
Resident Evil 4 Remake Sales Now at Over 7M, SF6 at 3.3M, Dragon's Dogma 2 Climbs to 2.6M

Capcom has announced that Resident Evil 4 remake sales are now at over 7 million units, Street Fighter 6 is at 3.3 million and more.


Street Fighter 6 - M. Bison Gameplay Trailer

M. Bison gallops into Street Fighter 6 on June 26 with Psycho Power, knee presses, and head stomps in tow.

From riches to rags, the amnesiac dictator rides across the land on his stallion searching for an identity to make him smile.

Owners of the Year 2 Character Pass and Ultimate Pass will automatically get access to M. Bison when he unlocks.

Rynxie1d 22h ago

That was extremely underwhelming


Street Fighter 6 Year 2 to include Fatal Fury and King of Fighters characters

During Summer Games Fest four new characters were announced for Street Fighter 6 Season 2 including Fatal Fury and KOF characters.

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darthv724d ago

so this is how they get around requests for a new Capcom vs SNK.

Terry_B3d ago

Capcom made excellent decisions there with all 4 characters but due to everything else in SF6 I stick to my choice to buy the game when there is the complete edition. won't be milked by capcom ever again.

Bhuahahaha3d ago



Street Fighter 6 Balance Patches Will Be "More Frequent" Than Yearly, Director Says

According to Director Takayuki Nakayama, Street Fighter 6 balance patches will now be pushed from "time to time" instead of annually.

PapaBop12d ago

Honestly they should create a balance schedule and stick to it. "From time to time" is ambiguous and with the competitive scene booming, the last thing we need is NRS like knee jerk balance patches. I think twice a year is fair, half way through a season and then the start of the next season.