
Berserk for PS4, PS Vita, PS3 and PC Gets First Absolutely Brutal Screenshots on Famitsu

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu had a spread on the upcoming Berserk (named Berserk Musou in Japan even if both are working title), that will release locally on September 23rd for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita and worldwide at a later date, losing the PS3 version and gaining one on Steam.

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poppinslops3011d ago (Edited 3011d ago )

I'm ashamed to say this is one classic anime I never got round to watching - loved Akira, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D and all that, but just never watched Berserk... should I? or is this game like Attack on Titan and Arslan, where it retells the story?

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3011d ago

Go read the Berserk manga and watch the anime series and the three films that are out. They are making a new series and a fourth film is in production as well. Go get caught up then you will be ready for the game.

rdgneoz33011d ago

It looks like it will retell the story, but the anime series isn't that long at all and the movies are updated versions of it with more action scenes (some of the original anime's fight scenes were still shots).

p.s. Love the hand cannon and hopefully how he ends up with it is shown in the game (such a brutal scene in the anime...).

1Victor3011d ago

The manga is better poppinslops read the manga then you can watch the classic anime as the anime does some jumping around in the story

Edito3011d ago

Man plz do your self a favor and watch this super awesome anime :-) Berserk is just amazing...

RabbitFly3011d ago

I would say that it is very much up your alley. As a person that holds Ninja Scroll and Vampire Hunter D very close to my heart, Berserk, at least the golden arc, is my favorite.

Probably unpopular opinion these days, but I would recommend watching the original anime first. Although it is dated. To me the Movie-trilogy does not manage to be as connective to you emotionally. The new movies also get critized for using a bit too much CGI, but the action scenes do look better a lot of the times.

Some people would say the ending of the golden arc is very disapointing unless you are planning to read the manga, which is much darker fantasy. However the new tv series that is coming is going into the black swordsman arc which so you wont have to wait to long for the continuation.

poppinslops3011d ago (Edited 3011d ago )

Thanks for the replies everyone!

One of my friends is every bit as enthusiastic about Berserk as all of you - was RAVING about it just a few days before E3, but I haven't seen him since, so I imagine he's still orgasming over this game's announcement... anyway, y'all have sold me on the series and films - pretty sure my buddy will have the manga too.

That said, I'm 100% jelly of the handful of people who'll play Attack on Titan without having watched the anime or read the manga - that game looks waaaaay better than I ever expected, so I'm mighty tempted to make the Berserk game my first experience of the series... I imagine that sounds like terrible idea, but I'm gonna look into the series' chronology before I decide, so there's plenty of time to talk me out of it!

@ Rabbit - Vampire Hunter D is my all-time favourite classic anime and 'Bloodlust' is still my favourite modern 'post CG' anime, so I would LOVE to see it turned into a proper game (best the PS1 game stays forgotten)... and whilst the upcoming series is a dream come true, I'd do terrible things to have CDPR or FromSoft give D a game.

akiraburn3011d ago

Without question, if you're a fan of those movies then this series would likely be right alongside those as one of your favorites. As for what to start with, that's a tough call.

The manga will give you the full story with bits and details that they haven't touched at any point outside of the manga. However, if you are mostly interested in anime over reading manga, or if you'd rather just start with the general anime side of things, I'd suggest starting with the original series from 1997 or so. The series really delves deep into each of the characters and their connections with each other. It's slightly different than what you get in the recent movies, which is a bit more limited for time, but has a lot of updated visuals and audio. The nice thing is that the English dub on both of the series and the movies were handled extremely well, and the English cast from the original series was even brought back for the movie dubs.

Either way, don't be too off-put by the opening theme in the TV series, as it's kind of... different. It doesn't quite match the general serious themes in the show. Also, understand that the first episode won't make a lot of sense until you've finished watching the series, or if you read through the manga in advance.

And as for the movies, the trilogy of "Golden Age Arc" movies that they made several years back are essentially a re-telling of the same story that the 90's TV series covers, but with a different focus. These were awesome, but I think you get more of the story and get to see connections with the characters from both the manga and old TV series. So I'd say these are very worth watching, but probably after you've seen the series.

Starting on July 1st, there will also be a new series which picks up and continues the story from where the movies and old TV series left off.

While the game looks awesome and was mentioned as a robust combination of retelling the story and going even further (according to the devs), I don't think you're likely to get the same amount of actual story content and character detail that the series and movies offer.

poppinslops3011d ago

Okay, that helps a lot... and don't worry - I'm used to great animes having awful theme music!

miyamoto3011d ago

Berserk beats the crap out of any horror movie out there so watch it.

KingKelloggTheWH3010d ago

You should watch the original anime and read the manga, skip movies. they are mindless poor mans versions.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3010d ago
LastcenuryRob3011d ago

looks nothing like the Atari 2600 version

Drithe3011d ago

They will sensor the hell out of this game. The comic book is one of the most brutal and dark reads you will ever come across. Very good stuff. If only they could bring out all the violence and sex that the comics had.

Dan503011d ago

A standard western censored for all version or by country censorship?

NecoTehSergal3011d ago

Well, Dark Horse comics don't censor the Western translations of the manga, but not like all companies are that brave, especially by the influx of SJW's and crazed feminazi's who preach about how the female body is a Goddess-temple of ultimate divine protection and all that shit.

rezzah3010d ago

Imagine when they bring it to the west. NA fears sex and blood in anything. All the blood you see in the trailer and pictures will be gone in the western version.

Jivesh3011d ago

I hope it doesn't get censored here

Jivesh3010d ago

Welcome to Western Civilization where everything offends somebody :(

Kurdishcurse3011d ago

Too bad its a cheap and talentless mitsou game. If only from software would make this.

DanteVFenris6663011d ago

Dude lets just be happy a berserk game is being made. These games aren't too bad. I had my fun with pirate warriours and hyrule warriors for a bit

rezzah3010d ago

"Dude lets just be happy a berserk game is being made."


rezzah3010d ago

Id, take that over not having a Berserk game at all.

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Berserk deserves a FromSoftware video game adaptation like Dark Souls

The next game developed by FromSoftware needs to be a 'Berserk' adaptation.

1218d ago Replies(1)
Furesis1218d ago

I don't think everything needs to be made into a game/movie or vice versa. Berserk as a manga/anime was good(at least the beginning and mid parts) but i don't see it flowing well in a video game setting. Maybe a spin off but that would be odd. It's a very dark series as well and i don't feel anyone these days could do justice to that story but i do believe fromsoft's gameplay (like sekiro) could fit.

Yui_Suzumiya1217d ago

I think they're bringing it up because the mangaka died this past week

Furesis1217d ago

Yeah i know. That's irrelevant. You mean they should make a game like as a tribute to him? I mean i guess but Berserk is such a hard title to turn into a videogame format that's just how i feel. Maybe FromSoft could do it but like i said i feel they are doing good with their own projects and should stick with that.

ThomasDaTank1217d ago

Seeing as previous Berserk games have been terrible to mediocre, putting the game in the souls-like genre would be interesting. But I highly doubt we’ll ever see a great Berserk game.

Eamon1217d ago

Berserk inspired much of the Dark Souls' art direction and atmosphere. But making a souls-like game adaptation of Berserk wouldn't work. Even a Sekiro-like game wouldn't work. Funny enough, a Musou game is actually more closer to the source material than a souls-like game.

CrimsonWing691217d ago

The problem with that is they need to make it where you’re extremely lethal against enemies and don’t die in a single hit. The PS2 game I feel did a good job with the source material. I haven’t played the PS4 game but I’m not a fan of Musou games.

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Are Forza developers working on a Berserk game for the Xbox One?

We've known for a while that Forza Horizon 4 developers Playground Games are working on another project alongside the super-popular racing title.

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XiNatsuDragnel2198d ago

That would be great game actually to attract different audiences and finally reach the red sea, possibly?

lxeasy2198d ago

Beserk now that would be a twist. But if they can pull it off I'm all down for it

BLizardXD2197d ago

they make quality games, glad to see them work on something else as well. the artwork looks like a pretty high target.

ULTp0ltergeist2198d ago

I don't know about this but my interest has been piqued.

spartan112g2198d ago

Any anime except Berserk. For how good it is, I can’t deal with how sad it is and the bad things that happen to their characters. I know that would turn a huge audience off of it right off the bat.

DarXyde2197d ago

That'll happen when an author is dying and you're seeing the raw expression of their misery, I guess.

2198d ago Replies(2)
darthv722198d ago (Edited 2198d ago )

Man, I remember playing Sword of the Berserk on the DC. Would be cool to have a new game.

rdgneoz32198d ago (Edited 2198d ago )

They actually made a new game not too long ago,


https://youtu.be/790PMTzxMt... - Berserk Armor
October 27, 2016 - Berserk: Band of Hawks

2198d ago
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Berserk Creator Kentaro Miura Visits From Software-Rumor

Supposedly Berserk creator Kenatro Miura visited Miyazaki of From Software. This could mean great news for Berserk and Demons/Dark soul fans alike.-Sidearc

NapalmSanctuary2828d ago

That would be the absolute best case scenario for a Berserk game.

naruga2828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

agree with you both .....while i love the Manga ...i say Guts s story is already known and many times played in media and games, would nt be the best case scenario a new more serious -Souls-y Berserk game, but Miura is an unbelievable artist and creator could easily create a fresh medieval -Soulsy world for a new From Soft game that could even be the start of an excellent IP

Movefasta19932828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

i would lean more to the sousl team because although dragon's dogma nailed the gameplay and boss fights of dogma,fromsoft are imo untouched when it comes to atmosphere.I think they'd nail the darkness of berserk more so than any other dev team.
And could you imagine bloodborne's gameplay but with guts,the swift movements,weilding that giant ass sword and hand cannon on the other arm,bloodborne's gameplay+guts would insane.But it's just a rumor..

NapalmSanctuary2828d ago

Never played DD so I'll have to take your word for it.

drizzom2828d ago


Give it a try if you ever get the chance. Its got some pretty fun combat and boss battles.

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Timesplitter142828d ago (Edited 2828d ago )

For a Berserk game, yes. But I kinda don't want FromSoft to work on liscenced franchises. To me, their original content is just waaaaay more interesting.

As a general rule, I just think every talented creator should always work on original material instead of doing adaptations. It's always more interesting that way. Adaptations are usually more of a safe bet, but originals have more potential for greatness

Kaneki-Ken2828d ago

Dark Souls is not so original since majority of the monsters come from Berserk.

Timesplitter142828d ago

eh, there's more to Dark Souls than just the monster designs

Sirk7x2827d ago

I have a constant fear that he will pass away before its finish.

2828d ago
Blu3_Berry2828d ago

Dude that would be amazing and I think it could fit perfectly for Berserk.

SilverDemon2828d ago

miyazaki will have orgasm
(he is a big berserk fan)

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