Best Cleric Build in Baldur’s Gate 3, Race, Subclass, Weapons and Skills

baldurs gate 3 human race cleric build customization

Ever wanted to play a God-fearing, powerful, armour-wearing, magic-wielding weapon of Gnoll destruction? Here is all you need to know to make the best Cleric build in Baldur’s Gate 3. This selection is our opinion, and although there may be other interesting Cleric builds, this is what we have found is the most powerful and balanced to get the most out of this class.

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What is the Best Build for Cleric in BG3

In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, where danger lurks around every corner and darkness threatens to consume all, the role of a cleric becomes paramount. Among the myriad options available for character builds, one stands out as a beacon of versatile power: the Light domain human cleric with the Acolyte background. This strategic combination of race, domain, and background creates a character that excels at both offence and defence, making them an invaluable asset to any adventuring party.

  • Race: Human
  • Subclass: Light Domain
  • Background: Acolyte
  • Skills: Religion, Insight, Perception
  • Weapons: Longbow
  • Ability Focus: Wisdom

Of course, the idea of the “best” build entirely relies on what you are wanting from the character and the gameplay style, this setup is just our opinion of the most balanced and full experience of a Cleric but we encourage you to try different combinations and work out what you prefer.

What is the Best Subclass for Cleric

The Light domain is a treasure trove of spells and abilities that smite foes and shield allies. Spells like Warding Flare, Burning Hands, and Faerie Fire allow this cleric to shine both on the battlefield and in a support role. Warding Flare grants the ability to ward off enemy attacks, reducing the likelihood of hits landing. Burning Hands unleashes a burst of fiery energy, dealing damage to nearby enemies and demonstrating the cleric’s power to command elemental forces. On the other hand, Faerie Fire illuminates enemies and bestows advantage on attacks against them, enhancing the entire party’s combat effectiveness.

What Domains do Cleric’s have in BG3?

  • Life Domain
  • Light Domain
  • Trickery Domain
  • Knowledge Domain
  • Nature Domain
  • Tempest Domain
  • War Domain

Life Domain

This domain is focused on healing and support as a disciple of life. Clerics of the Life Domain have access to powerful healing spells, such as Heal and Mass Cure Wounds. life domain clerics also have a number of abilities that can help to protect their allies, such as Warding Bond and Death Ward.

Light Domain

This domain is focused on radiant damage and protection from darkness. Clerics of the Light Domain have access to spells like Burning Hands and Fireball, as well as abilities like Warding Flare and Radiance of the Dawn. They can also use their Channel Divinity to create an aura of light that deals radiant damage to undead creatures.

Trickery Domain

This domain is focused on deception and trickery. Clerics of the Trickery Domain have access to spells like Charm Person and Disguise Self, as well as abilities like Invoke Duplicity and Pass Without Trace with the blessing of the trickster. They can also use their Channel Divinity to create an illusion that can distract or confuse their enemies. 

Knowledge Domain

This domain is focused on knowledge and investigation. Clerics of the Knowledge Domain have access to spells like Identify and Detect Thoughts, as well as abilities like Visions of the Past and Tongues. They can also use their Channel Divinity to learn the alignment of a creature or to grant themselves advantage on an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check.

Nature Domain

This domain is focused on nature and animals. Clerics of the Nature Domain have access to spells like Speak with Animals and Animal Friendship, as well as abilities like Primal Strike and Animal Growth. They can also use their Channel Divinity to create a powerful storm or to heal a damaged plant or animal.

Tempest Domain

This domain is focused on storms and weather. Clerics of the Tempest Domain have access to spells like Thunderwave and Call Lightning, as well as abilities like Destructive Wave and Storm Sphere. They can also use their Channel Divinity to deal lightning damage to a creature or to create a powerful gust of wind.

War Domain

This domain is focused on combat and martial prowess. Clerics of the War Domain have access to spells like Spiritual Weapon and Spirit Guardians, as well as abilities like War Priest and Guided Strike. They can also use their Channel Divinity to grant themselves a +10 bonus to their attack rolls or to allow them to make an additional attack as a reaction.

Which Race is Best For Cleric

When you are beginning in character creation the choice of the human race for this cleric build provides a significant boon to their primary ability score: Wisdom. As the linchpin of a cleric’s power, Wisdom directly influences the potency of their spells and abilities. With the +1 Wisdom modifier, this human cleric ensures that their divine interventions have the maximum impact on the battlefield.

Which Background is Best For Cleric

The Acolyte background is a natural fit for a cleric class, providing proficiency in Insight and Religion. Insight empowers the cleric to decipher the motives and intentions of others, offering valuable information for making informed decisions in diplomatic or strategic situations. Religion proficiency delves into the intricacies of divine domains, enabling the cleric to unravel mysteries, understand the gods’ will, and comprehend their foes’ vulnerabilities.

Which Skills is Best For Cleric

  • Religion is a useful skill for any cleric, as it gives you proficiency in Knowledge (Religion) checks. This skill can be used to learn about the gods and their domains, as well as to identify magical items.
  • Insight is another useful skill for a cleric, as it gives you proficiency in Wisdom (Insight) checks. This skill can be used to read people’s intentions and to get a better understanding of their motivations.
  • Perception is a good skill to have for any character, but it’s especially important for a cleric. Perception checks allow you to notice things that others might miss, such as traps, hidden enemies, and important clues.

Best Weapon for Cleric Build

At its core, the longbow is a ranged weapon renowned for its ability to project lethal force across significant distances. This characteristic makes it an invaluable tool for characters who aim to engage adversaries without exposing themselves to direct physical danger. The longbow’s extended range grants clerics the tactical advantage of being able to strike from a safe distance, reducing the risk of becoming a primary target in battles as a spellcaster.

  • Damage: 1d8 piercing
  • Range: 150/600
  • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Properties: Two-handed, versatile (1d10 piercing when wielded with two hands)
  • Proficiency: Martial

The longbow is a good weapon for clerics who want to deal damage from a distance. It is also a good weapon for clerics who want to support their allies, as it can be used to attack enemies that are threatening them.

The capability to strike enemies from a distance bestows a distinct advantage on the cleric, enabling them to initiate or participate in battles on their terms. Rather than risking direct confrontations that might jeopardize their health, clerics can meticulously choose their targets, focusing on enemies that pose the most immediate threat or utilizing their attacks to eliminate weaker foes before they close in.

Best Spells for Cleric

Selecting the right spells and cantrips can be a game-changer for a cleric, adapting their capabilities to the challenges they face. Shield of Faith bolsters the cleric’s defences by increasing their Armor Class (AC), making them a tougher target for foes, and can also be set on allies to boost them. Healing Word offers swift recovery to endangered allies, ensuring the party stays in fighting shape. The Inflict Wounds spell, a potent damage dealer, allows the cleric to swiftly dispatch enemies and maintain battlefield control.


  • Guidance: This cantrip gives you or an ally a bonus to an ability check. This can be very helpful for skill checks, such as persuasion, intimidation, or stealth.
  • Sacred Flame: This cantrip deals radiant damage to a target. It does not require an attack roll, so it is a good option for targets that are difficult to hit.
  • Thaumaturgy: This cantrip allows you to alter the environment in minor ways. This can be used for roleplaying purposes, such as creating light or making a door appear to be unlocked. It can also be used for combat purposes, such as making a target’s weapon slippery or making a loud noise to startle them.
  • Light: This cantrip creates a light source. This can be helpful for navigating dark areas or for casting other spells that require a light source.
  • Resistance: This cantrip grants a target resistance to a damage type. This can be very helpful for protecting your allies from damage.

Cleric spells

  • Level 1: Shield of Faith, Healing Word, Inflict Wounds
  • Level 2: Blindness, Prayer of Healing
  • Level 3: Hold Person
  • Level 4: Magic Initiate: Cleric (feat)
  • Level 5: Revivify, Spirit Guardians, Bestow Curse

How to Improve Your Cleric

  1. Prioritize Wisdom and Dexterity attributes to optimize your cleric’s casting and combat capabilities.
  2. Embrace the Light domain for its diverse spell selection, enhancing both offense and defense.
  3. Equip a longbow for ranged combat versatility and survival.
  4. Curate a versatile spell repertoire to adapt to diverse scenarios and enemies.
  5. Leverage the dual role of healer and damage dealer to support your party’s success.

In conclusion, the Light domain human cleric with the Acolyte background is an exceptional choice for a cleric build that merges damage-dealing prowess with protective abilities. With its foundation rooted in radiant power, this build offers the essence of a cleric in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you have enjoyed this article you should check out our other Baldur’s Gate 3 articles such as our ultimate guide to all classeshow to free the other Cleric Shadowheart or Best Fighter build in Baldurs Gate 3.


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