
First Look: Full House Poker (Xbox Live Arcade)- Gameplaybook

Microsoft's social poker game for XBLA could be the next best thing to 1 vs. 100. And gamers could use that for sure.

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Neo Nugget4901d ago (Edited 4901d ago )


Bwuahaha. Tell me I'm not the only one who thought of this on the front page.

AutoCad4901d ago

Nice, this is the closest ill get to the wsop tournament.

sickpup4901d ago

I participated in the beta for this game and had to say it is a much better game than 1 vs. 100. This is a live game that will draw lots of poker fans to win real prizes. Definately hope it's free like 1 vs. 100.

maxcer4901d ago

any date set for release on this?


The Enduring Legacy of Xbox Live 1.0

Sure, there was online gaming back in the day but the modern age of online video gaming began almost twenty years ago with Xbox Live 1.0.

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Magog1039d ago

The origin of paid online.

PrimeVinister1039d ago

Lol it definitely deserves its mention

franwex1039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )

Haha. Yep. To be fair, I feel that it was actually worth it because it kept a good minimum standard. There was horrible lag back in the day and a lot of cheating/hacking. More so than today.

PrimeVinister1039d ago (Edited 1039d ago )

That is arguable seeing as how good similar PC services are these days. The lack of cheaters on console is the closed ecosystem rather than extra effort by MS/Sony

XbladeTeddy1039d ago

"To be fair, I feel that it was actually worth it because it kept a good minimum standard. There was horrible lag back in the day and a lot of cheating/hacking. More so than today."

The horrible lag back then was due to peole not having the speeds needed to run games, peoples internet speeds were all over the place. Hacking is as bad today, if not worse than back then. People now have access to sophisticated hacking programmes that were nowhere near as prevalent as they are today. Anticheat software was also available way before Xbox Live and the paid online services became a thing.

I gamed online a lot from 1999 onwards and had great times playing without having issues with people cheating and no one had to pay for an online subscription.

1039d ago

Going digital with 360 and PS3 - Xbox Live Arcade vs. PlayStation Store

"We may take digital downloads on console for granted nowadays but let's go back to when they became popularised and decide which platform offered the superior service." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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VideoChums1633d ago

Vote for either Xbox Live Arcade or PlayStation Store at the bottom of the article! 🎮😄


The 6 Best Poker Video Games to Go All-In With

Poker is a game of skill and determination, so here is a list of the six best poker video games for players looking to have a some fun away from the tables.

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