
The Game to Finally Get You To Pick Up a 3DS

TQ author writes: There haven’t been enough 3DS games to get me to purchase a Nintendo 3DS. Quite frankly, most of the games out now, are all recycled Nintendo titles with “3D” features added to them, but after watching the recent Nintendo web conference, I’m now convinced that there is one game, that will get me to finally pick-up a 3DS.

klecser4650d ago

"Quite frankly, most of the games out now, are all recycled Nintendo titles with “3D” features added to them, but after watching the recent Nintendo web conference, I’m now convinced that there is one game, that will get me to finally pick-up a 3DS."

Quite frankly, this is evidence that this person doesn't understand the 3DS library and isn't giving it much of a chance.

ThePsychoGamer4650d ago

Knowing the stupidity of nintendo, this game won't make it outside of Japan, unless Tecmo Koei learned there lesson from how Nintendo screwed them over (and the Western FF fans) with Fatal Frame 4.


The San Remo Hotel Comes Back To Life In Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir | GamerLive.TV

Over the weekend, Nintendo held an event at San Remo Hotel in San Francisco showcasing there upcoming handheld title, Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir. Spirit Camera is a new horror – themed game for the Nintendo 3DS, which integrates the 3DS, full capabilities into this horrifying adventure.

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Nintendo’s Short Horror Movie For Spirit Camera: The Possessed Notebook (3DS)

Nintendo is promoting the game Spirit Camera: The Possessed Notebook with a short horror movie now playing on Japan’s Nintendo Channel. The game has a Fatal Frame like feel to it but uses the 3Ds’ camera to find ghosts.

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Pozzle4640d ago (Edited 4639d ago )

That reminds me...wasn't a Fatal Frame movie announced years ago? Shame it never got made. I would have watched the hell out of that.

Good idea for a short movie though. Kinda reminds me of the second Ju-On: The Grudge film. If only Nintendo had bothered to advertise Fatal Frame 4 in this way (or at all) then maybe it would have sold a little better.

SpoonyRedMage4639d ago

Fatal Frame 4 is the highest selling in Japan. http://garaph.info/gamesear...

Just scroll down and ignore the Fatal Fury one.

Pozzle4639d ago (Edited 4639d ago )

True, but IIRC Tecmo originally let Nintendo publish it with the hopes of the company being able to put more money into marketing than they could and for it to sell faaaar better than previous titles. It's a niche game, but I think it could have sold more than 73,000 copies if Nintendo had advertised it at all (and let it be released overseas). It's a good series. It's just had some really lousy advertising in the past.

I knew a lot of Wii owners who had no idea the game even existed because there were practically no trailers or ads for it. (That was back when we thought it would be released outside Japan though. D: )

SpoonyRedMage4639d ago

I don't think we ever learnt how Nintendo came to publish it but they definitely did advertise it. It even had ads in European magazines before it was officially announced, which ended up backfiring when they cancelled the localisation.

Either way Nintendo is clearly invested in the franchise because they didn't only publish Fatal Frame 4; they're publishing this and the Fatal Frame 2 remake.


Fatal Frame 3DS Spin-Off Is Nintendo’s Cheapest 3DS Game To Date

At 3,990 yen ($54), Spirit Camera: The Possessed Notebook sounds pricey, but it’s actually the cheapest 3DS game in Japan. Nintendogs + cats, Steel Diver, and even Pokémon Rumble Blast were 4,800 yen ($62) a piece.

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