
Gamers Want Uncharted on Xbox 360 and an End to Exclusives

Gameplay Today explains why exclusives only hurt gamers and breaks down the walls that separate those who own only one system by showing that it all boils down to us loving games, not systems.

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VG_Releaser4746d ago

i agree that it would be nice to have these games available to everyone, but then where is the competition? multiplatform games feel watered down.

marinelife94745d ago

Then they shouldn't "exclusively" own only an xbox.

RankFTW4745d ago

Well said, console exclusives are a great way of pushing a single console to its limits not like multiplats, ofc a few exceptions exist like Crysis 2 and from the look of it Rage.

zootang4745d ago

First thing, it can't be done on an Xbox360 because of storage limitations.

Washington-Capitals4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

Im not going to sit here and argue with fanboys. PS3 exclusives are great, but dont start with the "multiplatform games are water downed" bullshit. I only own a ps3 and although MGS4 is the best game i have ever played. Some of my other all time favourites include Red Dead Redemption, Fallout 3 and Call of Duty 4. All of those games are NOT water downed products. Exclusives might have graphical edge but thats not what i look for in a game, its gameplay and GOOD gameplay is NOT exclusive to any console.

ilikestuff4745d ago

agreed marinelife9

there needs to be exclusives not just for competition but they let their consoles shine in a way that a multiplatform game could never be able to.

Active Reload4745d ago

"Gamers Want Uncharted on Xbox 360 and an End to Exclusives"

That's news to me. I've never heard anyone I know say that. In fact, it's my first time seeing such a statement on the web. With the Gears 3 beta going on UC3 being on the 360 is the furthest thing from most people's mind who only have a 360. This is definitely someone elses fantasy and quite frankly sounds made up.

Acquiescence4745d ago

I wanted Uncharted 2, so I went out and got myself a PS3, regardless of the fact that I already had a 360 for two years. Killer-apps for consoles exist, and if the guy who wrote this article doesn't realize that then his gaming hobby sucks/suffers all the more for it.

blackbeld4745d ago

Exclusives is what we need today. Multiplat games makes you own a specific console for what?

Without competition then there would be only same games from EA!! No please no!

heroicjanitor4745d ago


That might be true but Uncharted actually requires a hard-drive, so 360 can't even have it watered down without some 360 owners being unable to play it, which would cause a fuss.

malamdra4745d ago

ok, let's do it

but since the PS3 has a lot more exclusives, the easiest way is to bring the few exclusives the 360 has to the PS3 thus making it the only console

DOMination4745d ago

I don't want critically panned gears wannabes on 360 thanks.

milohighclub4745d ago

I'm sorry but ps3 multiplats are shit due to lazy developers. I'm so glad that's things are the way are. If u don't like it buy a ps3. simple as. I'm sure you'd ra ther pay out a bit more than play a ported version of uncharted.

DigitalAnalog4745d ago

Exclusives can utilize ALL of it's resources on a single-platform. From a business perspective, it can really sell with potential given the right advertisement. Extra resources can be poured on graphics/bugs/QA without having to check on multiple platforms. Otherwise exclusives can simply be because the "other" platform refuses to publish it (like Haze).

-End statement

Theonetheonly4745d ago

While your at it You should have Universal Studios and Disney land merge so you don't have to buy 2 tickets to different theme parks.


DualConsoleOwner4745d ago

superior graphics of PS3 exclusives....

Being on Xbox 360 means, the graphics would have to be downgraded.

Pikajew4745d ago

What if they cant afford another console?

Darkfocus4745d ago

"While your at it You should have Universal Studios and Disney land merge so you don't have to buy 2 tickets to different theme parks.


you honestly don't think that would be a good thing?sure it'll never happen(probably) but it would be great if it did...

sikbeta4745d ago

Seriously this is really stupid, if there is some people who still don't understand that exclusives are the key to competition between different brands in the gaming industry, they better quit gaming...

artynerd4745d ago

Exclusives always look best on their respective consoles because the developers aren't wasting time making sure it works on both sets of hardware.

Dee_914745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

a Majority of muliplat games are watered down .. not all

Then they should shut up and make due with what they got

Rageanitus4745d ago


sorry but your argument is flawed look at how many games are dumbed down on consoles vs PC only games.... then compare it to multiplatform games found accross the board..

Sono4214745d ago

well sikbeta it seems like Microsoft doesn't understand this :D

DAS6924745d ago

Everyone doesn't have the money to afford 2 systems! Especially when they cost 300-400 bucks each... that being said... I still don't think I'd buy another 360 for the simple fact that the first 2 I got RRODed

DAS6924745d ago

Exclusives are a great way for a game developer to concentrate on one system. Making multiplatform games isn't easy, and requires a much bigger team or a team with a lot of passion, because depending on how the game was made, they can't always "port" it over to the other systems. Not to mention that exclusives usually have a higher rate of quality... Like Uncharted 2, and Killzone 3.

Veneno4745d ago

@ Washington Capitals

Looking at your comment we can tell you really aren't qualified to speak on this subject because while yes there is the side of games being "all about fun" there is also a technical side involving hardware and software which overrides everything.

If multiplatforms arent' watered down, then why aren't your favorite games like MGS 4 and Read Dead on the Wii ?

YOu need to go out there and educate your self on technical aspects of videogames if you expect anyone to listen to you on a serious level.

I_find_it_funny4745d ago

NO to 3rd party exclusives.

games made by SONY and MS are exclusive and you can't whine about it

MaxXAttaxX4745d ago

It's a Sony game. It will never be multiplatform.
It's that simple.

morganfell4745d ago


Then they should have made a better choice in the beginning and picked the console with the multiplats AND the best exclusives. They should have also examined the cost of the console over 4 years rather than utilizing the "what is cheap right now" method of purchasing.

When a console doesn't use last generation technology then that console might work as the sole console. Otherwise we are limiting developers. One console would mean competition among developers instead of among hardware manufacturers.

It is a fallacy that one console would prevent innovation. Sony was easily ahead last generation, not even looking back at the other two yet they continued to push the PS2 in software and hardware. The idea that a sole console would prevent or inhibit innovation is one of the biggest misconceptions and outright lies in the forecast of the gaming future.

ct034745d ago

Answer me this then:

Why are there no exclusive Blu-ray movies that only work on Sony players but not other brands?
Why are there no exclusive TV channels that only work on Sony TVs but not other brands?
Why are there no exclusive music albums that only work on Sony CD players but not other brands?

There is NO reason for gaming to be different.

Solid_Snake-4745d ago

vice versa for ps3 owners.

pixelsword4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

If you can afford XBL since 2005, then you can afford a PS3, as you spent enough to have a PS3 by now.

and if you can't afford a PS3, the don't by five games and use that money on a PS3.

Problem solved.

+ Show (27) more repliesLast reply 4745d ago
jonlynch4745d ago

I would like to see an end to 3rd party exclusives, but 1st party like (Naughty Dog, Turn 10, Nintendo, and so) will keep the competition fresh.

jony_dols4745d ago

Long live 1st party exclusives!

sobekflakmonkey4745d ago

oh god, if there weren't any 1st party exclusives on PS3 all Sony would have would be shitty ports, cause lets be honest, that's usually all the PS3 gets when it comes to Multi-plat games, which is why its good that Sony has so many 1st party developers, so many that you don't even need the Multi-plat games..

Saint-Revlot4745d ago

Sucker Punch is the exception.

kyl2774745d ago

What about 2nd party exclusives?

sikbeta4745d ago

First Party Exclusives Games are the REASON of WHY you buy a respective Brand, without them, there would be no point in having different brands competing for your money....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4745d ago
mastiffchild4745d ago

Meh, without exclusives there would only BE one system and if you couldn't afford THAT you'd be screwed and would give a monopoly to someone and they're GREAT for everyone/sarc.

Tony-Red-Grave4745d ago

WTF do people want a 1st party exclusive on 360? im not going to read this article when it states something pretty freggin obvious not to mention just the heading is completely off

Scyrus4745d ago

duh xbox gamers want our uncharted, They dont want to own the ps3 but they want our ps3 games, riiiiight.

i mean considering all they have this year is gears 3 and kinect games its understandable. Oh and to the disagree-ers please tell me one exclusive other than gears 3, because i'd like to turn my xbox on more than once this year

4745d ago
M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

sin151: Such as...?

PRHB HYBRiiD4745d ago

@marshow im going to answer that question for him ...such has the awesome kinect titles :D fun for the whole family and grandma too

Scary694745d ago

I agree I always thought games should not have an exclusive on specific system. If anything maybe release it a week early on a system then a week later on the rest of the consoles.

PRHB HYBRiiD4745d ago

Really?? well i would like mass effect on p... oh wait o.o ok then i would like gears on ps3! (:

M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4745d ago

Wow...this is hilarious. Exclusives is what shows off the strength of consoles. Going by their logic, Gears and Halo should be multiplat too.

HolyOrangeCows4745d ago

"Gamers Want Uncharted on Xbox 360 and an End to Exclusives"

LOL! Maybe the mainstream gamers reminiscent of the most sensation-driven voters, but not gamers who understand that systems need to be utilized to the best, and competition is highly necessary.

skrug4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

I think they mean

[360 Fanboys] "Want Uncharted on Xbox 360 and an End to Exclusives"

cannon88004745d ago

Yeah like seriously, what would be the point in having different consoles and all have the same games?

NoobJobz4745d ago

There wouldn't be a point.

skrug4745d ago

buy the better, less hardware failure system?

cannon88004745d ago

Exactly Tompeeper there wouldn't be one.

fr0sty4745d ago

Making exclusive games allows developers to take advantage of that particular piece of hardware. When they make a game multi-platform, it means they have to cater to the lowest common denominator when it comes to system specs. If one system can't do it, neither version will get to use that feature. Only in isolated cases will the developer take the time to code a feature for one system and not the other as well. That adds to the production budget for a feature that will only increase sales on a portion of the overall market the game is appealing to.

Uncharted wouldn't be Uncharted if it were not exclusive. It wouldn't be the game we know today. It would be a game built around the weaknesses of each system it is playable on.

madpuppy4745d ago

It's not going to happen, there is no benefit to the console maker not to have exclusives.

Maybe in the land of the mushroom king under the root beer waterfall where everybody shares and there is no thought of such things as profit margins and competition you will find what you are looking for.

ZippyZapper4745d ago

Xbox owners can play Tomb Raider or Gears if they want Uncharted

theEnemy4745d ago

"Well said, console exclusives are a great way of pushing a single console to its limits not like multiplats, ofc a few exceptions exist like Crysis 2 and from the look of it Rage. "

Crysis 2 ?

Have you played Crysis 2 on consoles ?

That game is a trainwreck.

Poor resolution, blurry textures, enemies have like super vision and auto-aim, enemies are hard to see as well.

I'm not buying another Crytek game.

PS3 version btw.

otherZinc4745d ago


If Halo, Gears, wouldnt have campaign co-op!

Thats important!

Killzone 3, Resistance 3, no co-op, explain that?
Uncharted 3 same thing, where the hell is co-op when there's an AI running with you the entire game?

macky3014745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

Gamers,.. I would personally be ashamed to waste my money om MS console,..

Makes no fuc**** sense,.. Gears2,3 and english Vesparia(asian version might be translated)? It is a joke of a system,..

GunofthePatriots4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

They want it on 360 because xbox doesnt have good exclusives anymore.

50Terabytespersec4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

I SAY Apple and Sony or Sega Get in and develop a Super computing System and have Sony Develop all the tech for it and So these three put an end to all this BS that MS and Nintendo has been fooling us into believe is next gen!! BS!!!
Wii is 2 Gamecubes strap together.
360 is budget PC off shelf pc shovel ware low res crap!
We need Apple and Sony to do something and do it now!! End this crap build some Super graphics game machine that will last !! 10 years!!
Give me Raid SSD and Give my 64 cores!!! and massive 500GB ??DVD fast streaming

starchild4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

Multiplatform games do not feel watered down. Many of the finest games of all time are multiplatform games.

Exclusives are not necessary in order for there to be competition, there is natural competition between every game ever made. They all compete for your dollars and your attention.

Consider the world of movies. We don't have to buy 5 different DVD players just to watch all the movies we love. Yet the diversity of different types of movies is even greater than that of videogames.

Someday there may be one standard in videogames and perhaps the only difference that might exist between different "platforms" will be the different services and peripheral features unique to those platforms.

Sadly, many fanboys want the practice of exclusives to continue so that they can continue bitching at each other. That, more than anything, is their motivation. They like this fanboy war crap.

Exclusives are good for the platform holders, but they aren't good for consumers. Getting slightly better optimization in some exclusives isn't a worthy trade off for the gamer. Getting to play any game that is made simply by owning one videogame device would be a much bigger benefit.

Next generation its going to get even worse. There will be more videogame platforms than ever before and the only way to play all the exclusives will be to spend ungodly amounts of money buying all the platforms. It's a bad state of affairs.

morkendo234745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

and an End to Exclusives

ARE THEY SERIOUS?? END OF EXCLUSIVES??? no more bickering what game is better on what console
NAHHHH! its the N4G way.

disagrees highly welcome if u must.
it is what it is

Vherostar4745d ago

If there was no exclusives people would just buy the cheapest machine end of! You can bang on about features but people buy consoles for games first and foremost. The reason the 360 does better than the ps3 in some places is the price. It would be pointless having more than 1 console on the market if there was no exclusives. Though I would prefer a Sony/MS console that would be truly amazing and they could destroy Nintendo and make a fortune doing so. Imagine Playstation with Xbox live network and MS financial backing? It would take the world by storm.

TBM4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

The reason I buy consoles is for the exclusives as those games aren't on the other consoles. With that said the only reason I still own my 360 is for Gears, and the surprisingly awesome AW.

I am hoping beyond hope that Microsoft broaden its portfolio of 1st party from the traditional halo, fable, and forza. Please Microsoft create some different games in different genres.

As people have said exclusives show what each console is about and what they can do so I wouldn't want all games being shared on all consoles it would defeat the purpose of owning them. I would kill for Nintendo to start creating some new IPs besides releasing the same damn franchises year in, and year out.

S_C4745d ago

I suppose the competition would then come down to who has made the best console, e.g how many GB the console has what sort of features are on the console, the cost of the console and what sort of features they are going to bring to the system. What social features they got on their console. etc

kikizoo4745d ago


"storage limitation" and CPU !

DeadlyFire4745d ago

This is likely Xbox fans wanting PS exclusives from first party Sony studios. Buy a Playstation. Problem solved.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 4744d ago
Bowzabub4746d ago

Yeah, and I want the Zelda IP in HD on my PS3. After all, we need an end to these exclusives, right?

Yangus4745d ago

I think,Zelda much better(GAME)Uncharted....

Uncharted awesome visuals,but......

Bowzabub4745d ago (Edited 4745d ago )

I prefer both, which is why I have both. I love both for their respective reasons. Win-win situation. Btw, I didn't disagree with you, though It would appear you have with me.. Why I don't know. I never said Uncharted was better than Zelda. I see, you didn't like the idea of a Nintendo exclusive coming over to the PS3. Hmmmmm....

Rageanitus4745d ago

I guess we have to compare gt5 to super mario brothers since they are sooo alike

vgn244746d ago

Of course they want Uncharted. It's one of the greatest franchises this generation and easily one of the best in the last few generations of hardware.

xPhearR3dx4745d ago

Having played both Uncharted 1 and 2, I could easily live without it if I only owned a 360. I didn't care too much for either games. Personally, if I was asked which PS3 exclusive I could have on 360, it would be LittleBigPlanet or Heavy Rain. Love both those games.

Kalowest4745d ago

"Gamers Want Uncharted on Xbox 360 and an End to Exclusives"
LMFAO just buy all the consoles, so you wont have to cry about Exclusives.

Ricco-Warrior4745d ago

goes to school,food,rent, and hookers

undercovrr4745d ago

A ps3 right now is the price of a few games. Just don't buy every game you think you want and save up for a ps3.

jonlynch4745d ago

If you're buying, sure. T_T

Kalowest4745d ago

I was able to get my consoles on Xmas and my Birthday.
I brought most(if not all) of my 106 games by myself.

jonlynch4745d ago

"I brought most(if not all) of my 106 games by myself. "

Where did you bring them?

Kalowest4745d ago

"Where did you buy them?"
GameStop (pay 2 used get 1 free helped alot) and Amazon(they always have low prices).

annus4745d ago

@Kalowest He said bring on purpose, because you said the word brought. Brought = bring. Bought = buy.

Tired4745d ago

So were all 106 second hand games? Have you not fed a penny back to industry?

Shame on you! The only second hand games I own are activision.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4745d ago
NYC_Gamer4745d ago

they could always wait for the PS3 to drop in price if money is the issue

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Ranking Every Halo Game From Worst To Best

Not every Halo game has been a banger, but the franchise still has a raft of the greatest games of all time.

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HellspawnPR1981118d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii118d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies118d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.


The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

DrDoomer155d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog155d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned155d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c155d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb155d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72155d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman155d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos154d ago (Edited 154d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows154d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72166d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai166d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ166d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil166d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces