
Can we stop calling Splatoon a shooter now?


"The word keeps popping up when critics talk about Splatoon, even in our own review, and it's a bit maddening. Shooter. This is Nintendo's take on the online shooter. It's Nintendo's first shooter. I'm guilty of talking about the game in this context as well, but it has to stop."

DryBoneKoopa853274d ago

Splatoon in a lot of sense is just like Smash Brothers. Smash Brothers is a fighting game. People argue the notion of whether it is. Most people argue the idea because of what they are used to. Gamers have had the idea when it comes to a fighting game you need to drain your enemy's health bar to defeat them. Then Nintendo came along with Smash and turned everything everyone knew about fighting games on it's head.

Smash Brothers changed the rules of how you fight in a fighting game. Splatoon changes the rules in a shooter in a shooting game. Same rules are there but new goals are presented to the player in achieving victory.

Anyone who reads the article should read the comments as well. I found the comments WAY more entertaining. Some really interesting things are brought up and discussed.

mixelon3273d ago

"But! But! *Something something* Polygon! *something something Ben Kucheeeeera!"

Concertoine3273d ago (Edited 3273d ago )

Ben Kuchera presents stupid articles sometimes too. Just last year he posted that article saying MK8 would be the worst selling in the series with no real logical basis, just a bunch of numbers and statistics taken at face value. And less than a year later, he's already been proven wrong and the article is already taken down in shame.

mixelon3273d ago (Edited 3273d ago )

@Concertoine I was joking really, I have no particular opinion on Ben or his articles. :) I've just seen a lot of hand-wringing over him and Polygon so thought I'd joke at the hate machine's expense.

I don't doubt that he posts derpy stuff sometimes.

XisThatKid3273d ago

Metroid isn't a shooter? Jetforce Gemini third person shooter. I guess Nintendo didn't have shooters.

Loadedklip3273d ago

At Least this means Nintendo doesn't straight up rip off other people's ideas. But rather does their own very unique take on a popular genre. So unique that many believe it isn't even part of that exact genre.

InTheLab3273d ago

Umm... What would you call Amiibo?

GordonKnight3273d ago


They put their spin NFC as well. Amiibos can be used with a number of games. Not just one game.

Blacklash933273d ago (Edited 3273d ago )

It's true that Smash Bros and Splatoon are different from the rest, but I don't buy the idea that they shouldn't be thought as some form of those genres.

What else are we gonna call them, if we can't call them Fighter or Shooter? Because fighting and shooting are exactly what you do in those two games, respectively.

comebackkid98913273d ago (Edited 3273d ago )

Smash would forfeit the distinction if translated to 3D (something street fighter and mortal kombat retained). Smash is a platformer.

Peace_Love_and_FPS3273d ago

Name another platformer which has 4 person battles on a small area, variations of light, heavy, grab, super etc. attacks, health (which I prefer personally over damage %), and as many character as... Hm.. Feeling generous, so brawl. Actually melee for that matter.

The answer is "there isn't one", but in case you missed it there's this whole genre, with character selection screens similar to smash, character types like smash, gameplay mechanics similar to smash... Its called the Fighting genre. Smash is a fighting game.

comebackkid98913273d ago (Edited 3273d ago )

Power Stone?

3-4-53273d ago

* Your shooting something, constantly, so yea it is technically a shooter.

It is however, a different type of shooter in that shooting others isn't the main aspect like it is in other games.

* Randomly shooting at the walls in a normal shooter would be pointless and would serve no purpose.

In splatoon, it's a huge part of the game, so in that sense it is a brand new kind of shooter.

It's going to take time for gamers to adjust to what Splatoon is, but once they do I think it will hold it's own place in the shooter market just fine.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3273d ago
Masterchief_thegoat3273d ago

It is a shooter game. You shooting nothing but rainbow lol

paddy953273d ago (Edited 3273d ago )

I played the same concept in LittlebigPlanet years ago. Also the Unfinished Swan idea came from levels made in LBP1 7 years ago to name just a few that took their ideas from far more talented community creators.

WeAreLegion3273d ago

Well, I'll give you that Media Molecule is one of the most talented studios in the history of the medium, but give these guys some credit. They've built a great game here. Also, The Unfished Swan freaking rules. Haha. I can't wait for Giant Sparrow's next game.

Spotie3273d ago

I agree with you, buy he's got a point that I didn't even notice, and that a lot of Nintendo fans here won't accept, as far as lbp is concerned.

WeAreLegion3272d ago

I totally agree. Haha. LBP is a masterpiece that I think any good dev needs to take a long look at. Media Molecule games have a charm about them that Nintendo games haven't touched since the SNES. That's a hard pill to swallow, but there it is.

OhMyGandhi3273d ago

your right, it should be called a "squirter" :)

Kal-V33273d ago

"Hey man, have you played Nintendo's new Squirter?"

I like it!

memots3273d ago

imagine the Amibo for this ....

FallenAngel19843273d ago

If the paint were replaced with blood, people would have no problems calling this a shooter

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