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LittleBigPlanet Karting Review - JPS

Since LittleBigPlanet was released, it has been a big hit with many gamers from casual to hardcore, but ModNation Racers received generally mixed reactions. With LittleBigPlanet Karting, United Front Games hopes to combine the LittleBigPlanet franchise with the gameplay style of ModNation Racers. Having a developer other than the one known best for the series can be quite a risky endeavor, but developers like Tarsier and Double Eleven found great success when they released LittleBigPlanet Vita. The question here seems to be whether or not United Front Games can accomplish the original goal of Modnation Racers with Littlebigplanet Karting or will it be another failed opportunity. - JPS

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Community4335d ago
Akuma-4335d ago

this game doesn't deserve less than a 8 in my opinion but id rate it a 9 or 10 on a scale of 10. this game is amazing with options and innovation not seen ever in a arcadey kart racer.

admiralvic4335d ago

While you're entitled to your opinion, who actually had fun with the MNR AI?

eferreira4335d ago

I put in a lot of hours in the first modnation. Im very looking forward to this game.

-Mika-4335d ago

I agree. I am loving this game. There is so much content and it a solid racer. I bet if this game was called Mario kart. It be getting alot more positive reviewers.

Donnieboi4335d ago

Can you please let me know if the game allows custom soundtrack (like MNR)? PM me if you can't answer here, please.

guitarded774335d ago

Good to hear... I'm waiting for Black Friday to pick it up since money is tight, but I love ModNation on PS3 and Vita, so this should be a natural fit for me.

Are load times faster than Mod on PS3? Anyone know if they're more like Mod on Vita? (hoping)

HammadTheBeast4335d ago

IGN influenced review. You heard it here first.

LiquifiedArt4335d ago

Little Big Planet. Should really be sony's answer to WiiVerse, Xbox Avatars and (removal of HOME).

A LBP universe with a sackboy on every single PS4 (customizable ofcourse) would create a completely unified yet customized environment which playstation fans Kids & Adults would feel at home with.

Who would agree with this?

Donnieboi4335d ago

Litttle Big HOME? Me likey!

4335d ago
GribbleGrunger4335d ago

These reviews are getting stupid. I played the beta and didn't like it personally, but I would still have given it an 8/10 just because I understand it was a beta and I know that the community will create incredible things... but 6/10?

Ignore reviews people. Perhaps one day the people behind them will disappear. What matters are the communities that build up around these games. This is were you'll get a more balanced view of what the game is like.

kwyjibo4335d ago

"didn't like it personally, but I would still have given it an 8/10"

I see you're using the IGN scale. Does it go up to 11?

admiralvic4335d ago

Wow, this is quite honestly one of the dumbest comments I've read on this site. I mean by the same logic great / popular games would deserve lower scores because of communities.

CoD / Halo / etc are plagued with little kids, trolls, those only looking for kills to keep a good K:D ratio and the like.
Borderlands 2 is filled with entitled gamers that think they deserve every legendary weapon handed to them because they have a life (lets ignore farming is a huge part of the game) and in doing so we see new topics every day with requests for "The Bee", "Conference Call", "Baby Maker" or whatever item they need to beat the next raid boss without trying.

I doubt anyone is exactly thrilled with either group, but would you complain if I marked Borderlands 2 down because of these people? Does it make any sense to judge the games merits off whomever buys the thing?! I can understand thinking reviews need to go, but AT LEAST get a valid platform first.

Yes Karting could become a far better game due to the community levels, but it's impossible to say when / if and more importantly, how many of these levels will come to exist. Giving a game free points because gamers can fix it makes about as much sense as writing off balancing issues in a fighting game because it can be patched or a games ending since they can always release DLC (Mass Effect 3).

GribbleGrunger4335d ago

A rather black and white interpretation of what I meant, but if you must. I'm not a racing fan but I can be 'OBJECTIVE'... and because I understand and appreciate the LBP community I know they will expand beyond what the game was originally intended to offer. get it?

Hicken4335d ago

One of the differences, poor cynical one, between the games you mentioned and LBP: Sackboy-centered games are HEAVILY designed around community content.

That aside, the game is better than any other kart racer out there. It offers more content and customization than any other out there, but gets among the lowest review scores. Why is that?

Can you give me ONE good reason why this game has multitudes more content, is only the second game in the series(as opposed to the tenth), and is a fun game besides all that, and yet is seeing middle-of-the-road scores?

beerkeg4335d ago

'I'm not a racing fan but I can be 'OBJECTIVE''

Meaning - 'The game might not be very good and I didn't like it, but it's on the ps3 so the lowest score I will give it, and the lowest score I want anyone else to give it, is an 8. If anyone gives it less than an 8 then I will accuse them of being biased against Sony'

testerg354335d ago (Edited 4335d ago )

do you actually think before you type?

Blankman854335d ago

Maybe JPS also have an Xbox App coming huh Gribbs? Why can't people accept other people have different opinions and move on?
And before Outside of the Box comes along again and claims I get mad at Halo 4 reviews, I challenged him to find ONE single comment of mine on this site where I got mad at a review or claimed any sort of bias. He failed and didn't even have the decency to respond.

GribbleGrunger4335d ago

'Why can't people accept other people have different opinions and move on?'

yeah, I agree, now move on.

Outside_ofthe_Box4335d ago (Edited 4335d ago )

SMH @ whoever agreed with you.

***"And before Outside of the Box comes along again and claims I get mad at Halo 4 reviews"***

Can you please, PLEASE tell me, show me, link me to where I said you get mad at Halo 4 reviews. And then please, PLEASE tell me show me, link me to where you challenged me to find a comment proving that claim?

Pulling BS out of your behind is not a habit one should adopt.

So let's see if you even have the decency to respond.


lol are you referring to this?;

That was Silly gameAr that made that claim not me lol! And you never pm'ed me to find a comment of yours anyhow. Moving on...

Outside_ofthe_Box4334d ago

Sooo a disagree and no decency to respond... I figure as much. You shouldn't be touting the double standards of others when you're guilty of it yourself, well technically all of us are guilty of it one way or the other since we are all human beings, but you get the point(or at least I hope you do).

aquamala4335d ago

So sounds like you are defending a game that you only played the beta?

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Top Ten Under-appreciated Kart Racers

Phil writes, "The kart racer: a sub-genre in the racing game genre that generally features video game mascots and colorful cartoon characters competing in speedy races against one another for the sole goal of crossing the finish line in first place. No doubt Super Mario Kart made this sub-genre popular and put it on the map, but for every well-done Mario-branded racer, there are countless others that fall through the cracks. For this purpose SPC brings back The Tuesday 10s to list ten underrated and under-appreciated kart racers from a wide swath of developers and franchises."

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Community1223d ago
Applejack1223d ago

I agree with ModNation Racers. I did have a good time with what I did get to play at a friends some time ago. Nickelodeon Racers though? If it’s anything like the original, that’s a hard pass…

Teflon021223d ago

Don't agree with Mario Kart tour as it's not underappreciated. It's just literally not great. Everyone has tried it.

On the other hand ModNation, Mikey's Speedway USA, CTR, and LBPK I agree with. Though CTR with the rereleases recently hasn't been all that underappreciated and that with Diddy Kong Racing are my all time favourite ones. I think sonic transformed is very under appreciated though.

Outside of CTR ModNation is the most underappreciated because the game was amazing and don't think it even sold a million. But the community was always pretty cool. Creating was never hard. But it could be as complex as you wanted it to be so it was for everyone. I'm still praying Sony makes a ModNation Racers sequel for PS5 as the only issue the game had imo was load times and not being 60fps

Horny1223d ago

I hope they do as well, I had the game on ps3 but never spend a good amount of time with it which I kind of regret, would love to give it another go.

BrainSyphoned1223d ago

Chocobo Racing can't get no love

MadLad1223d ago

There's a little known kart game called Bears Can't Drift that had a bunch of potential, was fun to play, but low sales that left the dev to simply abandon the project before fixing technical issues with the game.

They really did have a good game on their hands, but they gave up before it could reach full potential.

phoenixwing1223d ago (Edited 1223d ago )

I remember just only playing the demo of a game called speed punks that game was fun

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Killzone 2, Soul Calibur 5, Time Crisis: Razing Storm and more running on the PC thanks to RPCS3

YouTube’s ‘reznoire’ has shared some new videos, showing Killzone 2, Soul Calibur 5, Time Crisis: Razing Storm, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, LittleBigPlanet Karting and more running on the PC thanks to the amazing Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3.

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PrinceOfAnger2301d ago (Edited 2301d ago )

played all ps3 exclusives
last gen when i owned the system haven't played asura wrath though will play it on this emulator

Teflon022300d ago

Couldn't you just use a much more playable Xbox 360 Emu for that?

Rhythmattic2300d ago

Fark... I almost forgot how good K2 looked....
I must go boot it up on my PS3 and play through it again.....

MadLad2300d ago

And then the 20fps comes into play and you question whether it is even worth it.

ChrisW2300d ago (Edited 2300d ago )

The frame rate drop wasn't that bad... The sloppy controls are what ruined it for me.

Maybe someone can make the controls better through the emulator?

Rhythmattic2300d ago

Most frame drops where due to streaming and loading a new level...
As far as in combat, i didn't notice a drop at all.
So your right, but also wrong.

MadLad2300d ago

I'm not. Go play 2 and 3 again. I might be more in-tune being I usually play at very high fps, but the game definitely drops into the low 20s during combat, and on multiple occasions.

Scar-2300d ago

Its funny how bitchy pc gamer are about frame rates but they are silent as mice with this. I get that its going to be better eventually but its been muddy and unplayable for MONTHS now stop showing it till its done. Whats the point of playing ps3 games on a pc at a far worst frame rate aside from being a fanboy??

Doge2300d ago

“Whats the point of playing ps3 games on a pc at a far worst frame rate aside from being a fanboy??”

Another PS3 emulator article, another person who doesn’t get it.

MadLad2300d ago

We'll wait on the inevitably superior emulated version.
You can drop $40 on the lackluster, up-res compilation down the the road.

We both win.

riibhu2300d ago

" I get that its going to be better eventually "
there you already have your answer. As for this article it's purpose is to show the progress, not final result. So why stop?? You don't have to read it.

Vegamyster2300d ago

You're assuming that those who complain about FPS are the same people who are playing this, very few people will actually try to play this in its current shape.

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YoungKingDoran2300d ago

Crazy. I dont have a good PC to emulate these games (still have my ps3 anyway) but it makes me happy knowing in another ~15 years I might be able to just boot up some of these classics on my then potatoPC from 2029

mogwaii2300d ago

Yay all those monster elite pcs can play more old games, awesome.

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Modnation Racers and LittleBigPlanet Karting Servers Shutting Down

Sony Interactive Entertainment will be shutting the servers down for two PS3 racing games in July.

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Community2355d ago
Teflon022355d ago

Sad, hopefully they make a new Modnation racers game. wait, is it completely shutting down or can you still download tracks?

pody2355d ago

This is what I'm wondering also. There's so much quality maps available online and it would be unfortunate if people couldn't download those anymore.

Teflon022354d ago

Yeah, I didn't play much online anyways. But I always use to play local multi with my cousin and download so many amazing levels. Sadly 8 didn't get to platinum it. Had only the create trophy, level 30 and 100 races i think left. I had I believe 87 last time 8 checked lol. Might go on to see if I can get my last few lol. Remember my win ratio was decent since I did around 160 races maybe, 170 ranked

pody2354d ago

Yeah same here, but I actually jumped in not too long ago to play again and it's still holds up great for a 8 year old game. It's was a really good game when it came out and it still is.

Chaos_Order2355d ago

I had some good memories playing Modnation. :( Sad to see it go, but it was inevitable.