
Obsidian Confirms Leaked Aliens RPG Footage Is Legit

On Sunday, supposed footage of the cancelled Aliens RPG hit the Internet. Today developer Obsidian Entertainment admitted that it's real.

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5256d ago
starmin765256d ago

that footage looked very promising, even if it was very early in development.

EvilCackle5256d ago

It seems like the game had been in development for less than a year when this footage was created. By that token, it's pretty impressive. Plus, knowing Obsidian's other games, the writing would've sold it even if it wasn't a technical masterpiece.

WildArmed5255d ago

though the shooting animations and sounds needs some work, the does look promising.
Esp. that sneak attack from the alien.

We might have just lost a solid game

EvilCackle5255d ago

Yeah, I like that they threw in the sneak attack at the end to say "hey, we know it's kinda rough-looking but it's got potential to do some cool stuff." Aliens seems to have an interesting setting but it's never really explained much by shooters or mixed bag of movies. An RPG would've been really something to behold.


Creative Assembly's Aliens Game Not Cancelled

Dealspwn writes: In 2011, Sega and Creative Assembly announced they were working on an Aliens title and bar one blurry monitor screenshot from a team photo at the CA studio, we've seen nothing of it since.

However, in an MCV [print edition] interview, Sega's European boss Jurgen Post said, "Aliens is still one of our pillars. In May 2011 we announced that Creative Assembly is doing something with that brand - we've said nothing else so you have to read between the lines there."

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zeal0us3949d ago

Well I hope Creative Assembly paid attention to what happen to Gearbox and A:CM.

jimbobwahey3949d ago (Edited 3949d ago )

The Alien franchise has been utterly butchered. After the horrific mess that was Prometheus and the abomination that was Aliens: Colonial Marines, I've since given up on anything good coming from it ever again.

If you want to play a good 'Aliens' game, go play the original Dead Space. Just make sure you don't touch any of the sequels.

SpideySpeakz3949d ago

Prometheus was utter garbage. I don't consider it apart of the Alien universe since the movie wasn't about the Xenomorphs at all. Ridley Scott wanted to make a Space Jesus movie, and he used the Alien franchise as a hype booster.
AvP was even worst. Now we have Aliens: Colonial Marines, another failure in the franchise.

Aliens just needs to die already. It needs to rest.

N2NOther3949d ago

Aliens doesn't need to die. It needs to be handled by someone who actually cares about it and wants to make something quality.

SnotyTheRocket3949d ago

Don't know what movie you watched, but Prometheus was awesome. Don't whine because it's not the same as Alien or Aliens.

ifritAlkhemyst3949d ago

You have no idea just how much Dead Space owes to the Alien franchise unless you read all the Dark Horse comics and even dabbled in the novels.

Unitology is lifted almost straight from those. There exists a cult-like church that worships the xenomorph and who believe that implantation by a facehugger = ascension.

The main character even has a psychic connection with an Alien queen, which acts much the same way a typical Marker does in the DS games.

CrossingEden3949d ago

Prometheus was a great movie with top notch acting and a good sense of mystery, you are an elitist

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zerocrossing3949d ago

The potential for a decent Alien's game is there, Creative Assembly just needs pay respect to the source material.

Anthotis3949d ago

Colonial Marines: A Realm Reborn

poppatron3949d ago

This will be more of a strategy game, its the creative assembly, look at their portfolio of games. why any one ever thought this was cancelled confuses me. they're still taking on QA testers for it as we speak.

mydyingparadiselost3949d ago

PLEASE be good, I fail to understand how no one can make a decent Aliens ANYTHING anymore, this game will be the last chance I give Aliens for another decade or so.
Kinda off topic but how about a Predator game that doesn't increase the national suicide rate as well, I may be asking for too much but just one great game is all I'm looking for. At least throw one in a Batman game or something...

ifritAlkhemyst3949d ago

Nobody makes a decent Aliens game because nobody seems to want to explore it outside of the Colonial Marines.

BABY-JEDI3949d ago

Alien colonial marines should have been a brilliant game. With the original/proposed character classes & required skill bases for survival. Sadly to say Gearbox did not do their job & they took on a strategy of clearly lying to the consumer base. End result. Big pile of pants!

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Obsidian dev offers details of Aliens RPG

We get an even clearer look at what might have been with Obsidian's Aliens RPG as gameplay footage surfaces and a dev explains some of their design decisions.

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ShugaCane4118d ago

Oh dear, for a sec my heart bumped because I had completely forgotten about that game... I forgot it had been cancelled too. And the game was nearly finished ?! Instead of this we got that Colonial Marines utter garbage. Wow, this industry is really unfair sometimes.


This is what Obsidian's Aliens RPG might have looked like...

IncGamers: Original concept art provides a glimpse into the scrapped project.

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MrDead4636d ago (Edited 4636d ago )

That's a shame. An Aliens RPG sounds awesome, especially if it was made by Obsidian.

iamironman4636d ago

an aliens rpg does sound good.

if they made it with a new set of characters (not the ones in the film) and referenced events in the films but did something new that would be awesome

Jdoki4636d ago

Such a shame this was canned. As soon as it was announced it jumped to the top of my most wanted list

Quagmire4636d ago

Obsidian are awesome, unique underrated developers.

Too bad the RPG got canned, I would've personally preferred buying it over Colonial Marines, just for taking the license and doing something different with it.

Oh well, Gearbox is making Aliens CM, so that will be enough of an Aliens fix, coupled with Ridley Scott's Alien-prequel film Prometheus.

morganfell4636d ago (Edited 4636d ago )

Two words - Alpha Protocol.

An alien RPG might be good but not by Obsidian. They remind me of Treyarch. The best thing they ever did was a sequel with an IP that someone else created - KOTOR. Look at their titles. They are a compendium of Part 2 and sequel to this or that.

And is their anyone that doesn't know the technical status of New Vegas when it was released?

dinkeldinkse4636d ago

The game had some problems, but still a good rpg.

I wouldn't say anything about New Vegas technical status when Fallout 3 was just as bad or probably worse. Bethesda is suppose to be a better developer than Obsidian and they released a technical mess.

MasterD9194636d ago

They could have just made it their own IP...I don't see the need for an ALIENS movie-based RPG...Have some creativity please!

iamironman4636d ago

it's better then another lord of the rings rip off

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