
Average PSN user is male, 28 and educated

PS3 fanboys generally come across as emotionally retarded 14-year-olds with severe learning disabilities and a crippling dependency on the validity of a hunk of plastic as a means of proving their own worth. Amazingly, however, the users more commonly associated with the PlayStation 3 are educated adults with decent jobs. Quite, quite amazing.

"Right now, it's primarily male," said PSN director of operations Eric Lempel when asked about the PSN audience. "The average age is 28 years old, in usually the middle- to higher-income range. They over-index against those with graduate degrees. But it's expanding."

This news is pretty good, as it proves that the sniveling fanboy class truly is a minority.

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Nelson M5399d ago (Edited 5399d ago )

Average Xbox live user is 15 and is Thick as Sh*t, uneducated, lives in his moms basement or a Trailer and still wets his Bed

Shane Kim5399d ago

That pretty much sums it all up. Plus they suffer from diabetes mellitus.

54percent5399d ago (Edited 5399d ago )

Average bot loser... I mean user

Foliage5398d ago

The average 360 user has faced RROD thanks to the 54.2% failure rate.

The average 360 user is 14, male, home schooled, a virgin.

Bordel_19005399d ago

I can confirm that this article's assertion is correct.

IcyJoker1875399d ago

I wonder what it is for the xbox?

Lucreto5399d ago

I think I read somewhere the average is lower around 16- 20 but there would be older as well.

It is the price that caused the averages, the high price was affordable by people working a normal job or like me a part time job. The 360 owners are made up of college goers with a part time job and some paid by parent.

Lifendz5399d ago

I guess I'm the average PSN user. It sorta makes sense. I figured educated people with some disposable income would opt for the PS3. We want the most bang for our buck.

paul03885399d ago

And I'm 21, Male, and college educated. Great demographic though, from what I've experienced I can confirm it.

The average Xbox live demographic is probably 17-20 year old high school dropouts who still live at home with mommy. (My younger brother actually fits into this demographic as do his Xbox live friends).

locos855399d ago

Here is the 360 demographic.

paul03885399d ago

You hit the nail on the head, LMAO!

Arthur_5399d ago

..remember filling out some sort of survey for this?
I sure as hell dont.

How did they arrive at this conclusion?

If Aaron Greenburg said the average XBL user was a 30 yr old College grad, with a PhD in Physics, would you believe it?


Show me some research to support these claims, and then I'll buy into it.

Raf1k15399d ago

Arthur_ makes a good point. Claims should always be backed up.

locos855399d ago

They do ask you for information when you sign up for PSN like DOB. The education and income? I'm not sure where they got that.

SupaPlaya5399d ago (Edited 5399d ago )

I am 28, male, currently a software developer. I hold a bachelor in computer science and master in MIS.

"PS3 fanboys generally come across as emotionally retarded 14-year-olds with severe learning disabilities and a crippling dependency on the validity of a hunk of plastic as a means of proving their own worth"

I believe they meant fanboys in general.

Assuming that the survey is somewhat accurate, that may explain why PS3 game sales tend to have longer legs. For example, I personally don't like paying full price for a game when I can get the game a few months later at 50% the price. I.e.: I bought SF4 for $20 + tax from Gamestop last month. Not saying that a game won't sell better at $20, but I believe that an older person with more responsibility will have an easier time holding off on buying a game.

However, being older likely means having a job and more responsibility. I game like 1-3 hours a day now, compare to about 3-6 hours a day back when I was a teen. This translates to buying less games (at least for me) as I'm not able to finish the games that I currently have.

TheAntiFanboy5399d ago (Edited 5399d ago )

I'd imagine most of those 28-year-old educated players are probably actually taking the time to enjoy their console rather than rage on N4G, hence why we don't see them as often here as these statistics would dictate.

Cold 20005399d ago (Edited 5399d ago )

1.7 makes a great point.

Because otherwise that would mean that all them hardcores like Locos85, Pennywise, Gwave, Greywulf, Darkrider, Ultimolu, Eagle 21, Flipmode Saaking and the rest are actually adults ??

My gosh...

5399d ago
TapiocaMilkTea5399d ago

I knew it! Thanks article for confirming.......

pixelsword5399d ago (Edited 5399d ago )

...except I like all consoles, but don't own the Wii (I'm not suggesting that the article states that the average PSN user doesn't like the Wii). I must say though I do not use XBL because I am in favor of Net Neutrality; so I guess I do the majority of my gaming on the PS3 come to think about it.

Well, maybe until ODST, that is. ;)

raztad5399d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

Quite accurate description of myself, but I'm 30 actually :D. That makes sense, $400+ for a console is a high entry price, no every parent is ready to fork that amount. I expect the average age to drop though. The $300 price tag will increase substantially the userbase.

EDITED: This phrase is very telling about the fanboy, ermm writter of this article:

"PS3 fanboys generally come across as emotionally retarded 14-year-olds with severe learning disabilities and a crippling dependency on the validity of a hunk of plastic as a means of proving their own worth."

I guess he/she loves to call xbox fanboys, "xbox owners" or "xbox users", or "xbox fans". LOL

bunbun7775399d ago

30 years old here-- 100% mamale--- and well--my mom says I'm really smart--

just know when you add sirsmokesalot69 on your PSN friends-- its some guy that plays and smokes, and is educated... in playing and smoking.

Syronicus5399d ago

Although, I am in my mid thirties.

INehalemEXI5399d ago

This is shocking it's like they know who I am , and gave out my info ...I feel so nekkid to the world.

FlipMode5399d ago

Seems about right, very pleasant on PSN, not childish like.......other places.

anh_duong5398d ago

can't rely on this data since a lot of kids register older than 18 to get into psn.

i would say the average age is much younger since only under 18s are included in the survey but in reality we know a lot of under 18s use psn.

oohWii5398d ago

It this is true; things doesn't boad well for the average PSN user. I think N4G would make an excellent sampling of what is on PSN. And simply based on the maturity level of the users on N4G, if these guys are 28 years old and educated, then we need to be getting money back from our universities. Either that, 20 - 28 year olds are some of the biggest douche bags on the planet.

With that being said, I call bullsh!t, there is no way 28 years old behave like this.

LazyDevs5398d ago

I understand now why PSN is not very competitive when it comes to online gaming. Younger gamers is far superior in gaming skills than older gamers.

Syronicus5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

And yet they are inferior when it comes to proper grammar... Keep trying little man.

locos855398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

Yeah because you guys don't have bills and a family to support. The man of the house can't stay in front of his TV all day playing video games.

eagle215398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

There used to be a post made by Torrence Davis weekly titled "Fanboy Of The Week." I remember how upset many users were (including myself) that were targeted by the biggest xbox troll site at the time, Bit Bag. To make a long story short, the week he attempted to post one about the infamous "eagle21" it of course failed approval but I posted an epic post that rings true to this article about PS users. I remember xbox fans saying, "just because you went to a top university it doesn't make you any better."

Shadow Flare5398d ago

Read the description to this article. This article has got on the front page. Yet if were to write something like that in the gamer zone i'd get banned.

sorceror1715398d ago

@1.21 - Well, I counteract at least one sub-18er. I just turned 40. But I'm educated and economically all right, so I fit that part of the mold. And you know, to a limited extent I'd even agree with LazyDevs. I know I can't match the reflexes of a caffienated 13-year-old, or waste hours/day practicing a game.

But strategy, on the other hand... heh heh heh.

kenkaniff5398d ago

you are on my friends list already- This is bx2syr. I haven't been on in a while because my PS3 got the yellow light of death. Oh and I am 26 with an MS in Education.

lokiroo4205398d ago

I'm sure Sony has credit card data that could back this up, for all those wanting proof.

anh_duong5398d ago

Well the author is actually a retard since he doesn't use his brtain and realise that a lot of gamers say they are older than 18 when they are not. Stupid monkey brain blogger

mingeater5398d ago

you just to have to read what gets wrote on here by the people that follow sony to know that this is undoutably true!!

although, i question how accurate this claim really is....any exec can say anything really, there is no way anyone can prove or disprove really.

but from own experiences on the psn, i would say that most of the olders gamers like myself must not wear headsets. because until i finally gave up wearing one on the psn, i never really heared many older gamers talking on there>

ThanatosDMC5398d ago

Last night on MAG beta there was a kid who kept on asking people to add him on their friends list and he kept on whining about it. He sounded like he hasnt even hit puberty yet. It was hilarious that he couldnt cuss.

But yeah, older demographic play on the PSN. [UZI] clan on MAG beta are a bunch of funny brits when they get killed.

Joey Greco RULES5398d ago

i was gonna say that.

@lokiroo: that credit card data you speak of, tell PSN absolutely nothing about the user. All it tells PSN, is that they can afford to buy content. The personal info contained on a credit card account, can only be seen by the credit card company.

@locos: a lot of kids put an older age on XBL, because of privacy restrictions, content restrictions, and parental controls. i'd like to think that most under-age PSN users do the same.

But yeah, I would still want to know where they are getting their numbers.

PrimordialSoupBase5398d ago

Shame that demographic doesn't carry over to this demented website.

popup5398d ago

There is only one fanboy. He/She has 160,000 accounts.

5398d ago
Black Maverick5398d ago

"Well the author is actually a retard since he doesn't use his brtain..."

Oh, the irony...

LazyDevs5398d ago

@ Syronicus,locos85

Then correct me on my grammar then. I mean if that is the best argument you can do....well i understand it hurts doesn't it. And just cause i said younger gamers are better than older gamers doesn't mean i am young.

40cal5398d ago

Average PSN user is male, 28 and educated

Funny, That's describes me to a T.

Syronicus5398d ago

The only thing that hurts around here is your pure fanboyism. Well, reading your posts hurts my eyes too but that's another story.

TotalPS3Fanboy5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

I am wondering if the average 360 user is male, 12, and uneducated?
Someone needs to take a survey of the 360 users.

cmrbe5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

Not surprise at all. I am 29 and I am studying for my masters of geographic infomation technology at Melbourne Uni through correspondence as I am working as well.

Despite what this guy said about PS fanboys. I know most of them are adults becuse most I have come across have good sense of humour and I am sure they like playing around with the kids. Just check out the open zone of this article. Apart from a few x360 fanboys like breakfast most are offensive and can tell they are young by the way they think and respond.

+ Show (40) more repliesLast reply 5398d ago
pilotpistolpete5399d ago

Slightly younger, but fits my description!

Go edumacation!

jack_burt0n5399d ago

Jim Sterling

Def has some serious inferiority issues, maybe he is insecure about his weight, looks, employment you cant really blame him for that though.

poor dude :)

Oztheboss5399d ago

I think someone just got their feelings hurt. :(

poor dude

Arthur_5399d ago



caladbolg7775399d ago (Edited 5399d ago )

In a way, I sort of agree, but probably not for the same reasons. If you are familiar with Jim Sterling's writing, he comes across as a truly sad individual. He's very bitter. And I'd agree that it's probably his weight (and consequently the humiliation) that has a lot to do with it. Poor guy.

Every time I read his articles on Dtoid, I just end up feeling sorry for him.

redsquad5399d ago

"PS3 fanboys generally come across as emotionally retarded 14-year-olds with severe learning disabilities and a crippling dependency on the validity of a hunk of plastic as a means of proving their own worth"

As a 'responsible journalist', shouldn't he knock the PS3 bit off the beginning, just to be balanced?

Mr_Bun5399d ago

I think you answered your own question with the "responsible journalist" part

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-Foxtrot1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

I think it's best we leave these games we're they belong...in the past

Secret Rings, Unleashed, Black Knight etc, they weren't the best at least enough for a remaster

Generations is getting one because they had something easy to shove Shadow into before the Sonic 3 film and it's probably the better ones they've did over the past decade or so.

rayford1513h ago

Unleashed was one of my favorite P3 games would love a remastered version

Redgrave12h ago

Would be called.... Sonic Re-Leashed

Father__Merrin2h ago

Wouldn't mind a sonic 06 re release


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