
5 Important ‘Battlefield 3′ Multiplayer Tips

Now that Battlefield 3 is in full swing and more and more people are inhabiting multiplayer, what better time than to share with you some important tips to maximize your online experience. Some of these suggestions might seem evident for players of previous Battlefield games, but some people who are new to the franchise or have spent more time playing Call of Duty, these might help beginners turn into more seasoned players.

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caseh4602d ago

My pet hate at the moment are Squad leaders who don't set an objective for their squad. Not only do players in that squad get +20 points for all actions relating to attacking/defending but the squad leader also get a +20 because someone in their squad followed orders. Bonus!!

kutocer4602d ago

Aye I know what you mean, I play recon on large maps and if I'm squad leader I'm telling everyone to attach/defend a target. Its a bit hard not to when you spotting and its in hte area of a flag lol. One of my must hated is his waiting for people in the vehicles. Once the rest of my Platoon get online we have a 64slot server waiting for us and we will kick anybody that does not wait for people. HATE IT!!!!


Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox566d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia566d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad566d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

566d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin566d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Installation and Beginner's Guide Released

This Battlefield 3 Reality Mod installation guide will show you step-by-step on how to install the new reality mod by Venice Unleashed.


Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Release Locked for July 17, Explosive New Trailer Fires Out

Battlefield 3 Reality Mod release is now set for July 17, and we get a brand new release date trailer that brings the action and grounded gunfights.

MadLad692d ago

There's fun to be had here.
