiplayer experiences over the years combined. That game really was a masterpiece all around.

brando0081058d ago

I agree completely, those are all stellar MP experiences, coming from another SP gamer who only occasionally gives MP some time.

Gardenia1058d ago

Come to think of it, the step between Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2 is huge. It goes from the weakest in the series to one of the best games ever made.
I think I'm going to play all of them again soon.

Ninver1058d ago

Yeah all of a sudden I've got that Uncharted itch.

Michiel19891058d ago

is multiplayer still up for the remastered trilogy? or did it never have UC2 mp?

Ninver1058d ago


Not sure

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