
Helldivers 2 patrols and spawn rate being reverted back to pre-patch version

Patrols and spawn rates have been much higher than they should be, especially for small groups and solo players. Luckily, a fix is coming as confirmed by the community manager.

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PS Store Sales Charts: Xbox's Sea of Thieves Is Massive on PS5, Helldivers 2 Finally Starts to Slip

Microsoft's decision to bring former Xbox console exclusives to PS5 is starting to make a lot of sense. Sea of Thieves, the open world pirate sim that seems to have gone from strength to strength over the years, has actually managed to top the PS Store charts for May 2024.

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Ladies and gentlemen here’s what it’s all about at the end of the day, MONEY! MS doesn’t care about exclusives SONY doesn’t care about exclusives. These companies care about their bottom line and if bringing over exclusives from one plastic box to another brings in more money then guess what these companies will do?

I’ve been gaming longer than some of you have been alive so I’ve seen all the stages of gaming and this stage in gaming is the most interesting and defining.

Cacabunga7h ago

“ I’ve been gaming longer than some of you have been alive”

You can still be wrong..and no one said it wasnt about money when xbox was making exclusives..
Sony wants to move hardware and the only Way that makes sense is provide decent exclusives that cannot be found elsewhere..

shinoff21837h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Exactly,imo. If exclusives don't exist then how can these companies sell us on their hardware. I really think Xbox is just in a bad spot. Which is why. If they were selling better, etc exclusives would matter. At this point I think Xbox is trying to just come across as the scrawny kid getting bullied. Which is far from the truth.

ThinkThink7h ago

Exclusives made sense back in the day when games took 2-3 years to make and could be done at a fraction of the price. Today, the cost of game development increases with each year. That on top of the stagnant/declining console market is forcing publishers to expand their reach. Just a matter of time until games are everywhere to cast the widest possible net. I'm surprised ms and sony aren't releasing games on mac.

Abnor_Mal6h ago

Yes exclusives take time and money, and in recent years we’ve seen games with ballooning development costs. Which is why I think Sony have been looking at smaller games and exclusive 2nd party games from China and India, and of course South Korea. Yet some would rather try and bash Sony about lack of games, yet not too long ago made excuses on the lack of first party games on the next platforms.

Years ago I said Sony will begin to put games on PC because there was much request to play their games on PC. Xbox did it first, but went day and date, Sony followed a bit later but with a staggered release, because yes they wanted more Money beyond their player base. Eventually there may come a day when we start to see PlayStation games start to migrate to other consoles, we’re kind of seeing it now with the Lego Horizon game letting their IP be used by Lego and put on Switch. Cash rules everything around, get the money where you can but don’t let greed be the downfall.

Lightning775h ago

Sony still believes in exclusives unless it's LS stuff.

It sounds like their sp stuff will be exclusive or timed exclusive because they'll end up on PC after sometime.


What exclusives does Sony have that can’t be found on PC? PS5 is nothing more than a timed release exclusive machine. I’m not wrong at all the proof is there. Deny all you want but exclusives are dying.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
rippermcrip6h ago

I mean no shit it is about the money. But to say exclusives don't matter is quite ignorant. Just why exactly do you think that Sony and Nintendo are selling boatloads more consoles than Microsoft?

Microsoft has essentially abandoned that because their lack of exclusives sent everyone to Playstation and Nintendo.

Don't think for one second if Microsoft had outsold Playstation 2 to 1 that Microsoft would have done this.


Exclusives don’t hold as much weight as they used to. It’s ignorant to think that Sony won’t follow the money and release their games on other platforms. You people still think these companies care about these silly console wars?

ThinkThink1h ago

I don't think we're saying that exclusives don't matter anymore, it's just that it is not sustainable to not have your games in as many places as possible these days. Unless we all collectively agree to go back to 16 bit games, exclusives will become less and less of a thing in the near future.

ChasterMies6h ago

Almost important to point out that Microsoft is a software company and games are software,

Psychonaut856h ago

Yes. This is always in the back of my mind. Microsoft is primarily a software company, Sony a hardware company. Early on, Microsoft wanted to buy Nintendo but when they didn’t go for it, they developed the Xbox. And all those people saying exclusives don’t matter, if you dial it all the way back, you don’t have Xbox without Halo Combat Evolved.

ThinkThink1h ago

@Psychonaut85, absolutely exclusives mattered back then. That's how these gaming giants were built. But now that these publishers are more established, they need to find new audiences to show continued growth to their shareholders. That's the pickle we're all in now. It's all about the shareholders to these corporations.

BehindTheRows6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Sony very much cares about exclusives hence why they still release them. They also care A LOT about console sales and exclusives are critical towards that.

Their situation isn't Xbox's.

ThinkThink1h ago

I think if you really listen and look at sonys recent actions, you'll see the opposite is true. Sony recently stated that they will use DAUs as their main metric instead of console sales going forward. They are also releasing their first game on the Nintendo switch this year. Ps4 sony would never have done that.

shinoff21831h ago

Pretty sure MLB the show has released on switch. Also as far as Lego horizon, we don't really know the inside details of that

Huey_My_D_Long48m ago

MLB the Show was forced to go multiplatform from MLB themselves if they wanted to keep the MLB exclusive license.

crazyCoconuts5h ago

The only thing interesting about this stage of gaming is that the platform built by the biggest company in the world is about to completely fail

ThinkThink1h ago

Are we talking about apple arcade or Microsoft? I don't see a world where either of those platforms completely fail.

crazyCoconuts4m ago

I'm talking about Xbox as a platform - a console.

CrashMania1h ago

'MS doesn’t care about exclusives SONY doesn’t care about exclusives.'

Lol. Stop trying to project MS' problems on to Playstation, MS are doing this because they dropped a whopping 80 billion and their console sales have slumped shockingly bad levels, PS5 is outselling X1 by like 4-5 at the moment.

Why would Sony start releasing games on Xbox consoles? Software sales there are very poor and cannibalised by Gamepass (proven in the court documents) and it wouldn't be doing them any favours at all. It's not the same the other way around, many more PS5s sold, software sales are waaaay higher as well. Next you'll try to claim Nintendo will release mario on Xbox, despite the switch selling 140 million units, for some reason, where is the money to be made by either of them releasing on Xbox Series?

Nobody can predict the future 100%, but expecting PS games on Xbox consoles is pure copium, Sony will continue with the so far relatively successful start of some staggered releases on PC with live service being day and date.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4m ago
Tacoboto6h ago

But people are saying that gamers will care less about the green company the more they go third party. How ever could this be...

crazyCoconuts5h ago

I mean... Gamers will care less about Xbox because they'll be moving to PlayStation. Not that they won't be interested in the next Halo/Gears/Elder Scrolls whatever... But it's just a software company vs. an entire platform

Tacoboto2h ago

They'll care less about Xbox, but care more or the same about what Xbox puts out.


ThinkThink1h ago

Why would gamers move from xbox to playstation? Can you think of a time in history where xbox Isnt stronger than it is now? That on top of the rumor that the next xbox will allow your to play steam and epic store games? I don't understand where this xbox is dying nonsense is coming from. If you like playstation, just play where it makes you happy.

crazyCoconuts0m ago

They already are. Look at console sales.
And once you have hardware with Epic and Steam on it, that's a PC, not a console. You think Xbox is stronger than ever? Dude... You've gotta be trolling

Psychonaut856h ago

So sales charts, is that based on titles actually selling, or does it include all revenue spent in game? I feel like for GTAV to alway be near the top it has to be including shark cards and shit. Also, I wonder what the split is for Sea of Thieves, like what do Sony, Microsoft and Rare get respectively?

Tacoboto5h ago

I'd suppose it would be the standard 3rd party affair, can't imagine why it would be any different. Microsoft owns Rare so that's irrelevant and Sony gets their standard 30% digital royalty.

Abnor_Mal4h ago

Very interesting that Sea of Thieves is at the top of PS sales list, but that’s what happens when games are released, people buy and try them.

After awhile the polish thins and the game isn’t as shiny anymore so it starts to lose its appeal to some. Seems that’s what’s happening to Helldivers as articles are saying it’s losing its player base, I’m guessing as newer games are released. Same thing seems to be happening with Sea of Thieves also, losing a big portion of its PS5 player base, no word on PS4 but I can see those numbers holding steady a while longer.



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