
Cars 2 Actors Owen Wilson and Eddie Izzard Reminisce about Old School Gaming

Actors Owen Wilson and Eddie Izzard are among the headliners of director John Lasseter’s Cars 2. Wilson voiced Lightning McQueen in the original Cars video game. Both actors grew up in the arcade boom of the games industry. They talk about “old school” gaming, as well as the advances in 3D technology, in this exclusive video interview below.

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Sorry George Miller, but you’re wrong about the Mad Max game

George Miller expressed dismay toward the 2015 Mad Max game recently, but Avalanche Studios' take on the lore is still so good to this day.

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lelo2play8d ago

Mad Max is a good game... George Miller should STFU.

Old_Scout7d ago

He didn't say it wasn't good. Maybe you should take your own advice and look past the articles misleading headline. Here's the actual quote. “wasn’t as good as we wanted it to, it wasn’t in our hands.” That is all he said about it.

S2Killinit7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

In my opinion the guy himself Is pretty mediocre, so I dont like how he talks as if he’s something special. I dont think he would know a good game if it hit him in the face.

StormSnooper7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

If George Miller had good taste he wouldn’t be wearing those ridiculous glasses.

-Foxtrot8d ago

I think the funny thing is if Kojima made a Mad Max game it would be so trippy and "out there" I don't think it would feel like Mad Max by the time he's done with it. This is why he's better off with original new IPs.

Kojima seems like a buzz word these film directors use because he's probably the only big name they've heard from the gaming industry.

Wretchedstain8d ago

Article is correct in my opinion, Miller is wrong. That Death Stranding II trailer is bonkers, looking forward to that in itself.

And I agree, unless Mr Kojima wants to change his tune, or laughably, be told what to do, you're right, it wouldn't be Mad Max or close.

porkChop8d ago

Yup, Kojima really doesn't suit Mad Max. Avalanche did a great job though. It looked, felt, and played like what I'd expect from a Mad Max game. I really enjoyed my time with it, and the sand storms were handled incredibly well.

jznrpg7d ago

I think Kojima could definitely make a great Mad Max game.

SubtilizZer7d ago

I disagree… I don’t want to see Kojima do Mad Max or whatever… But I disagree with your take. Kojima is first a huge fan of film. I think saying he wouldn’t be able to stick to the lore of the world that was built is kinda crazy.

I’m sure he would be able to stick to the creative confines of the source material fairly well. Chances are he’s a huge fan.

I’m sure he’s a bit of a”buzzword” sure but I’m willing to bet it’s mutual respect for his work as well.

TheGamingHounds8d ago

I never played it but the recent buzz around Mad Max has piqued my interest. Will check it out this year for sure

maelstromb8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

MM is not a perfect game by any means as it was held back by lots of repetitious, standard open-world copy and paste missions, but the devs SO perfectly captured the world, atmosphere, lore and brutality. It also just so happens to boast one of THE best photo modes out there and some of the most impressive explosions I've ever seen in a game to date. The car combat is of course another impressive standout, both vicious and fun. MM is a game which I have revisited multiple times since its release, and now having just seen Furiosa, I can feel it calling me back again.

There's a ton to love there, but I think you'll pickup on the areas where the devs struggled likely due to reigning in the scope, budget and time constraints, leading to an incredibly fun, albeit uneven experience. Though, as mentioned, it's absolutely a game worth experiencing once, and I truly hope you enjoy it. The game really does deserve a sequel.

victorMaje8d ago

Word for word. Exactly this. A lot of fun to be had in there. A true Mad Max game. Sequel can’t come soon enough.

gigoran87d ago

and the fact that they originally had an American voice actor until everyone kicked up a big stink about it?

maelstromb8d ago

Honestly, Kojima would do the game justice, but given his studio's current workload, it's a bit far flung. I could much rather see Bend Studios (Days Gone dev) doing a Mad Max follow-up. I'm playing through DG right now for the first time and I see lots of similarities between the games to where imo Bend could develop an impressive MM sequel.

jznrpg7d ago

Bend does makes sense. But I’d rather they made Days Gone 2 (no multiplayer of course) as I really like the motorcycle and the hordes of zombies was a lot of fun.

VersusDMC8d ago

While i like the Mad Max game and think it's underrated...i don't know why people are mad at George Miller for not liking the game based on the IP he created. Especially since a lot of people hated it at release as well looking at that 69% metacritic.

-Foxtrot7d ago

I think the issue is the studio was told by higher ups and most likely himself to make something linear yet when they got a first look at it they didn’t like it and wanted something open world

The head guy was basically like “you’ve just hired an open world dev and forced them to do a linear game yet now you want open world which has just wasted a year of development which we could have done from the start”

I think that’s why people are p****** because of the context the lead dev at Avalanche has given us.

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Avalanche Studios Staff Reach Two-Year Union Contract

After six months of negotiating, Avalanche Studios staff have successfully unionized with a new two-year collective bargaining agreement.

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thorstein51d ago

Sega unionized, now Avalanche. Rafiki: It is time

XiNatsuDragnel51d ago

Unionization is the future homie


5 Retro Disney Games That Need Modern Remakes

Before games inspired by movies and TV shows became blatant cash grabs, there was a time when players actually had some solid titles inspired by various IPs, and Disney made some of the best

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Yi-Long574d ago

Quackshot for me, simply because I think there’s a lot of potential for improving on the original and I would love a great platformer starring Donald in a world-traveling Ducktales-style adventure.