
Dead Space 3 Review - AusGamers

AusGamers was given the opportunity to be the first publication in APAC to review Dead Space 3 and writes:

"An incredibly deep and expanding story and much of the Dead Space feel returning, albeit turned down a little, as well as all the new systems and elements will definitely divide fans, but may be more accessible to newcomers, which is always welcomed with such a rich franchise. Even with the familiarity this delivers a monstrous amount of satisfaction..."

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SOD_Delta4190d ago

Nine out of Ten? I find that hard to believe. Eights and Nines are thrown around lightly for most popular games. Don't misunderstand me I'm sure Dead Space 3 is a good game, But I highly doubt It's a "near perfect" game. It would be nice to see more realistic reviews on video games. This is all obviously my opinion.

Bumpmapping4190d ago

Guess his check cleared 9.0 it is!

konnerbllb4190d ago

My thoughts exactly. Just in time too because he just ran out of that BO2 review money.

Old McGroin4190d ago

Here come the tinfoil hat brigade! Here we have the usual bile spewing about how reviewers are all paid off and there's no such thing as a good game because every review is bought. That is of course unless a reviewer gives a poor score, then he's being honest. Please.

4190d ago
N311V4190d ago

I somewhat agree with you. I too feel that review scores for AAA games are on the high side but isn't that to be expected. Anyway, you just need to take into consideration the high scores when interpreting the quality of the game. For me 9 doesn't mean "nearly perfect" anymore, my scale is something like 8.5-9 = very good, 9-9.5 = excellent, and 9.5-10 = near perfect.

jeeves864190d ago

Of course. Heaven forbid that it might actually be a game worthy of a 9/10. Let's just call the reviewer a hack before we've had a chance to play the game ourselves.

Come on now...

SOD_Delta4190d ago

Nowhere in my previous comment did I call the reviewer a "hack". I simply stated my opinion that I believe popular games get outstanding reviews because they're popular. And that I doubt Dead Space 3 is worthy of a nine out of ten. I'll find out tomorrow.

Anzil4190d ago

soooooo truee! This SOD_Delta is just a little bitchy!

jeeves864189d ago

LOL, no you didn't explicitly state that. But why do you think the reivewer gave it a 9/10? Do they just get really excited about games? Or that they were paid off?

Either way, a hack.

Browngamer934190d ago

Na, it's just that you obviously want this game to fail......epicly.

HBK6194190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

The review is incredibly poorly written I'm not surprised at the score. It actually feels like it has been translated by Google translate from some other language it's that poor.

The sentence structuring and words used are often so vague that you can't understand what's being said and the unnecessary thesaurus word implants (no doubt to attempt to look smart) just add to that confusion.

Take the opening paragraph for example:

Starting off your review with "Since its introduction with the first game" is absolutely horrible English. Simply change "its" to "Dead Spaces' " (take "Dead Space" out of the very next part as well) and the review doesn't start out on such a bad note. You never start anything with "its" unless that "its" has been established prior to referencing that thing otherwise your reader is instantly confused as to what the "its" is.

Then "This third in the main line of games"...does this one even need explaining? "This third in the main line of games" me English write good.

Followed up by 'and continuation of the centre story'. What centre story? What's a 'centre story'? Is this a building? Is it narrative based?

'is certainly very much narrative driven' more horrible English. 'Is certainly very much' wha?? "Is certainly narrative driven" works 'Is very much narrative driven" works "is certainly very much" makes no damn sense.

Then bringing that whole sentence together as 'This third in the main line of games -- and continuation of the centre story -- is certainly very much narrative driven -- a standout element of the overall product and one that delivers ten-fold.' The '--' is generally like parentheses and should be able to be taken out to form a proper sentence. To which if we do that, we get 'This third in the main line of games a standout element of the overall product and one that delivers ten-fold.'.....far out.

The doubling up of the '--' adds more confusion as to what you're reading as well mind you. Which part is meant to carry on to the next? Because none of those within the '--' carry on to form any kind of proper sentence.

I can't read the rest of this grade 2 dribble that makes the English language bow its own head in shame.

Oh god, I read on "Isaac’s desperation is attemptedly built"


The_Klank4190d ago

You could of just ended your comment with the very 1st paragraph. Sometimes less is more.

cyguration4190d ago

Didn't you know? The review is written in Aussie.

/Problem Solved

jeeves864189d ago

It is possible to use 'its' when starting a review/article, provided that you use the name of the subject matter. For example, "Since its introduction, Dead Space..." I agree that "since the first game" in that very sentence is redundant.

You wrote Dead Spaces' instead of "Dead Space's." You also use apostrophes where you intended to use quotation marks (I think). 'Centre' is a regional spelling of "center." It means the main storyline.

"This third in the main line of games," can be fixed with a well-placed comma.

You also started a sentence with 'because.' That is improper. You also use too many ellipses at one point in your comment.

If you're going to be an English snob, you'd better be sure your own comment is correct.
Besides, who the fuck cares? The_Klank is right, you could have, no, 'should' have stopped with the first paragraph.

HBK6194189d ago (Edited 4189d ago )

"You wrote Dead Spaces' instead of "Dead Space's." You also use apostrophes where you intended to use quotation marks (I think)."

That one was just a confusion of me quoting and re-writing it several times to the point where I got the apostrophe mixed up (I wrote that one in late is what I'm saying - the simply change it to...etc.). However, you also used apostrophes where you intended to use quotation marks in your own post. ;)

The 2nd part to your comment about the "centre story" wasn't me mixing up "centre" and "center" as since I'm an Aussie I use the former term as well. My issue was that "centre story" isn't a turn of phrase, thus a confusing phrase to use (especially in context of where it is in that sentence). I get that I can put two and two together for something regarding a game, but just do it using an actual phrase that people can understand than "centre story" which has never been said by anyone before.

Lastly, I'm not writing for some publication claiming to be a professional outfit. The grammar, sentence structuring and overall form of writing in this review is deplorable. The last part to my post shows that extremely well:
"Isaac’s desperation is attemptedly built..."

How can you take a review seriously, when the written content obviously isn't serious in and of itself?

As for "who the fuck cares?" I do. I want to read a review that's not at the level of a grade 2 student believing they're smarter than they actually are. If you're going to write for a professional site, then damn well make sure you do it in a professional, well thought out and structured manner (and take out all the preachy superfluous word crap - nothing annoys me more than when reviewers stick in words just to make themselves sound smarter, again just like that "attemptedly" line). The only good thing about this review is that it's fairly comprehensive, the problem is that the content in it, is incomprehensible.

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humbleopinion4190d ago

It's getting the same review scores as the two previous games and coming from the same studio - a studio which is now simply more experienced. So why the surprise?

WeskerChildReborned4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

Yea i know what you mean, especially when a game like COD gets a 9/10 when barely any effort is shown, it's kinda sad but that's just my opinion.

I played the demo and it seemed alright to me, i'm just not as hyped as i thought i would be for DS3, especially since i heard EA will be releasing 10 pieces of day 1 DLC lol but it's whatever.

showtimefolks4190d ago

i will wait for more review and if this game is good i will pick it down the road. with limited time i don't think this is a day one purchase for me

MGR(also will wait for reviews)
last of us
tomb raider

so many games so little time, playing hitman absolution currently a excellent game not understanding all the hate

Imalwaysright4190d ago

DONT READ COMMENT #13 made by shahrukh339. He is posting DS3 spoilers.

DonFreezer4190d ago

And when The Last Of Us or any of the so called artistic horror ps3 'masterpieces' will get a 9 everyone will talk about game of the year and shit like that.Get over it you and all of the people on here gaming is not only ps3 exclusives.I'm not talking especially about you.

ambientFLIER4190d ago

10 doesn't mean perfect. Which means that 9 can't be "near perfect".

GiovanniVSOP4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

@ Sod _Delta Why do you find it hard to believe? Why isn't it realistic? Like the last two weren't near perfect games. Dead space 2 was actually better than the 1st, but yet you, and bunch of other people with short memories still don't believe. This is truly the year of the troll. Get off the bandwagon of the whole " its co-op in survival horror so it must suck, it feels like gears of war. And the cover of the box art is ripping off of BF3/Cod" please. I trust visceral games because their history is PROVEN. Oh yeah btw this is just my opinion based on the development team's past...

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nutcrackr4190d ago

I'm playing it now, game is easily a 9/10 so far

N311V4190d ago

Lucky bugger! I assume you're playing single player? In your opinion does it still feel like Dead Space, is it still scary? Does the scavanging feel like a grind?

nutcrackr4190d ago

Feels exactly like the previous games. Derelict space ships, necromorphs around every corner, jump scares, using stasis, couple of puzzles, audio logs that reveal history and writing on walls. No grind for resources yet.

Root4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )


After the demo and what we've saw I find that very hard to believe

You sound like an EA PR guy

Gazondaily4190d ago


Have you played the game? No? Then stop throwing accusations because that is essentially what you're doing.

Don't be so paranoid.

DeadSpaced4190d ago


You know the demo was to simply show off new content, right? As much as you'd hate to hear it, the game is shaping up to be much better than the demo led on.

MikeMyers4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )


After the demo and what we've saw I find that very hard to believe

You sound like an EA PR guy"

This is why Root goes too far. He whines about having his opinion being heard but is quick to attack those who disagree with his agenda because that is all it is folks, an agenda on his behalf. He will spam articles on Dead Space 3 just like he did with DMC and will do the same thing with Tomb Raider.

He wants these games to fail and if anyone actually enjoys these games, God forbid, he gets upset.

phantomexe4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

@ septic where were you the other day man, these guys were eating me alive on here and i was just telling them to read the DS articles. They were hell bent on hateing everthing about it. ( could of used the moral support and a hug) : )

phantomexe4190d ago

I don't think root is trying to spam articles. He just loves these franchises alot and is worried they may go the RE route which alot of people are. I don't agree that DS3 is all action like he is saying but i see why people are so protective of it. One thing is for sure we all like dead space.He is just another passionate gamer like the rest of us.

Oh_Yeah4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

@Root I'm a few hours in, and nutcrackr summed it up. It's pretty much the same just with a little more human confrontation sprinkled in. I'd also give it a 9/10. I was skeptical too after playing the demo but I guess that was just to show off some new things. It's intense and full of jump factor. Fans shouldn't be disappointed.

Gazondaily4190d ago


Ha sorry man. I've taken to avoid Devil May Cry and Dead Space 3 articles like a plague because of the sheer immature nerd rage keyboard warriors on there. I'm not saying that the criticisms are not justified, its just the way people go about it.

The kind of rants you see here are really pathetic in my opinion. People just need to chill.

4190d ago
MikeMyers4190d ago

AdmiralSnake wrote,
"Also if he cared so much about his "beloved franchises" he would ask nutcrackr questions on the game, and how does it relate to the previous installments, instead of using his trash "demo" argument."

That would admit being wrong. He's a right-fighter and it would go against his agenda.

phantomexe wrote,
"I don't think root is trying to spam articles. He just loves these franchises alot and is worried they may go the RE route which alot of people are. I don't agree that DS3 is all action like he is saying but i see why people are so protective of it. One thing is for sure we all like dead space.He is just another passionate gamer like the rest of us."

I think I'm pretty hardcore too. In fact most people who take the time to create accounts and go online to discuss games in general are probably pretty hardcore. This isn't about being passionate, it's more in line with being an extremest. One who wants their opinion heard above all others. One who will create multiple accounts (which a moderator pointed out in another topic about him) to make it appear he's not too much of an extremist.

So no, passionate gamers don't argue with moderators and think everyone else is the problem but them. Passionate gamers are not quick to dismiss anyone else point of view. Passionate gamers don't discourage different views. They most certainly don't think anyone who opposes their views as being employees or PR people. Or think any positive review is paid off or part of a conspiracy plan. That's not being passionate, that's on the verge of being deranged.

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sergons4190d ago

Played for 30min then deleted that sh$ty console port.

WeskerChildReborned4190d ago

That's cool, i'm waiting to see more reviews before i check it out, first impression was kinda meh but if i could be convinced this is a near perfect game, i might check it out for the full experience(only played the demo and wasn't that excited about it).

Xtradivarious4190d ago

Already beat it in normal and i loved it.
thank god the human encounters in this game are really rare and short too,pretty much they only appear in ch1,10 and in the end.you spend 80% of the game in dark metal corridors too ;)
overall the game is pretty great and has a great plot twist when you are about 3/4 of the game, not to mention the game is pretty long.. took me 15 hours to beat it, i guess in hardcore and retro this will take more time.

Perjoss4190d ago

The demo wasn't bad but it certainly did not reflect a 9/10 game.

Root4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

How can companies learn not to ruin franchises if your just going to dish out good scores

My mate got the game early and he says ita bad, horrible humn encounters, rolling, shootouts, tons of ammo, grinding, john is a horrible character, ellie has been sexed up

Gazondaily4190d ago

Maybe he genuinely enjoyed the game and thinks it is deserving of the score? Why should he have to adjust the score to serve your agenda?

DeadSpaced4190d ago

There's different game modes, mate. If you don't like shootouts, try Pure Survival. You have to make your own ammo.

MattyG4190d ago

What the hell are you on about? Ellie looks nearly identical to the last game, just with a bum eye!

Anzil4190d ago (Edited 4190d ago )

your boys an idiot i git the game last night and beat it already lol thought it was scarier than the previous 2 haha but this is coming from a guy that thought the second was the most scary compared to the first!

Zefros4190d ago

Stop with your BS now. We have heard you won't buy it, stop spamming in every dead space article...

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Show all comments (71)

Why Dead Space 3 Will Be the Hardest to Remake

If EA and Motive Studio plan on remaking all the main Dead Space entries, they have to change a lot of what made Dead Space 3 so divisive.

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DefenderOfDoom2507d ago

Simple, do not bother with a Dead Space 3 remake. Rather have a new entry for Dead Space.

myfathersbastard507d ago

Yeah I agree. Make a dead space 3, but have an original story/setting. They’ve proven they can do the game justice, and I think they could evolve 2 in a good direction, keeping a similar tone. I’d love s Dead Space 2 and 3 though. The remake was fantastic. Top tier remake, up there with RE2.

jznrpg506d ago

Remaking 3 would need to be a reworked and somewhat changed remake as 3 was flawed in most peoples eyes and the worst entry.

Ninver506d ago

It's the worst in the series.


Dead Space 3, A Ten Year Reunion

WTMG's Kyle Nicol:

"Was Dead Space 3 really that bad?

Well, it’s a complicated question. Dead Space 3 is undeniably the weakest of the trilogy. It’s a game that deviates so far from the original formula, that it throws a lot of what made Dead Space special in the first place out of the window. Although, where it does make up for it is one of the best cooperative shooters on the market, even after all this time. Do I recommend playing this game ten years later? Hell yes. But make sure your expectations are in the right place. It has a lot of problems that bring it down."

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Ranking the Dead Space Games

With the upcoming Dead Space Remake, we replay and rank the original three games.

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SimpleSlave590d ago

Dead Space
Dead Space 2
The Callisto Protocol
...Lost Planet 3?

HeliosHex590d ago

They need to seriously continue this ip with a new entry. Even if it's just another movie I don't care I love everything about this game.