
Perry "stunned" by Marvel Universe cancellation

Firebrand developer David Perry has told Eurogamer he was surprised by Microsoft's decision to cancel cross-platform MMO Marvel Universe Online. "That is stunning to me, absolutely stunning to me," he said.

According to the Shiny Entertainment founder, now working on free-to-play MMOs at Acclaim Games among other things, "Marvel, as a property, is more mass-market than World of Warcraft."

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Keowrath5974d ago

Yeah, does seem pretty crazy. I read there was gonna be a Marvel and a DC unviverse MMO. DC is on the Sony (I think, please correct me if wrong) and Marvel was exclusive to Microsoft?

I'm a much bigger fan of the Marvel characters and as the article says Marvel heroes are huge globally. This could have been a potential gold mine for Microsoft (they're obviously going to make big bucks from the PC version if there is one) but I think that number would have been a lot bigger if they brought the game to their console too.

So WoW already has everybody that would play an MMO? LOL no. It has a huge audience but how old is WoW now? I'm sorry but in my opinion, that game has been dated for around 3 years now. I've played a lot of MMO's myself putting years into some of the better ones but one I've never touched is WoW. Graphics suck and compared to other titles I've played it's incredibly easy.

Why bring the 360 out if the PS2 has the majority of gamers already... yeah.


Marvel Universe Online: Screenshot of Iron Man

A first Screenshot of Iron Man from Marvel Universe Online - site already translated in english

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CrimsonEngage4587d ago (Edited 4587d ago )

I hope this game is good.

LettingGo4587d ago

SOE likes Marvel more and wanted to do this before DCU Online. They couldn't reach an agreement with the license though. Unless Blizzard is handling this one...I don't expect much. DCUO is awesome!

Hicken4586d ago

Just got finished with about six hours of play time today. Love the game, but why is it that the heroes are more like villains than the villains?

TheWolverine4587d ago

I have high hopes for this game. Im keepin my fingers crossed.


Top 10 Most Highly Anticipated Free to Play MMORPGs of 2012

The top picks for the most highly anticipated free to play massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) that are scheduled to be launched next year in 2012.

Chrono4602d ago

I don't think Marvel Universe as a browser game would be better than DC Universe or even Champions Online, but I will still keep an eye on it.


Marvel Universe and Super Hero Squad Online Content at Comic Con

GamerFitNation Writes: "Today it was revealed that the action-packed Super Hero Squad Onlinewill be showcased during New York Comic-Con at the Marvel Entertainment booth #654. This free-to-play browser-based MMO allows the player to play as dozens of different Marvel Heroes, including theSuper Hero Squad versions of the day-walking vampire Blade and the master of mysticism, Dr. Strange."

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xtheownerzx4639d ago

Looking forward to comic con can't wait to see all this stuff!

fredolopez4639d ago

This is so cool, cant wait to give this a try!!

bfigaro4639d ago

Interesting.. Might be awesome.

MyaSharona4639d ago

NYCC looks like it is going to be a great time this year. Can't wait to hear more about Super Hero Squad Online. =)