
'No Man's Sky' Is Receiving Too Much Hate It Doesn't Deserve

People hate No Man's Sky for all the wrong reasons.

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SegaGamer2811d ago

People are annoyed because they were lied to. If the developer was just honest from the start, then these problems wouldn't exist.

Zorkaz2810d ago (Edited 2809d ago )

No, they weren't lied to. Or rather they were, but they blew things out of proportion. Sean Murray has mentioned the presence of things that weren't there, but that's all he did: 'mentioned, once or twice'. People just got on the hype train and believed any rumors they heard, or read the headlines. There were gameplay videos, there was information, what you make of that is your problem. Do research before you buy a game, even if said game is gonna be a historical first. People just love jumping at the first opportunity to hate, especially when they're on the same side as everybody else. It's fair if you feel you've been cheated of your money, but still. This game isn't for everybody, but because it was the first game featuring a procedurally generated Universe, everybody bought it, so there are obviously gonna be unhappy customers. But they have no right to say they didn't get what they were promised. They did.

P.S. In reply to all those comments underneath: I think my general point still stands. Your 'Lies' are basically all just single sentences, that yes, many of which turned out to be false, but were still just that: Sentences in a larger paragraph. At no point did he make a whole speech explaining something that wouldn't ultimately be there (at launch anyways). I'm not really trying to defend Sean Murray, it's the game. I didn't say it was all in your heads, I meant to say your 'Lies' were based on single sentences which he mentioned at some point in time (maybe even meaning to implement them at some point but who the hell knows), which were naturally blown up by the internet and exaggerated beyond measure. I'm not denying that he didn't lie, okay? I am however standing my ground that it was game changing, and I am maintaining the fact that people shouldn't have bought the game on facts he mentioned once or twice. That's all. Also, it must be noted that likely half of these 'lies' are likely plans for the future. I mean it is that kinda game, right? I've followed No Man's Sky too. Yeah, he's lied more than I'd be comfortable with, and marketed the game for everybody, when it was only for a specific audience. I'm just saying, there are different ways to see this. I enjoy the game and don't feel disappointed. If you didn't, return it.

P.P.S. Hi OpenWorlder, I understand that you have a very limited amount of vocabulary, but if you could restrain like acting like I murdered your cat. Also, I fail to understand at which point I implied there weren't poor people (like me, who are waiting for the price to drop to 20€, and won't have to wait long judging by the amount of refunds). Also, thanks for summarizing all the lies he said into one small paragraph, helping me prove my point. Now go get your refund, vote Trump, and have a nice day, you (and I quote) 'f*cking moron'.

TheOpenWorlder2810d ago

He didn't lie. There's no such thing as poor people. He never ever lied. People just made it up in their heads. He didn't lie when he said "The only way you know what you look like is if someone else sees you." He didn't mean another player could see you in the universe and there's multiplayer. He didn't lie when he said "This is a massive universe with choices" There are choices...like which of the 900th element you're going to point your shit pointing gun to. He didn't lie when he said "The animals eat each other and interact". He didn't lie when he said "You can join the battle of opposing factions" and showed massive space gameplay. He never did any of those things. I'm Zorkaz - and I'm a fucking moron :).

Sm00thNinja2810d ago

I like No Mans Sky but you're fooling yourself the video proof is out there. No rumors were created. No false testaments. Sean Murray dug his own grave and I think it's more because of his excitement for his own game than a need to lie. No Mans Sky was advertised as something other than what we got. And I'VE GOT LIKE 40 HOURS IN IT STILL

Sm00thNinja2810d ago

TheOpenWorlder. First off is name calling necessary? Secondly I've witnessed animals eating and attacking one another. And I've witnested large scale space battles..... so bad examples. He did lie about there being true solar systems, and suns, and having freighters as ships, and planets having gravity.

Dixiedevil2810d ago

Bullshit. Where's taking sides with factions? Where's the big space battles with fleets? Where's "The only way you can see what you look like is to see someone else." Where is the point to even going in the water? Where's the amazing shit at the center? The list goes on. Yes, some people did think it was something that it isn't or never was but seriously, this game is as deep as a puddle. After 10 hours of gameplay, you've done everything that's possible besides read the dialog at the end of the Atlus quest and watch the camera pan back when you reach the center( Oooo! I totally just spoiled the 2 fuckin objectives in the whole game. Oops.) I defended it when it came out and if you look at my comment history, I said it was worth the hype on day one but once I dove into the puddle and smashed my face on the bottom, I changed my tune. The amount of things missing from what Sean Murray talked about in interviews is in the double digits. It deserves every bit of criticism it's gotten.

neoandrew2810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )

F**k this man, you are fooling yourself, there is a complete BS trailer on a steam page of NMS game, they blatantly LIED, even now there is NOTHING in the game from that steam trailer, you can just watch it NOW, do it man, i encourage you, and tell everyone, where the f**k is all that s**t in the game???

But i will save your time, it is NOWHERE, it is just a BIG FAT LIE and it is STILL on the f***ing NMS steam page the whole time, the whole time they are still LYING even when the truth came out, they are still promoting it by a FALSE trailer.

BIG FAT LIE and you will tell he didn't lie??? Nice joke man.

Cindy-rella2810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )

A lot of people are bandwagoners and like to follow. No one lied about what the game is but tried to explain it in a weird way as to not misconstrued what they are trying to do. Also a lot of previews showed what the game was like. I normally can tell if im interested in a game or not after watching previews. The entitlement of people that would also purchase something and use it a lot but would want a refund of said product is ridiculous as well.

SeanScythe2810d ago

Uh yeah he did, watch the video of he saying things about the game that isn't in it. No man's sky is the Hillary Clinton of video games. Full of lies, repetitive with no substance.

_-EDMIX-_2810d ago

I'm sorry buddy but that's just outright delusional and maybe you should check on that Reddit page with the list of things that they lied about.

When you're telling people planets have rings around them and that every ship has a different weight and you could name it and a bunch of other different things and you're not telling them that these things are not in the final game , that's called a lie. it's sad that in this day and age we even need to be telling people something like , this we seriously need to go over the pure definition of a lie? Fraud? Scam?

We have tons upon tons of trailers telling us what this game supposedly is, does anyone have a video of the game director telling us those were removed? Does anyone have a link to anything official saying that those would not be in the game by the company? So why is anyone trying to debate whether or not it's a lie or not based on the pure damn definition of the word?

Dunban672810d ago

I m just going to drop in to this area in the game- no idea what is going to happen, totally random ..... wow! look at that! ...... NOT, his presentations were totally scripted even though he said specifically they were unscripted and random- that is a straightforward lie - not that anyone should beleive him or most anyone who says that when presenting a game live in front of a huge audience-
Bust seriously Sean Murray is a born liar/deceiver- he was very comfortable doing so right up to the last minute

machtkampf2810d ago

He literally mentioned every single feature that isn't in the game dude. Yeah at that point it is a lie.

freshslicepizza2810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )

funny, even when people provide proof and video to back it up of what sean murray promised we still have some in denial. this guy makes peter molyneux look like mother teresa

hirobrotagonist2810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )

Are you serious? In its current state this is one of the most disappointing games I've played in the last 5 years. Especially with respect to the AAA price. Next article from this guy is going to be defending George Lucas' Star Wars prequels.

Majister-Ludi2810d ago

I'm really sick of posting the same videos of Sean murray lying and the stark contrast between gameplay videos before and after. if you are this much in denial I can't help you. I will say you are a fool and should do some research before you post. No man's sky most disappointing 2016.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2810d ago
_-EDMIX-_2810d ago

100% completely agreed.

the reality is how much hate should a developer seriously get for lying about a game? Is there seriously a unit of measurement of something like this? Like Sega stated this wouldn't even be happening if these guys didn't outright lie about many of the features in this game Gamers like myself have no problem playing no man's sky knowing that it was a work in progress.

If they've just come out and been transparent about this months ago I actually don't think the response would have been this negative but how can I seriously tell a consumer that they shouldn't be that mad that they were lied to? What is the appropriate amount of anger one should face with being lied to about a full-price game?

_-EDMIX-_2810d ago

The biggest issue I have against the people that are currently defending no man's sky in regards to the lies is that many of us have tons of trailers in tons of links to articles regarding the features that are inside of this game where are the links to this company stating that these won't be in the final release?

Because as I've looked at it there's more evidence that these people have lied then there is that they've ever told consumers that these features weren't going to be in the final release , in fact we would still not be talking about this weeks after the damn game released if it was something that was fraudulent or fake or just people making it up , don't you think that a simple link would stop a lot of this?

So like I said if we're all wrong about this company's lies is there a link that absolves them? Does anyone have any evidence whatsoever that this company has ever reached out to Consumers to tell them features that would not be present in the game? If a damn Reddit user could list the features that were removed, is there a reason why the company that is making the game did not list features that won't be in the final release? That Reddit user doesn't own this game and has no legal liability, hello games does so I would question greatly why they're not the ones releasing that list..

Well that Reddit user is also not making millions from this game either...

gangsta_red2810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )

It's not only the lies that people are upset about. But just how poor this game executes every feature it has. Every option, feature and design type that this game has it seems like it wasn't well thought out and thrown in without any polish.

It's a game that sounded better on stage by the charismatic Murray than actually played on whatever platform you choose.

Honestly...it deserves a lot more sh*t then it is really getting. Sitting at a 71 only shows how lenient some websites went on it with their reviews.

vega2752810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )

Totally agree. Had any other game been as repetitive and had none of what was promised. It would have gotten worse scores. I seen a reviewer gave it a 10. Dod he play the same game everyone else has or did he play sean murrays version. Cause thats the game we all want to play.

isa_scout2810d ago

I'd like to introduce you to a little game series named Call of Duty. Every year they promise(and lie) dedicated servers,better mp, and more variety.Every year it's just as repetitive yet gets almost universal praise from media outlets. Who cares that some people like it a lot? Aliens Colonial Marines was a far worse offence yet it didn't receive nearly as much hate.

vega2752810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )


First off i dont care for CoD. But since you want to bring it up to deflect from the real problem. Ok let go.

CoD has been the same game since last gen when the creators of the game left activision last gen. If people was so angry at the so called lies activion made to sell CoD. People wouldnt be buying it every year and many publisher wouldnt be fighting over Timed exclusive content and season passes which these so called angry gamers buy every year. No dedicated servers..Yeah thats a real deal breaker /s

As for Aliens Colonial Marines. Randy and his company did catch hate. What because it wasnt posted all over n4g page doesnt mean they didnt.

No mans sky is getting it because they are a indie studio charge a premium price for a not so premium game. Its a early access game at best and should have been treated as such. They should have been up front and they wasnt.

But make no mistake i do think gamer should take a stand when it comes to buggy games and as i said in another comment. If gamers did the same as they have with no mans sky by hurting their bottom line. Then you can bet they will stop releasing half-assed broken games

kraenk122810d ago

You don'g even own or have played the game if you think that. A lot of people are having loads of fun with it

gangsta_red2810d ago (Edited 2810d ago )

Lol...i don't own or have played the game because I along with many other gamers, reviewers and critics think the game is trash.

Hot damn that logic.

kraenk122809d ago

We both know you don't Gangsta...you just like to jump on the bandwagon of hate as always.

memots2810d ago

If this was Xbox exclusive i am sure you would have a different "opinion" Gangsta_red.
So easy to see through you.

gangsta_red2810d ago

Lucky for me then that this game isn't an exclusive right? Or does PC not count again?

Aenea2809d ago

"i don't own or have played the game because I along with many other gamers, reviewers and critics think the game is trash"

Still, gotta wonder why you are so gosh darn vocal in all the NMS articles tho when you've never played it...

gangsta_red2809d ago

I'm actually starting to wonder if you along with the few others who rigidly defend this game ever played it?

I have a fun idea...let's all start accusing each other of not playing the game just because our opinions differ!

Aenea2808d ago

"I'm actually starting to wonder if you along with the few others who rigidly defend this game ever played it? "

Yup mate, I've played the game, even got the platinum trophy. Enjoyed the hell out of it.

"I have a fun idea...let's all start accusing each other of not playing the game just because our opinions differ!"

And I'm not accusing you of not playing the game, you, yourself admitted you didn't. How can you know the game is bad when you haven't played it? I never understand that. So, again, why on earth are you so bloody vocal in all these articles about a game you have zero experience with yourself?

I think I do know why, many people probably do, but what I just don't understand, is why you feel the need to do such a thing. What's the bloody point to it all? So you can feel a bit better about your own little plastic box?

memots2808d ago

exactly what i said above. Maybe a little bit more direct but yeah. You get it

gangsta_red2806d ago

What!? Are you seriously so desperate to defend this game that now you have to lie?

Please...please link to an actual quote where i said i never played this game. I would love to see where you got this idea from.

I am vocal about this game because it was a highly expected release with huge potential from what was shown over the years. Unfortunately what we got was one of the biggest let downs of this gen. A huge pile of shit wrapped in plastic that for some reason people like you want to stand in front of with broken branches, waving them at people who want to punch this game in the face.

"What's the bloody point to it all? So you can feel a bit better about your own little plastic box?"

Why do people think that this game is a ps4 exclusive and always have to play the victim card? I think i know why you, Kraenk and Memots...just a few of the more sony die hards have to defend this game but it's not even an exclusive so yea...what is the point? Even to go as far as to lie.

Aenea2806d ago (Edited 2806d ago )

"Lol...i don't own or have played the game because I along with many other gamers, reviewers and critics think the game is trash.

Hot damn that logic."

This is your actual quote, I don't have to lie you silly bugger. Have you forgotten what you wrote on this very page a mere few days ago?

It's here, above mine, look for it, it's there, it really is!

Ohh, and here's the link if you want to have one and can't seem to find it: http://n4g.com/comments/red...

(I made a screenshot too so don't bother changing it)

So, you didn't play the game, were never interested in it in the first place, yet, you're in every. single. article. about. NMS. And you're negative, why, I dunno.

Ohh and one more thing, if NMS isn't a console exclusive then the Xbox has none anymore...

gangsta_red2806d ago

Are you serious!?

I'm quoting the first person who accused me of not playing the game. That is why i said in the very next sentence "dat logic". Because it makes no sense that you and others go around assuming that no one has played the game just because they didn't like it. Or is that so hard to understand and fathom...that there might be others out there...a huge majority of gamers, reviewers and critics that don't like the game including me.

Keep trying though, it's amusing how personal you take these opinions about this trash game.

And the Xbox has none...lol...okay fine, I seriously don't care. Feel better now that your fanboy is out and running wild?

Aenea2806d ago

Yes, the Xbox has no console exclusives anymore from now on, haven't you gotten the internal MS memo?

Anyhoo, that is not important anyways. You know, I doubt you played a lot, I can't find the post you are supposedly quoting, perhaps you are lying now to look good? Or can you back it up with a link?

Ah well, people love to hate on things they don't really know nor understand. Yes, the game had issues, yes even I had a few things that I kinda expected to be different, but many people are jumping on the hate bandwagon these days who can't name one single thing they expected to be in the game except "multiplayer".

How far did you play then, since you know try to sound like you did play it? How many hours?

Ah well, don't answer, am sure it will be more hateful drivel...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2806d ago
opinionated2810d ago

As someone who mocked the hype before release, I agree. It feels weird to be defending them after the sides switched lol.

Gh05t2810d ago

It's awesome how many articles say that the game isn't that bad, not realizing that the majority of the hate isn't really about the game and what it does do, it's about what the game was shown (and still is, just look at the videos on Steam) as and what was delivered and what it didn't do.

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No Man's Sky Is Easily One Of Gaming's Greatest Comeback Stories

Despite No Man Sky's rocky launch, Hello Games managed to turn it into one of the best space exploration RPGs out there.

darksky6d ago

HG could have stopped after making 3-4 updates and the debt would have been paid to those why are crying about paying full price. However, they have continously provided free updates for the last 6-7 years. No other developer in hostory has ever done this and probably never will.
There are many AAA games that disappointed but the devs normally move on or close the studio rather than fix the game.

-Foxtrot7d ago

I hate the whole concept of "comeback story" because at the end of the day it doesn't remove the core issue we had in the first place, that we were lied to, it was disappointing and it launched with bare content to what was promised for years.

Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch but for me if you launch in a terrible state then you had your chance. I can applaud you for what you've done after but at the end of the day there's not much of a choice since most gamers would blank your next product if you ditched your last game so fast, it's not about repairing the game but spending your time repairing gamers trust before you launch your next product otherwise it would be dead on arrival.

With these stories and the games being updated, the only way is up most of the time so of course it's going to improve the game and feel better over all, getting better and better as time passes. No Mans Sky, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76 etc but then you have games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Redfall and The Avengers where the devs just clearly moved on, now if they have another product people won't be as exited for it, I mean hell Guardians of the Galaxy was a great game but because of the Avengers it didn't help its sales since people were obviously still sour at that point.

I still think despite the improvements to games like No Mans Sky and Cyberpunk along with being better now overall the games are still not up there to what was promised and hyped as for years.

If we keep celebrating these “comeback stories” then unfortunately it only strongly supports the concept that these studios / publishers can continue to push half arsed broken products out for the sake of quick sales instead of waiting until they are fully finished. We need to condemn this awful behaviour or sadly we lose all voice and power as consumers.

Sonic18817d ago (Edited 7d ago )

I feel the same way about Cyberpunk 2077. I'm glad you mentioned that. I'm not a fan of comeback stories as well. But No man sky developer was a small indie team compared to CDPR. It's worse when it's coming from a AAA developer

Nacho_Z7d ago

"Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch"

You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal.

The reason NMS and HG are held in such high esteem and calling them liars is a weak stance is the amount of work they've put into it, for free. They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted.

-Foxtrot7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

They are liars though...

We are not revising history here, I'm sorry but we're not

They built this game up for years and they launched it knowing full well it wasn't up to scratch to what they originally showed off or hyped it up to be.

"They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted"

And like I said above most of that comes from the fact that if they had just moved on straight away nobody would have supported their next game. They've washed most of that sour taste away after supporting No Mans Sky so now they are doing a new game which more people feel like they can support and get excited for.

Anyway how can you say "You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not" and then make the point that "Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone"

This means that if a small team like this can turn a game around then big AAA games like Suicide Squad, Redfall, Anthem and the like should have been able to do it no problem, oh but that's right they didn't want to put the time or effort into it. They can do it but some people just decide not to.

Blad3runner006d ago (Edited 6d ago )

"You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal."

People paid for the game at launch and got lied to. Now the game is what it SHOULD have been from the start (what people paid for) and we should be happy they aren't charging EXTRA? Its free because people ALREADY paid for the game at launch.

People PAID for what the game is in its current state (what it should have been at launch), not what it was when it released. Charging people AGAIN would result in even more backlash.

anast6d ago

"You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal."

They already charged for the full price game. All of that work is owed because it was already paid for.

JackBNimble6d ago

Fox ... sure HG made a huge mistake, but they have also done more then any development team that I have seen to fix the problem and go way beyond in supporting the game. And every update has been free, so I don't really get why you are holding on to this grudge.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6d ago
milohighclub6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Whatever happened at launch is in the past. By your logic they could have supported it for a year got it to the project they promised then stopped but they didn't. They're still supporting it to this they, they've released more content post than pretty much any game I can think off. More than most MMOs. They didn't have to go this far but they have and don't have any plans of stopping. All for free too.
Yeah they had a shit launch and they've apologised, learned and more than made up for it. I was pissed off at them at launch, but not petty enough to keep slandering them 7 years later.
You have much bigger studios releasing half assed games and fixing it later or even worse not even bothering.

anast6d ago

The DLC costs money. But yeah, people are hanging on to this one longer because of their previous reputation.

TheCaptainKuchiki6d ago

And it doesn't change the fact that the game is a boring procedurally generated environment in which your repeat the same actions over and over again with no real purpose. I hate when they say that the game became good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6d ago
thorstein7d ago

I really enjoyed it at launch and had every trophy by August 2016.

The experience I had is no longer in the game: It was just me and my ship. It was a survival game and the feeling of loneliness in the universe was pervasive. There was no way to ruin too far from your ship and, in an emergency, you grenaded a hole in the ground to survive.

I miss that aspect, but since then, I love what they've done.

Hugodastrevas7d ago

I'd say it's THE definitive comeback story

TheGamingHounds7d ago

Final Fantasy 14 takes that one imho

CrimsonWing696d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Yep and the way they actually did it where Bahamut destroyed the original FF14 and the realm was “reborn” seals it as the best way to do something like this, lol.

jwillj2k47d ago

Oh great another story about the cleanest shirt in a bin of dirty laundry.

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Latest No Man’s Sky update adds ship customisation, space station overhaul, and more

Orbital update drops today, also bringing with it engine improvements and UI refresh.

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Zeke6846d ago

The game that keeps on giving 🦾🥳✌️

Christopher46d ago

The support they've given this game only makes me more interested in their next game.

Zeke6846d ago

Agree, curious what they are cooking up for that one?!


The 10 PSVR 2 Games You Should Own

If you're looking for 'must have' PSVR 2 games then look no further. These are the 10 titles every PSVR 2 owner should have in their library.

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kevco3355d ago

If you're wanting more PSVR 2 support, you should probably buy all of these games.

Speak with your wallet!

Profchaos55d ago

Bit rich to have to buy games you don't want because you want Sony to support the expensive headset they sold us which cost as much as the console it runs on beyond paying third partys to support it.
Seriously in terms of first party we have horizon on day 1 and a gt 7 vr mode.

They seemingly have made little effort to support it beyond paying Capcom to make re games in VR or a second party studio to make firewall which was mismanaged.

I'm a day 1 psvr2 user and the only thing I'm excited for right now is PC support.

I commented recently this bespoke VR game development model we have right now clearly doesn't work

crazyCoconuts55d ago

On the one hand I feel like there's been plenty of smaller non-AAA games to play and occupy me as a supplement to my flat screen gaming.
But I agree that Sony has done nothing to elevate this beyond the niche it's in and into the mainstream where it would be economical to create AAA games for it.

Babadook755d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Most of these games are worth owning for most people; I own all but 2 of them in fact. So I agree with kevco33. I think you're crazy if you downplay this list quite frankly. Sony can't keep funding software if people don't buy any of it, the ball is squarely in OUR court.

Sony has spent a lot on 3rd party stuff this gen like RE.

phoenixwing55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Saving up for the headset is my first hurdle. Let alone buying games I don't want lol

mudakoshaka55d ago

People downvoting you for not having enough finances...what a world we live in, haha

phoenixwing55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

They feel affronted at the very thought that I don't plunk down 500 immediately lol I have a little over 900 games in my backlog I've been buying games instead of hardware ever since I got my PC and ps5. I just don't know if vr is really for me honestly. Every time I have a couple hundred allocated to video games it makes more sense to buy a bunch of flat games instead of vr ones

mudakoshaka55d ago

I have 9 out of these 10 games. I try to buy all the VR games I like to support the advancement of VR!

TheEroica54d ago (Edited 54d ago )

I spoke with my wallet after watching the first headset get weak support. Easy pass until Sony earns my money. Feel bad for those who parted with 500 bucks, falling for the hype that Sony was actually gonna support this thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 54d ago
Neonridr55d ago

I own 7 of these titles off the list, lol.

NotoriousWhiz55d ago

I'm trying to decide if it's worth holding onto my psvr 2. I enjoy what it has currently, but it seems unlikely to get anything else. Might be better off just waiting for something with more support if that ever comes.

Profchaos55d ago

As a fellow psvr2 owner the question seemingly comes down to do you own a PC.

I think I'm all in I have a habit to hold onto my systems anyhow I still have my psvr1 to hell I still have my NES.

But while it's still worth something yeah you could sell it and if Sony turns the ship around you should be able to buy another one for less than you soldmit for I feel like we won't see any fix for the headset for the next 2 years rumours show that Sony has no current first party VR games in active development after they closed London studios

The whole psvr2 situation has left me feeling a little burnt on PlayStation as a whole to be honest. The first psvr felt experimental but it was supported far more than this superior headset


GT7 surprised me, because I hate racing games, but i poured 100 hours into it way too quickly.

I’m looking forward to the Metro VR game this year, and I hope that WW2 dogfighter game releases eventually.

talocaca55d ago

I have most of them 😅

Waiting for a sale on Synapse and Arizona Sunshine 2.....also Metro coming this year looks great.

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