
Sony Loves Devs, But PS4 Gamers Hate Indie

Picture the scenario. You have seen eye watering, jaw dropping trailers and video demos from events like E3, and Gamescom leading up to the launch of the PlayStation 4. You have gotten excited over the greatness await campaigns, saving up your hard earned pocket money, even trading your good-old PS3 and PS Vita to buy the next leap in gaming technology.

You eagerly take it home, quickly skimming over the manual before setting it up on your 60 inch HD Sony Bravia. You go online looking for what else to play beyond the major limited AAA titles on offer and all you get is a bunch of crappy looking atari rehashed indies.

XiNarutoUzumaki3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

PS4 Gamers hate Indies? That's new to me. More like...Xbox fanboys hate indies since they have been laughting at PS4 for their Almost-weekly Indie games releases and support.

Transistors Contrast, Resongun( If it counts as indie), Outlast, Child of light, and more were fascinating. Rhime and No Man's Sky will be awesome as well.

XiSasukeUchiha3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Naruto you're right, fanboy being hating indies.


No,got stuck in the desert dimension bro where's Obito and Sakura?

XiNarutoUzumaki3594d ago

Where have you been my ninja buddy? I though you got banned :(

KakashiHotake3594d ago

Good to see you made it back Sasuke.

UltimateMaster3594d ago

No, no they don't hate indies.

Ares84HU3593d ago

I'm a huge PS fan and I HATE indie games. Most of them are garbage and they are flodding Playstation. I rather have less games that are quality than a shitload of garbage.

BlackWolf123593d ago

Can you stop having fake conversations with yourself on this site....

Also don't post Naruto spoilers, just because you've read the latest manga doesn't mean everyone else has.

miyamoto3593d ago

"Sony Loves Devs, But PS4 Gamers Hate Indie" ... uh sales beg to differ.

UltraNova3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

I dont mind indie titles at all really... since nobody is forcing me to buy only these games (pan intended).

BUT, I seriously hope Sony isn't holding back 1st and 2nd party game development to save money by having 3rd party indies make up for it.

Now, I m not saying they are just expressing my thoughts on this, cause if they did they'be violating PS fan's devotion and expectations they come to expect through Sony's unrivaled game support all these years.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3593d ago
HaveAll33594d ago

I don't agree when gamers say Xbox fans or owners do not like indie games. Some of the best experiences I've ever had on 360 were from indie games, Castle crashers, Super meat boy, Minecraft, Trials, Limbo, Fez, Bastion, Brothers, Braid and so many more. They all sold very good also. I also like a lot of the great indie games that were on PS3. One of the reasons why I am really excited for this new generation is because we are getting great indi games from the get-go like Transistor, Super Time force and so on.

ShinMaster3593d ago

Weren't games like Limbo, Borthers, Braide, etc on PS3 as well?

Anyway, I think the argument here is that it is mostly non-PS4/PS gamers who talk about Indie games in a negative manner to belittle the PS4.

Edward753593d ago


The article brings nothing to the table about Xbox owners AT ALL.

It is all facts about top seeking titles on the ps4, Sony saying 4 out of 10 make money, and ps4 forums people being displeased to some degree about all the indies.

This article is all Sony info/facts and I'll say again NOTHING ABOUT MICROSOFT OR FANS OF THE XBOX BRAND.

Jonny5isalive3593d ago

my favorite is shadow complex. But with the success of infinity blade they never made SC 2 :8(

ShinMaster3593d ago

@ Edward75

I didn't say anything about Xbox owners either. I said non-PS4 gamers. You filled in the blanks.

Also, just because the article doesn't say it, doesn't mean it ain't true.
HINT: PS fans are not the ones calling the PS4 "Indiestation 4".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3593d ago
360ICE3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Nope. Resogun doesn't count.

It's a small game (although, it does have a platinum trophy) but Sony is the publisher.

Also, has there been that many great indies yet? Outlast, Fez, Child of Light and Transistor are examples of some good one, but they've also gotten quite a lot of attention. There are a lot of medicore titles on PS Store too, and I'm not surprised they don't get too much attention.

360ICE3594d ago

Also, Child of Light is not an indie. Not sure why I wrote that.

BitbyDeath3593d ago

Mercenary kings and Don't Starve are also awesome

larrysdirtydrawss3593d ago

of course it counts..sony published it but they didn't develop it,it was a very small team that made it.sony didn't lay down one piece of code

360ICE3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

It might be a small studio, but the development of Resogun was anything but independent. Sony financed it. Sony was the publisher.

EDIT: After taking a closer look, Resogun doesn't even seem like such a small studio. They have a community manager and everything.

If you define an indie as an independent game, then surely, Resogun is not one. But I get that many people use the word these days for "small, downloadable title made with a limited amount of resources". Although, anyone who have seen Resogun will know that it's as technically impressive as some of the bigger games out there.

rainslacker3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

Indie just means that the studio isn't owned by a publisher. The size and technical specs of the actual game are irrelevant. Epic, Insomniac, Respawn, Bungie, etc, can all be considered independent.

Housemarque, the creator of Resogun, is an indie studio. They make smaller games, which just happen to be technically impressive.

For the purpose of this topic though, smaller games are more likely what's being talked about. Overall, I'd say that Resogun still falls into this category, as it's a rather small game.

Many indie studios still use publishers to put their games out there however.

360ICE3593d ago


I have never heard anyone use indie for the developers before. "Independently developed game" is what you'll get if you google it.

I don't think any of us would accept Destiny or Sunset Overdrive as indie titles.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3593d ago
christian hour3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

"a bunch of crappy looking atari rehashed indies."

People with this sort of attitude towards these games need to go away. Far away.

I've heard similar statements from people I know, but I never had much regard for their tastes in any medium to begin with(you know, the kind who don't read books and only watch action movies or listen to whats in the charts, I think we all know a vast amount of these people, mindless consumers who just want more of the same)

Jaqen_Hghar3593d ago

I hate people who don't think something is valid if it's not the most popular. Unfortunately people just love to do what most people are doing which just perpetuates itself. That's why a man always takes their presumptions head on and shows them games and movies which fly under the radar but are better than the Transformers and COD garbage they consume

fr0sty3593d ago

Don't you love how people use the few examples of indie games that are simple and/or use throwback 8 or 16 bit graphics styles as a blanket statement for the entire indie game industry? Shows how little they know of it. Hell, No Man's Sky is one of the most ambitious games ever made and it's indie. War Thunder, also indie. Don't Starve, ThatGameCompany's games, I could go on and on with indie games that were either fantastic or even genre-defining experiences.

Rainstorm813593d ago

you know, the kind who don't read books and only watch action movies or listen to whats in the charts, I think we all know a vast amount of these people, mindless consumers who just want more of the same
YEP half of my friend list is like that......** starts deleting useless friends**

Christopher3593d ago

I didn't know I hated Indies...

Learn something new every day.

ShinMaster3593d ago

He said "Xbox fanboys" not owners/gamers.

It's safe to say that most of the criticism of Indie games comes from non-PS4 gamers (e.g. Indiestation 4 comments)

Edward753593d ago

I'll say again for you shin... Jic...

This article is all Sony facts/info.


Twinblade3593d ago

Most gamers hate indies, regardless of platform. Most of these gamers only care about big names from AAA studios.

wsoutlaw873593d ago

I dont think they hate indies, I just think there is this culture created by marketing that great games are this huge games with crazy graphics that all play just like cod. I dont think theres really a hate just a prejudice against them because most gamers dont know anything about them. People assume independent music sucks too because "if it was good it would be on the radio" which is just insane. Once more people see different types of indies it will change. Games like star citizen will help change a lot about what is considered indie and Kingdom come deliverance looks like it will be in the league of all the big publishers rpgs.

christian hour3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )


"if it was good it would be on the radio"

This is why I stopped gigging and decided to just make music for myself and anyone on the internet that might stumble across it :D

Seriously though, it's this very mentality that makes me sad to be a part of human society sometimes. Also everything is oversaturated in reverb these days. EVERYTHING!

showtimefolks3593d ago

more like xbox fanboys are butt hurt over the fact ps4 has been getting stronger indie support. All last gen, xbox fanboys would tout that indies are better and so much more content on xblive
so now that the tables have turned all of the sudden indies are over rated and no important

Now its all about AAA games

bottom line is indies are the only ones taking risk/new ideas

ITPython3593d ago

Title needs to be rewritten: "Sony Loves Devs, But XB1 Gamers Hate Indie".

mcarsehat3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

It's moronic for people to blame any side. I get it, the title says ps4 gamers so you feel the need to retaliate (i'm a ps4 gamer and i'm not a fan of indies too so the title does apply. It is just an incredibly convenient way of SONY to be praised by the journalists AND save money.

The real demographic that needs to be blamed is ALL GAMERS. Everyone likes a good game but one of the biggest pulls a game has is how shiny shiny it is, if the graphics aren't like The Order 1886 it will be under the radar. Isn't that what the whole indie movement was started for, because gamers don't care about 2D games anymore and you get the odd 'REBEL' that says otherwise?

Hotline Miami has been my GOTY up to now but i do not like indies and i stand by that because i don't copy other opinions to make myself try and seem like a bigger person.

TFJWM3593d ago

So your game of the year is an indie but you don't like indies....what?

CodeNameTBW23593d ago

GAMERS HATE INDIE!! Cuz they are cheap knock off's, of something i can play on the web or on my phone. Gamers bought a expensive console to play big name AAA games, not INDIE CRAP!

MuhammadJA3593d ago

All console gamers hate indies. They only like AAA games. You know who likes and support indies? PC gamers.

CuddlyREDRUM3593d ago

What does this have to do with Xbox?

vega2753593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

It doesn't. Nor have you heard xbox owners say they hate Indies games. Just fanboys looking to put it off on xbox 1 gamers cause the article is about them.

Edit: I for one dont hate indie games since I play a lot of them on my pc I just dont buy a lot of them on console since I get them much cheaper on steam

rowdyBOY3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

It's funny that the Sony owners are backing indie games .
Maybe because , dare I say , PS4 STILL GOT NO GAMES , obviously except the 2-bit indie crap .

Indie games are like the ios and android games , just pure JUNK .

I'm sorry but I'll play DESTINY all day over angry birds and those indie rubbish


XiNarutoUzumaki3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

The PS4 has no games joke is irrelevant already. Where have you been? Indie games are awesome too. No man's Sky, Rhime? I'll play Destiny as well along with the exclusives PS4 is getting this year .

Eddie201013593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

PS4 get just as many retail games as the Xbox One and just as many exclusives, just some people don't know how to count and have their own agendas. Just because Sony supports indies and because of this PS4 gets more indie games doesn't show that the PS4 has or will get less AAA games. Sony has always produced more first party games than any other console maker and I am sure they will continue to do so. anyone with any common sense feels the same way.

As for indies on PS4, just adds more games to the PS4 library and more choice (regardless of the miss conception that PS4 will have fewer retail AAA games). Many of the indie games are as good as retail releases. No need to hate on indies or worry about getting plenty of retail games, PS4 will have plenty of both.

popup3593d ago

If people don't like Indi games, don't buy them. They are not in any way preventing AAA games from being made or even delaying them. They are giveing you a chance to play other games instead of just waiting and staring at a blank screen until something else comes along. In fact, some of the best releases in the last few years have been Indi.

I swear there are two types of 'Hardcore Gamer' in reality..

The Fakes - The self confessed expert gamer. Spends huge amounts of time playing any game with a gun. Good at shooting.

The Hardcore Gamer - Plays and admires most, if not all genres and facets of gaming. Enjoys Games.

Azzanation3593d ago

Don't rubbed the blame on someone else. No one in there right mind buys a next gen console to play PC indies capable on running on Mobile phones. No one hates Indies but your getting confused with Xbox fans laughing because PS4 are relying on indies to carry there system though the year where as XB1 doesn't, even though they have indies too.

Gamer19823593d ago

The problem with indies is unlike big games because of what they are there are only a couple of great indies made each year and a crap ton of games that fill the market.. STEAM has been completely ruined because of them lately.. It's a nightmare finding a decent game in there these days thanks to greenlight scheme just getting people to greenlight garbage because they got those games as part of a $1 bundle. But on consoles its worse as these are the games Sony are giving away on PS+ when people are used to retail games. The store has also got more indie games than full games now and it won't be long before the console store looks like the appstore on ios and we all know why the appstore is a horrible place.. It has great games on there but unless you know what you want its a needle in a haystack situation.

geddesmond3593d ago

Nope I'm a PS4 gamer and I hate indies. Its just a bunch of shovelwere to me.

turab3593d ago

this site could use some humor. u get a Bubble up.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3593d ago
Frankskint3594d ago

PS4 Gamers don't hate indies, fanboys do. LOL

Bhuahahaha3594d ago

yeah he should not have write or say "ps4 gamers"

should rather go for~ "some ps4 gamers..

Kingthrash3603594d ago

I think "some ps4 gamers" is inaccurate as well.
Should say : "me and my fellow Xbox 1 owners hate indies on ps4"
I know MANY who are anticipating rime...egttr...and nms.
Bad article .

Jaqen_Hghar3593d ago

It's not PS4 gamers calling it "indiestation 4" or saying how it's a $400 indie machine

DigitalRaptor3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

I came into this discussion expecting an Xbox fanboy troll-fest.

Glad to see most people here are treating the article as it should. SHUN IT.

Indies have the capability to be better games than AAAs. They are more creative and original 99% of the time. Sure, they don't ALWAYS offer as much content, but who cares about that when they are priced accordingly, and when they are some of the most fun and inspiring games out there?

When NO MAN'S SKY…. an indie game from a studio of 10…. is forging the largest game-world EVER, that's when the laughter and mocking just needs to end. The staunch Xbox trolls on here are hating on indies, meanwhile, they are port begging for NO MAN'S SKY.

Only the small-minded can conjure up hatred and downplay the power of a group of intelligent and creative indie devs, whilst establishing clear double standards, when indie games come to their console of choice, and they get excited for them.

3 people founded Media Molecule, an indie dev, consisting of Mark Healey, Dave Smith and Kareem Ettouney. They were already in talks with Phil Harrison at Sony Worldwide Studios before the marvel that was LittleBigPlanet was a AAA game.

Whether anyone likes it or not, a small group of indie developers can inspire multi-billion dollar corporations to support them in big ways, and have done many times in the past and will continue to, even after the Xbox fanboys are done crying foul.

Bigpappy3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

"The staunch Xbox trolls on here are hating on indies, meanwhile, they are port begging for NO MAN'S SKY." What exactly does that even mean? Is every Xbox owner a troll? And can you provide some evidence of Xbox owners begging for NO MAN'S SKY?

There are always a few indie games that are we made and fun, but don't pretend that their games are the most desirable and driving the industry. There were hundreds of indie games on 360. To find 20 good ones, you really had to lower your expectations and be willing to play a bunch of clones.

I like that indie games are on Xbox (Gautamalee is fun). But more fun that Ryse or Plants VS Zombies? Not even close.

If Sony tries to push indies over AAA games the PS4 will sales will drop to a crawl. Do that and that will leave M$ with a huge opportunity to zoom right pass them.

DigitalRaptor3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

@ Pappy

"What exactly does that even mean? Is every Xbox owner a troll? And can you provide some evidence of Xbox owners begging for NO MAN'S SKY?"

I think it's pretty obvious you know what I'm talking about. I even stated that it was the Xbox fanboys and trolls, NOT every Xbox owner. And just look at every No Man's Sky article with Xbox fanboys in the discussion - it's not difficult.


"But more fun that Ryse or Plants VS Zombies? Not even close. "

Opinions are fun.

Ryse has gameplay that is the digital equivalent of poop. Unrefined, sluggish and repetitive for an action hack 'n' slash. Plants VS Zombies, you may have a case for, and I'm looking forward to playing that soon.

Despite that, my main driving force by the defence of indie games is that they are more creative and original 99% of the time. At least the ones that you see having controlled releases on consoles are.

If you are concerned about searching through a bunch of clones, read reviews and follow the industry like most of us are on here to do. You don't have to play anything you don't want to, so let's be realistic rather than disingenuous about that.

The PC/smartphone market is another beast in regards to this.

"If Sony tries to push indies over AAA games the PS4 will sales will drop to a crawl."

Not gonna happen.

1) You know that Sony has AAA games in development. AAA games have a presence enough to push the console indefinitely. They will ALWAYS be released. If people think Destiny is a PS exclusive, then what do you think happens when their first and second party houses begin to accelerate when they've got the console hardware on lockdown, just like they did last gen?

2) Sony aren't exactly "pushing" indies. They are just treating them as any other game, as they should be. The amount of budget a game has should not necessarily impact how it is promoted or placed on the store front.

The indie games that Sony are ACTUALLY pushing are the ones that they are funding like RiME, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Shadow of the Beast and games that they believe in enough to sign as exclusive like NO MAN'S SKY. Basically, developers that are on the frontier of AAA development given the right amount of support and nurturing. The next 'Media Molecule' or 'Thatgamecompany'. And those games are few and far between, but will still push more sales due to there being strong, unique content for gamers, just like PS3 last-gen.

3) Microsoft are not "zooming" right past Sony. They could only do that with a year's head start last gen, and all the terrible PR and disadvantages Sony had with their PS3. Don't fool yourself.

k2d3593d ago

@pappy: you know Plants vs zombies was an indie title before EA gobbled them up?

Darkstares3594d ago

Sales determine that, not fanboys. Sony needs to come forth and mention how well they are selling, until then we have no idea who really likes them or not.

MYDEATH213593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

"PS4 gamers Hate click bait articles!"
I fixed it bros! Now, let's see what other inaccurate article titles need fixed today?

hkgamer3593d ago

ps4gamers dont hate indies. they just choose to ignore it.

howeveer, those games are pretty succesful and it doesnt really matter if it doesnt have mass appeal

beerzombie3593d ago

No people buy what they like if a game is good people will buy it. To call some one a fan boy because they wont spend their money on a game Is rubbish.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3593d ago
lifeisgamesok3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Indies are good sides to go with your main course

AAA > Indie

Indies usually don't have enough gameplay elements

Arkardo3594d ago

Not enough gameplay elements?

Indies are all about gameplay last time I checked.

I had more fun with indies last gen than many mediocre AAA games.

Simple minded people hate Indies

Anon19743594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

I concur. When I look back at the games that made an impact on me last gen, that I really enjoyed...indies are the games that stand out. Limbo, Braid, Journey, Flower...pretty much all the PixelJunk games, Bastion, Spelunky, Sound Shapes (was just playing this on my PS4 this morning despite having finished everything on my PS3 and my Vita) etc.. And those are just handful of the ones I personally enjoyed the hell out of. Never got around to playing Castle Crashers or Minecraft but I know people obsess about both.

Sure I love my AAA games as well, but you hit the nail right on the head. There were just so many mediocre AAA games that just weren't worth the time, just as there's many mediocre indie titles. But just like AAA games, when you find one that really shines it just makes it all worthwhile. Even when I have a healthy dose of AAA games to choose from, I often find myself gravitating towards the smaller games.

hkgamer3593d ago

you just grouped every indie game together whislst the original commentor was saying how an indie game normally ha one gameplay element the entire game.

it normally does use that one gameplay element very well which makes the game stand out and fun.

aaa titles have a big bunch of gameplay elements. look at gta. its open world has driving, tennis, shooting, story etc... not saying they are good things though, each one of thise mechanics are not perfect.

i do agree that indies as a whole is wonderful though, provide so many different range of style and is very creative.


journey and flower are not indie games. downloadable games does not mean its an indie title.

spacedelete3593d ago

also simple minded people hate on AAA games. yes there are many mediocre AAA games but don't make it out like every indie game are the best game when in fact 99% of them are trashy games.

a good AAA game is better than the very best indie game now stop trying to be a hipster jumping on the hating AAA bandwagon.

Hello_World3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

I'm playing Transistor right now and its prob my fav PS4 game so far. It is so so so fun. Give it a try. Indies are unique and aren't as cliche and filled with less bald Space Marines.

hkgamer3593d ago

the great thing about indies is that they do not need to sacrifise too much of their artistic vision to suit what the masses want. whilst big aaa titles with massive budget has to.

GarrusVakarian3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

"Indies are good sides to go with your main course "

I mostly agree, that's how i view the majority of indies.

"AAA > Indie "

Not always. A game being AAA doesn't automatically make it better than any indie title. That's incredibly naive and ridiculous to even think that. Many AAA's are absolute garbage, just like many indie titles. Either one can be better than the other.

MasterCornholio3594d ago

I hate people who think that all indies are crap. Many indies that I played are much better than AAA games.

How's this for a comparison?

Outlast>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>> Aliens Colonial Marines

Revengeance3594d ago

Oh I see. You rather play horrible AAAs like Ryse over great games like Bastion or Transistor?

Indies are taking over and coming up with great ideas. You won't like it but it's the truth.

SilentNegotiator3594d ago

Good thing Ps4 has so many AAA games, then.

Mr_Writer853594d ago

"Indies are good sides to go with your main course

AAA > Indie

Indies usually don't have enough gameplay elements"

Well then may I suggest you give up gaming as you clearly don't know what a game is.

KinjoTakemura3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )


Listening to someone scrape their fingernails across a chalk board would be preferable to reading anymore of your posts.

ChickenOfTheCaveMan3593d ago

I agree.

Indie in video games, music, movies are the same thing, a great way to go off the mainstream road. It's relaxing and most of the time satisfying.

That article is useless, it's like asking why Transformers 4 sold more tickets than The Grand Budapest Hotel or Beyonce sold more than Birdy, mainstream vs indie will never win and it's just fine like that.

That's the beauty of indie.

hkgamer3593d ago

ok, people who are disagreeing with this guy because he says AAA>indie is a little cruel.

that is his opinion. he also likes to play some indie titles aswell, not like he ignores those.

you guys are picking the worst aaa titles compared to the best indie and also aliens colonal marines is probably not even an aaa game.

now if you look at every aaa title and then look at every indie title. i garuantee that aaa would have a better average. there is a shit ton of bad indies around. there are lots of freaking aamzing ones aswell. but fuck me are their lots of bad ones. thankfully releasing a game on ps4 is harder than steam so we dont get a shit ton of shit games.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3593d ago
JBSleek3594d ago

Articles that generalize...My favorite


SilentNegotiator3594d ago

They must be, since you approved it.

JBSleek (1) | 1h ago

SilentNegotiator3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

No, but approving something you don't actually approve of does = stupidity.

3594d ago Replies(1)
Show all comments (197)

New data suggests PlayStation PC trophies are in the works

A recent trophy list published on the PlayStation Network contains hints that Sony is testing PlayStation PC trophies.

Read Full Story >>
214d ago
XxSPIDEYxX214d ago

How sweet of Sony to slowly migrate their audience to PC.


Sony Quietly Removed the Ability to Transfer Games from PS3 to Vita - PlayStation LifeStyle

Sony removed the ability to transfer games from PS3 to Vita, which unfortunately locks Vita players out of a lot of PS1 classics.

Read Full Story >>
ZeekQuattro721d ago

Sony really hates the Vita. Years later and they're still finding ways to snub owners of the device.

721d ago
Tacoboto721d ago (Edited 721d ago )

Sony really hates the players, demonstrated by an onslaught of anti-consumer moves - from PS+ Cloud Save restrictions, enforced DualSense on-console (despite input flexibility on Remote Play), no DLC Support for PS3 PS+ titles, upgrade fees on not just cross-gen titles but also now on their new PS+ service, to things like this.

Only Nintendo out-snubs Sony on treatment of their players.

King_Noctis721d ago

This I have to agree. Nintendo is the worst when it comes to consumer-friendly moves, and now Sony is coming so close.

Auron721d ago (Edited 721d ago )

Well atleast nintendo dont dictate/cherry pick what deserves censorship on 3rd party titles.

721d ago
Goozex721d ago

Ya ms has anti consumer moves like drm

persona4chie720d ago

I fully agree that Nintendo cares less about its fans and stuff, but can we look at each company for what they’re doing not others? Yeah I’m irritated at Nintendo for more or less ignoring drift, limited releases like Mario 3D all stars etc, but guess what when I’m mad at Sony for something I’m not going to keep bringing it up, it’s not going to change the fact that I still can’t transfer my ps1 games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 720d ago
Wrex369721d ago

Yeah unfortunately they gave it a decent start then just kind of relegated it to the bin. Really great handheld though and in its day was my favorite. Gravity Rush, Persona 4 golden, uncharted, tearaway, freedom unite monster hunter(psn downloaded psp version), and DRAGONS CROWN.. just to name a few.. such a good handheld I'd wish they'd try again man.

shinoff2183721d ago

Only indie devs helped keep it alive sony got some games made for it. Just most aaa devs didnt bother. That was the vitas downfall

darthv72721d ago

It seems like this was included in the most recent PS3 and Vita fw updates. So as long as i dont upgrade my systems... it should still work.

porkChop721d ago

What, why? I don't understand the point of this.

Inverno721d ago

People, jailbreak you Vita.

IanTH721d ago

Yeah, I'm not sure why Sony did this. It's one more thing to push people towards CFW, and then that's basically priming people to pirate. Why would they take away a feature? Why do companies continue to punish the loyal, paying customers? It boggles the mind.

flyinb11720d ago

This definitely pushed me to do it.

GoodGuy09721d ago

Just mod your vita and ps3 lol.

one2thr721d ago

This, Pokémon Inclement Emerald on PSVita🤯

Show all comments (36)

PlayStation Network Currently Generates Over $14 Billion In Sales

PlayStation Network currently generates over a staggering $14 billion in digital sales.

MastaMold725d ago (Edited 725d ago )

Yea with this type of revenue could people start to realize and drop the topic of "Sony needs a Game pass. "

TheGreatGazoo30725d ago

That is what all the smart business people are saying "subscription models are a fad."

Silly gameAr725d ago


They also said PS Now was a failure. You think all that money is coming from sub models alone?

Bathyj725d ago

The only industry where people on the losing side think the leaders should follow the losers. Sony's clearly fine doing what they've been doing for 25 years. Selling games like the industry has always done.

Orchard725d ago (Edited 725d ago )

@Bathyj "Sony's clearly fine doing what they've been doing for 25 years. Selling games like the industry has always done."

Gotta future proof. I'm sure Blockbuster folk said the same thing about Netflix when it first came on the scene. Business models and consumer expectations change over time.

SullysCigar725d ago

^ sure Orchard, Blockbuster is one example. Another might be Netflix losing subscribers to the point they're changing their policy and threatening their customers.

Netflix started off as good value, then was amazing as the content was great as well as the price, but now it's expensive compared to it's peers and has lost a load of content to them. Original content is mostly crap now and I'm betting a significant crash in users is coming for them late this year.

My point being? Gamepass and anything Sony may do along those lines may well face the same fate. There's nothing wrong with diversification, but you have to focus on your main money maker and people are lapping up PlayStation traditional model - for good reason.

ABizzel1725d ago

They don't "need GamePass" for financials. They needed the revamp to ensure consumer engagement, loyalty, and market share didn't shift in favor of Xbox due to the potential short-term / long-term success of GamePass.

This is why we have the new PS+. They don't need a direct GamePass competitor, they simply needed an easy to get into and well-marketed subscription service that offers a library of games for the more casual consumer since the core fanbase actually buys games on PS.

Godmars290724d ago

Though, aren't they getting a Game Pass. Just that theirs wont include day one major releases.

MrNinosan724d ago

They had it for years, way before Gamepass was a thing.

Obscure_Observer724d ago

"Yea with this type of revenue could people start to realize and drop the topic of "Sony needs a Game pass"

Well, whether Sony needs a "Game Pass" I can´t tell but, I´m certain they can´t allow themselves to stay idle and not react to Xbox´s recent advances either. According to Newzoo´s latest report, Microsoft´s year-on-year growth is +9,6% vs Sony -2,3% vs Nintendo +1,9%.


Also once the Activision/Blizzard acquisition is completed, Xbox is expected to become the second biggest company in gaming, right behind Tecent.



That´s why Sony´s future investments will be more focused on subscription services, GaaS, Multiplatform, PC and Mobile. There are also rumors of a PS Plus launcher for PC coming soon.

Die hard PS fans might hate the direction that Sony is apparently following under Yoshida (CEO) and Ryan by making PS games and services "less exclusive". But inteligent and reasonable PS fans knows that Sony must do what they have to do if they intent to survive trillion dollar companies like Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft while continue and deliver high quality game and services.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 724d ago
RickRoland725d ago (Edited 725d ago )

“Gotta future proof. I'm sure Blockbuster folk said the same thing about Netflix when it first came on the scene. Business models and consumer expectations change over time.”

The difference here is overall convenience. You had to drive to the store and browse then purchase get a game/movie from them and drive home. You have free access from your house to browse and purchase on PS Network. If someone really wants a game and it is of quality and has great reviews they will buy it. Blockbuster lost to internet convenience, not pricing.

Over time subscription services get so large that the fees have to increase, making the value decrease…and as we have seen with sub services quality decreases also. Not everyone wants another monthly bill in their budget for 2-3 games a year they really want to play. A reliance on a sub service weens once you sift through the initial 3-6 months of library access. I know for myself that my gamepass subscription was much more amazing when I first got my series x than it is now 1 year later. At this point I’m just waiting for exclusives…which I wouldn’t mind purchasing without a monthly script because it’s a few games a year.

BehindTheRows725d ago

He knows that, he’s just on the “opposing view” because it’s PlayStation. If Xbox generated this much, and more than PlayStation, it’d be a whole different tune.

Truth is Sony has the winning model and should keep doing exactly what has won them generation(s).

1Victor724d ago

But but but I was told that PS3 was Sony last console and Microsoft was going to buy them.
I want my money back from those damn cheap pact of Gypsies predictions 🤷🏿

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 724d ago
neutralgamer1992725d ago

In fluffy's voice "DAMN"

PlayStation is universal brand. It sells in every country and the brand recognition is just on another level. I think it was like 2018 or 2019 when PlayStation generated more money than Xbox and Nintendo combined


Sony doesn't need GP because they have a huge library of games from their past generations that people can't wait to play again with trophy support. And they have been the best ever since launch of PS5. Game after game while as a Xbox series X owner I am playing the wait game. HFW, GT7, GOW, TOKYO Ghostwire and rumor has it TLOU remake will release this year too. While Ms have all the resources and not much AAA content

Hopefully 2023 is when Xbox can get on a steady schedule for releasing awesome games. Honestly this is the last straw if anything like this happens again than Phil has to and I do mean has to go. He can't be failing this badly with the amount of resources at his disposal

Aloymetal725d ago

''PlayStation is universal brand. It sells in every country and the brand recognition is just on another level. I think it was like 2018 or 2019 when PlayStation generated more money than Xbox and Nintendo combined''

You're absolutely right with both statements.!

Eonjay724d ago

I would like to point out that even though is evident that Sony doesn't 'need' GP, they are going to profit very handsomely from their own subscription and they are going to do it without compromising the revenue they get from their first party releases.

Sony Nintendo and Microsoft have worked together to enrich each other. Sony took PSNow, rebranded it to be like GamePass with it's catalog of newer games and then added in Nintendo's retro service. They deserve credit for taking some great aspects of their competitor's programs and making it work for their business.

725d ago Replies(1)
Flawlessmic725d ago

Love to hear it, now keep giving us the usual AAA single player bangers, keep the gaas rubbish to a minimum.

thesoftware730725d ago (Edited 725d ago )

That's good money!

Playstation Network includes all digital purchases, DLC, MT, the monthly/ yearly fee, PSnow and any other paid service on the network.

120mill PS4 and 20 mill PS5, I'm not surprised.

Lol, why mention they don't need a GP service when they are actually doing a similar service come June. I would take that to mean they see more $$ coming from it.

I would surmises the other 2 systems generate in the billions for their digital services as well.

SullysCigar725d ago

"why mention they don't need a GP service"

Because they don't. It's called diversification. They're aiming to offer choices and the best of all worlds. To suggest they 'need' it, though, when they're taking profits like that would be plain wrong.

thesoftware730725d ago

Uh-huh, but who claimed they "needed" it?

Subscriptions services are what all gaming associated brands are doing, Amazon, Google, Nvidia, Ubisoft, EA, MS, Nintendo, Apple, and even Netflix.

Please stop with the "they are diversifying", spin nonsense. They all are, if you can purchase games in a multiple way on

thesoftware730725d ago

Uh-huh, but who claimed they "needed" it?

Subscription services are what all gaming associated brands are doing, Amazon, Google, Nvidia, Ubisoft, EA, MS, Nintendo, Apple, and even Netflix.

Please stop with the "they are diversifying", spin to make them sound different nonsense. They all are diversifying by definition, if you can purchase games and services in multiple ways on a platform then they are all giving diversifying options lol. Sony just like the rest of them sees money to be made.

You can buy, MS games on PC, Xbox, in a store, digitally or sub to GP...see diversifying. You can buy Nintendo games on Mobile, in a store, digitally or you can sub NSO..see diversifying. You can buy games, and 1000 different apps on IOS and android or you can sub and get them...diversifying. Sny is no different, their games selling well means nothing, Subs are industry standard and they are just now bolstering that specific dept. because GP and others popularity can't and shouldn't be ignored.

No need to make them sound like they are doing something special, they are simply moving in a well laid out direction as well.

****Sorry for the double post, had to tend to something***

SullysCigar725d ago

^ "Uh-huh, but who claimed they "needed" it?"

Well, you, when you said, "Lol, why mention they don't need a GP service", but it's no big deal.

By the same token, nowhere did I claim Sony is doing something different, nor did i employ spin. I'm sorry, I might not be the fight you're looking for. I'm just pointing out the situation, not comparing them to any other company.

GamingSinceForever725d ago

What Game Pass does is offer all 1st party and some 3rd party games day one. So no Sony doesn’t need to copy that. That is what was meant when people said that.

thesoftware730725d ago

The 14 billion is not from games alone, it is generated through ALL service sales and usage on the network, even movie streaming, HBO Max, Netflix, Spotify, 3rd party services in general, and yes the gaming division.

I get that it's making money, but the whole "no need for GP-like service", when they are indeed doing a GP-like service is pure worship and a pointless thing to say. Offering the 1st party games on day one has nothing to do with this, technically none of them have to do that, they just chose different directions with that one specific thing.

725d ago Replies(1)
GamingSinceForever725d ago

Sony doesn’t need a GP like service, but that isn’t to say one wouldn’t be nice to have.

Anyone with common sense would love to have the option of playing Playstation games on day one at a monthly cost, however Sony in their current position doesn’t need to go there because they are still making a nice profit selling games at full price.

So no it isn’t worship, it is just stating the facts. They feel that giving away their games would dilute the quality.

MrNinosan724d ago (Edited 724d ago )

They had PSNow for years, they're just rebranding and cleaning it a bit.

John_McClane724d ago

I wonder how much of the money generated comes from their movie company?

Deeeeznuuuts724d ago

Separate division of Sony, so none.

John_McClane723d ago

@DeeeezNuuuts They sell their movies on psn don't they?

P_Bomb723d ago

They stopped selling movies/tv on PSN a while back.

jBlakeeper724d ago (Edited 724d ago )

Because the service they are releasing isn’t meant to compete with GamePass.

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