
Original Gamer - Sword Girl Beta Impressions

Original Gamer: "Apart from my life-absorbing hobby of video games, I also spend a lot of time at the tabletop, and some of my favorites are card games. I am not talking about Solitaire here, more like Magic: The Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh, only without the obscene amount of card collecting, AKA spending lots and lots of money. The games I play are suitable substitutes to the complex style of collectible card games without hurting the wallet, deck-building games such as Ascension, Dominion, as well as more obscure imports such as the anime fanservice ridden Tanto Cuore. So when I heard about Sword Girls, it piqued my interest and I signed up and got into the beta."

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Sword Girls S Is The Number One Game In The Japan AppStore

Andamul's latest card RPG game Sword Girls S is the current number one game in the Japan AppStore.

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HelpfulGamer3810d ago (Edited 3810d ago )

Cuteness & Huge Breast.....could make a game, Number One in The Japan AppStore.

kx113809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )

this is why XBOX failed in japan , no games with large breasted 16 yr old girls

Bimkoblerutso3809d ago

Whether the disagrees are just because you mentioned the XBOX or not...this is totally true.

The U.S. has it's big dumb explosions and guns, and Japan has scantily clad big breasted women...or prepubescent girls.

I will never understand the appeal of the sexy children, but there you go...

kx113809d ago

hey those mangaka in japan insert weird ( loli ) situations for the little females in their series and they grab a lot of sales in japan


Season 2 Begins In Sword Girls Online

ChangYou have just announced that they have just released Season 2 for their critically acclaimed TCG, Sword Girls Online. Along with the release of Season 2, the game has received a number of minor updates and content fixes.


Sword Girls - Project manager interview | Game Guys

Sword Girls project manager Cho discusses the aspects of card battling and gameplay found within the game.

Titanz4395d ago

There's a joke in there, somewhere.