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User Review : Infamous

  • Well developed characters{Karma system has actually been implemented in a meaningful way{Cole's weapons are simply awesome
  • Graphics are slightly sub par at times, animation especially so{Little variation with side missions{Not enough difference between positive and negative karma cutscenes

InFamous PS3 Review

There are but a few games that can keep me so engaged for so long without having an epic multiplayer component. Infamous is one of those games. But I never thought it was going to be, after hearing about the game for the first time, I thought it sounded cool, but when I saw the trailer, cool became awesome.

Up until I saw that trailer, there was another fairly similar game that I had been keeping my eyes on more eagerly, called Prototype. By the time June/July 2009 came around, I was pretty clear on which one game I was after, thankfully, I picked well.

You play as Cole, a normal guy who makes a living as a bike courier/messenger. One day, the poor guy was delivering a package when it detonated in his hands, decimating a good portion of the city (which spans three islands, sound familiar?), and leaving Cole in a come. Upon waking, Cole finds that the city is in big trouble, with each island now under gang control, and a plague of sorts that’s making people sick, and to cap it off, the government has quarantined the entire place.

You soon find out that the blast had endowed you with special powers, all of them related to Cole's new ability to control electricity. Not only that, but if you happen to feel like jumping of the tallest building in the game, there is no need to aim for a haystack, you won't take any damage anyway.

To begin with there is the routine tutorial to get you used to the controls, after that though, the city is basically yours to do with as you please. As well as the many story missions, there are a heap of side missions to complete. Doing so takes back land from the gangs. There is also a morality system in the game. Making morally good choices makes you a hero, and the opposite makes you infamous. The path you choose affects the type of abilities Cole learns along the way. While a hero, civvies will chuck rocks and rubble at enemies, but go evil and you will get the same treatment.

Anyway, your main mission here is to get the city back up and running, which entails going into the underground sewers and reconnecting all the transformers. Doing so nets you a new ability, most of which assist you in taking down your foes.

The superpowers will obviously be pretty popular, but one of the things I liked most about this game was that every building is scalable, thanks to Coles experience as an urban explorer. You may say a lot of games have scalable buildings. But in Infamous, You'll never find yourself yelling at the screen, "Why didn't he grab on to the ledge?!” it all works perfectly. You also won't just fall of a building if you walk too near the edge; you have to deliberately initiate the drop down yourself, which saves you from a lot of time wasting falls.

At the very start of the game, I can take a long time to travel around the city. But once you start turning the power back on, the powerlines become live, allowing Cole to use them like a grind rail from R&C. Later on you also gain the ability to somewhat glide, which is another time saver. Eventually you also get the trains back up and running, which allows you to hope up on top and go for a ride, or alternatively you can just use the tracks as a grind rail again.

The people who occupy the cities make the game so much more than it would have been without them. Often you'll be on your way somewhere and will find yourself getting sidetracked by the secondary missions, or just by random people running up to you asking for help. Obviously, on my evil run through this wasn’t the case, blasting them in the face is satisfying after all, but it is just a satisfying to have helped that virtual person out.

It soon becomes pretty clear that you are force that can control the crippled city. Choose to be a Hero, and the city starts to get back on its feet, stuff starts happening again, and the people even start to clean it up. Go the other way though, and the city falls even further into dismay than it already was. They (your morality choices) also affect your appearance and the colour of you electrical abilities.

The morality system is one of the key parts of the game, and it’s been implemented well. A lot of the positive deeds actually had the effect of making me feel good about myself. Some of the evil missions on the other had the opposite effect, and were a tad bit disturbing , such as killing protestors and sucking energy out of civvies in a good old QTE sequence.

For the most part, you will find yourself battling through the hordes of gang members who rule the city. There are however, three bosses that you must take down. I should explain what/who each of the gangs are. The first island has been taken over by 'The Reapers', who are former druggies, and the easiest to kill. On the next island, you encounter 'The Dustmen', homeless people who somehow obviously had engineering degrees, as they sport strong armour made from scrap materials, and also have an army of small robots. Finally, the 'First Sons', the strongest of the gangs, inhabits the third island. These guys are after the ray-sphere, the device the detonated giving Cole, and as it turns out, some of the gang members, now know and Conduits, superpowers. Each gangs Conduits have some pretty impressive abilities, and can present a challenge if you're low on energy.

The morality system I have talked about a few times is actually referred to as 'Karma', and the things that affect it as 'Karma Moments'. In the more important Karma moments, Cole weighs up the pro's and con's of choosing to be good or bad, but normally you will have made up your mind at the start of the game anyway as to which path you will go down. I won't spoil any of these moments for you if you haven't played the game, but I will say that the best part about these moments is that Cole always justifies taking the evil route, making it hard to be good sometimes. This actually makes you think about why you are doing what you are doing, something that next to no games do.

There are minor actions to complete that affect your Karma. Heroic actions include healing injured people and tying enemies to the ground with your electricity. But there are more evil actions that you can do, such as blasting civilians, sucking the energy out of people and, tying civilians down. Being good can be hard at times though, as the civilians love to get in your way, and you have to be careful not to where you grenade spamming in a fire fight or you can expect to see your Karma take a turn for the worse.

In addition to all of the 'neutral' side missions, there are positive and negative karma missions that only unlock if you have a certain Karma rank. All these Karmic choices you are making culminate in one of the games two endings, which again I won't spoil for you.

The characters have been constructed fairly thoughtfully. The two most important people in Cole's life, his best friend, Zeke, and his girlfriend Trish, who sort of hates you now, believing you deliberately caused the explosion, have both been strongly affected by the disaster. You have to deal with these people's problems, and listen to them lamenting their losses, in Zeke's case, a failed relationship, and in Trish's case, her sister who was killed in the blast. All of this character building is done in a way that makes it harder to make a Karma choice that might lead to them suffering more, even if it may help other people.

This game I believe started a trend in games with its cut scenes. Each cut scene plays out as a highly stylised moving graphical novel of sorts. Most of the cut scenes are brilliantly developed, although there should be more variation between the veil sides and the good sides cut scenes.

The graphics are nothing to behold really, although the worlds have been designed and styled to fit perfectly with the disastrous events that have occurred within them. Animation is the only major gripe I have with this game. Apart from Cole's actions, everyone else's arm movement, facial expressions and lip movement are extremely rigid and distinctly 'last-gen'. Textures are pretty good though, and there are a lot of polygons in the world. Given that the game never loads except for at the beginning, it’s not surprising that the draw distance isn't huge, and there is a bit of texture and object 'popping', especially when grinding on train tracks.

Other than some graphical issues, there isn't much wrong with Infamous. One thing I will say is that there needs to be more variation in side missions, which are almost all fun, but need to be repeated a few times if you are going to clear the islands of the gangs. The only boring side mission is a surveillance one, where you have to remove surveillance equipment from a building.

There are also a lot of collectables hidden in the world, such as dead drops, which are short recorded messages that give some background to a character you encounter late in the game, and also the ray sphere. There are also an enormous 350 blast shards, collecting all of which only nets you a bronze trophy (I had only one to find, all I needed for the platinum, when my PS3's hard drive, one I bought myself I might add, not the original one, died, leaving me without the save game data). These can both be 'pinged' for by pressing L3, which gives you a rough map location for blast shards near you, and tell you the proximity and direction of any close dead drops. Pinging also displays areas from which Cole can recharge his electricity supplies.

The other bonus comes in the form of stunts, 21 of them. These range from easy level ones such as sticking a grenade to an enemy to more challenging ones such as meleeing an airborne enemy. If you want to complete all 21, it's a good idea to tackle them during the main game, as getting some afterwards may be very difficult if you have cleared a lot of areas from gang control.

Once you complete the final mission, you get to free roam the city, keeping all of your abilities, blast shards etc, as well as all the XP you gathered, which I should have mentioned can be used to upgrade your abilities.

In conclusion, Sucker Punch has punched above their weight with this game. It might not be all that pretty, but as many an Xbox 360 gamers will tell you, you don't have to have great graphics to have a great game. The characters are constructed to provide thought provoking circumstances, and the Karma system has been implemented in a very complete and meaningful way. Cole's powers, whether you are a Hero or Infamous are stunningly cool, as are the graphic novel cut scenes, even hunting blast shards is entertaining, at least till you get down to the last few. Infamous is an outstanding game that I believe every PS3 owner should at least try before this generation is over.

Overall, good variation, even if side missions are quite repetitive. Lots to do, boss battles are challenging enough to cause some frustration, but not so difficult that you end up having to fork out for a couple of new controller by the end of the game.
Besides the problems with animations and some texture pop in, the graphics have been well styled to suit the gameplay and the events that occur in the game.
Voice acting is pretty sharp, although Cole does sound pretty gravelly even as a Hero. Music is pretty original, and does well do reflect on-screen happenings.
Fun Factor
All of Cole's abilities are fun to use. Throwing grenade after electrical grenade wreaks havoc, and that’s always a bonus. Only gripe is those repetitive side missions again.
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Infamous Franchise Deserves Another Chance From PlayStation

Sucker Punch rejuvenated the superhero genre with Infamous, a series that focused on the pure fun of wielding destructive powers.

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Community91d ago
shinoff218391d ago

Atleast release a remaster trilogy or something to gage interest. I'd buy it. With that said I'm pretty over superheroes at this point. Infamous is still dope as fk though so it'd be a buy

isarai90d ago

Omfg i would go apesh!t for that 😩

jznrpg91d ago

I agree but games take 4-6 years to make so who knows when they would do it? After Ghost of Tsushima2? They could have something else in the world as well in early production who knows.

mkis00791d ago

It's a shame Sucker Punch finally figured out a good open world formula only while making Ghost of Tsushima. Infamous 1 and 2 were great for their time, but Second son felt too much like a checklist in It's design. I love the hell out of all 3 games (2 and 3 are just so damn good, while 1 shows it's age and the ps3 struggles), but I would love to see how they would do another infamous with all they have learned. Wouldn't hurt to release a remastered collection either.

Demetrius90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

This series, days gone, will continue to get ignored by sony, luckily we still have the horizon series, sly cooper not getting pushed anymore, speaking of that I'm bout to get on my ps2 and play some sly 2 anyways lol, but seriously I never woulda thought back then sony would ever cold shoulder most of their franchises I'm actually surprised they're still letting ratchet&clank be around

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The inFamous games deserve more love from Sony

The inFamous games are an important part of PlayStation history, but the series is in limbo and playing older entries isn't exactly easy.

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Community216d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

Would like remasters of 1 and 2. I enjoyed them much more than Second Son.

1 & 2 had more of an emphasis on climbing and the traversal requires a bit more effort in a good way. It was rewarding. Second Son made climbing mostly obsolete so they put little effort into it. The traversal was just great in inFamous 1 & 2. There's a reason Sunset Overdrive copied and improved upon the induction grind mechanic.

Reminds me of how I felt about the decline of parkour and the well designed tombs (basically Prince Of Persia levels) that we saw in the Assassin's Creed games.

The story and atmosphere were also much better in 1 & 2.

Electricity is just a brilliant superpower for an open world city. It perfectly fits just like webslinging does in New York and it has many applications.

Cacabunga216d ago

For sure.. one of my favorite Sony licenses

Shane Kim216d ago

Loved one and two. I actually liked the story as well.

Minute Man 721216d ago

The standalone DLC was a sweet

jznrpg216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

I enjoyed Second Son but it was too short. The first 2 were great though

-Foxtrot216d ago

Second Son was alright but didn't touch the first two games

It felt short and lacking in comparison

Also I really thought Reggie would have made a better protagonist, someone who is anti-conduit as much as him and ends up becoming one would have been interesting to see. I kind of enjoyed his character throughout the game as his development.

badz149216d ago

why is it right now, the thing I want the most from Sony is to release remasters of inFamous (1,2 & SS), KZ (1,2 & 3), Resistance (RFoM, 2 and 3) and Motorstorm (1,2 & 3)??

The_Hooligan215d ago

All great choices. I would like to add Warhawk/Starhawk to that. The multiplayer in Warhawk was amazing. I am surprised Sony hasn't looked into MAG either. That game was ahead of its time.

Maybe Sony should make an internal studio like Bluepoint games and all they do is remake/remaster these amazing games, even going back to PS1,PS2,PSP, Vita portfolio. And because of the recent articles suggesting cost cutting, budget issues and releasing more games on PC, they could do that with these remakes/remasters. Do a day one on PC and PS5. At the end of the day Sony or any other company is going to do what makes them the most money.

Kiryu1992215d ago

Would love a remastered collection on PS5/PC

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kpgs216d ago

Wouldn't the onus be on the consumers? If they bought the Infamous games, then we'd have more games from that series.

KwietStorm_BLM216d ago

Infamous has sold millions of units. People have been asking for more. They aren't interested. Just like people have been asking for more Resistance or even a remaster collection, but insomniac isn't revisiting that either. Likely never getting a new sequel since they're a Marvel studio now.

LucasRuinedChildhood216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

No. Infamous was successful. But after a few entries (which are taking longer to make these days) a lot of Sony studios move on to new IPs. That's not a bad thing at all. They don't need to make inFamous games forever, just like we didn't need new Sly Cooper games forever.

But people would like to be able to easily play them on current hardware which is reasonable. Same for Killzone, Resistance, MGS4, etc. Good games shouldn't be trapped on old hardware. It's good that Bluepoint ported Uncharted 1-3.

kpgs216d ago

I'm not saying it wasn't successful. I enjoyed playing all 3 entries and DLC. But like you said, people move on, studios move on. But I don't think I've heard people asking for more Infamous in a long time.

Profchaos216d ago

The franchise was popular we got quite a few games but Suchet punch wanted to beach out I think that's why we got ghost of Tsushima over infamous 4

Tbh ghost is a fantastic game I'm not complaining about that but I'd love to see infamous handled by another team

jznrpg216d ago

Id take GoT2 over Infamous right now but after GoT2 or maybe 3 if they go trilogy I’d like a new Infamous.

badz149216d ago

that's the problem with Sony that puzzles me A LOT! they have studios specifically specialized in remastering and remaking old games for new gen hardware, but we are getting very few of them. SoTC, Uncharted collections, Demon's Souls Remake, TLoU Part 1...and?? that's it? why aren't they giving their old games new lease of life on the PS5 for the new generations of gamers to enjoy? they clearly have the expertise. for god sake, I can even accept lazy porting like Nintendo are doing for theirs if I have to.

FinalFantasyFanatic215d ago

There are a lot of games that consumers have been asking Playstation for, Playstation won't do it, so a lot of these developers have gone and made it themselves by any means possible such as Kickstarter (e.g. Armed Fantasia, Penny Blood, Ratatan, 100 Heroes, ect...). Developers have even asked if Sony could help them out with porting/remasters some of these older games for Playstation, they said no.

Crows90215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

Um...dude like you say that as if nobody bought them....the devs went on to do ghosts after 3 infamous games....3

People ask for new resistance and new infamous at every moment where it makes sense to mention it.

Having a remake of 1 and 2 would be very welcomed I'm sure.

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chicken_in_the_corn216d ago

I would love to see a new game but a feel that would get a response similar to Saints Row.

TravsVoid216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

If they keep any of the characters from the previous games I think it would do fine unlike Saints Row which decided to replace fan favorites with less likable replacements. I wouldn't be surprised if that decision caused a majority of their buyers to be new to the series rather than returning players. I will say though, if Infamous Second Son or the first two Infamous games were remade I would be a day one buyer on PC.

ocelot07216d ago

Loved all 3 of them. I couldn't get on with the vampire spin off though. Wish they didn't move away from cole but I didn't mind the other character.

DefenderOfDoom2216d ago

Loved 1 and 2 , would definitely love a new INFAMOUS single player campaign.

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Nixxes Software Can't Go Wrong With An Infamous Remaster

Nixxes' Remaster focus could set the stage to resurrect many obscure titles like the karma-centered, superpower-fueled sandbox of Infamous.

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Christopher433d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community432d ago
maniacmayhem433d ago

Infamous remaster? How about an Infamous re-Boot! This is one game that doesn't need a remaster, it needs either a proper equal of a reboot of the original. And since Sony is currently in development with Marvel, i can totally see them having guest marvel characters to appear in Cole's world.

BanginTunes432d ago

This is one of the worst things I have ever read

1Victor432d ago

I would prefer Warhawk or Starhawk ether or both will keep us fans happy for a looooooooong time

The_Hooligan431d ago

Warhawk would be awesome! So many good memories playing that game on PS3. They could do a massive 50v50 mode, battle royal with last Warhawk standing, classic 20v20 mode, so many options.

shinoff2183431d ago

I'd rather infamous. Sonys got enough online bs in the pipeline. No need to add more.

1Victor431d ago

@shinoff I disagree with you both of those games was extraordinarily fun to play just the satisfaction of transforming your plane into a bot and stomp a enemy then transform and fly off on Starhawk was a experience that hasn’t been replicated since.
The game was extremely valanced to the point you could go against a tank on foot and win with the ratchet or 1 shot a plane doing a massive attack with your tank. In Warhawk you could pick up half your team and fly them to a base and take it over but those are experiences you had to play to know how awesome those game was even YouTube videos don’t do justice to those game.
Anyways I’ll stop here or I’ll run out of words to post a wall text taking about those games

Christopher431d ago

Here's the thing, infamous and *hawk are such different games and with different audiences that Sony could... do both at the same time? Nixxes doesn't need to be involved in the shooter (that would be new for them I think since they usually do SP games) but someone else could and Nixxes could share support with development/engine needs.

shinoff2183431d ago


Ya know Christopher is right they are completly different games. Me personally I don't value online games I just don't care for them. Hell in another bubble I probably enjoy them. In this bubble nah I just prefer single player unless I'm playing Mario or Mario party with my girl and kids or something.

1Victor431d ago

@shin of course I know Chris is right but the games have to be approved first before assignment to a studio I didn’t mean this studio in particular making those game I meant the approval process and Sony harder push on MMO games.
I’m just one of the millions of players that loved those game and a top 800 word wide ranked on Starhawk and proud owner of its platinum trophy

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DankSinatra431d ago

A remaster would allow people who don't have access to a ps3 to experience the game since there's so many stuck on the ps3 that are exclusive to the console and Sony refuses to invest in backwards compatibility

darthv72431d ago

Who doesnt have access to a ps3? There were over 87m of them sold. They are cheap and easy to find. Just like wii and ps2.

shinoff2183431d ago

Or maybe it's just not ready yet, ps3 was a different kinda animal.

DankSinatra431d ago


Not everyone is willing to go out and buy a ps3 for a single game or a handful of games when they have a ps4 or a ps5. A port or remaster would actually help. Younger audiences who did not grow up with a ps3 would have exposure to these games that Sony has essentially left behind on the ps3 due to them not investing in backwards compatibility. If they would do backwards compatibility then we wouldn't need to shill out more money for the same games. Something I actually applaud microsoft for (the only thing they have done that's good).

zaanan431d ago

Agree, and PS3 is getting long in the tooth, so failure rates will be going up. I had to send my slim in for repair years ago.

shinoff2183431d ago

I had a couple extra dollars and came across I guy selling ps3s for 50. I bought all 4. Just felt it was a good deal. Now if I could find controllers. I swear I can't find any cheap controllers around me

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jeromeface431d ago

go back to marvel avengers, sounds like more your cup of tea

KwietStorm_BLM431d ago

You know what, now that I think about it.. yeah none of that makes any sense.

TheKingKratos431d ago (Edited 431d ago )

Lol 😂😂😂

Christopher431d ago

Yes to a reboot, absolutely no to Marvel characters in it.

maniacmayhem431d ago

*either a proper equal of a reboot of the original. *

Damn, there needs to be an extension on the Edit feature.

"Either a proper sequel or a reboot of the original"

And people aren't with Cole interacting with cameos from Marvel? Especially with Sony making Spider Man and Wolverine?

Why exactly would that be a bad idea? Especially with the multiverse being a huge deal and all.

Christopher431d ago

***Why exactly would that be a bad idea? Especially with the multiverse being a huge deal and all.***

There's enough Marvel. Let's not spread it everywhere and let other IPs be their own thing. Please.

neutralgamer1992431d ago

Infamous 1-2 collection would be amazing on current generation. God of War 1-2 and PSP games also playable on PS5 Yes please. And last but not least MGS4

There are so many great games which are on PS3. We need them to be remastered and released for current generation.

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GoodGuy09433d ago

Idk why sony hasn't done remasters for 1+2 yet. Such great gems.

RaidenBlack433d ago

I'd like a Killzone 2 Remaster.
Keep the visuals style as is ... just improve the LoD and the resolution

ArchangelMike432d ago

Now that COD is in Microsofts back pocket, it's time for Sony to start investing in it's own 1st party shooters. I loved Killzone - even Shadowfall. But Yeah Killzone 2 was the high point of the Franchise.

ClayRules2012431d ago

Yes. KZ2 was the high point of the franchise and a strong, solid and just bloody fantastic shooter! Had so much fun those days with the game.

Neonridr431d ago (Edited 431d ago )

Shadowfall was my first introduction into the series as the PS4 was my first Sony console. Maybe compared to the others it was not great (personally I don't know), but I had a blast playing it and found it quite enjoyable. I'd love a Trilogy Remaster though so I could go back and enjoy the original 3 for the first time (with a new coat of paint + updated controls)

shinoff2183431d ago

Naw were good. There's plenty in the sea

zaanan431d ago

It’s about damn time for a Resistance trilogy remaster!

long-time-gamer431d ago

Most def the highest point of the franchise, the music, gameplay and story was awesome

ironmonkey431d ago

absolutely right! killzone has been quiet long enough since ps4 release date.

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long-time-gamer431d ago

man id love a killzone 2 remaster, its one of my favorite games of all time, but who knows what shape that code in and where its at, prob wont happen under jim ryan though! you can keep your fingers crossed though and see what happens but GG is all about Horizon now

Vits433d ago

There is a lot of the PS3 era that I would love to see ported/remastered. But, unfortunately, they are probably not commercially viable and I have no idea who owns the rights currently. Stuff like Sire: Blood Curse, White Knight Chronicles, Tokyo Jungle, Folklore, etc.

Infamous on the other hand was never a series that I found good or interesting. Especially when compared with other contemporaries like Prototype. But, given how bare the subgenre is right now, I would dig a remaster.

BehindTheRows432d ago

Sony owns Siren. I can’t speak for the rest.

As for inFAMOUS vs Prototype, I feel the opposite. inFAMOUS mopped the floor with it, quality and gameplay. Just felt far more polished. That said, I enjoyed Prototype’s powers a little more.

Vits431d ago

Fair enough, I agree that the production values of inFamous were higher. But I found it to be a snore-fest.

darthv72431d ago meed. Sony could add ps3 support to the 5 and then people can play loads of games already available. No streaming required. Rpcs3 could be adapted to run on the 5... it would solve so many problems.

Vits431d ago

No need, because they instead could do these two other things that they have shown no interest in doing? Sure.

Shane Kim431d ago

But then they couldnt charge you for remaster (even though I would love one for infamous) or charge you for PSN premium.

darthv72431d ago

It would be even funnier if the series x gets rpcs3 support and can play the ps3 games while ps5 still cannot (not without streaming them)

shinoff2183431d ago

Don't most people still have issues with rpcs3. It's not as stable as alot of emulators out there. From what I've read

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zaanan431d ago

My kids and I had a fun time in Tokyo Jungle!

long-time-gamer431d ago

prototype def was not on the same level as infamous far as gameplay or graphics

Pocahontas431d ago

It was legitimately bad game.

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isarai432d ago

Infamous, Resistance, and killzine are so ripe for a remaster, I wish Sony would make it happen.

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