
CRank: 5Score: 243490

being a fan of any system.it has to do with a man that hasnt been a factor in ANY console since atari.i give him props for helping to push a certain gengre of gaming,but that doesn't make him great.what racing,fighting,sports,puzzle, rpg,etc. has this man made beyond the fps?for pc?for console?nothing.absolutely nothing.and to take his word as stone when he refuses to go beyond the same techniques he's used to for consoles is a shame.also,i wouldn't call every awsome game that has come out f...

6520d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are going to be expensive.i say between $40 and $80.some games will be lower priced and some will be collectors editions.want proof?look at 360 game prices.it will be about the same.save money,buy games and have fun.

6520d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is that he likes 360 development more because it is like pc.it's easy.not a bad thing.but it means he doesn't like to challenge his team.do i keep going down the kiddy slope or do i take a risk and try the more advanced slope?he's also saying that his company is going to make the same type of games because they can't do anything else.or refuse to.reminds me of george lucas because he can't do anything else either.the nvidia thing is just that.ati and nvidia just allow his games to shine.witho...

6520d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no one knows how the service of online for ps3 based on pc online.xbox live is not like pc online.wait and play it then judge it.wait for the ps3 to come out,then judge it on hands on experience.be a gamer and play all systems if you can.play your friends ps3 if you don't get it.play your friends wii and 360.bickering leads to nothing.need proof.look in the middle east.each system is going to be great.this site can be great if everyone can just get along.don't respond to flamers.they don't kn...

6524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

see you all later.i'll probally be back tomorrow to try to bring gamers together.if i'm not,someone has to take over for me.i might be playing a game.

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is player created mods like farcry.stuff that made counterstrike great.more of that from xbox live.i think the hard drive will be inexpensive.they'll see to that.i wouldn't want to put movies on it.kills ALOT of space.

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

make it that way.xbox fans,playstation fans,nintendo fans.we should be talking about games.we're a little off topic,lol.but we don't need to go to other sites.this site can be great.course the people running it could pitch in(yes i'm rolling eyes...lol.but gamers are gamers.not n gamers,not x gamers,not p gamers.just gamers.

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm talking about.calm cool conversation.agreeing to disagree.too bad it will be different tomorrow.but hopefully the GAMERS will win out.

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if your still there.i don't discredit carmack.he helped push first person shooters.i was there.no i'm not a developer.but he's no miyamoto.no yu suzuki.look them up.they made too many games in different genres for me to list.ea just doesn't do football.(yeah that pissed me off real deal)capcom just doesnt do horror.konami just doesn't do meatl gear.namco just doesn't do pacman.i know my gaming history.and i know when a developer leaves these companies to make their own games.i follow them bec...

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

be right.but each company has made possible bad choices.blueray?i have no idea how it will do.just like cd or dvd or laser disc.i just have to wait and see.let's say it fails at movie playback.it's still used for games.it's still used for storage.wii controller.love the idea.iv'e been tired of the same old games coming out with a new coat of paint.but now i have to use a controller that may not be good for regular games.i see sony is trying to take gaming beyond what we see now.physics,deform...

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'm an unbiased gamefan(loved that magazine).person asks themselves is god of war,devil may cry,ff series,kingdom hearts,and the rest is going to be on 360?person asks themselves if gears of war,mass effect,halo3,forza,etc is going to be on ps3?if not then it's time to make a choice.what do you want? the only thing i see is people behind the counter or in front of it trying to convince someone else about a choice they want to make.just like in these forums.get a ps3 only.get a 360 only.get a ...

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as a sales lead,ass mngr,mngr.launching the dreamcast,cube,ps2,xbox,360.iv 'e seen it from shopping at the stores before they came out.people get what they are going to get regardless of price.i've seen the"this is all you get and that game only"or the "i can't wait till you grow up and know how much money i'm spending on you".price is not the issue.especially not for ones that can afford it.it's the content.people for the last ten plus years grew up on playstation.like i ...

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

going to be looking.the kid say i want a 360.they will try to get a 360 for them.kid say i want a ps3.they will try to get a ps3.they're not going to be looking.iv'e been there and seen that behind the counter for 5 years.parents say"that's what he wants.can you tell me who has it in stock?"not this is this,well i'll get him this.they get the kid what he wants.if not they leave.iv'e seen them buy another and return it beacuse the kid didn't want that.he wanted a cube instead of ps2....

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

made anything outside a first person shooter.when he can make great games in every genre like capcom,konami,namco,sega and nintendo,then he will earn my respect.same with the guy who made gta series.same with the guy who lead the making of god of war.great developers can make a game in any genre.he's not there yet

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

about snes having a slower processor than genesis.i loved both systems.but you know what.contra 3 was great,castlevania 4 was great,super metroid,axelay,zelda,and donkey kong country came out of nowhere.and there was more.genesis had streets of rage,gunstar heroes,sonic,monaco gp,phantasy star series,etc.it's about the games.

and to rebuttle myself.360 will have great sequels like forza,halo,ninja gaiden,already has dead or alive,ghost recon,call of duty.will have mass effect,gears...

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are waiting for ps3 aren't just waiting for graphics.they are waiting for new games as well as updates to games they liked in the past.let's see,WE get devil may cry 4,mgs4,tekken,ridge racer,ffxIII(2)(and let's just squash this-every ff game was not a sequel to the last.only one-they just shared the ff name),gran turismo 5,vf5 right next to new games like resistance,motor storm,8 days,the untitled naughty dog game,heavenly sword,heavy rain,fatal inertia and games known and not known about.t...

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

7 - that's what cell
shadowgamer - 46 Minutes ago
is based on.look up the GS cube sony made back in i think 2001.sony ran 16 ps2s in parallel and added more ram to produce movie like graphics.i think they did the opening to the matrix(1) with trinity and pulled it off with square(enix).more cells working together create a supercomputer.as i said look up gs cube
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8 - the idea
shadowgamer - 44 Minutes ago ...

6525d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interactive Matrix shown on GScube
Wednesday 15-Aug-2001 12:00 AM Sony demoed a real-time scene from The Matrix yesterday on its new CG development environment Gscube. We have the details

Incredible details are emerging from SIGGRAPH in Tokyo, where the mega-powerful GScube was demoed to the global technology community for the first time. Our man in Japan brought us a report that detailed a showing by Square, a scene from The Matrix and a view of what could herald a revo...

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was to figure out what kind of setup they could come up with for ps3 4 to 5 years later.interesting stuff

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is based on.look up the GS cube sony made back in i think 2001.sony ran 16 ps2s in parallel and added more ram to produce movie like graphics.i think they did the opening to the matrix(1) with trinity and pulled it off with square(enix).more cells working together create a supercomputer.as i said look up gs cube

6525d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment