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David Cage: PS3 still "very powerful", people will be surprised at what it can do with Beyond

David Cage opens up on creating a new game at the end of the PS3's lifecycle, explaining that the console is still very powerful and people will be surprised with it after seeing Beyond: Two Souls.

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Community4365d ago
GalacticEmpire4365d ago

The complex architecture of the PS3 has made progress slow for developers but there's still a lot of potential in that black box. We should still be seeing improvements in PS3 games, even this far into the gen. They may not be obvious or mindblowing but there's definitely more horsepower hidden away there.

TCG_Returns4365d ago

For sure.Some of the most visually impressive games this gen are thanks to PS3

blitz06234365d ago

It's good to see developers realizing what the PS3 can do and take advantage of it. Tired of seeing lazy devs *cough* Bethesda.

t0mmyb0y4365d ago

I agree. Also, Beyond = Confirmed PS3 title.

LocutusEstBorg4365d ago

Why don't any of them run at 1080o or 60FPS? That alone is proof that the GPU is maxed out and can't render fast enough. Reducing something else isn't magically using more hidden power.

Quetzll4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

hidden power probably isn't the best way to describe it.

but i wouldn't doubt that there are still some new tricks devs can pull by focusing less on pizel count and framerate

edit: pixel

piroh4364d ago (Edited 4364d ago )


some games are 1080p 60 fps, but there aren't many reasons why making these games, it's a waste of resources and time for programming

PS3 is capable 60 fps full hd games, even ps2 was capable 60 fps games

anyway, games aren't made by hardware, games are made by talented people, that's why Last of us, Gran Turismo 5 or Last guardian looks like next-gen material

slayorofgods4364d ago


Bethesda is also script heavy and requires more memory then say GTA4 (a game that if you walk four feet away from your car it goes away). For visuals you can rely on Sony's Cell processor, but the cell isn't going to remember where all the bodies are in Skyrim.

Awesome_Gamer4364d ago

I agree, 360 fanboys are so dulsional, anyone that doesn't admit PS3 exclusives have the best graphics this gen is clearly blind.

andibandit4364d ago

For sure, the PS3 is a supercomputer and becomes more powerful with age.......wait what?.

Nutsack4364d ago

Both sides are right in some way.

No, there isn't a massive amount of power hidden somewhere, this is 2006 hardware and not some futuristic alien technology, or it becomes magically more powerful by its age.

BUT, we've also seen in the past that every console at the end of its lifecycle gets games that squeeze out the last bits of power out of every till then part of the system that wasn't known how to use before.

If we look at last gen, just see what God of War 2 did on the PS2. Or when looking at the competition, what Fable or Doom 3 did on the XBOX 1 hardware. The XBOX 1 had a Celeron 733Mhz CPU (at that time used in laptops and cheapass PC's that weren't advised for gaming really), a Geforce 3 GPU (that was on the PC market out for years and years already and seen as old tech) and 64MB Ram.

To play Fable on a PC back then took a pretty high spec machine to show something on screen that matched Fable on the XBOX.

We didn't see those games at launch, or even mid consolecycle.

Coming back to this gen and the PS3 specifically, there is more that shows that the PS3 is pushed further, maybe even more so than the 360. Not because it has so much stronger hardware, but because of 2 reasons:

1. PS3's tech was so hard to explore, compared to 360, that now after 6 years of extra hard work the devs know the tricks to achieve the same and all that extra effort might even give the edge in some more

2. Because Sony spend more money on 1st party studios and thus specifically written engines for the PS3 to explore the specific hardware (compared to the 360 that mostly had to run on 3rd party engines, with Epics engine on top), they could squeeze more out of the console. Games like Uncharted show this.

And actual proof that the PS3 even can get one step further is already shown in footage of The Last of Us.

If anyone likes to deny that TLOU isn't again a WOW moment, another step up on whats out there already for the consoles, then one is in denial.

So yes, the PS3 isn't powerful enough to do native 1080p for all games in a high framerate (neither 360, nor I bet even WiiUpgrade), those few that do are always less demanding games in physics, effects, number of enemies on screen etc (same way the original XBOX 1 had 720p for some games though the XBOX 1 component cable pack but always had less detail and stuff going on then other games). BUT at the end of a lifecycle there are always a couple of jewels that make a console shine.

Period, the ones disagreeing are either fanboys of a specific system that dislike another system getting a game like TLOU or in this case Beyond or they haven't looked at what games in former gen(s) were pushed out at the end of the lifecycle that are just true diamonds in their generation.

ChrisW4364d ago

Despite how phenomenally awesome the graphics and effects would be over the competitions', if the PS3 were easier to develop for then gamers would complain that PS3 had hit its limit and is lame.

People love "room for improvement". It keeps them on the edge of their seats in anticipation for the next new awesome thing. In other words, it's an elaborate marketing ploy concocted by Sony.

subtenko4364d ago

So when the Wii U comes out, if I dont see a title that looks and plays as good as The Last of Us and Beyond Two Souls, what does that mean?

I'm asking PlayStation fans and Nintendo fans, but mostly Nintendo fans for your opinion on that.

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zerocrossing4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

I understand that the complexity of PS3's inner workings have been a struggle for many devs, but c'mon now, the PS3's been out like 6 years or so, that's plenty of time for anyone to get accustomed to the architecture, the real problem is many devs are just too lazy to put the effort in when they gain large profits regardless.

MikeMyers4365d ago

It takes time to really get the best out of the hardware. It's just too bad some developers seem to need new hardware to jumpstart innovation again. That's why I'm looking forward to this game quite a bit. There is still lots of great ideas they can do now without the need for new systems. It's always nice having that leap forward each generation, but when they don't have to struggle with new hardware they can concentrate more of making a great game while already knowing the systems capabilities.

GalacticEmpire4365d ago


Completely agree, there's a lot of studios out there just out for the easy money. However there are some devs that will eek out every possible advantage that the cell PS3 has to offer.

Take Uncharted 2 to Uncharted 3, while the improvement was not a massive leap, as 2 was from 1, there were notable improvements in physics, lighting and such. The cruise liner levels in particular highlight this point.

The_KELRaTH4364d ago

I don't agree it's down to lazy devs rather a combination of publisher cost restraints and less experience with specific PS3 coding.
A PC dev can quickly adjust to coding the 360, they can also port code to the PS3 but that means not making use of all the SPE's.
But that brings another issue; adding code to make use of the SPE's requires more memory but the PS3 doesn't have extra memory rather it has slightly less usable system memory.

I wonder how many ppl using N4G can use 2 to 3 languages natively - not many I'll bet.

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ritsuka6664365d ago

The PS3 is an architectural nightmare with many bottlenecks.the strange CPU, the archaic GPU, the slow Blu-Ray drive. It's a mess and only developers with a lot of dedicated time can make a program that runs well on it. It's a PoS and only Sony fanboys deny it.

Bumpmapping4365d ago

Don't worry little fella I hear you.I would be pissed too knowing nothing comes close Sony exclusives in terms of graphics.

firelogic4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

And yet with all those supposed faults, the PS3 has the best looking games this generation.

And it's time to put the myth that the bd drive is slow to rest. The bd drive reads/writes at a uniform speed whether it's getting data from the outside of the disc or inside.

DVD drives don't read at a uniform rate. It's slow on the outside, faster on the inside. When you average out the speeds, the diff b/w bd and dvd is negligible. And again, games like GoW3 and Uncharted stream seamlessly with zero loading so why isn't the SLOW bd drive hindering those games?

If even one game can astound with it's visual prowess, it means that the other devs are lazy.

GribbleGrunger4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

It's actually faster on the outside and slower on the inside. Although it takes exactly the same time for a point on the inside to turn 360%, less data can be written there, whilst on the outside more data can be written there and accessed within that 360% spin.

jd6664365d ago

It's funny how the developers who call it a 'challenge' get good results and the ones who call it 'hard work' are the ones who do the bad ports! Since when was working for a living not 'hard work' for most of us!! It's down to laziness!!

SegataShanshiro4365d ago

Everyone is mad cause hes saying the pure and honest 100% truth...the ps3 is a relic and should be euthanized along with the xbox 360

Quetzll4365d ago


to be fair, a game like uncharted doesn't have half of the variables that come with open world/sandbox games like skyrim. just being able to pick up and move objects, alone, creates a nearly incalculable amount of outcomes.

now imagine finally getting those variables under control so that when you pick up an orange, it doesn't go flying or interfere with other elements of the game. im sure it takes tons of time. then you have to optimize it for a whole other system while maintaining the control of the variables.

point being - it takes tons of time and space/memory to make an open world/sandbox game. so hindered graphics on those games isn't due to lazy devs.

Holeran4365d ago

Wow, I need some of what you're smoking.

4364d ago
Bloodraid4364d ago


Are you insane? Have you not looked at the PC in the past couple of years?

d0nni34364d ago

throw petrol on the fire and do one, classic troll

kikizoo4364d ago (Edited 4364d ago )

Yeah, ok, and only xbox fanboys deny that most beautiffull games/exclusives are for ps3..

so, more complex, ok, but also more powerfull ("lol@strange cpu : a real monster in fact, and bluray drive + instal is better than slow and noisy dvd like yours)

"And there's your reason why PS3 owners ended up with a lot of inferior multiplatform games. "

only xbox fanboyz are really believing this non sens 'a lot of', most of the games are exactly the same (but ok, they should have been better on ps3)

Gondee4364d ago

It is an architectural nightmare. I don't know why, people are still under the impression that its immensely powerful. It was fast back in 05, yes. And for the price you couldn't get a CPU that could output the same FLOPS. IBM designed that CPU for that exact purpose, mass calculations, not rendering.

Microsoft took the exact opposite approach. Give devs no access to the hardware, and augment their engines via DX9. What people never talk about, is that the next gen game systems, Xbox potentially could have 100% back compatibility by nature of their approach.

Bordel_19004364d ago

ritsuka666, maybe a bit too black and white. The PS3 is a good console, and it has delivered some awesome games, both graphically a technically.

But, I'm sure it could do a lot more if it wasn't for some of the limitations you mention. Slow Blu-ray drive, far to little memory are the main bottlenecks for the PS3.

That's why load times are so bad and we often see low quality textures on the PS3.

Only games that have been built from the ground up, around these limitations, really shine on the PS3. All other games suffer when compared to their X360 and PC counterparts.

I really hope that for next generation Sony creates a better more streamlined console that is easy to develop for.

I have 2 PS3 at home (bought one at launch) and I have an AlienWare PC, I find myself playing more and more on the PC. It's a pleasure to use with hires gfx, ssd disk, and tons of memory. The PS3 is really showing its age, everything is so slow, load-times are almost unbareable, it high time for a PS4 console now. I still play a lot of GT5 on it though.

shenpo_shin4364d ago

yep thats why every single ps3 exlcusives looks x100 better than any xbox 360 exclusive...cause of all these craps u just mentioned...kid go back to gaylo

MasterCornholio4364d ago

I still remember fanboys calling this CGI when it was shown off at E3.

And even after the game came out they claimed that this looked better.

The PS3 has already proven itself to be a very capable console in its generation.

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GraveLord4365d ago

The thing about the complex architecture, Sony was expecting PS3 to be the lead platform for most games, which didn't happen since Microsoft released the 360 before PS3.

So the weird architecture was actually Sony's way of trying to keep devs from porting to other platforms. They failed. It actually almost backfired.

jd6664365d ago

Microsoft released the 360 early with a huge failure rate to get out 1st, Sony expected everybody to wait for PS3 but a lot didn't

ShaunCameron4365d ago

And there's your reason why PS3 owners ended up with a lot of inferior multiplatform games. Fanboys like to believe it was because of "lazy" developers and the XBox 360's supposedly outdated hardware. PS3 owners getting shortchanged on mulitplatform games lad little to do with either and plenty to do with Sony's own questionable hardware design choices. As a result, developers opting for rival consoles as the lead platform or making the game exclusive to them altogether.

greenpowerz4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

Calm down he's boasting PS3's supposed power on static linear QTE style game with baked in visuals. More like an interactive cutscene than a game.

Showing PS3 power would involve a game with dozens of AI on screen in a open world with coop and processing all the human and AI action with vehicles all over that place on the air and ground.

Battlefield 3 would be a better test vs beyond(pc version of BF3 looks better than consoles and has more going on with more players because it requires the full capability of hardware, BF3 is one of the most technically demanding games on consoles with Skyrim being the most. Crysis 2, forza 4/H being in the same group

NastyLeftHook04365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

yes we know...

a good ps3 game comes out with good graphics then


its fake! its not real! its all scripted! it wont sell well!

yeah we heard it all before.

4365d ago
Blastoise4365d ago

"with Skyrim being the most"
Says who? What is this based on? As far as I can tell Skyrim is a very poor game visually with not much going on, it's just spread out over a large world.
Is this the "Skyrim doesn't run very well on PS3 so the PS3 is bad" argument again? Incase you didnt notice, it runs poorly on all platforms, even PC. The only difference is P.C guys can mod it to fix the mess.

As for this "Calm down he's boasting PS3's supposed power on static linear QTE style game with baked in visuals. More like an interactive cutscene than a game."

Supposed power? Uncharted, Killzone prove the PS3 is a powerful piece of kit. The interactive cutscene BS you're on about is just you being a fanboy. And have you even seen the God of war 3 visuals? the scale of the battles? & ascension looks EVEN better.

Resistance 2 had 8 player online CO-OP with about 40 enemies on screen at a time and ran fine. Also had 60 player versus matches.

MAG has maps that hold up to 128 players that also runs fine, you can literally just run across the map to see an entirely different battle going on.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

Isn't halo 4 the first halo to be in 720p?
I expected to see a wiiU demo look like this but not just yet I guess.

Even if some of the effects are baked in why do you care? are you a game dev? or a stupid xbox fan who needs to shut his mouth?

PM me a game on xbox that looks better and not generic ok? ok..

DigitalRaptor4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

What's this whole "interactive cutscene" that I always hear flying around? I BET that the same ones complaining are the ones who played and enjoy Quantic Dream's previous game, Fahrenheit (which followed the exact same format as Heavy Rain). Damn hypocrites.

Fahrenheit, just like Heavy Rain and soon Beyond: Two Souls have just as much gameplay and control as they do cutscene. In fact, with Beyond, the ratio leans more towards gameplay than it ever has done. You are in control, you choose how to play, you move your character(s) around in the game world and interact with the environment in a traditional way. How is that description an "interactive cutscene" rather than a game?

It sounds to me like ignorant, impatient and console kiddies that want big explosions and find adventure games boring, and can't face games that are different to the norm. All I see here is hate on QD's games now that they are exclusive to Sony.

chukamachine4365d ago

your funny.

You state BF3, then put forza in the same place.

rofl, forza has the worst lighting i've seen in a recent racing game. I don't want to hear shit about hollywood studios lighting, its crap.

Best lighting in a racing game goes to GT5, by a mile, the only other game is Project cars that is still in development.

Crysis 2 ran more or less exactly the same on 360 and PS3.

dishonoured uses unreal engine and looks great, because of the artistic nature of the game.

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GribbleGrunger4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

It's very clear from what is on offer next year that there is still plenty of power to access yet on the PS3. On a controversial note, I think it will take at least 2 years for the Wiiu to equal the quality of The Last Of Us. This could be something of a problem when advertising the Wiiu as a next generation console.

Couple that with the Vita/PS3 combo and we could see history being made: Baring in mind that it's the 'concept' that Nintendo will advertise, It could be argued (or at least perceived) that the PS3/Vita combo is actually a new 'bridging' generation... PS3.5 if you will. Which of course will transfer over to the PS4 when It finally releases and the Vita becomes the alternative controller for that too.

It's going to be one of the most interesting generations we've ever seen.

Ck1x4365d ago

I don't think so, when we haven't seen games like Aliens CM running on the WiiU. TLOU looks good for a PS3 game, but the graphics aren't as great as you are making them out to be! I would go as far as to say even AC3 on WiiU is more detailed then TLOU, just compare the character models, scenery and environments from each game...

ceballos77mx4365d ago

I think the problem the wii u will have is that its going to get ports of games coming on the " last Gen consoles".

fabod864364d ago

thanks for the laugh dude... ;)

ziggurcat4365d ago

i think that because devs are still squeezing power out of the system it's a testament to the strength of the hardware, honestly.

sure, lazy devs will be lazy and not take advantage of that power, but at this point i don't think that's the architecture's fault.

Iceman X4364d ago

There's ALOT of PS3 games that run 1080p 60fps, but is that then end be all?? NO ALOt of games run 720p and look and run just as good you can't tell when res a game is until your TV tells you or some1 on a website tells you, So stop worrying about 1080p and enjoy the games.

Oh_Yeah4364d ago Most console games are actually below 720p, they are then upscaled to 720p n 1080p. They are not "native"...and yes there is a difference.

Abdou234364d ago

I will only be convinced if MGS:GZ ended up looking exactly as we say it in the very first video. Other than that, the device is already maxed in every aspect.

solar4364d ago

Yawn. Powerful in what context? Against the other consoles? A PC? The ps3 is a good lil console but still not this great powerful console. AAA titles are not running 1080p at 30 fps even.

R6ex4364d ago

If the PS3 can produce nice visuals, imagine what an i7/690 PC can do?

Incredible eye-popping visuals!!!

R6ex4364d ago

Bring out the PS4 and even lazy developers can produce great visuals.

Until PS4 comes, I'm sticking to PC for all multiplats.

Oh_Yeah4364d ago

surprised by cut scenes and timed button presses? idk how far you can take the gameplay with a game like this. guess will see

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HmongAmerican4365d ago

no doubt, first party games from Sony is always mind blown.

stage884365d ago

They just can't be beat. I was playing Uncharted 3 an hour ago and my jaw still dropped when entering the city surrounded by sand.

OmniSlashPT4365d ago

The plane crash sequence followed by the desert scene and the ghost town are still to be beaten by any game (even on pc) nowadays, it's just too damn good, both gameplay and graphic wise. I still can't understand people who completely bash UC3 when it has such mindblowing moments.

Grap4365d ago

don't go too far. we see games on PC crush UC3

edgeofsins4365d ago


Just because it is on PC doesn't make it crush consoles. Most PC games still don't put as much effort into games as developers like Naughty Dog. Many newer PC games still aren't far ahead of Uncharted. I game only on PC and I know this. Many PC games are better visually but they certainly don't crush the best looking console games.

dazzrazz4365d ago

and that's the only reason, because those are 1st party titles where whole dev team dedicates its powers to one hardware :)

Gridloc4365d ago

So what's holding Microsoft first party developers back?

GroundsKeeperJimbo4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

Busy making profits, you know keeping the company in business. ;]

(Before I get flooded with disagrees, know that I'm being playful, aka; joking.)

ceballos77mx4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

Busy making kinect games and avatar clothes :)

Zhipp4365d ago

Nothing. MS first party games/exclusives still offer the best performance/visuals on the system when compared to multiplats. The only reason you don't see games that look as good as Beyond and Uncharted 3 is because, regardless of developer friendliness, the 360 simply isn't as powerful as the PS3.

Walker4365d ago


"Realisation of the characters in Beyond is exceptional: skin shaders, materials, lighting and animation is second-to-none. Quantic Dream promised to take performance capture to the next level after LA Noire and it's difficult to argue that the results are anything other than superb. As with all the images on this page, clicking on the thumbnails gives you the full image."

"The overall impression is that Beyond looks to be setting a new standard for what is possible on current-generation consoles. In many ways it looks too good to be true, to the point where quite rightly you may be asking if this is real, and if so, what compromises are in effect? A forensic look at the footage available does indeed suggest that it is all generated in real-time by the PlayStation 3, and that stands to reason as it does seem to be the case that frame-rate is rather choppy in the gameplay materials released so far. The arrival of powerful light sources in the scenes does seem to see frame-rate tumble."

Finalfantasykid4364d ago

I don't know why Quantic Dream doesn't just make the game 24 fps, just like a movie. This would allow for a more consistent frame rate, and would probably allow for maybe more post processing effects.

DigitalAnalog4364d ago

I don't think that's possible. Since game animations and actual live-recording are 2 very different things. Once gameplay hits below 30fps you start to notice things to get very choppy. In other words, I don't think frame-rate in films can apply to games.

pandaboy4365d ago

cage fellating sony yet again.

dafegamer4365d ago

"Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time"
Rapper Drake.

NastyLeftHook04365d ago

would you bother explaining that mess you wrote?

oh! sorry, only 1 bubble, i wonder why.

GribbleGrunger4365d ago

Panda-boy is an endangered species.

ChickeyCantor4364d ago (Edited 4364d ago )

I think I can for him,

Cage needs to sell his game. So he isn't just pleasing Sony he is pleasing the fans of the sony brand as well.

Let's be realistic now, the Cell might be a magical unicorn. Ram( especially Ram) and GPU are hitting their mark.

Besides Cage makes movie like games. There isn't much complexity going on. ( intense A.I. crunching )

And this is not to bash Sony in anyway. People need to stop pretending the PS3 hardware is still relevant to today's standards.

shenpo_shin4364d ago

sup panda we mad ?
go back to your crappy xbox 3shitty dlc's games

and let us sony fans talking about the sh!load AAA exclusives we get yearly

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Detroit: Become Human & Beyond: Two Souls are available on Steam without Denuvo

DSOGaming writes: "Quantic Dream has just released Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls on the PC, and has removed Denuvo from them."

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Quantic Dream Announces Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, & Heavy Rain for Steam

Quantic Dream revealed the upcoming Steam Release of its games Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, and Heavy Rain coming "soon."

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Community1584d ago
Obscure_Observer1584d ago

Sony is expanding their PC approach beyond (no pun intended) Epic Store realm.

Steam official pages:

Heavy Rain

Beyond: Two Souls

Detroit: Become Human

Abriael1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

Quantic Dream is self-publishing and doing this entirely independently from Sony. Sony is not involved at all.

Sciurus_vulgaris1584d ago

Detroit: Become Human and Beyond: Two Souls are owned by Sony. Therefore,Quantic Dream needs Sony's permission to release the titles on steam and PC.


Abriael1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

@Sciurus_vulgaris: neither is owned by Sony. Registering a trademark (trademarks are related only to titles and have nothing to do with game or IP ownership) is completely unrelated from owning the rights of a game.

Sony had the publishing license on the games as a second party for a period. That license has expired, so now Quantic Dream is free to do whatever they want with them, and they are.

Incidentally, they have announced a few months ago that now they're taking the independent route, so expect their games on all platforms from now on.

hulk_bash19871584d ago

A trademark is a way a company or individual exercises legal ownership of an intellectual property. And as of right now Sony does still own the trademarks for those two QD developed games.

Abriael1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

@hulk_bash1987 "Breaking Games" isn't trademark law. That's a massive oversimplification of trademark law. Trademarks do not in any shape or form give you ownership on an IP. It gives you ownership of a name. period.

Since trademarks are completely separate by publishing contracts, Sony's publishing contract on a game can have expired (and it has, the publisher of the games on PC is Quantic Dream itself) but the trademark still not have expired.

Quantic Dream has full ownership of the IPs. In fact, you won't see Sony named absolutely anywhere in any listing for PC. If Sony was involved, you'd see them listed right there.

Imalwaysright1584d ago


The intellectual property being the title of the game. Trademarks only protect names or logos. The game itself and everything in it: code, story, characters, art, etc are protected by copyrights.

hulk_bash19871584d ago

Sony does own the trademarks and therefore have ownership over some portion of the ip. So they wouldve had to agree or had some type of legal or mutual agreement in place for QD to release them on platforms outside of Playstation.

Abriael1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

@hulk_bash1987: Sony's influence on the title is determined exclusively by their publishing contract. That's all the legal agreement you need.

If the trademark had any value over this, you'd see trademark notices and Sony plastered all over the listings.

Bottomline, this has literally nothing to do with Sony's approach related to PC gaming as Obscure_Observer tried to imply.

hulk_bash19871584d ago

Regardless of the ownership debate. Sony has been more liberal with their exclusives recently. QDs games, Death Stranding and most importantly HZD.

Abriael1584d ago

Horizon Zero Dawn is likely an experiment done because Kojima Productions optimized the engine at basically no additional cost for Sony.

The release on PC of Death Stranding was likely a condition from Kojima himself since the beginning. This has nothing to do with Sony.

hulk_bash19871584d ago

Horizon is definetly and experiement. Its Sony testing the water, to see how big of an audience their games might have on PC. It was pretty much out right stated that they want to get their games out to as many people as possible. Which will potentially open people up to buying PS hardware.

ZwVw1584d ago

Bro, you're getting licencing and copyright confused. Beyond and Detroit are both Sony properties, who Sony is granting licensing permission for QT to publish on PC. This is nothing new. Companies like MS, Square and Sega do this all the time.

Besides, is you visit Detroit's Steam page, you can clearly see the Sony copyright at the bottom of the page. https://store.steampowered....

Obscure_Observer1584d ago

"Quantic Dream is self-publishing and doing this entirely independently from Sony. Sony is not involved at all."

The only reason those games are available on PC, is because Sony gave Quantic Dream a permission. If you think Sony paid those third party studios millions to develop a game so they can claim "independence" and do whatever they want with said games, you´re seriously mistaken.

Persian_Immortal1584d ago

According to the United States Copyright Office

Sony owns the Copyrights for Detroit Become Human and Beyond Two Souls and Death Stranding.

RosweeSon1584d ago

Even if they were 2 of those games were last gen who cares it’s a bit different if they are your only good games to talk about and releasing simultaneously these games are 5-10 years old came out of ps3 originally except Detroit. Like horizon it was a great game do I care it’s gone to PC also not at all I’d already and finished it over a year previously 🤷🏻‍♂️🤓 😜✌🏻

neutralgamer19921584d ago


sony is notorious for wanting IP's. Insomniac pitched sunset overdrive to sony but went with ms because they were going to let insomniac keep the IP. I think sony is allowing this because it's towards the end of gen and these games will generate extra resources. Sony allowed it on epic first because they have a great relationship lately eith epic and now even if QD are self publishing they would have spoken to sony about it

you are making it sound like just because they are self publishing they don't have to ask sony. The company that owns the IP's has a lot of say

BTW i am not saying other games from sony will come to PC just that they do own the IP's

TricksterArrow1584d ago

Hmm... You can literally see this in their steam page:

DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN: ©2018 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe ltd. Developed by Quantic Dream. “Detroit: Become Human” is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved.

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blackblades1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

The dev always said he wanted them on pc. Lol putting Sony in it to make it look like Sony putting more of there games on pc.

ajax171584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

I'll agree once I see God of War and Spider-man on steam

Bronxs151584d ago

What about horizons zero dawn??

DerfDerf1584d ago

@Bronxs15 that was before the goal posts were moved

neutralgamer19921584d ago


there is no goal post if yo are comparing MS releasing all their exclusives on pc day one to sony releasing HZD(3 years after release on pc) than maybe you should look up those said goal posts. Most likely case with HZD is the fact kojima optimized the game engine for PC so sony/GG didn't have any extra cost to make it work on pc

hulk_bash19871584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

Interested to see what other Sony IPs will see a release on PC

Father__Merrin1584d ago

QD are now independant in fact they always was but used sonys platforms to sell thier games.its thier ip they can do what ever they want with them

gravedigger1584d ago

Quantic Dream are no longer works for Sony. Contract ended

S2Killinit1584d ago

If this makes Obscure happy, then does that mean he is secretly sad that ALL of xbox’s games are available on PC? Hmm

Obscure_Observer1584d ago


"If this makes Obscure happy, then does that mean he is secretly sad that ALL of xbox’s games are available on PC? Hmm"

Sad? Lol.

Xbox games on PC means more money to fund new first party studios, games and new IP´s for us, Xbox console gamers.

Sony is not stupid, they´re paying attention to every move competition makes. They will allow day one exclusives on PC? Unlikely. However, you´ll see more and more Playstation games making their way to PC. Then, will see more and more PS fanboys telling how Sony is making money out of the PC gamers to fund new first party studios, games and new IP´s for us, Playstation console gamers.

You heard from me first. Mark my words. ;)

S2Killinit1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

Not much of a prediction though is it? The issue is that xbox is already moving toward obsoletion of consoles because MS has realized that they cant dominate the console market, so they want to scorch earth the console habitat by making it irrelevant (or at least a less important factor). As a console gamer I will support consoles and console makers that resist these types of maneuvers. I say screw Microsoft.

itsmebryan1583d ago

Can someone explain why MS console exclusives on PC are bad, but, when Sony copies the same thing it's somehow "different" or "Okay"?

I need to understand fanboy logic.

1583d ago
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WeAreLegion1584d ago

Sony would be crazy not to attempt to acquire them at some point.

Veneno1584d ago

Nah. QD is too all over the place. Not consistent in terms of quality.

Tacoboto1584d ago

Detroit was mechanically great, regardless of opinion on story. With Sony support officially behind them, they'd have those resources to improve their management

Flewid6381584d ago

I have yet to play a QD game I didn't like

AspiringProGenji1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

Didn’t they get owned already by some publisher?

Obscure_Observer1584d ago

No. And they will remain independent for the foreseeable future.

Abriael1584d ago (Edited 1584d ago )

Sony may want whatever they want. Quantic Dream wants to be independent and they're swimming in money (they recently expanded considerably) so they have no reason to sell.

WeAreLegion1584d ago

Insomniac wanted to be independent for decades. But things change. Nice to see you again, Abriael.

TeamIcoFan1584d ago

And I will be rebuying all three on steam!

AmazingGeneration1584d ago

When the crazy Xbox fans completely falsify facts to meet their agenda it really just makes you question how desperate these people are and how brainwashed they’ve become.

I blame Sony, you can only take a beating for so long and Sony been laying the fist into them for three generations now.

Tacoboto1584d ago

What the... The only mention of anything Xbox here is coming from you...

TeamIcoFan1584d ago

Alright sonny, put down the crack pipe and try to come back to reality, m'kay?

Neonridr1584d ago

sorry who's the one who's brainwashed here. Stop drinking the koolaid, what in dear god are you going on about here. Nothing you said relates to this article in any way. The fact that you got 4 agrees makes me wonder about those people too.

InUrFoxHole1584d ago

Lol. This news truly broke this poor soul!

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The Top Five: Women in Games

BY GRANT TAYLOR: If there’s one thing I appreciate in gaming, it’s a strong female character. In recent years, we’ve seen countless women in games, ranging from fierce warriors to masters of the supernatural. These days, if a game doesn’t have a female lead, you at least have the choice to select one.

I’ve played so many games with brilliant female protagonists in the last decade. It was honestly difficult getting this list down to just five!

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