
New ‘GTA 5’ graphics, lead platform, game length and other details revealed

Some new information (featuring graphics, lead platform, game length and more) has been revealed online today for the upcoming multiplatform video game, “Grand Theft Auto 5.”

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greenpowerz4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

Not surprising there isn't any comments in here yet the pro Sony gamingbolt articles get dozens of comments.

Glad to see xbox DVD9 isn't holding back the PS3 version and the Playstation RAM and GPU isn't holding back the 360 version .

The devs use PC to develop games and since there will be a PC version It's hard to see a PS3 version on par with PC/360 versions due to them being able to use more RAM.

11 disagrees http://n4g.com/news/1122359...

The gamingbolt article was repeating speculation about PS3 being the lead platform. I don't trust gamingbolt hense my comments in the GTA5 and PS3 sold 70 million articles.

Devs don't lead on the lowest common denominator platform at the end of any generation just for rep saving parity, It's too competitive with devs fighting for every sale(pushing quality at the cost of getting backlash from fans of the weakest console)

reynod4463d ago

We will know how much the game has been held back due to consoles once the PC mods are out ;-)

GTA4 already looks better than GTA5 with mods. So yea there is no question both the kid boxes will be holding the game back.

Thatguy-3104463d ago

No one cares about pc. We all know they can provide the best graphics.

decrypt4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )


Thats all good, however..

Console gamers... dont care about graphics.


Check www.steampowered.com

SephirothX214463d ago

PC is not just best graphics but faster loading times, longer draw distances, mods, more on screen at once. Also in a game like GTA, vehicles will stay in memory longer, more vehicles and people on screen, faster loading, better detail and the ability to be on a sky scraper and see all the people and cars on the street instead of them disappearing like on consoles.

Imalwaysright4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

If modders can achieve that level of graphical fidelity ( icenhancer) what makes you think that devs with a budget of millions cant achieve it? I doubt that consoles are holding back PCs. Devs just dont care or they think that there arent many PCs out there that can run something on that level wich would only hurt their sales.

kevnb4463d ago

PC gamers care about PC, and console gamers care about graphics even more than most PC gamers. when people get all platform wars they bring up graphics more than anything. 360 gamers claim better than ps3 multiplat games, ps3 best looking exclusive console games. But then PC gamers laugh at console fanboys arguing over the tiny difference between gaming on ps3 vs 360 as compared to PC.

bozebo4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

Do you really give a crap about graphics that much? It's GTA!!!!!!!

Also, so true about kevnb's comment above me lol. I don't have a fancy graphics card in my PC, it can run any game at a decent frame rate at my resolution though so I am sorted (and it was cheaper than a console, the rest of the hardware I already had/needed and is nowhere near top of the range either). I play fast paced or multiplayer games on minimum for elitist 100fps lol (an old habit from CS:S, it made a difference to your mouse input compared to 60fps).

GTAV won't have those draw distance issues, the engine is a lot better than the one for GTAIV. That said they will be better on the PC version, but they design out the problem and optimize the engine further every iteration. You could see buildings from extremely far away in IV on consoles.

kaozgamer4463d ago

^^and all console gamers laugh at pc lack of quality exclusive games

jrbeerman114463d ago

Half life, minecraft, crysis were exclusive, civ 5, starcraft, warcraft, diablo, xcom, knights of the republic, witcher was, dota, league of legends, arma, dayz, counter strike, xcom, company of heroes, torchlight 2, stalker, garrys mod, dark messiah, slenderman lol, penumbra, AMNESIA, any mmo etc...

Bordel_19004463d ago


We laugh at your ignorance.

Razmossis4463d ago

So GTA V is being held back by the people that didn't finish GTA IV?

They didn't finish it because it was the same boring missions from start to finish, not because it was long!
San Andreas was a lot longer, and that's the sort of length I was hoping for!

I'm going to play this game to the death when it comes out, I don't want it to be over in 2 or 3 sessions :(

Dee_914463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

Yay now all the pc gamers can stop worrying and hop back on your elitist pedestal and compare your highly customizable PC with brand new hardware to 6 and 7 year old consoles.DAT Elitenessness lol

Just a fyi for the past decade or so gamers have been comparing console to console because they are both consoles :)
We all know PC have better graphics and performance but for some odd reason within the past year and a half its become "cool" to brag about it lol.
PC isnt a console so please stop comparing the 2.If you agree please help dead this whole movement in 2013

Yea thats true.I dont think gta iv was long at all.San andras on the other hand.It seemed like how long it took to be able to access san fierro that would be the average length of a normal game.But there are alot of side missions which is good.Hopefully its not like sleeping dogs or prob.. LA Noir where the side missions only make sense during the actual story

Clarence4462d ago

To hell with pc and its graphics. If the developers only developed for pc they would go out of business. All the top games this gen sale better on the consoles.

Temporary4462d ago

Even though PC is easily the best platform in terms of just power, the utilization of that power is lackluster because all the most talented devs go to where the $ is, therein lies the issue.

Consoles will always be a more valuable cash cow for devs, and PC will never be taken seriously as a platform in comparison to M$ and Sony. PC in visuals looks a generation or 2 ahead of current consoles, but if your frame of reference is QUALITY games, the PC is way behind.

So calling the consoles "kidbox"es or saying theyre just toys for children etc. is actually pretty ignorant...considering theyre top of the food chain when it comes to consumers. Then comes handhelds, and PC is somewhere way at the end of the line.

d3nworth14462d ago

I swear you PC fanboy have the most retarded logic. Consoles do not hold back. If a dev wanted they could do all they wanted for they PC version and just leave out the parts that the consoles cant handle simple. Like they did for battlefield 3. PC piracy holds back PC. All that technology that goes into making graphics and physic engines cost money and with the ridiculously high piracy rate of the PC there's no guarantee devs would make a good profit. That why alot of game franchises like Crysis and Farcry are no longer PC exclusives. What I really dont get is that you PC fanboys brag about how cheap your games are and how steam is the greatest and yet your platform still has the high piracy rate. Explain that.


Autodidactdystopia4462d ago (Edited 4462d ago )




no-one ever listens to me.


kaozgamer4462d ago


Lol thats it? btw minecraft(released on xbox), xcom(both consoles), crysis(both consoles, the first crysis is available on ps3, witcher WAS.

Bring on the disagrees

miyamoto4462d ago (Edited 4462d ago )

Actually having no lead platform is goog for all platforms...why? That means Rockstar has the chance to fully design the GTA 5 games on the maximum strength of each gaming system. Its a win win situation for all respective platform.

Maximum graphics and gameplay for 360, PS3 & PC. You will get the most value for your system of preference.

Imagine GTA 5 graphics rivaling Uncharted 3 graphics on PS3 ... that we gotta see!

RumbleFish4462d ago

The truth: the game is developed on PC and ported to both consoles.

They release the console versions first to sell the inferior versions with more profit.

I am starting to ask myself if I will be strong enough to resist buying a console version instead of waiting for the PC version.

I won't I guess... ;)

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4462d ago
KwietStorm_BLM4463d ago

Not surprising greenpowerz opened up his comment with completely off topic nonsense for the sake of..well I don't even know.

shempo4462d ago (Edited 4462d ago )

Half life, minecraft, crysis were exclusive, civ 5, starcraft, warcraft, diablo, xcom, knights of the republic, witcher was, dota, league of legends, arma, dayz, counter strike, xcom, company of heroes, torchlight 2, stalker, garrys mod, dark messiah, slenderman lol, penumbra, AMNESIA, any mmo etc..."

killzone 1,2,3
uncharted 1,2,3
LPB 1,2
Modnation racers
resident evil
silent hill
gOw 2,3
nintendo games
sony studios games

and btw....crysis,xcom,half life are not exclusives and swtor plz the biggest mmo failure to date...the only RETAIL repeat RETAIL game that did well in that crap list of yours was D3.the rest are f2p games,try harder next time.
none the games u mention have outsell consoles games

Everyone knows pc have better graphics we simply dont give a fck since the best AAA games are on consoles and the multiplatform games ALWAYS sale better on console 3 to 1 with eaze and style we know this devs know this thats why like it or not pc nerd consoles will always be the priority....devs dont give so much fck about pc...gta5 is a example...

Temporary4462d ago

Thats a pretty bad list of PC games ... im sure other PC fans can dig up better games than that.

Hellsvacancy4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

"Its a TROLL, kill him, KIL HIM!!!"

ALLWRONG4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

After we kill him, we can kill you, and someone can kill me.

You have no room to call anyone a troll, most on this site don't.

That's why I have never called anyone a troll.

Anyway who the hell ever said the PS3 was lead platform? Most people in the real world know everything is made using a PC.

neoMAXMLC4463d ago

"Anyway who the hell ever said the PS3 was lead platform? Most people in the real world know everything is made using a PC."

And that right there just shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

A-Glorious-Dawn4462d ago

@All Wrong.

"Anyway who the hell ever said the PS3 was lead platform? Most people in the real world know everything is made using a PC"

Most people on this site know more about game development than you do apparently.

doogiebear4463d ago

How do we know if the stuff in this article is even legit? There's no source.

Kingofforest4462d ago (Edited 4462d ago )

that's the same thing i thought when people said it was ps3 lead.

the GTA5 game informer magazine is out, and there was no word mentioned of them playing it or a lead platform in the 18 page spread, nothing!!

check it your self.

DeadlyFire4463d ago

X360 has no more RAM than the PS3. Both have 512MB dipsht

chcolatesnw4463d ago

if you'd have bothered to do a little more extensive research, you'd have seen that ps3 has 256mb for OS ans 256 for games. xbox has 512 and both OS and games use it at the same time. max a game can use on ps3 is 256, xbox is closer to 512. not to even mention the 10mb edram, which is used for resolution, texture, anti aliasing... etc, buffers. Dipshit.

neoMAXMLC4463d ago


The irony of you calling him a dipshit when your comment is far more ignorant and less knowledgeable than DeadlyFire's... who was correct the first time.

The PS3 has 256MB of SYSTEM RAM and 256 of VIDEO RAM. Only around 30MB goes to the PS3's OS. Everything else is reserved for games. so yes, that's almost 512MB of total RAM. Almost the same as the 360's. And that 10MB of eDRAM? Hardly worth a damn considering most 720p games are too big to even fit in it.

yesmynameissumo4462d ago

The PS3 OS is less than 30MB now as they've continually reduced its footprint with each major firmware revision. It amazes me RAM is even being argued.

badz1494462d ago

256MB reserved for OS? and to think that the measly 10MB edram makes any difference...lol how clueless you're about things but confident enough to state them as facts!

but calling anybody to voice their opinion dipshit is just wrong as it sounds very uncivilized! the same goes to you too, @DeadlyFire.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4462d ago
extermin8or4463d ago

since when has the ps3 gpu held back anything, actually since when has the ps3's ram held it back either.... uually the ps3 version is just a broken version of the xbox or pc version- until they bother to fix it via patches or not if your bethesda....

andibandit4462d ago

Ever since sony decided that only the likes of stephen hawking should be able to understand how to program for it

extermin8or4460d ago

tbh I'd hope steven hawking could do some programming for most gadgets, also I wasn't saying the ps3 doesn't have it's problems just that most devs decided they cba and just give it an inferior version in most cases it's marginal but still....

GraveLord4463d ago

They are showing the PS3 version to the press, it means its the lead platform, and looks the best. Get over it.

There is no "lowest common denominator". Shipments are neck-in-neck between 360 and PS3 with both having shipped 70million.

vortis4462d ago

"it means its the lead platform, and looks the best."

lol because a six year old console will look better than if they used the latest high-end PC, like every single company who had stage presentations at this year's E3?

Ummm, mmkay.

Bordel_19004461d ago (Edited 4461d ago )


It is implicit that the PC version will be the best version. The PC version will annihilate and wipe the floor with the console version, specially when people start working with and making available super hi-res low-compression textures for the game.

Anyhow, the PC version running at 60-100 fps with full AA, AF, better Lighting, better Draw Distance and better Effects. All rendered in glorious 1080p or even higher res.

Compared to the console versions running maybe at max 30 frames/sec and rendered in 720p if even.

GTA IV ran better on X360 with higher res than the PS3 version, hopefully this time around the PS3 version will be as good or even better than its console counterpart.

4462d ago
stonecold34462d ago

and yet rockstar already complained xbox 360 was hindering development back on gta 4

Enigma_20994462d ago (Edited 4462d ago )

And just how many times has Rockstar made a GTA gae that didn't work across platforms? Sometimes developers have enough sense to put effort into making multiplatform ports work. Rockstar apparently must be one that doesn't play favorites... or hasn't been bought off by Microsoft... *wink, wink, nudge, nudge, knowwhatImean, saynomore!*

showtimefolks4462d ago

over under on 4gb ram for ps4,xbox360?

ram is cheap i say we may see one go to as much as 8

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4460d ago
-MD-4463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

Funny, I keep hearing everyone say PS3 is the lead platform. Can't wait to hear some news about the PC version.

Cam9774463d ago

I'm sure another preview stated the PS3 version is the lead platform.

Series_IIa4463d ago

No, they had assumed that...

Just like people assumed that the PS3 was lead for BF3 for PC and console...

Both were wrong.

Eyeco4463d ago

it doesn't matter if their is a "lead platform" or not that's not important, you can be assured that both versions are gonna be treated equally thats te important factor, both versions will be treated the same and i'm happy with that.

Imalwaysright4463d ago

People assume that the PS3 is the lead platform because everything we've seen until now was running on a PS3.

portal_24463d ago

Sounds like PR talk. I'm pretty sure when devs preview games they use the version which is "leading" i.e. further ahead in development. Probably to maintain parity between the small percentage of people who will tear their interviews apart.

JellyJelly4463d ago

The 360 version of GTA IV was better than the PS3 version. Same with Red Dead Redemption and most of Rockstars games. I don't see why that would change with GTA V?

zeeshan8104463d ago

Game Informer said they saw it on the PS3. R* always show their games on the lead platform.

Dee_914463d ago

Actually its not an assumptions because technically both are lead platforms because like the article said they are working on both simutaneously.. therefor ps3 being lead platform isnt an assumption its partial info ... something your bound to get on a new game people are clammering for info for.

Whats really funny is all the people acting smug about this.The irony.

Angrymorgan4462d ago

I've had red dead and gta 4 on both consoles and if there is a better version, I couldn't name which one.

So I have every confidence in r* to deliver on gta 5.....even if one has better lighting or textures, it's gonna be that small a difference, it'll be unnoticeable.

BitbyDeath4462d ago

"I don't see why that would change with GTA V?"

Both are lead platforms rather than PS3 getting a port, so that has changed...

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4462d ago
ALLWRONG4463d ago

PS3 fanboys assume

ass u me

A-Glorious-Dawn4462d ago

You give me no lolz.

0 points for you

kanetheking4462d ago

ass u me?you want to be bummed i am not doing that haha

unchartedxplorer4463d ago

Well at least the pc gamers know they're getting V.
This looks really good. Multiple endings, HUGE amount of side missions, this game is looking better and better.
Just polish the game and make it awesome, okay?

Cocozero4463d ago

Sounds like its the same as it was it GTA4 in terms of no lead platform. Will certainly be going for the 360 version considering how past rockstar game have turned out.

cee7734463d ago (Edited 4463d ago )

Actually gtaIV red dead are both 360 ports

And everyone assumed ps3 was lead because its the only footage being shown which would mean there's more progress on the ps3 version ,Ps3 is the hardest platform to develop on , ps3 port to 360 translates to better game on both platforms not vice versa this message is from Dan Houser himself admitting to past mistakes gtaIV and RDR

Hazmat134463d ago

i like how if there was a trailer called the 8bit story people will will still say this console or pc is better. there will be fanboys.

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GTA 5 Mod Emerges as Surprise Weapon in Palworld vs Nintendo Legal Showdown

GTA BOOM writes "A 2016 GTA V mod is shaking up the Palworld vs Nintendo legal battle, giving Palworld an unexpected challenge."


PS Plus Game Catalog for November: GTA V, Dying Light 2: Stay Human, Like a Dragon: Ishin, and more

Synapse, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Resistance: Fall of Man and other titles launch on PlayStation Plus Premium.

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-Ghost83d ago (Edited 83d ago )

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

- Grand Theft Auto V* | PS4, PS5
- Dying Light 2: Stay Human | PS4, PS5
- Like a Dragon: Ishin | PS4, PS5
- MotoGP 24 | PS4, PS5
- The Sims 4 Island Living* (Add-on only) | PS4
- Digimon Survive | PS4
- Overcooked! All You Can Eat | PS4, PS5
- Stick Fight: The Game | PS4
- Clash: Artifacts of Chaos | PS4, PS5
- Killer Frequency | PS4, PS5
- Hungry Shark World | PS4
- Chivalry 2 | PS4, PS5

PlayStation Plus Premium

- Synapse | PS VR2
- Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain | PS4, PS5
- Blood Omen 2 | PS4, PS5
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Resistance 2

MaximusPrime_83d ago

Both Resistance games will be "streaming only"

JEECE83d ago

So unfortunate. I'd subscribe to premium in a heartbeat if I could play Resistance: FoM for real on there. But game streaming is and always will be trash.

OtterX83d ago

I wish the Portal would do PS+ Streaming. I really want to play these handheld on it. :\

MrBaskerville83d ago

I wish they would release them properly. But have been playing Ratchet and Clank games om streaming and it works pretty well these days, where I live atleast, so will probably give them a shot regardless.

Knushwood Butt83d ago

Guess I'll be trying streaming for the first time then.

darthv7282d ago

Until they remaster PS3 games properly for play on the 4/5... I keep my 3 hooked up for just these situations.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 82d ago
Hofstaderman83d ago

Resistance 1 and 2?! I'm down for that.

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GTA5 Has Sold Over 205 Million Copies, Red Dead Redemption 2 Has Sold Over 67 Million Units

Take-Two announced its financial results for Q2, also offering the usual update on the mindboggling sales of GTA5 and Red Dead Redemption 2.

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LostPotato90d ago

Must be nice to sit on decade old games with minimal effort and make billions.

They have on incentive to release any games lately.

Guess being on top with no competitors helps as well.

pwnmaster300090d ago (Edited 90d ago )

If people enjoy it, then they enjoy it.
Ain’t nothing wrong with it.

Cacabunga89d ago

RDR2 could have sold close to that if it got the same number of reeditions and Rockstar cared a minimum about the RDO. Also RDR2 has only been around since last gen.

Rockstar can make it way bigger by just releasing a next gen patch to begin with

mkis00790d ago

No competition because they are the best in the genre and put everything they have into their 1 or 2 games every decade.

proudly_X90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Now I see why GTA 6 took a long time.

If I was in charge also, no matter how much tears drop from gamers eyes. I wouldn’t make any sequel when what’s in the wild still prints a F hell of money. 😌

fr0sty90d ago

I wouldn't make a sequel until I knew it was better than my cash cow in every single way.

dveio90d ago

They've come a long way.

Although I've never been the biggest fan of GTA and kind of lost excitment for the series after San Andreas, they were then able to catch me with their Red Dead Redemption IP.

RDR was already great. But RDR2 put itself right into my personal top 15 games I've ever played, surrounded by names like Metal Gear Solid, The Last of Us or God of War. I love dramas and brilliant story-telling.

Kudos to T2, they've truly earned it!

And that Tom Petty musical trailer for GTA6 got my excitment for GTA beating again.

DazaMc90d ago

I've bought it three/four times now. PS3, PS4, PS5 upgrade and free on epic games. I wonder how many others are in the same boat.

mkis00790d ago

Still wondering where the Red Dead Redemption 2 next gen port is...they had 2 ports of gta 5: from ps3/360 to ps4/xb1 and then to ps5/series, so they should be planning at least one for ps5/series...you would think.

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