
My Thoughts: The Problem With “Console-Like” Handhelds

HBG: The recently announced and upcoming handheld platforms, specifically the Next Generation Portable, claim to bring “console-like experiences” in the palm of your hand. While this is no doubt an ambitious goal, there is one simple question that everyone seems to be forgetting–do we necessarily want to play these types of games on a small handheld screen as opposed to an expensive high-definition television, one that potentially costs thousands of dollars?

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CrzyFooL4877d ago

The problem is - if you drop it you're gonna /cry.

Kreyg4877d ago

You won't just cry, you'll want to jump off the top of a building.

mushroomwig4877d ago

Hmm, you guys have made me realise how much I need insurance!

Kreyg4877d ago

@mushroomwig: go with gamestops $100 insurance that only is good for 6 months! ....HAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING

ComboBreaker4876d ago (Edited 4876d ago )

We should reserve the great looking games for the console, and move the portable toward 8 bits graphics again. I mean, who would want to play great looking portable games on a handheld when they can be at home playing it on their HDTV?

For example, you're waiting at a train station. There's nothing to do. Why would you want to play a great looking game on a handheld at a train station, when you can be at home playing on an HDTV? Remember, you're at a train station.


Cartesian3D4877d ago (Edited 4877d ago )

Im sure when they said console experience in your hand they meant Console visuals not downgraded versions of console games with exact same gameplay..

all of those IPs he mentioned (Killzone, LBP, uncharted) will be made by a third party dev, so dont expect so much similarity between 2 versions (console vs portable) in term of gameplay, and Im sure LBP is an absolute GEM for portable devices ( with full visuals it will be a dream)

BTW many people cant afford 2K USD(at least) for console experience , and NGP is an opportunity for those people..

sp1deynut4877d ago


$2000.00 USD for a "console experience"? Are you including the price of a TV...which anyone who has electricity, already has? If anything, handhelds are a luxury ...a supplement to a gaming habit, on top of console/PC gaming. They cost the same as the full-size consoles, and the games are more expensive, if you consider the smaller size and lesser graphics.

Cartesian3D4877d ago

many families have HD TV yep.. but not all of the are for gaming, whole family want to use TV , so in most cases for full console experience you must buy a dedicated TV .

and the guy below, a 24" monitor?? what about sound system, is it that hard to understand that for consol experience you need more than 300 dollar ?

Blaine4877d ago

I play PS3 on a 24" computer monitor. It does 1080p without breaking a sweat, and I only play from a few feet away, so it's plenty big enough! Oh, and I forgot to mention: it cost me 200$.

wingman32x4877d ago

I agree that LBP is practically built for portable devices already. It's going to be awesome.

DlocDaBudSmoka4877d ago

i dont understand the hate for the whole console experience on the go. it has been done since the original gameboy. I thought the purpose of a portable was to play ur fav games/franchises on the go. Nintendo done it, sega did it, nintendo keeps doing it, sony did it. why all the hate now with the the ngp doing it?

Dannehkins4877d ago (Edited 4877d ago )

To be fair, a lot of people keep judging the NGP as just having ports. Yes the games that have been show are already running games on the PlayStation 3, but I very much expect that their will be tailored made NPG games along with them.

I really think we are dropping the ball too quickly with this. Lots of time to come.

CaptainPunch4877d ago

Or you could be more careful with your handhelds

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Sciurus_vulgaris17d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle16d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff218315d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.


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