
Microsoft Can’t Match Sony Exclusives, What Went Wrong HHGS Pre -E3 6/6/10

1. Project Natal New Details
2. Destructoids Jim Sterling On The HipHopGamerShow
3. Lost Planet 2 – 9 out of 10
4. HipHopRss – Nicki Minaj VS Lil’ Kim
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YourWrongIAmRight5119d ago ShowReplies(4)
deadreckoning6665119d ago (Edited 5119d ago )

WOW Hiphop..srry but this title is a new low...even for you.

@Eamon- Yeah lol. He believes his personal opinions are fact. It seems like his mind can't comprehend that there are people out there who simply don't think the way he thinks.

@Hiphop- Mind you..I'm not hating on you. I'm just expressing how I feel. I'm still a big fan of yours and I can't wait for your E3 coverage since the show you did last year was IMO, the best E3 coverage anyone will ever get next to G4. But please..try to understand that not everyone thinks the same.

mikeslemonade5118d ago

The key difference is hardware and innovation. The 360 is weaker hardware and they make rehash games. Almost every game is a sequel and their new IPs are mediocre to average games.

Eamon5119d ago

lol, the title sounds very much like HHG.

Imperator5119d ago (Edited 5119d ago )

Trust me, if the 360 could make a game as good as KZ2, then it would have already been made. At this point, it's only fair to assume that the PS3 is indeed far more advanced than the 360. They are most definitely not equal in power.

Now, with that said, the 360 can still have some great games. Graphics and technical details aren't everything. There's always the story, gameplay, art style.

MadMan005118d ago

So you call it a good thing that it took THREE years to make a good ps3 exclusive? ps3 came out in 06 and KZ2 came out in 09.

I'm sorry bro but there are more then 5 games that have out sold KZ2.

PS3 is more powerful yes, but 360 is winning in best games, now this is not my opinion this is a fact and sales figures prove that.

gypsygib5118d ago

@madman that's based on the incorrect premise that more sales equals a better game. By that logic Wii Sports and Wii Fitness would be among the greatest games this generation.

UnSelf5119d ago (Edited 5119d ago )

Lost Planet 2- 9

I see someone out there has some sense....

i have been utterly baffled with the sheer amount of negative reviews that LP has received.

Are WE so spoiled that a game that looks as beautiful, plays good, has 4 player co-op, have u battling hugeeee monsters, has amazing sound, has online MP, has various Mech Suits (VS), cool effects and have multiple weaponry to get the job done we bash because of what again?? because of "awkward" controls? Really? really? I thought we were gamers, y'know....that elite unit of people shunned by most of the outside world because of their ability to think outside the box and ADAPT to the situation at hand so they can enjoy their hobby. But nah, we're not....we'll just piss about the controls because theyre too hard to learn.

Have u seens IGN's puke-inducing review on this game? They took off points because The enemy doesnt let u get up

the enemy doesnt let u get up?

the enemy doesnt let u get up?

the enemy....doesnt f*cking....let u get up.....

You know what IGN, next time any of you are in a scuffle with someone who has a gun pointed at your family and you somehow miracuously knock the culprit down along with his pistol. I want you to stop....step back, and allow the perp to retrieve his pistol so ya can continue ya heroic battle in a fair and concise manner.

Itll be hilarious if someone makes a Machinima parody of you getting knocked down in LP2, then the huge Akrid just stops and goes "whoa whoa whoa timeout ya timeout, Jeff fell...hey Jeff? JEFF?? You ight buddy? Cmon get up.....its just a game. Alright Time in."

CRAIG6675119d ago


egm_hiphopgamer5119d ago

thanks for the support and feedback man and yes Lost Planet 2 is incredible the only downside I had was that the story element wasn't as strong as part 1 but overall the game is insane man for real I love it.

The different mech suits alone, the body armor, the guns, your team, customization , i mean this game has it all and more

lociefer5119d ago

how the hell did u get disagrees ? bubble up ;)

UnSelf5119d ago

@lociefer if that post is at me, just look at where we dwell lol

HHG good show man, btw i need to thank you for something.

in one of ur episodes u shouted out one of my partners im now working wit. Im building a website and thx to you this project wouldnt have been feasible. Good looks on the tidbit\

bubs for all++

pixelsword5118d ago

the enemy doesnt let u get up?

the enemy doesnt let u get up?

the enemy....doesnt f*cking....let u get up.....

Best. Response. To. A. Crap. Review. By. IGN. EVER.

Chubear5118d ago (Edited 5118d ago )

BUBBLES!!!!! lol

anyways, great show as always. Can't wait to see E3 HHGS style.

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evrfighter5119d ago

oh nice you could rate down the story and his web site.

N4BmpS5119d ago

uh-oh 'yourwrong' just proved why he's stupid again, that's 1,2,3,4 times now dude. There is a fine line between heft and lag in Killzone 2 that was heft I've seen at it's worst and I've seen moderate lag, that was not lag. You were probably playing online on a bad network, if not you just don't know what lag is. I'm sorry those are your only options.

gtamike5118d ago ShowReplies(2)
boysenberry5118d ago

Never could, never will. LOL.

Conloles5118d ago

Gee I wonder where everyone is who bashes HHG now that he isnt bashing PS3 - double standards.

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rroded5119d ago

hhg are you really sayin 360's got no games (looks around n4g) guess your right rock on...

natal sucks... say it aint so

gotta respect him dudes already seen e3

bad Rap is stronger than the time space contenium i guess...

YourWrongIAmRight5119d ago ShowReplies(3)
egm_hiphopgamer5119d ago

360 has great games, it's just that there hasn't been a variety of exclusives on 360 that is pushing next gen like how sony is. like for one 360 exclusive title that's pushing boundaries like Gears 3, on sony side you have heavy rain, killzone 2, uncharted 2, and god of war, and now killzone 3, motorstorm 3, infamous 2, and there's at least 6 more unannounced first party titles your gonna see at the E3 conference so yeah man it's crazy. 2010 is the jump off

Nike5119d ago

Do you willfully block out the information your brain recieves or are you just born biased? The only fact around here is you make your shows purely for N4G flamebait hits.

xaviertooth5119d ago Show
BattleAxe5118d ago

Yo, I'm still hoping for Syphon Filter on PS3. I wonder if that could be on the menu.....

dragonelite5118d ago

If you know about sony unannounced titles why not drop something from microsoft press conference because you already seem to have seen it.

AhmadVGArabia5118d ago (Edited 5118d ago )

I don't always write comments here on n4g, but this time I want to criticize you. First of all I want to point out that your bias to Sony side is very obvious, you give all of the Xbox360 exclusives less points than PS3 exclusives or multiplatform titles. You gave Mass Effect 2 9.5 while you gave Heavy Rain a 10 which really something unacceptable. You always try to hype PS3 exclusives but at the same time you always bring Xbox360 exclusives down. Also, you gave Alan Wake 8.5 which is ok, but you give the crappiest game capcom has made in a while (Lost Planet 2) a 9 now???!!! lool

Also I want to respond to you about this comment (your comment):

"360 has great games, it's just that there hasn't been a variety of exclusives on 360 that is pushing next gen like how sony is. like for one 360 exclusive title that's pushing boundaries like Gears 3, on sony side you have heavy rain, killzone 2, uncharted 2, and god of war, and now killzone 3, motorstorm 3, infamous 2, and there's at least 6 more unannounced first party titles your gonna see at the E3 conference so yeah man it's crazy. 2010 is the jump off"

This comment made me lool hard. Really. This year Xbox360 owners have been playing Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell, Alan Wake and later this year they will be playing Fable 3, Crackdown 2, and Halo: Reach. So, the Xbox360 is more than Gears of War franchise. One more thing: PS2 wasn't the most powerful console last generation and its games paled in comparison visually with Xbox exclusives, but who won the war? Always keep that in your mind.

Dsnyder5118d ago

The fanboy tears in this thread could fuel a river. Seriously guys, dont take him seriously.

cayal5118d ago


Someone has a different opinion to you. Get over it.

And well done, you've named 3 games this year and 2 last year. Wow, I wish Sony could keep up with those exclusives:

Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain, Ratchet and Clank: AC!T, Infamous.

You have been matched and that is not including games that are not yet released.

BloodyCHAMP5118d ago

ur a funny guy hiphop and ur articels are even funnier...straight garbage

hassi945118d ago

Erm yeah you're wrong he only named games that came out/will come out this year.

So, yeah.. Kind of backfired on you..


Hiphopgamer I really don't bother watching your videos anymore, but if you explain yourself well in videos (which from past experience, you don't) then fair enough, but there's no need for the flame bait titles, don't say that something's 'gone wrong' with Microsoft and that they 'can't match Sony' because what your doing their is stating that ridiculous opinion as fact and just causing a load of arguments to be created.

Oh, and Lost Planet 2 deserved all the bad reviews, it has the right ingredients but with such awkward movement and controls it's virtually unplayable as a fun gaming experience. Definite 6/10 or less because in the end it is no fun to play, though I'm not going to really bash on your review here because you may have enjoyed the game and that's fine.

360 man5118d ago

you say that heavy rain is pushing boundaries, but alan wake looks much better than heavy rain graphically overall.

see how biased you are towards ps3.

me thinks you need to take those fanboy goggles off

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manna5119d ago

hahah i think thts the funniest reply i've ever seen..lool haha dude got owned

N4BmpS5119d ago

Oh God I hope you know you spelled CONTINUUM wrong but this ain't about you.

@Your wrong: once again stupid, the Eyetoy can also track your body. Hell if Nintendo wanted to they could have invested in something that tracks the body.

rroded5118d ago

spacetime (or space–time; or space/time) is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single continuum. Spacetime is usually interpreted with space being three-dimensional and time playing the role of a fourth dimension that is of a different sort from the spatial dimensions

cayal5118d ago

"Hell if Nintendo wanted to they could have invested in something that tracks the body. "

They had the option for Natal. Said no. That says a lot.

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thehitman5119d ago

Needs STUDIOS until they start developing and aquiring more first party studios they will never match Sony.

Shaka2K65118d ago Show
pippoppow5118d ago

But then as long as MS keeps coming out with Halo and other shooters they will have success in the US.

I'm sure Apple (any other big name US tech company))using similar MS business tactics could make it in the US as well. Buy a few studios, concentrate on multiplayer shooters and hope one is a great one so they can ride it. US console shooter fanatics would support it.

N4PS3G5119d ago

add an apostrophe in "destructoids"

HHG Can't Match the grammar skills of a second grader - 6/6/10

sofresh2005119d ago

lol @ Can't Match being capitalized.

scofios5118d ago

If he wrote Sony Can’t Match Microsoft Exclusives, What Went Wrong .
I bet you be complementing his grammar skills instead of critizing it.

pixelsword5118d ago (Edited 5118d ago )


That's a little ironic, considering you failed to capitalize your first "sentence", on top of that you didn't add a single period or comma anywhere. To add insult upon injury by not initially capitalizing your first sentence, you add two superfluous capital letters after HHG's initials, making yourself look bad.

There is a verse in The Holy Bible that goes something like:

"a man who puts on his armor should not boast like one taking theirs off".

That bible verse means you shouldn't talk like you did something when you haven't proved yourself yet; but having did what you did, you proved yourself quite the target for ridicule.

pippoppow5118d ago

Grammar nazis are usually the worst offenders. Hah! Especially funny when known fanatics try and get all uppity. Classic stuff.

Pennywise5118d ago Show
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