Black Rock: The Next Generation

Black Rock Studio is set to meet the next generation of developers with Disney XD.

Disney ain’t what it used to be. This is by no means a bad thing, of course. The Princess and the Frog was something of a return-to-form for the company last summer, but the days of surviving on a yearly animated film release based on a classic fairytale or legend (or Shakespeare tragedy) are long gone.

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5 developers that we wish still existed

PS3 Attitude: "Last week, SCE Studio Liverpool became the latest in a long line of developers to unfortunately close their doors. It’s no secret that the videogame industry has been hit extremely hard by the global recession in recent years, so PS3 Attitude thought we’d take some time to remember five of our favourite development studios that are sadly no longer with us."

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4407d ago
ChunkyLover534407d ago

It'll always be Zipper Interactive for me, Socom 2 was my first real online competitive game, I sunk so many weeks and months into that game. Shame that they steadily went downhill until they were dissolved.

Xperia_ion4407d ago

Clover, even thou they still exist they were the reason why Capcom was my favorite game company.

doogiebear4407d ago (Edited 4407d ago )

Yeah Clover (now Platinum Studios) made the Zelda Seasons and Ages (My favorite Zelda's) games for Nintendo through a partnership with Capcom, and made Okami. Although Platinum Games is still a good company, how'd they go from Okami and Zelda, to Hack and Slash only?

Xperia_ion4407d ago

God Hand is the ultimate Clover game to me, If God Hand was a food it would be a Baked Ziti

chaos_mechanica4407d ago

I loved Blackrock, and Split/Second is to this day one of my all-time favorite race games. I'm glad that some of them moved on to do a new studio, but as far as I know they only design for iOS games, so i'm a little heart broken.

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GTA 5 changeable weather and its effects

Inentertainment writes:Having already discussed a number of what features we would like to see implemented into GTA V, such as being able to go into houses, fully customizable cars and much more there’s also another feature that we would like, and that’s changeable weather. By bringing in such a thing this could add a greater dimension into the game because with changeable weather brings different effects.

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Gambit_the_White4444d ago

Of course the weather in the game will change. I don't see a single reason for why that wouldn't be in the game.

unchartedxplorer4444d ago

(sigh) another person who didn't have the bother to read the article and posts a retarded comment. It says in the article 'imagine being able to change the weather yourself' not having changeable weather. Never just read the headline and intro and then post a stupid comment.You'll get flamed for it.

Gambit_the_White4444d ago

Well, I didn't notice that, I just skimmed through the article. But I imagine that will be possible too. If I remember correctly, you've been able to do that in every GTA game (except the first ones, for PS1 of course) by using cheats.

One more thing. Be civil, dude.

camel_toad4444d ago (Edited 4444d ago )

@pulsuhundur is right - I know for certain at least gtaiv had cell phone numbers you could input to change the weather. The author apparently has a bad memory (and mine is horrible) or never played gtaiv.

The only difference in what the author mentions and what was already in gta is rising waters from rain accumulation. That would be cool but something like that as he mentions is probably unlikely, this gen at least.

Patriots_Pride4444d ago (Edited 4444d ago )

This might sound like a crazy idea but what if GT5 had a feature that when you connect online and play the campaign you get live satellite radio? Of course you will have to pay a little extra but still worth it if your going to put in 300 hours into a game.

Imagine if GTA5 is 3 times bigger than San Andres and with much more exploration points- being able to listen to live news, new music or sports broad cast and updates would be boss.

unchartedxplorer4444d ago

I wouldn't start asking for features now as they are late in the development process. Not worth reading, really

Hazmat134444d ago

this might be off subject but when ever it rains i never see any water in gutters or dripping from off the roof. ya know? nothing dynamic just like 2d water following the paths and go into the sewer system on the roads or gutters on houses that follow a path into the street. sorry for the vague description.

Patriots_Pride4444d ago

Not possible on this gen consoles and not worth the time and expense unless it has something to do with the gameplay.

isarai4443d ago

I would rather live in a living world that's with it's own dynamic weather than to somehow become a weather god. Besides they already have this feature as Cheats in every GTA since 3


RipTen Rewind: Split Second (PS3/Xbox 360)

Chris Young writes, Back like a nagging bill collector is the almighty RipTen Rewind. As always, the rules are pretty simple. Pick a game that is more than a year old, under $25 at retail and carries a score of 5 or higher. The objective here is not only reviewing but looking at a title’s impact since release and staying power. So buckle up folks because the RipTen Rewind hot rod is coming off the starting line.

browland14492d ago

Great review! I bought Split Second on release and I am ashamed to say that I still haven't played it. This must be corrected.

PaladinXII4492d ago

This game has always seemed like the kind of racer I can get behind. I need to check it out.

jaymart2k4492d ago

The only bad thing is it doesn't have enough tracks.

The game is great but lack of content made the $60 asking price at launch loook like a rip off.

I'm sure you can get this used for $10 at least now.

0pie4492d ago

Im not a big fan of racing games but split second was one of my favorite and best racing games i've played.

Hufandpuf4492d ago

Speaking of underrated racing games, does Blur still have a strong community?

MrBeatdown4491d ago

I'd be surprised if it did. The community, at least on PS3, wasn't very big even in the beginning. I'd be surprised if there were many people still playing.

But dammit Blur was an awesome game. It's such a damn shame Black Rock and Bizarre closed down.

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