
Resident Evil 6 The Big E3 Surprise?

So, Capcom unveiled its Line up for this years E3. But, they added, that there will be a lot of more games, surprises. Is Resident Evil 6 the big surprise?

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jay25117d ago

I don't care what people, RE6 will be anouther first day buy, if its coming that is.

Rainstorm815117d ago

I bought RE5 first day, midnight launch in fact. I think ill wait to see how this one turns out before making any buying decisions.

I thought Capcom said it would take 8 years to make RE6.


Hideo_Kojima5117d ago

I tried the demo and couldn't stand the fact that a guy that was 6 foot wide was walking towards me with a 15 foot axe and yet I actually had to stand still to shoot a gun.

Even I could shoot someone so big while running backwards.

Conloles5117d ago

Bah not too fussed as long as its on PC again I know I'll at least get a semi decent game.

Fred-G-Sanford5117d ago

People can say what they want about Resident Evil 5's controls (I wasn't crazy about them, either) but the game DOES look awesome.

My 5870 running all settings on max @ 1920x1080 looks incredible.

Can't wait to see how RE6 ends up looking.

FACTUAL evidence5117d ago (Edited 5117d ago )

being the huge RE fan I am. I hope RE6 could be true....I actually want to play a GOOD RE game this gen. I think it should be more like this...minus the ghost in this version.


I agreed with all of what you said except for the DLC part...I truely hate it when developers try to shove DLC into a game. Especially nowadays...DLC on the first day of releases WDF!? Capcom already milked the DLC game man. All the sf4, ssf4, LP2, and RE5 dlc....I would NOT want any dlc unless free lol.

Rainstorm815117d ago

Yea give me a re6 made like that.......Day 1

xX TriiCKy Xx5117d ago

@Guntrol They made the controls like that to make the game more intense. Personally, I loved how that worked. It made you kinda jumpy during the later parts of the game.

gtamike5117d ago

better have zombies and be scary or no buy

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RatFuker5117d ago

if they release this game and use the same engine as resident evil 4 ill be stoked. now if you want to make me have a heart attack release uncharted 3.then ratfuker will be no more. tsk tsk

mantisimo5117d ago

Night night RatFuker.

Shh only kidding to the rest of you.
I really didnt like re5 that much lets go back to 4 or earlier

darthdevidem015117d ago

RE5 was the disappointment of the gen, lets hope they get this right.

sikbeta5117d ago

Resident Evil Franchise is Dead, Capcom will try to make it more "appealing" even if they know how RE5 sucked, just wait and see, RE6 = Chris Space-marine fighting Zombies.... ALIENS....

Coolmanrico5117d ago

Oh Please sikbeta, The way I see it. Fans loved RE4 so much, Capcom decide to give the more of the same in RE5. The Resident Evil Franchise isn't Dead, because a few pissed off fans want some zombies and cheap scares. Some fan liked RE5 including me.

Yangus5117d ago

Yes,maybe PS3,maybe Wii exlusive.

frankymv5117d ago

Capcom needs a hit in a very big way

mantisimo5117d ago

and so do Konami what happened to these 2 brilliant studios?

R2D25117d ago (Edited 5117d ago )

what r u talkong about.

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Lightning7714h ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel10h ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake9h ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha


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