We are, and always will be, just gamers.


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Joined 04 Nov 2010 ( 4932d ago )
Last seen 2776d ago
Gender u
Birthday 01 Jan (239d left)
Contact http://www.gaminglives.com

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GamingLives is a portal for likeminded individuals to express their enthusiasm for gaming, and the effect that it has on them on a personal level. There are no roots in the gaming industry, no particular leanings or developers that have to be kept on side, and nobody to answer to, so this impartiality will serve to provide a sounding board without obligatory satiation. Put simply, GamingLives is a glimpse into the minds of individuals who spend a portion of their lives either playing games or thinking about games. While there will be a core group of writers, we openly invite anyone to submit their work to us for inclusion on the site. All of the core writers have gamed together, spent time together and, while we are still small in number, we already have a strong sense of community. We have no preferences towards a particular console, platform or genre so feel free to submit anything gaming related.