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What If Master Chief Is Black?

The whole ship is collapsing and Master Chief is napping on the job… Not saying that’s what a black man does, but he was awfully calm when he woke up to find his ship in ruins. He quickly picks up his digital girlfriend and rolls out like a boss. Cocks his gun (no pun intended) one time to let you know it just got real. True Story. (more)

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Community4415d ago
colonel1794415d ago

No matter what he is, I wouldn't want to know. We already got a bad experience with Tali's face. Everyone has their own idea of how he might look like, and nobody should mess with that. People will never be happy with his looks, and less if they used a stock photo from the internet to show him.

Awesome_Gamer4415d ago

I think its be better to never show his face as it might upset some fans *cough* Tali's face *cough*

zeal0us4414d ago

Agree best to leave it alone.

Already seen what happen this year me3 and not to mention Hunger Games's Rue.

CoLD FiRE4414d ago

It ain't easy being green.

Bimkoblerutso4415d ago

What if he is Samuel L. Jackson?

Snookies124415d ago

Damn you're right... Samuel is in everything after all. There's just no way he couldn't be in Halo lol!

Paradicia4415d ago

For anyone still confused as to what the chief looks like; here's cover shots of the fall of reach comics released a while back.


TekoIie4415d ago

Those were during his training as a child tho. We don't know exactly what he looks like other than his skin colour.

Paradicia4415d ago

Yes I know that, but isn't the point of the article; his ethnicity. It's clear to see he's caucasian from the covers.

Relientk774415d ago

Thanx for the images MiLKJDO

see he is white, the comics and books confirm it

chadachada1234415d ago

Yes, Pekolie, because children can just change races between childhood and adulthood like that.

Christopher4414d ago

@chadachada123: *cough*Michael Jackson*cough*

All kidding aside, does it really freaking matter? Would him being white, black, yellow, green, blue, rainbow, or transparent change who he is, what he has done/will do, or anything else important about him?

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Lazy_Sunday4415d ago

I always thought he was either chocolate vanilla swirl or the darth vader type.

DecoyOctopus4415d ago

im pretty sure he was described to be a very pale white kid in the books

Kalowest4415d ago

He's white(and this is coming from a blk guy).
Go to Halo Wiki, read a Halo book, or just Google search pics of him, and you'll see.

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NastyLeftHook04415d ago ShowReplies(1)
jwk944415d ago

Does it matter what color he is?

MaXfReZa4415d ago

Yes & No.

Yes, it matters because no one knows what he actually looks like, could you imagine not knowing the identity of Batman? If there was a small chance he was whatever race we wanted him to be, I image we'd all secretly hope we were right. So not knowing really sucks.

No, it doesn't matter because he'd still be a hero to all who already love him. I mean you'd have to be a racist bastard not to love Master Chief just because he turned out to be of a race you weren't expecting.

Either way, it would exciting news to finally see Master Chief revealed.

Tameel14415d ago

"I mean you'd have to be a racist bastard not to love Master Chief just because he turned out to be of a race you weren't expecting."

Sadly that's very common. The little black girl in the Hunger Games movie got a lot of hate-mail from fans who were upset that her character wasn't played by a white actress. Even though the character is clearly described as having dark skin!
The poor actress is only 12 years old and people were sending her HATE MAIL over her race. Disgusting.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34415d ago (Edited 4415d ago )

You'll hear moans and groans. I actually heard some people doing that when they saw that the Golden Gear in Gears 3 was black. True story...

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The importance of audio: How music makes games better

How do composers make the iconic music tracks from games that we love? And just what makes them so memorable?

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purple10129d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

29d ago

Ex-343 dev says there were “20-30” pitched Halo games we’ll never see

A former 343 developer has revealed that mountains of Halo pitches failed to be approved, including a return to ODSTs and a push for more intimate, dark themes.

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Community102d ago
Kaii102d ago

Well, 4-Infinite dropped the ball massively so don't worry.

Sgt_Slaughter102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

Not really. 4, 5, MCC, and Infinite are only remembered for their shortcomings and failures when the franchise was purely known for being a system seller and an all-time great. There's a reason 1, 2, 3, and Reach are looked back on fondly, and it's not because of nostalgia.

FinalFantasyFanatic102d ago

I don't know of anyone that speaks fondly of the later Halo games, I would like to play 5, but I know it's not good, and I'm just waiting on Infinite to hit my strike price. I played MCC a lot later after it came out, so must of those bugs/issues were gone by the time I played it.

102d ago
PhillyDonJawn101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

To say it dropped the massively is just not true. Many in the community hold H5 as the best mp mechanics in the entire series and say its what 4 should've been. Its campaign was trash but the MP is Fantastic and many faces of the community still play today and it only made 500mill in the matter of months but sure it dropped the ball massively. 4 was hated due to all the changes at once. And CoD like feature and rightful get hate but it's campaign story was liked by a majority of ppl. 343 hasn't nailed ot 100% but they get 1 thing perfect but F up in other places. Infinite had a good campaign and design but the story was a mess. The MP improves upon what Halo 3 was and is what many ppl wanted to go back to but it lacked content severely. So massively aint the word. Dropping the ball massively is when it's pure trash and unplay/unenjoyable. Most ppl blind by nostalgia so soon as 1 thing aint the same its hated cause Halo set the bar so high
FYI reach was not that good.

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Vengeance1138102d ago

Dead IP, time to invent something new.

kaos89102d ago

Maybe they can have ID or one of the COD studios help 343 with this series.

jznrpg102d ago

Halo-Pop like Gears Pop. Halo bowling. Halo Cooking Mama. There’s a reason why you won’t hear about them

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The Best Four-Player Original Xbox Games

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