
In Space No one can hear a Scam: Why Alien Isolation's Preorder DLC has me worried

LL Writes "Now I'm not against preorder DLC when it's essentially fluff, I couldn't give a rats arse if I miss out on items that make the game slightly easier or clad my character in gold as some kind of ill thought out status symbol because I chose to be cautious and wait for a review, or if I simply turned up late to the party because I had other things to do that week.

But this whole affair just rubs me up the wrong way."

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AgentSmithPS43593d ago

"but only if you preorder Alien Isolation, as SEGA have pulled the classic scum bag move of offering you some potentially brilliant content, but only if you preorder the game."

That sucks, I hope the internets go wild and get them to time it instead, or something better.

??? Does anyone know of a place(s) to pre-order the game that will let you return it unopened for the longest time if it turns out bad? Thanks.

rdgneoz33593d ago

Amazon maybe. Just tell them you ordered the wrong game.

wheresmymonkey3593d ago

Apparently SEGA have now confirmed it's timed. Still shows a complete lack of faith in the main game if you ask me.

Lon3wolf3593d ago

It was confirmed yesterday.

MichaelTM883593d ago

I'm interested to see how this game turns out. Everyone has had their doubt. I want to see how well Sega does with this.....

Dannycr3593d ago

I understand the concern. It is 100% valid, however I saw it at E3 and I will be buying it. Regardless if it end up being a regular game, what I saw was great. I don't actually buy games based on reviews because I've hated games that were critically acclaimed (Tomb Raider) and loved games that were critically destroyed, so I'm going with what I saw.

joab7773593d ago

I think that they r concerned after what happened with Aliens, the possible difficulty marketing in its shadow, and the articles written after this years e3.

So, despite its seeming quality and possible greatness, they feel they need this dlc, which was probablypost game dlc that they r using to gauge interest and maybe, just maybe, get ppl on the fence to jump on over.

Its hard for me to say what I think b/c I dont know what they r thinking. If they t ruely believe they have a gem on their hands and are worried about competition and the previous debacle of an IP, then I guess I dont mind the parlor tricks. But if its being done to grab pre orders b/c they know once we get our hands on it, it will disappoint, then I hav a problem.

And I will definitely be angry either way if it isnt offered at some point in the future as paid dlc. I will giv them the benefit of the doubt...and if it is great, it wont matter...b/c we all know in this industry that we would pay top dollar for a premium game, considering the amount we spend on broken promises.

Dannycr3593d ago

I understand that there are a lot of concerns based on what happened with Colonial Marines, but this is a whole other company developing this game and based on what I saw, I can see the love and care they were taking when creating this game.

When I saw it, the developers were there explaining the gameplay and the things they were doing and going for and what I could tell from them is that they are really confident on their product but their only concern is that people are (justly) worried because of Colonial Marines. They even mentioned Colonia Marines during the presentation and while being extremely polite about it, you can tell they were trying to tell the audience that this game is NOTHING like Colonial Marines and I believe them and the footage backed them up.

If this game has any particular set of problems they will be exclusive to this game, like being repetitive, short, etc, but it should not carry the weight of colonial marines.

wheresmymonkey3593d ago

I'm going to give it a whirl at EGX. I hope it's good, But I am concerned that itsa premise that potnetially deosn't have very long legs.

Dannycr3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

If you are an "Alien/Xenomorphs" fan you will see that the game has A LOT of small little nods to the 1st movie. It actually would be a good idea to watch the movie before checking the game and check on that.

The sound design was really cool. Lots of eco and "emptiness" that is really creepy. Playing it with surround sound or 7.1 headphones would be a definite blast.

My particular concerns are the Lenght of the game, the difficulty and if the game becomes boring too quickly, with that said, I don't mind if this ends up being just a 1 game run, because I can see this formula being used for other monsters like Predator o maybe Movie maniacs like Jason, Freddy, Myers, etc.

IndoAssassin3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )


Screw the company that started all this crap.

joab7773593d ago

We have ourselves to blame. Just read all the articles and especially the comments on N4G...and then pretend to own either a console maker or a 3rd party publisher. What would u do in their shoes?

IndoAssassin3592d ago

Yah I know these publishers need money. But still it's a shitty practice and I hate it.

Killzoner993593d ago

Well you should have been worried when it was announced it was being dumbed down for the Xbone. It could have been amazing if it optimized the PS4. Another Alien game bites the dust.

joab7773593d ago

Dumbed down? Graphically? I love my ps4 but I would disagree strongly that a game couldnt be great b/c it had to be changed slightly for the xbone. Are you saying that the gameplay has been drastically altered to run on the xbone?

Destiny and dragon age are releasing for last gen consoles...would they have been great if made only for the PS4? Remember, u need money to make these games. Cite some examples of why its garbage and how being a ps4 exclusive would have made it great.

Yeah, many ps4 exclusives are great games...but mainly b/c they are being made by great devs. And there are a handful of games, maybe just Naughty Dog games that couldnt run on an xbox (maybe they could...we dunno), but that isnt reason enough to claim that every game is $#/t b/c it is a multiplatform title.

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banger8829d ago

Alien Trilogy is great as well and still holds up good even today.


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Rebel_Scum206d ago

tbh it doesn’t need a sequel. Fantastic game but not something to make into a long running series.


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crazyCoconuts213d ago

Good month imo. I'll play Gotham Knights and House of Ashes. I'm finishing up Disco E on Steam right now - that's a superb game.

cthulhucultist213d ago

House of Ashes was weird but one of the good weird ones! Really enjoyed it

213d ago
Lexreborn2213d ago

I really enjoyed Gotham knights playing with my friend

213d ago
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