
Demo Impressions: Bodycount | VideoGameWriters

VGW: Bodycount is an upcoming first-person shooter that releases at the end of this month. Why am I starting this piece so bluntly? Because there has been nearly zero publicity or hype for this game. Maybe it’s thanks to the impending gamepocalypse of this holiday season, or maybe it’s the fact that Codemasters hasn’t done anything to really advertise or hype the game. Perhaps it’s just a game doomed to get lost in the shuffle of amazing first-person shooters that are set to come out over the new couple of months. Either way, Bodycount which is said to be a “spiritual successor” to the same team’s 2006 original Xbox title, Black, is coming out soon, and it’s time to see if this game is going to be worth checking out.

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GUN, Bodycount and more running on the Xbox 360 emulator, Xenia, in DirectX 12

YouTube’s ‘John GodGames Emus’ and ‘Emulators for PC’ have shared some new videos, showing GUN, Bodycount, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, Wanted: Weapons of Fate and more running on the latest version of the best Xbox 360 emulator, Xenia.

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Eidolon2050d ago

Runs okay, but textures look like an Xbox game.

winter_hill2050d ago

Holy **** that's awesome. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.


Great Games on a Budget – Bodycount (360/PS3)

It may have been all but overlooked at launch, but Bodycount is well worth a look for fans or arcade gaming.

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Black Sheep: Why the Bodycount developer went back to the bedroom

GI - Stuart Black on unfinished projects, the blame culture and going it alone.

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