
Is the swop from Xbox 360 to Xbox One worth it?

MWEB GameZone writes: "Some may contest that the generational leap from the previous generation console to the now current one is too small and that the performance change between the two devices is too insignificant. This is arguably true, since the Xbox One is weaker than the PlayStation 4. The improvements. Here's why we believe that the reasons to get an Xbox One go beyond system specifications, especially since the software is so strong."

HanCilliers3504d ago

Say what you will, Microsoft deserves credit for how they are shaping the XB1 into a fantastic console. They listen to feedback and implement changes.

plut0nash3504d ago

This is true. I tend to avoid PS4 / Xbox One comparisons these days since I enjoy the XBO experience.

schmoe3504d ago

and there is absolutely no reason why you cant enjoy both right??

16bitNutritionist3504d ago

I have all three but the one that gets the most attention is the XO....the whole experience of using it just seems more next gen to me...the console being slightly less powerful than PS4 really doesn't matter at all...I play games for gameplay not graphics..all three are awesome but the XO is the best in my opinion.

ABizzel13504d ago

Honestly I wouldn't recommend getting rid of your last-gen console for a next gen console on any platform except Wii U since it has backwards compatibility (PS Now doesn't really cover it).

All the next-gen consoles are good, but I wouldn't say any of them are amazing right now. If you have a back catalog of games on the PS360 then go back and play those games and try to get an PS4 / XBO bundle on sale for the holidays.

2015 is the real year of gaming for the PS4, and if you can wait until then you'll have a huge and diverse library of exclusives coming to the console all year long.

I expect a price drop for the XBO in 2015 due to sales. The consoles sales are on the rise which is good, but the price will happen to keep momentum, and to stop the PS4 from developing too damaging of a lead, so it's a benefit to gamers to wait at least until April if you can.

If a last gen, single console owner wanted to upgrade to the successor of their console I would recommend Wii U without a doubt.

I'd recommend the Xbox One if they're favorite franchises is out to get the console if they catch a deal (which is likely since only Gears, Fable, and Crackdown will be missing by years end). Otherwise wait until early next year for a price drop, and stick with your 360 the games that are coming out, and G4G.

I'd recommend a PS4 if they have a deal as well. If not then it's best to wait for the PS4 in 2015 when all the amazing games are coming, since there are still good games coming to PS3 and PS+ is carrying it well.

PS4: Mass diversity of games
XBO: Online and Friends
Wii U: E for Everyone

Gazondaily3504d ago (Edited 3504d ago )

Well said. For many of us, who spend a great deal of time on N4G and the like, it's easy to have a very pessimistic view of the X1.

I actually find myself going home and playing the X1 and thinking, wait, what is the fuss about?

On the internet I'm given the impression that resolution/parity etc is the be all and all of console gaming but in reality, when I play on both consoles, I don't see this massive disparity in enjoyment between the two. The X1 certainly more than holds its own in the next-gen arena. But I guess, the sales etc are perhaps, proof to the contrary.

I wouldn't outright swap the 360 for the X1 if you have a back catalogue of games.

Right now, I prefer my X1 to the PS4. In 2015, all that is set to change. But they are both great consoles in their own right and if you own both then you certainly won't be missing out on much. I know that if I only had a PS4, I would be missing out MASSIVELY with Forza Horizon 2. Also, no Uncharted 4? Get outta here! I need that in my veins too.

tgunzz3504d ago

360 gamers, go ahead and upgrade to xb1! Fantastic console, with great games, and incredible features... Game on.

HanCilliers3503d ago

And it just keeps on getting better

Boltshocker3504d ago

I prefer the Xbox experience but that's my opinion i enjoy PS as well just think the online experience is better on Xbox than PS i don't care about who has more fps or graphics as long as i enjoy the game.

plut0nash3504d ago

I think that this is the most common viewpoint around.

yankolo3504d ago

I prefer xbox cuze of....the controller....titanfall...KI.. .xbox live....etc.

Ko_Uraki3504d ago

Some months ago I would have said no. Now yes: X1 is a great console and Horizon 2 is really a nextgen experience

plut0nash3504d ago

It's the fact that it's the first really polished racing game to come out for the Xbox One. :)

lord zaid3504d ago

No it not. I've said this a million times, it is not necessary to upgrade yet. Wait for the price drop people.

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anast3h ago

It's like boycotting 'your' local crack dealer. I'm sure it will change everything...

Xzila112h ago

they manipulated the pack weight and admitting it on twitter

Kaozz19792h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Stop buying the fucking game! It is no secret that the game is based around opening packs that need to be bought with real money if you want to be competitive. Yes I know, you have the chance to get the cards without investing real money, but that is a real grind and you still may never get the cards you want. This is not new and it will not change if people keep buying the game/packs.