
CRank: 5Score: 1310

When a dumb animal kills someone because it's their nature to do so, we hunt it down and kill it. Man is arguably the smartest animal on the planet. Why should this guy NOT be put down for doing what is clearly in his nature? Why does his humanity (or lack of)give him a free pass. Animals who are considered a real threat to the safety of others need to be put down, not caged and fed.

Here's an idea:

Take all this money spent to feed, clothe and...

4164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe all you bleeding hearts should put your money where your mouths are. It will cost on average just over $25,000 a year to feed and board this human garbage. If his life is so valuable maybe it's time you got out your checkbooks. Barring that I'm happy to contribute $2.50 for the electricity it would take to fry this trash from the inside out. I just don't understand how anyone can think that paying for this guy to have 3 hot meals a day, a bed, a roof, cable television and...

4164d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Biggunz

maybe your next comment can be "I don't bother to read past the title before posting snarky crap" Guess what... there's actually a point to the article in the form of a review & subsequent recommendation of the game. That is, if you're not too busy fluffing your post count in the comments section to read it.

4717d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dawrfs!??? It's a bit sad when a legitimate journalist(?) can't even spell check the title of a article anymore. If you're going to post, at least respect your intended audience by READING your own article before hitting submit.

4746d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got more value than that out of the last PSN game I downloaded... and that only ran me $15.

5 hour games? Developers should expect a LOT less sales and a lot more rentals.

4816d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

that 25 years ago a TV remote control was a LUXURY. Now we've got people that are actually whining about having to walk 6 feet to their PS3 to put a disk in to watch a movie (not that I'm sure 90% plus of the people complaining about it even have a PS3). Up until VERY recently if you wanted to watch a movie it was on some sort of hard media, so you pretty much had to drag your ass off the couch, anyway. The only reason this is on disk for the time being is because of Netflix's agreement wi...

5301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony would get off their butts & get some more damn bundles on the shelves! I've checked all of the major outlets EVERY day (WalMart, Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, KMart, Sears, Gamestop, etc.) and NONE of them have received more stock. Hell, half of them don't even know if it's still a live item, limited edition/sold through, ONLINE only, IN-STORE only or WHAT!!?? I've been waiting months for this bundle (because of the 80gb w/ B/C) and I'm still waiting because I wasn't standing...

5793d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow. Just IMAGINE what the numbers would be if Sony had bothered to ship near enough to meet demand. I live in Phoenix, AZ & out of better than 15 WalMarts not a SINGLE ONE has had any bundles available since 6/12 at noon. Same for every Best Buy in the area. A Gamestop down the street pre-sold 30 bundles & got 6. The 2nd WalMart I hit 6/12 (at 6 in the morning) sold through because they only got 2. This was a huge opportunity for Sony (and it will still pay off for them, I'm su...

5801d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've had 3 WalMart employees at 2 different locations tell me the 80GB/MGS4 Bundle is already deleted from their system (a day after release) and they won't be getting any more. They go on to say the 80GB is getting replaced by a 120GB. Anyone have any insight on this?

5802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've had 3 WalMart employees at 2 different locations tell me the 80GB/MGS4 Bundle is already deleted from their system (a day after release) and they won't be getting any more. They go on to say the 80GB is getting replaced by a 120GB. Anyone have any insight on this?

5802d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment