
onPause: Here are the big Games before E3 2013

onPause writes:

The year is 2013 and a major generation shift will be taking place with the already revealed PlayStation 4 hitting ‘this holiday' and rumored next-gen Xbox on its heals.

What are some of the big games we can expect to play before that happens?

brandonw004189d ago

That Remember Me game looks really interesting

Speed-Racer4189d ago

Looking forward to Dead Island! Not expecting it to be a huge improvement over the present game, but I hope whatever they're working on next is completely new and out of the box. Don't wanna see a COD rehash of an old engine.


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TheBrainZ229d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco33229d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast228d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.


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