
New Prototype 2 Scans Are Rather Infamous

GT: Prototype 2 will see a 2012 release, but the game was the recipient of a decent unveiling recently, packed with a few screens and a short video. But developer Radical Entertainment didn’t stop there, they sat done with PlayStation: The Official Magazine detailing some rather juicy bits and released a few screenshots for good measure. We’ve scanned and slapped them onto the site for your quenching pleasure.

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Kee4814d ago

Do we really need another prototype? The first was awfully boring when compared to infamous, which was really cool.

The game wasnt cool at all. What kind of super hero needs to morph into something else?

velocitygamer4814d ago

I won't call it awfully boring tbh. The fun factor was there. It was a pretty good idea. But they fucked up when they rushed the game so then they can get it into the market to rival Infamous. That's where infamous got the upper hand from. But I still think a sequel is unnecessary, infamous 2 will eat it up.

NateCole4814d ago

Its not a bad game but rather PS3 fans have Infamous which is just better.

In the end PS3 owners win as they have the choice.

Quagmire4814d ago

I thought Infamous was the boring one when I played it, Prototype was great.

Although I am looking forward to Infamous 2 and trying out other awesome powers such as Ice and Fire.

the_best_player4814d ago

Prototype = Hulk
oh wait it's made by the same people thats why haha.

Infamous is way better

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4814d ago
movements4814d ago

many people enjoyed it. Many people did.

Ninver4814d ago

the lesson here people is choice. glad i can play both infamous2 and prototype2 if i feel the desire to. why do we need 2 consoles again?

Daver4814d ago

first one sucked so they better make something better if they want it to sell

sasuke994814d ago

I don't like the main character, I want to play as Alex Mercer again!

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The Worst Eighth-Gen Remasters

In an industry that grows increasingly reliant on remasters, few were worth complaining about, making the original versions preferable in most respects.

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ZeekQuattro1018d ago

Not sure what happened with FFCC. They really bungled it big time. It's a shame too.

FinalFantasyFanatic1018d ago

I really wanted to play that one too, but after the demo I was disinterested in buying it.

ZeekQuattro1017d ago

Glad Square really likes putting out demos. It can help you dodge a bullet. Lol

Rangerman12081018d ago

To this day, the Crystal Chronicles remaster still left me with a sour taste. I really wondered how Square reacted to the feedback.

porkChop1018d ago

I thought the Prototype games had terrible graphics even when they first came out. Pretty crazy that the remasters essentially got nothing in the way of visual upgrades. A resolution bump. Yay.

Christopher1018d ago

Let alone Activision kept those prices at release price for a year before they even thought to reduce them in a sale.

Petebloodyonion1018d ago (Edited 1018d ago )

To me, this topic is pretty easy to answer as I recall laughing at loud when Bethesda announced that PPL on consoles (Xbox1 and Ps4) would need to buy Skyrim Special edition and it would be free for existing pc Owner because it was basically the same game at max setting.
I often gave this answers to numerous ppl who where happy about paying 40$ for cheap remaster that would have been free on PC by saying everybody wins PC players gets the upgrade for free because they never paid in the past for quick fix that a mod of graphics card could do and Consoles players get to pay because they love paying and defend the practice of paying (like the numerous I have a VHS tape of the movie why don't they give me a free DVD version).

So for me, any crappy Remasters that deserve to be on this list are the ones that only give a frame boost and resolution boost for a full-price experience from the previous generation. Now ill exclude compilations like Batman, Uncharted Trilogy, Bioshock Trilogy, etc. because they were actually giving you more than 1 game so I'll count them as a collection instead of remasters Nor should I included games that have complete remade graphics or add new playable elements (Metro 2033 Redux, Quake, Gears of War Ultimate)

Since there are too many games ill give some example that comes to mind: Heavy Rain Remaster, The Last of US remaster, God of War 3 remasters, Burnout Paradise city Remaster, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition. Baja: Edge of Control HD, etc.

Again my main complaint here (has it was last gen) is that these kinds of remastering are now free (called performance patches now) but were sold at a premium price despite having almost no work to put in.


Prototype 2 receives a HD Texture Pack, overhauling almost all of its textures

Andrea Gennaro has released a HD Texture Pack for Prototype 2 that improves the textures of all the three zones (Red, Green and Yellow) of the game.

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1437d ago
mrsolidsteel201437d ago

I can’t get it to work, I got the two HD packs and when I tried to run that Tex.exe nothing happens.

RaidenBlack1437d ago

Redo the steps.
Else ask the modder.


Good Guys Gone Bad | The 5 Best Rogue Video Game Heroes

It's not rare for the hero to become the villain in video games. Luke Lube looks at five of the best good guys gone bad from Big Boss to Jill Valentine.

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PhoenixUp1939d ago

Damn Wesker even changed Jill’s hair color to be just like his