CRank: 5Score: 19130

We don't need no water, let the motherf****er burn

HWG|5289d ago |Blog Post|5|

I made this post on IW's forums... and was banned for it - twice.

So it seems that IW and it's developers have taken a wonderful hiatus from their 'success' of Modern Warfare 2, and while they're enjoying their cold Corona's on the beach - they've left a bomb unattended. So I say instead of trying to put out the flames and reason with developers and executives - we burn this to the ground. Bring your kerosene, your oil, your gas, hell - your napalm if you know how to make it, and with that your lighters, matches, and for the sake of Dramatis personæ - bring your torches. IW.NET? Deliberately lag yourself before going in game, start a few torrents - hell use it to download a game you might enjoy more. Ranks and statistics? Forget it... http://airbornegaming.com/dave/EAMW2.zip download this handy little app - hit Easy Upgrade while the game is open and voila - Instant Level 70 Prestige 10. 100% unlocked - while everyone complains you 'cheated', you can enjoy having everything unlocked. Download the console unlocker, find EVERY possible command that can break the system. http://www.ultimate-filez.com/files/MW2Unleashed.zip GO NUTS.

We're PC Gamers, and we made this industry what it is today, without us nothing would of ever innovated to the stage it's at now. We were the catalyst that sparked IW's fame - and if necessary, let's be the catalyst to defame them into the shambles they were. It's obvious to me at this stage that nothing we can say or protest will get attention other than showing people how bad the system is. You're going to have those people in games who will tell you to 'STFU' while the rest of us are rubber banding around the map - while he confidently tells you "EVERYTHING IS FINE. I'M NOT LAGGING!"

No one ever achieved anything by taking two steps back, and one step forward. Progress for the sake of progress is detrimental. If it ain't broke don't fix it. K.I.S.S. - Keep it Simple Stupid. I can think of plenty of phrases to explain how the situation should of been handled.

To hell with attempting to reason with the industry, it's time we as the community, the consumer, the paying customer, do something about our situation. Blow it to hell and highwater. Make things unstable, rock the boat, DO SOMETHING. Boycotts are great, but do little if we all ended up buying the game anyways. If you are unsatisfied with the product, ACT! I rally you all here now, as a collective group of GAMERS! Pro, noob, elitist - if your playing games with a keyboard and mouse you need to support a movement. En masse we have to start doing something about our situation - we're GAMERS, but we can also be REVOLUTIONARIES, INNOVATORS, DEVELOPERS, and A WHOLE SLEW OF THINGS important to this INDUSTRY. What ever happened to 'The customer is always right'? Was it not a saying every industry needed to strive to live by? We have to be the future here, because it is obvious with the current state of affairs we've been silent far too long.

Sure, this is a piece of software - but I'm upset not at this game solely, but what this means for future games. This was a testing of the waters, if you think Activision / IW are the only ones doing this - think again. Remember that oft-remembered game DOOM, created by id Software, and founded by John Carmack. DOOM4, and RAGE are no longer supporting dedicated servers either.

Forbidden_Darkness5290d ago


Must say this is very inspiring to me.

darth jimmy5288d ago

i buy every game but RTS games for my ps3 the only stuff i play on my computer is RTS.
not having dedicated servers doesn't bug me but not having mod support was just stupid.

HWG5288d ago

You console players obviously wouldn't care about Dedicated Servers, as you've never really EXPERIENCED them. Ignorance is bliss.

Austin_SJ5285d ago

I don't get what I am supposed to do.

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